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1、You are the same old Tom, arent you?Have you gained weight?Are you gaining weight?Have you put on weight?Are you getting heavier?1.2 introductionsThis is the famous hip-hop dancer.This is the noted world champion of 110-meter hurdle.This is the world-renowned MVP in NBA.This is the well-known cyber

2、writer.This is the distinguished former president.This is the celebrated oil tycoon.I have heard so much about you.I know you very well by reputation.I get mind of you.Dont I know you from somewhere?Havent we met somewhere before?It seems to me weve met before.You look familiar.I cant remember his n

3、ame.His name escapes me.I cant place him.I cant think of his name at the moment.I cant retell his name.Its a pleasure to meet you.Im very glad to meet you.I am honored to know you.I am delighted to know you.I enjoy the privilege of meeting you. Im pleased to make your acquaintance.Im only too glad t

4、o get to know you.May I have your name?Could you tell me your name?May I have the honor to know your name?1.3 Talking on the phoneIs Mr. Brown in, please?Is Mr. Brown speaking?Is that you, Mr. Brown?May I talk to Mr. Brown, please?Could I speak to Mr. Brown, please?Is Mr. Brown available, please?Id

5、like to speak to Mr. Brown.May I have a word with Mr. Brown?Would you ask Mr. Brown to step to the phone?May I have the pleasure of addressing Mr. Brown?Who is that?Who is it?Hello, whos calling?Who is that speaking, please?May I know who is calling?Whos that calling, please?Please tell him to call

6、me back.Please let him call me back.Ill call back later.Hold on, please.Hold the line, please.Stay on the line, please.Dont hang up, please.Hang on a moment, please.Would you hold the line for a moment?Hang on a second, I will be back in a minute.Would you like to leave a message?Can I take a messag

7、e for you?May I take a message?Any message for him?Is there any message I can give for you?Do you have any message I can pass to him?Whats the message?Can I have a message, please、Could I leave him a message?Can I give him a message、Do you think I could leave a message?Do you mind if I leave a messa

8、ge?Can I leave word for him?Ive had five prank phone calls in the last three weeks.I was angry that Ive received five prank phone calls in the last three weeks.Mr Liu, somebody wants you on the phone.Mr Liu, you are wanted on the phone.There is a phone call for you, Mr Liu.Mr Liu, somebody is asking

9、 you on the phone.Mr Liu, a phone call for you.Im afraid that he is not in right now.Im sorry that he is not in at the moment.Hes not at his desk.Im afraid he is not available now.Hes just gone out. Would you like to ring back later?Thanks for your help.Its been good talking with you.Nice talking wi

10、th you.Thanks for calling.Let me know if I can be of any further help.All right then, Ill let you know as soon as I can.Looking forward to your earliest reply.Goodbye for now.1.4 FarewellsI have to be going now.Well, I must be off now.Id better be leaving.I have to be running along.Ive got to get go

11、ing.Im afraid I have to rush now.I afraid I must say goodbye.The time has come to say goodbye.Ive come to say goodbye.Id like to say goodbye to you.Im really going to miss you.Must you go?Cant you stay?Im sorry that you have to leave so early.Drop in again whenever you have time.Its been lovely to s

12、ee you again.Look forward to see you again.All the best.Best wishes.Take care.Enjoy yourself.Enjoy your time there.Have a fun time.Please give my regards to your parents.All my love to your parents.Regards to your parents.Send your parents my best.Keep in touch.Stay in touch.Dont forget to write to

13、me.Dont be a stranger.Have a nice trip.Have a good journey. Wish you a pleasant journey home.Have a safe landing.Take care on the way home.Thank you for everything.Thanks again for your dinner.Thank you for your kind hospitality.Thank you very much for coming to see me off.Thank you very much for ev

14、erything.Thank you so much for your help.You are welcome.Dont mention it.1.5 InvitationsWed very much like to accept your invitation.Wed be delighted to attend your wedding ceremony.It would give us the greatest pleasure to spend the weekend with you.Im calling to see if you would like to-We should

15、be so pleased if you would come.Would you be interested in coming to the cinema with me tonight? Im inviting you to my birthday party.How do you think about going out for a meal at the weekend?Im thinking about going to KTV with my coworkers tonight. Wanna come?Im wandering if youre free for dinner.

16、Are you up for a barbecue this weekend?Would you honor us with a visit?Thats very kind of you, thanks.That sounds lovely, thanks.What a great idea! Thanks.What are you doing next Sunday?Are you free to come tomorrow?Are you doing anything next Sunday?Would you be interested in doing-?How do you thin

17、k about-?Thats very kind of you, but actually Im doing something else on Saturday.Well, Id love to, but Im already going out to the cinema.Im very sorry, but can we make it another time?Thank you all the same, but Im afraid I cant.I wish I could, but-Tomorrow is a bit of a problem.Sorry, I cant. But

18、 thanks anyway.Oh, what a pity! Im leaving tomorrow.Much as I should like to, Im afraid Im already booked up next Sunday.Thats extremely kind of you, but I have got a previous engagement.It is unlikely well be back before the date you suggested. In view of this, we are unable to accept your invitati

19、on.1.6 apologiesIm awfully/terribly sorry.I feel really bad about-I beg your pardon for-I owe you an apology.Im awfully sorry for the other day.Please accept my apology.Will you ever forgive me?May I ask for your forgiveness?Im sorry. I quite forgot.Im sorry. I forgot all about it.It was most though

20、tless of me.Sorry, it slipped my mind.I really dont mean that.I didnt mean to hurt your feelings. Its my bad.Its my fault.Im to blame.I hope you dont mind.I hope you understand.Forgive me for being rude.Please forgive my rudeness.Im sorry for my rudeness.Im sorry I was rude.I should have thought of

21、that a long time ago.It could be better if I had thought of that earlier.It was careless of me not to find it out.Oh, how I wish I could find it out earlier.If only I could put the clock back.Sorry, my mistake.Im sorry. I made a mistake.Im sorry I made a slip on my estimates.Thats OK.Its OK.Its all

22、right.Its nothing.Never mind.Forget it.Dont worry.Not in the least.Not a bit of it.Thats not a bit deal.Chapter2 Everyday life2.1 weather and seasonsHows the weather today?Whats the weather like in New York?Whats it like outside today?The skies are usually clear over your city, arent they?Its a fine

23、 day.Its sunny.The sun is shining brightly.How nice the weather is!The temperature has climbed up again.The temperature has soared again.It is becoming hotter and hotter.It will reach a high of 30 degrees.It looks like rain.It seems that the rain is coming.Its going to rain.The rain is setting in.I

24、heard that your city has a lot of fog. Is that true?We have a few foggy days each winter, but I wouldnt say that we have a lot of fog.Its raining hard.Its raining heavily.Its raining cats and dogs.The rain is pouring down.What a heavy rain!It is raining off and on.The rain has let up.The rain is fin

25、ally over.The shower has stopped.Itll clear up soon.It seems to be clearing up.Does it often rain here in summer?Is there a lot of rain in this region in summer?How much rain did you have last month?Whats the yearly average rainfall in/of New York?Sometimes weather forecasts are not accurate.Quite o

26、ften the weather forecast is not accurate.Most of the time weather forecasts are not accurate.The weather forecast is not always accurate.The weatherman said that it would be a fine day.2.2 ShoppingWe have a large assortment of them.We have a great variety of shoes in stock.We have a very wide selec

27、tion of watches.Our range of socks is the most comprehensive available.You name it.All out now, please come earlier tomorrow.I am afraid we are out of them today.Im afraid we dont have any of the kind on hand.Im sorry, toasters are out of stock.Im sorry we dont stock such items.Weve sold out of coff

28、ee.Weve run short of loose-leaf notebooks.How do you sell the watermelons?How much do I owe you?How much do you charge/ask for it?How much do you want for it?How much dose the bill come to?I only want to browse.Im just looking around.Im just doing some window-shopping.Can you come down a bit?Thats a bit more than I wanted to pay.Thats too dear/steep/not reasonable.Can you give me a better price?Can I get a discount?Come on, give me a break on this.Im sure you can do better than that.My

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