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1、美国驻华大使在阿里巴巴第七届网商大会演讲doc#美国驻华大使在阿里巴巴第七届网商大会演讲# 美国驻华大使在阿里巴巴第七届网商大会的演讲 2010年9月10日,阿里巴巴第七届网商大会暨第六届西湖论剑在杭州举行,美国驻华大使洪博培出席本次大会并进行了主题演讲。# 以下为本次演讲的文字实录 马云大家好,我今天特别容幸地想自己来介绍一下洪博培大使,洪博培是我很好的朋友,也是我很好的榜样,也是创业者的朋友,也是中国人民的朋友,我认识洪博培大使是好几次的缘分,每次跟他交流我觉得很奇怪,他为什么不仅是懂政治,懂外交,而且非常懂企业,每次中国企业家俱乐部和洪大使一起交流的过程中我一直有一种冲动,请他到杭州来,

2、跟我们网商、创业者做一些分享,他对经济的看法,对世界形势的看法,对创业者的看法。# 上次我有机会跟大使的父亲做了一个交流,我才明白大使从小的基因当中就有很强的创业者和企业家的基因,另外一个大使一生中有很多的传奇,他和基辛格博士很多很多的政治家和外交家有很多的经历,今天我是几个月以前好几个月前跟大使说请他能够到杭州来,做一次西湖论剑,做一次网商大会,跟所有的创业者做一个交流,大使答应了,但这么几个月来,大使非常之忙,但是今天他来,我感到无比的容幸,我也非常容幸今天是大使和大使夫人在这么重要的日子来到杭州,今天是大使夫人的生日,感谢大使和大使夫人 U.S. Ambassador Jon M. Hu

3、ntsman, Jr. Address to Alibaba Netrepreneur Conference Hangzhou, China September 10, 2010 洪博培谢谢你给我这么好的介绍,谢谢。# 我很佩服你,因为马云就是很年轻,他就是很帅,就是很聪明,也就是很有钱,我的夫人她现在听不懂我讲的话,因为她的中文不太好,可是我就要告诉她生日快乐,我爱你 这个生活不太公平,因为这个马云看起来很年轻,我已经看起来好像一个老油条的样子。# 因为我讲的中文,我的普通话有一个很北方的腔调,所以有人可能听不太懂我讲的话,我就会用英文来做我的演讲。# I want to tell Jack

4、 Ma what an honor it is to be here representing the United States Embassy, representing the people of America, representing so many friends in China many of whom you trade with, invest with, youve studied with in university and schools in China and the United States. It truly is an honor to be here

5、in Hangzhou. I think Hangzhou is perhaps the most beautiful city in all of China. It is historic, it is sophisticated, it is culture, and it is the home of the Alibaba gathering in its 7th year in a row. And its just an unbelievable opportunity to be able to look out at so many representatives of em

6、erging industry and business here in China. I am just so very honored to be here. You know so much more about the issues and the subject matter than I do. 我想告诉马云,非常容幸能来到这里,代表美国大使馆,代表美国人民,代表中国这么多的朋友,在座的很多人都是在美国学习或者是美国人交朋友,做生意,有很多的交往,真的非常高兴来到杭州这个美丽的城市,我认为杭州在整个中国最漂亮的城市了。# 它是历史名城,一个成熟有底蕴的城市,有深厚的文化底蕴,而且是

7、阿里巴巴的网商大会的一个主场,而且看到来自这么多网商在中国正在冉冉升起的一个网络行业,网商的行业的年轻人,我相信大家对这个主题,对我来说,了解的更多,所以对我来说我其实在这里就是在班门弄斧了。# Personal Connection to Hangzhou Now, the main reason for coming to Hangzhou today is to offer up a challenge, and it starts with many of you right here in this room. The challenge is simple, it goes lik

8、e this entrepreneurs of the world, it is time to unite. I m convinced this is a historic time for our two countries to unite around issues of innovation and the development, advancement, and protection of ideas - the fuel that fires the engines of entrepreneurs everywhere in the world, leveling the

9、playing field, of all competitors. But first, though, let me just say how delighted I am to be here in this beautiful and historic city. 来到杭州主要的原因其实对我来说也是一个挑战,你们今天来了很多人,其实这个挑战就是很简单的,我这么说吧,是在座的企业精神可以联合的,企业家团结起来,我很相信这一点,这是一个历史性的时刻,我们应该遵循进步、保护以及创新的精神团结起来,我们精神的引擎应该点燃全世界,我们应该有个非常公平的竞争的场地跟环境,首先我想说再次表达我来到杭

10、州有多高兴。# We hosted late last year one of our very important trade conferences between China and the United States and we talked through a variety of market openings, IPR, information technology and service issues. All matters that I know you deal with and feel so strongly about and now I have a chanc

11、e to come back and talk again about the issues that, I think, matter to you the most, the CEOs. They are also issues on which we can make common cause for mutual gain. Our trade meetings last year are also a reminding that trade and commerce remain the sturdy backbone of the U.S.-China relationship

12、now 400 billion strong and soon to be the largest trading and commercial relationship anywhere in the world. 我们去年底主办了中国和美国之间的一次商务会议,我们谈到了很多的问题,包括市场的开放、知识产权、信息技术、服务等等所有的重要的事情以及问题,你们需要面对的我们都谈到了,现在我有机会再次来回复我一直在想的这些问题,而且作为CEO,对你们CEO来说都是非常重要的,这个都是我们共同的一个事业,解决了问题,我们可以共赢的。# 去年的商务会议也提醒我们贸易跟商务始终是美国跟中国美好关系的一个

13、重要的基石,因为这个总额是40亿美金这么大的,在全球是无与伦比的。# Hangzhou also has a special place in the revitalized U.S.-China relationship. We re coming up in the 40th anniversary of Henry Kissinger s historic visit here, the first tentative step toward re-establishing diplomatic relations between our two great countries. At

14、the time, 40 years ago, the negotiations were all done face to face, secret memos were passed back and forth by hand and if you wanted to look something up you had to actually read a book. There was no internet, no email, no cell phones, no Alibaba and Jack Ma was only around 5 or six years old. Pre

15、sident Nixon reportedly enjoyed his time here at Westlake so much he said Beijing may be China s capitol, but Hangzhou is the country s heart My Chinese friends also refer to it as Yu Mi Zhi Xiang land of plenty 杭州是一个很重要的地方,中美建交的时候扮演了一个很重要的角色,基辛格国务卿访问过中国杭州,当时中美还没有恢复建交,40年之前中美建交的谈判在杭州举行,做了一些秘密的协议,实际上

16、你要读一读历史书才知道过去的这段历史,当时没有移动电话,没有电脑,没有阿里巴巴,当时马云可能才5岁、6岁那么大吧,尼克松总统在西湖旁边渡过一段非常美好的时光,他说过北京是中国的都城,但是杭州是这个国家的心脏,我的朋友曾经有说过鱼米之乡。# Celebrating Entrepreneurs President Nixon s visit here was one of the great diplomatic breakthroughs in recent American history. It was a time before many of you were born of estra

17、ngement, not cooperation between the United States and China. Our relations were largely defined by the hostilities in Korea and Vietnam, and the conflicts between capitalism and communism. It took visionary leadership on both sides of the Pacific to bring these two countries together and so much of

18、 that hard work happened right here in Hangzhou. Predictably, we continued to have our differences, and sometimes we still do. But those meetings, over 40 years ago, marked a signal shift in our relationship, from opposition to, at its best, genuine cooperation and mutual benefit. But the 1970 s wer

19、e in many other ways a very difficult time in the United States. The Vietnam War sparked tremendous domestic upheaval. Our economy stalled, we were battered by stagflation, high unemployment and declining living standards. Beloved leaders in America had been assassinated. All around us, confidence i

20、n the American economic model was being shaken. Everywhere you looked, people were saying that America was in decline and would soon lose its leading role in the international system. Even at home, millions of Americans were ready to close our borders and turn inward. 尼克松总统访问杭州可以说是最近美国历史上的一大突破,这是发生在


22、遭到了挑战,有人预言说美国要走下坡路了,他们会失去在世界舞台的地位,其实在美国内部来讲的话,我们也关闭了很多的国界线。# But then an interesting thing happened that we have seen in other chapters of our history. Our economy bounced back stronger than ever, thanks in large part to our fundamental belief in the powers of an open marketplace. Maybe it s because

23、 we are a nation of immigrants, or maybe it s because we stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans, but even during the toughest times, we always believed in the power of freedom and always valued engagement over isolationism. 但是发现一件有意思的事情,可能在美国其他的历史篇章上又看到,发现美国又回到了一个非常好的经济发展渠道上,这可能是有赖于我们很高的雇佣率

24、,很低的失业率,以及很强大的经济基础,既使是在当时最艰难的时刻,我们也一直坚信不已,一个开放的市场是非常重要的,参与是非常重要的。# We welcomed tens of thousands of international students maybe even some of you or your family members to our universities, as we continue to do today. Students who return to their home countries armed with uniquely American ideas and

25、 approaches, planting their own seeds of innovation and enterprise. We attracted brainpower to the United States, and we still do. Talent that helped fuel our economic engine when we needed it the most and became valued and equal members of American society. We created industry clusters where scient

26、ists and entrepreneurs could interact and exchange ideas creating incubators for future ideas and future business opportunities- this, too, continues today. The best example and one I am sure you are all familiar with, is Silicon Valley, which not only helped launch the computer revolution but estab

27、lished a certain recipe for success that serves as a model for similar technology hubs throughout the world, from Brooklyn to Beijing. Our commitment to open markets and an open society resulted in a flurry of innovation and new technologies that revitalized our economy, ultimately creating some 30

28、million new jobs. It was innovation, and the entrepreneurial culture that fostered it, that helped drag the United States out of the economic challenges and doldrums of the 1970 s and set up three decades of unprecedented growth and prosperity. 我们欢迎成千上万的国际学生来到美国,也许你们某些家庭成员也去过美国的大学学习,现在我们继续欢迎外国的学生,我们


30、领美国走出了1970年的经济困境,而且持续了30年的繁荣。# Now both countries have experienced both enormous growth and change since our modern relationship began 40 years ago. I suspect the pace of change will advance beyond anyones comprehension in years to come. And I am guessing the driver will be the development of ideas

31、in health, energy, transportation just to name a few. So here s the question is there a central role for innovation in the U.S.-China relationship that speaks to where we want to find ourselves in the future If so, and I believe there is then let s get moving 40年前产生的中美建交之后,我们的经济跟文化都有了巨大的发展,我们都明白这样一种

32、关系对未来是至关重要的,我觉得在这个过程当中,我们需要有解决能源的问题、交通的问题、通讯的问题,这只是其中一部分,我的问题就是创新在中美关系当中重要吗,我们希望未来创新是处于什么个地位,我觉得确实是的,我相信创新是最重要的一点。# In the United States we venerate people like Thomas Edison, who invented the light bulb. Henry Ford, who helped launch the modern automobile industry, John Rockefeller, who revolutioni

33、zed the oil business, Warren Buffet and investing, Bill Gates and Microsoft, all of them have helped define the American Dream, where you work hard, you think big and ultimately, you enjoy the fruits of your labor. And then there s Jack Ma, who s busy creating what we should probably call the Chinese Dream. He started with one of the slowest internet connections in

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