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1、5 AIf he has written the novel BWhen he is going to read the novel CWhere he has put the novel DIf he has finished the novel yet6 APleased BCritical CAngry DDissatisfied7 ATo see her car BTo have her car oiled CTo wash her car DTo have her car checked8 AShe has to meet someone at the station at 10:3

2、0 BHer train will arrive at 10:15 CShe doesnt want to miss her train DShe cant drive as fast as the train9 AJean didnt say anything BJean was seriously injured in the accidentt know what Jean said about the accident DShe was too frightened to hear anything10AAt McDonalds BFor Jackson and Sons CFor a

3、 construction company DAt the bankSection B:Passages (12 分)In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passagesThe passages will be read twice but the questions will be spoken only onceWhen you hear a question, read the four possible answers i

4、n your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heardQuestions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage11AMy husband is a born shopper BMy husband likes to compare prices between the same items in different stores CMy husband prefers to buy expensive items

5、 DMy husband likes to look around in several different stores before buying anything12AI like to do shopping as my husband does BI regard shopping as boring and unpleasant CI regard shopping as pleasant experience DI dont like to do shopping by myself13AWe go our separate ways BWe go shopping togeth

6、er CI pay the money while my husband bargains DMy husband pays the money while I bargainQuestions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage14AItaly BIndonesia CJapan DBritain15AStrong winds BStrong waves caused by an earthquake CThe eruption of a volcano DThe great noise during an earthquake1

7、6AThe powerful force inside the earth BThe strong waves CThe shake of the ground DThe fire from a volcanoSection C:Longer Conversation (8分)In Section C, you will hear two longer conversationsThe conversation will be read twiceAfter you hear the conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered

8、blanks with the information you have heardBlanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation _ShoppingItem bought:A(17) Size:(18) Colour:(19) Price:(20) dollars Complete the form and write ONE WORD for each answer. Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.When do they p

9、lan to meet ?They plan to meet at seven oclock on(21) Where do they plan to go ?To(22) Where do they want to meet?(23) What do they want to do first?Have(24) first Complete the form and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Grammar & Vocabulary (25 分)Section A (16分)Beneath each of the follo

10、wing sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and DChoose the one answer that best completes the sentence25The new building is to be _ high Asix storeys Bsix story Csix- stories Dsix-storyed26_ is a brave and hardworking nation AThe Chinese people BChinese people CThe people of the Chinese DP

11、eople of China27Do you have any pencils? Id like to borrow _ Athat Bany Cit Done28Its the third time I _ here this month Ahad seen Bsee Csaw Dhave seen29Johnny, you _ play with the knife, you _ hurt yourself Awont; cant Bmustn may Cshouldn must Dcan shouldnt30The boss insisted that every minute _ ma

12、de full use of _ the work well Abe; to do Bwas; doing Cbe; doing Dwas; to do31We waited impatiently for the lecturer, and it seemed hours _ he turned up at last Auntil Bbefore Csince Dafter32The ape, _ about three metres in height, lived alongside humans for mare than a million years Ameasured Bmeas

13、uring Cis measured Dmeasures33The proposal on the wehsite _ an animal shouldnt be killed in front of other animals aroused a heated discussion Awhere Bthat Cwhether Dwhich34The information technology, a field _ great achievements have already been made, is facing new challenges Ahow Bwhich Cwhen Dwh

14、ere35I saw the man jump back quickly in time to escape _ by the passing car Ato be hit Bbeing hit Chaving hit Dbeen hit 36How is the lecture going? The lecture has endedYoure _ Atoo much late Bmuch too late Ctoo late much Dlate too much37You are so lucky What do you mean _ that? Afor Bin Cof Dby38Of

15、 the two houses the family prefers _ Athe most isolated one Bthe one isolated more Cthe more isolated one Dthe isolated one more39You never told us why you were late for the ceremony, _? Awerent you Bdidnt you Cwere you Ddid you40Why! I have nothing to confess_ you want me to say? AWhat is it that B

16、What it is that CHow is it that DHow it is thatSection B (9分)Directions: Complete the passage by using the proper words in the boxEach word can only be used onceNote that there is extra word in the boxAvaluable Binvolved Cmotivated DcontributeEconvenient Fservices Ggenerous HeffortsIrewards Jcontact

17、Communities always have needs that are difficult to meetVolunteers, offering their 41 for free, can be a big helpThrough their unselfish 42 , they make caring for others an important part of lifeVolunteers are 43 by a variety of things, but all of them agree that the 44 of charitable work can be pre

18、ciousIt is easy to meet people with similar interests, which is important to most volunteersVoluntary work is also a 45 way for teenagers to develop new skills and gain 46 experience, as well as make useful contactsThis can lead to employment opportunities in the futureIt is very simple if you want

19、to get 47 , Start by making some enquiries at schoolYour teacher will be able to give you plenty of advice on whom to 48 if you want to 49 someof your time to a voluntary organizationReading Comprehension (50 分)Section A (15分) For each blank in the following passage, there are four words or phrases

20、marked A, B, C and DFill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the contextFor most of us, success in school has very little to do with actual learningThe most important thing you have to master is how to play the grade games 50 you think out your own strategies for getting high marks,

21、 everything opens up to youYou may be 51 to a well-known college or win scholarship, not to mention gaining the admiration of your teachers and parentsBut not everyone does well in testsAt times, it can almost turn into a funny game of hit and 52 Some students havent mastered the 53 of test taking,

22、some fear under pressure or need more time or another way to 54 what they knowBeing a school 55 means learning things out of the school systemThen you have to work things to your 56 Lots of students are already doing it without 57 itGetting high grades also 58 on knowing each teachers characterFor e

23、xample, I once had to take 59 , so one day in 60 classes I talked to the teacher I had wanted toI told him how Id heard what a really good teacher he was, and how disappointed I was that Id have to graduate 61 having been in his class I liedIt 62 (I had counted on the chemistry teacher being human,

24、and he accepted)I wasnt proud of myself for what I didBut I considered it 63 of the grade game were pushed into 64 to aim at going to the best schools50ABefore BUnless COnce DWhile51Apermitted Ballowed Cagreed Dadmitted52Amiss Blost Cstrike Dblow53Agame Bart Cinterest Dresult54Aspeak Btell Ctalk Dex

25、press55Amaster Bhouse Cfailure Dsuccess56Apoints Bideas Cadvantage Dfreedom57Aremembering Brealizing Cteaching Dunderstanding58Abases Bdepends Ccalls Dtakes59Aplace Barms Cclasses Dchemistry60Abetween Bamong Cafter Dbefore61Aafter Bbefore Cwithout Dfrom62Aworked Beffected Cmattered Ddid63Aone Bnone

26、Cpart Dmember64Ataking Bplaying Cmaking DenjoyingSection B (35分)Read the following four passagesEach passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statementsFor each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and DChoose the one that fits best according to the information given in the p

27、assage you have just read(A)A few years ago, I realized that I had a fear of heightsSometimes I would feel uncomfortable if I looked down from somewhere high, and the higher I got, the worse I feltHowever, there were some things that made me nervous when I looked up at them - such as drop towers (极速下降塔)About a month ago, my family and I went on a trip to Marineland an amusement park with a sea animal themeOne of Marinelands a

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