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1、3.总结所学语言材料中的语言规律并加以利用。4.善于抓住用英语交际的机会。文化知识Culture了解国外的社区和居住环境与中国的相同点、相似点及不同之处。三维目标Three-dimensional target知识与技能1.能掌握以下单词:perfect,thirsty,complete,biscuit,coffee,through,himself,block,bank,whole,cost,interview,fix,sound,treat,mile,across2.熟练掌握本单元短语:3.能掌握以下句型:Can you tell me the way to the movie theatr

2、e?Go down this street.Turn right at the second crossing.There is a pond near my house.Im going to buy a map of the city because I dont want to get lost again.4.能掌握以下语法:because引导的时间状语从句。5.能够运用所学词汇和句型介绍问路和指路的情况和相关内容。过程与方法1.课前请学生搜集有关自己所在街区的资料,课上通过介绍自己所在街区的情况,使学生能够了解如何使用表示街区建筑和店铺的句子。2.通过问路、指路的表演活动,让学生了解

3、问路和指路的方式,学会运用相关句型。情感态度与价值观1.在学习中,敢于用英语来表达自己的看法。2.培养学习英语的兴趣和学好英语的勇气。3.引导学生畅谈自己的理想,构建美好的居住环境。概述本单元围绕街区、指路和问路的话题展开教学。课本先从描绘Wang Mei和Li Ming最理想的街区图开始,之后介绍上学路途中经过的建筑、店铺,问路、指路的方法以及对街区居民的介绍。19课通过对话描绘了街区示意图,介绍了两个人最满意的街区;20课通过图片展示了上学路上沿路的建筑;21课介绍了指路和问路的情况;22课讲述了加拿大一处街区的情况;23课介绍了Brian所在街区的店铺和居民情况;24课Brian以一封邮

4、件的形式,介绍了一周的生活状况。接下来是单元复习,通过练习对本单元的重要词汇、语法、口语交际进行了复习。这一单元的语法重点是because引导的原因状语从句。教学目标1.能够使学生掌握cost,fix,through,himself等单词,go past,sound like,across from等短语的用法。2.能够让学生听懂有关问路和指路方面的语句,识别主题,获取信息。3.能够使学生用词汇和句型描写有关街区和指路方面的短文。1.because引导的原因状语从句的用法。2.学会介绍自己的街区、学会问路和指路的方法。教学突破:围绕街区、问路和指路的话题讨论,学生课前要了解自己街区的大致情况,

5、画出示意图,标出上学、放学路上的重要场所。课上与同学或老师用英语交流,用情景表演的方式了解更多与街区、指路和问路相关的知识。注意要总结指路和问路的句型。注意方法与价值观的培养:教师可以多通过对话交流、情景表演来学习本单元的重要句型。引导学生讨论问路和指路的方式,激发学生进一步了解更多的街区和街区生活情况。第一课时:Lesson 19第二课时:Lesson 20第三课时:Lesson 21第四课时:Lesson 22 第五课时:Lesson 23第六课时:Lesson 24单词卡片biscuit,coffee,block,bank,treat,mile,neighbourhood,bakery,

6、cherry,sidewalk,entrance,pond,hockey,tailor,flucomplete,cost,fix,freeze,chat形容词:perfect,thirsty,whole,enjoyable副词:downtown介词:through,across代词:himself名词& 动词:interview,sound其他:Michael短语归纳go past/by,tea biscuit,be/get lost,the way to,turn right/left,at thecrossing,blocks (away) from,be busy doing,sound

7、 like,have the flu,across from句型集锦1.Can you tell me the way to the movie theatre?2.Go down this street.3.Turn right at the second crossing.4.There is a pond near my house.5.Im going to buy a map of the city because I dont want to get lost again.重点语法because引导的原因状语从句(Adverbial Clause with “because”)英语

8、中问路和指路的常用语问路常用语:Excuse me, where is,please?打扰了,请问在哪里?Excuse me, could you tell me the way to? 打扰了,你能告诉我去的路吗?Excuse me, how can I get to? 打扰了,我怎样才能到达?Excuse me, is there a/annear here?打扰了,这附近有吗?Excuse me, which is the way to?打扰了,哪条是去的路? Excuse me, would you please show me the way to?打扰了,你能为我指一下去的路吗?

9、Excuse me, would you mind telling me the way to?打扰了,你介意告诉我去的路吗? Excuse me, can you direct me the way to?打扰了,你能指给我去的路吗?指路常用语:Cross the street and go ahead.穿过马路,一直往前走。 Itll take you no more than ten minutes to walk there.用不上10 分钟你就走到那儿了。Youre going in the opposite direction.你方向走反了。 Go down/up/along th

10、is street沿着这条街走Go straight on,then turn left/right at the first/second crossing.一直走,在第一/二个十字路口向左/右拐。 Go straight ahead aboutmetres.往前一直走米。 Keep going until you see aon your left.继续往前走,直到你看到左边有 Keep straight on for two blocks.一直往前走过两个街区。 Walk one block east.朝东走过一个街区。 Take the first turning on the lef

11、t.在第一个拐弯处向左拐。 Just follow this street two blocks.沿着这条街走过两个街区就到。 Cross the street and过了这条街,然后 Its over there.就在那边。 Its just around the corner.就在拐角处。 Its across from 在对面。Its next to/near 就紧挨着。Its not far from here.离这儿不远。 Its at the end of the street.在这条街的尽头。第一课时Lesson 19:The Best Neighbourhood1.记忆单词pe

12、rfect,thirsty,complete短语bothand,have to。2.帮助学生了解如何介绍自己所喜欢的街区内建筑。3.通过描述绘制自己满意的街区,学会介绍街区中的事物。4.通过绘制示意图介绍自己满意的街区,激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生热爱自己的生活环境。1.掌握单词perfect,thirsty,complete,接触单词neighbourhood,学习短语bothand,have to,addto等。2.掌握一些介绍街区建筑的句式:I need a big park so I can play basketball.And heres a corner store.And ove

13、r there is a market.3.让学生初步了解because引导的原因状语从句的用法。1.让学生了解如何绘制街区示意图。2.because引导的原因状语从句的用法。本课的教学内容是第四单元的第一课时,内容主要是介绍Wang Mei和Li Ming绘制的街区图。上课前要求学生要熟悉自己所在街区,在课上小组内介绍交流。教师可以通过课件的形式,直观形象地展示某些街区景观,让学生运用所学知识描述。对because引导的原因状语从句和倒装句,可用举例的形式,让学生初步了解。设计教学PPT,录音机Step.Lead inLeading in 【情景1】T:Today we will begin

14、 a new unit.Its called My Neighbourhood.Who can tell me what it means in Chinese?Ss:“My neighbourhood” means“我的街区”。Good job! Look at Li Mings map of his perfect neighbourhood at the bottom of the lesson.What can you see?S1:There is a corner store,a park,a parking lot,a bank,a video store and house i

15、n his neighbourhood.Well done!Whats in your neighbourhood?Do you like your neighbourhood?Why or why not?Discuss these questions with your partner.Ask the students to share their answers with the class.设计意图打开学生的思维,引起学生对生活的关注,通过以旧带新,制造一种轻松、愉快的课堂氛围,为接下来的学习做好铺垫。Leading in 【情景2】1.T:I love my neighbourhoo

16、d because its beautiful and convenient.There are lots of stores,a school and the people are very friendly.Its the perfect neighbourhood.Write the word “because” and “neighbourhood” on the blackboard.2.Instruct the students to look at Li Mings map at the bottom of this lesson.Whats the best neighbour

17、hood in your opinion?设计意图利用图片和解说导入新课,使neighbourhood更加直观形象,学生更容易接受。利用李明的map进一步加深学生对neighbourhood的理解,为下面的draw their own neighbourhood做好铺垫。Step.Listening Let the students listen to the dialogue twice and then complete Exercise 1 in “Lets Do It!”.Check the answers (Let the students read the questions an

18、d answers).设计意图通过听的过程来培养学生通过听力获取有效信息的能力。Step .Reading1.Read the text and judge the statements are true (T) or false (F).(1)Li Ming wants to buy drinks in the market.(2)Wang Mei buys lots of books.(3)Wang Mei wants her mother to buy vegetables and fruits in her neighbourhood.【Keys】(1)F(2)T(3)T2.Let t

19、he students do the role-play in groups.Let them pay attention to the important sentences.Choose three groups to show the dialogue.3.Let the students read in pairs and complete Exercise 2 in “Lets Do It!”.The students should read the questions and answers loudly.4.Read the dialogue again and find out

20、 the key phrases and sentences.教材解读 1.Both Li Ming and Wang Mei are drawing a map of a perfect neighbourhood.both and可连接名词、动词、形容词,表示“两个都,既又 ”,一般指两者,连接两个并列部分作主语时谓语用复数。Li Hong likes both music and sports.李红既喜欢音乐又喜欢体育运动。 2.And heres a corner store.这是一个倒装句。英语中的倒装句是把谓语的一部分或全部放在主语之前。多数疑问句和以here,there开头的句子

21、通常都是倒装句。【注意】在以here,there开头的句子中,如果主语是代词,无需用倒装语序;只有当主语是名词时,才需要用倒装语序。Here we are.我们来了。Here comes the bus.公共汽车来了。 3.Because I buy lots of books.because回答由疑问词why引导的询问原因的句子。because与so是一组关联词,但不能同时出现在一个句子里。because引导表示原因的句子,so引导表示结果的句子。Because I was ill,I didnt go to school.因为我病了,所以我没去上学。I was ill so I didnt

22、 go to school.我病了所以没去上学。【拓展】because of意为“因为”,后接名词(短语),而because后接句子。4.She wont have to go far.have to意为“不得不,必须”;not have to意为“不必,不用”。It is raining hard.So I have to stay at home.正在下大雨。所以我不得不待在家里。设计意图阅读后让学生自己总结知识点,使学生进一步巩固语言知识。Step .Practice.根据汉语提示完成句子1.I need a place to buy drinks,because I am (渴的).2

23、.There is a river in the (街区).3.Can you (完成)your work on time?4.I want to have a (完美的)coffee shop.5.My sister didnt go to school (因为)she was sick in hospital.根据汉语意思完成句子6.看!孩子们正在画一张地图。Look! The children a map.7.他们昨天不得不去北京。They go to Beijing yesterday.8.李明需要买两支铅笔。Li Ming two pencils.9.妈妈,你能带我去上海吗?Mum,

24、can you Shanghai?10.那边有三家书店。你看见了吗?There are three bookstores .Have you seen them? .句型转换11.A lot of and lots of are the same.(同义句转换)A lot of and lots of have the .12.I need a park to play basketball.(改为一般疑问句) a park to play basketball?13.They can get a video in this store.(对画线部分提问) get a video?14.She

25、 found the bakery easily.(改为感叹句) she found the bakery!15.I can buy drinks when I am thirsty.(改为否定句)I drinks when I am thirsty.【Keys】.1.thirsty2.neighbourhoodplete4.perfect5.because.6.are drawing7.had to8.needs to buy9.take me to 10.over there .11.same meaning12.Do you need13.Where can they14.How eas

26、ily15.cant buy设计意图在练习中掌握做题的技巧。Step .Come to “Lets Do It!”Ask the students to finish Exercise 3 by themselves.设计意图完成有关本课重点词汇的练习,总结相关的语言点。Step .ProjectA new neighbourhood is going to be built in your city.You,as a planner,are planning the best neighbourhoood.Please draw a map of your perfect neighbour

27、hood and show it to us.Give some tips:In my perfect neighbourhood,I draw abecausewhen设计意图学生通过这项活动可以将课文内容和生活实际联系起来,并且逐步形成自己的英语思维。Step .Homework1.Read the dialogue.2.Suppose you are going to draw a neighbourhood and introduce it.Write a short note.Remember to tell something about your favourite places.3.Preview Lesson 20.设计意图让课堂所学的东西得以巩固,并且要求学生养成阅读和预习的好习惯。Lesson 19:perfect bothand Why?thirsty have toBecausecomplete 倒装句:here,there 【基础训练】.要点词汇1.美好的;完美的;理想的 2.渴的 3.完成;结

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