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1、这是一个年轻人进行网上打折购物和庆祝单身的节日。4Apparently,online shopping has its advantages, the biggest of which is convenience.显然,网上购物有它自己的优势所在,而最大的好处就是便利。5With the growth of online shopping, it is of great urgency that relative laws should be formulated to ensure online security.随着网上购物的增长,制定相关法律法规以确保网络安全也迫在眉睫。6To sol

2、ve this problem, I recommend that the following effective solutions be taken.为了解决这个问题,我建议采取以下有效措施。03背话题范文有“模”可套假定你是李华,你在国外网上书店Landon购买了一本英文原版小说Gone with the Wind,货到后你发现了一些问题。请用英文给该书店写信,内容包括:1包装不完善导致封面有破损和污渍,书有缺页;2要求调换新书,尽快发货。注意:1. 词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3信的格式已给出,不计入总词数。范文必背Dear Sir or Madam,I purc

3、hased a book Gone with the Wind in your online bookshop Landon for its convenience and goods service. I was very glad to receive it yesterday. However,when I opened the package, I was sorry to find something wrong with it.Firstly, the cover of the novel is broken and there are some dirty spots on it

4、 due to the poor packaging. In addition, some pages are missing, which makes it impossible to read.I would like you to change it for a new one and post it to me as soon as possible. Please do check the book and be careful with the packaging before hand this time.I hope you can live up to the expecta

5、tion of your customer.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua04记阅读障碍词汇文意理解无偏差1.deposit n订金,押金 v. 存款,放下,放置,储存2fragile adj. 易碎的;脆弱的3budget n. 预算4expense n. 支出;消费;U费用;(pl.)开支5delicate adj. 易损的,易碎的6license/licence n. C许可证,执照7garage n. 汽车间(库);汽车修理厂8bargain n. C交易,协议;廉价货 vi. 讨价还价;达成协议,成交9commerci

6、al adj. 商业的,商务的;商业化的 n. 商业广告10consumer n. 消费者11change n. 零钱12charge vt. 索价;指控;充电 n. 费用,价钱;负责;掌管;控告13cheque(美check) n. 支票14counter n. 柜台;筹码15consume vt. 消耗,耗费(燃料、能量、时间等)高中英语晨背话题系列(十二) 饮食(含词块、佳句、写作模板)1high/rich in fiber高纤维2low in fat 低脂肪3be lacking in nutrition 缺乏营养4be particular about food 挑食;对食物很讲究5

7、be closely related to health 与健康息息相关6do harm/damage to physical health 有害身体健康7food poisoning 食物中毒8keep a balanced/healthy diet 保持均衡/健康饮食9go on a diet/be on a diet 节食10lose weight/take off weight 减肥11cut down body fat 削减脂肪12put on/gain weight 增加体重13aim at keeping slim 旨在保持身材苗条14skip breakfast 不吃早餐15e

8、at excessively 过量地吃16take an order 点菜17take in/absorb nutrition 吸收营养18a variety of fast food 各种各样的快餐19attach importance to food quality 注重食品质量20pay more attention to your diet 更加注意你的饮食21develop/form healthy eating habits 养成健康的饮食习惯22guarantee the safety of food 保障食品安全23regard less of others health 不顾

9、他人的健康24have a positive effect on 对有积极的影响25be favored by 受到的青睐1Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and dinner the most enjoyable.早餐是一天中最重要的一餐,而晚餐则是最愉快的一餐。2Its high time that we stayed away from junk food and led a healthy life.现在是我们远离垃圾食品、过上健康生活的时候了。3Only when we are particular about foo

10、d can we prevent ourselves from falling ill.讲究饮食,我们才能预防自己患病。4The issue of unsafe food has aroused public concern and caused a heated discussion.食物不安全事件引发了公众的关注和激烈的讨论。5The local government needs to strengthen the management and raise the awareness of food safety among all the citizens.当地政府需要加强管理并提高市民

11、的食品安全意识。6As far as Im concerned, we should develop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body.Only in this way can we have enough energy to study.我认为,为了增强体质,我们应该养成健康的饮食习惯。只有这样我们才能有足够的精力学习。(衡水高三模拟)假如你叫李华,是一位中学生。在听了关于健康饮食的讲座后,请你用英语给21st Century报社写一封信,反映你对当今学生饮食的看法。1吃西餐多导致肥胖;2大家对中餐和西式快餐不同看法;3你认为中餐

12、更健康,说出你的理由。词数100左右。Dear Editor,Now, more and more students are getting fond of western fast food, and thus they take in too much sugar and fat. I dont think it good for their health.There are all kinds of foods in the world.Which one is healthier, the Chinese food or the western fast food? Different

13、 people have different opinions.In my opinion, the Chinese food is healthier. Firstly, the Chinese food contains a lot of fruits and green vegetables.It is rich in fiber and low in sugar and fat. Secondly, the Chinese food is very delicious and has many dishes, which provide us with all kinds of nut

14、rition.I think it is the healthiest food in the world. So many Chinese people can keep fit and have white teeth.Yours sincerely,1. recipe n烹饪法,食谱2bacterium(pl.bacteria) n. 细菌3greedy adj. 贪吃的,贪婪的;渴望的4appetite n. 食欲,胃口5swallow v. 吞下,咽下6abundant adj. 丰盛的;充分的,充足的7burden n. 负担;责任 vt. 使负担;烦扰;负重8appropriat

15、e adj. 合适的,恰当的9ache vi.&n. 痛;疼痛10acid adj. 酸的11allergic adj. 过敏的12nutrition n. 营养;滋养13chew vt. 咀嚼14starve v. 饿死15bakery n. 面包店高中英语晨背话题系列(十三) 健康(含词块、佳句、写作模板)1build up ones strength/body强身健体2keep fit/healthy 保持健康3take an active part in physical exercise 积极参加体育锻炼4take regular exercise 经常锻炼5live/lead a

16、normal school life 过正常的学校生活6take a positive attitude towards .对采取积极的态度7have enough sleep 拥有充足的睡眠8physical and mental health 身心健康9in good health 身体好10be beneficial to . 对有益11suffer from obesity 饱受肥胖之苦12feel stressed/depressed感到不安/沮丧13relax oneself 自我放松14relieve pressure 缓解压力15suffer from illnesses 患病

17、16result in/bring about 导致17turn to/ask a doctor for help 看医生18break down (身体)垮掉19take medicine 吃药20be in hospital 住院21keep the balance of nutrition 保持营养平衡22give your body a complete workout 完全放松自己1Whenit comes to health, what most people think of first is healthy body.提到健康,大部分的人首先想到的是身体健康。2Id like

18、to remind you that you should put on more clothes when getting up the following morning to protect yourself from cold.我想要提醒你,第二天早晨起床时你应该多穿衣服,以防感冒。3Its necessary for us to keep healthy both physically and mentally.对于我们来说保持身心健康是必要的。4Inmy opinion, doing sports is good for my health, with the advantage

19、ofstrengthening my body and keeping the illness away.我认为运动对我的健康有好处,不仅可以让我强身健体,还能让我远离疾病。5Fromthe above we can draw a conclusion that a healthy body helps to improve thequality of our life.根据以上情况我们可以得出结论:健康的身体有助于提高我们的生活质量。6Thereis no doubt that health is more important than wealth.毫无疑问,健康比财富更重要。假如你是光明

20、中学高三的学生李华,你发现部分同学每次遇到重要考试,都会出现一些焦虑症状。请你用英语写一封信,向某英文报编辑反映该问题。信的内容应包括下列要点:焦虑症状:头晕、乏力、睡眠不好、食欲不振等。建议:1. 考前制定好合适的复习计划;2考试期间正常作息;3睡前洗热水澡、喝热牛奶等有助于睡眠等。1. 根据以上内容写一篇短文,不要逐句翻译,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2词数100左右;3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:头晕dizzy(adj.)DearEditor,ImLi Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School.I found most

21、of us feel nervouswhenever were takingan important exam. Some will feel dizzy or tired; some will lose appetite andsuffer from lack of sleep.All these symptoms have terrible effects on ourexams.Asfar as Im concerned,we are suggested to putmore emphasis on drawing up a proper plan to go over our stud

22、ies.Besides,it is the normal daily routine that we shouldfollow. Whats more,warm bath and hot milkbefore going sleep make contributions to a peaceful rest.Ina word,itsessential for us to reduce unnecessary anxiety and take a right attitude to1. tremblevi.颤抖;抖动2.fataladj.致命的,重大的3recover vi.恢复,痊愈 vt.重

23、新找到;使康复4separationn. 分离;隔离5infectvt. 传染,感染;影响6mature成熟的7tidy整洁的,整齐的8rangen.幅度,范围vi.(在某范围内)变动9essentialadj. 必不可少的;本质的10continuous继续的,连续(不断)的11ambulance救护车12acuteadj. 严重的;(疾病)急性的13symptom症状14bleedvi.出血,流血15clinic诊所高中英语晨背话题系列(十四) 天气(含词块、佳句、写作模板)01 背话题词块有话可说1sunny then cloudy/cloudy then rainy 晴转阴/阴转雨2h

24、eavy showers 强阵雨3a sunny day 阳光灿烂的一天4weather forecast/report 天气预报5drop/fall to five degree below zero 降到零下五度6freezing cold/burning hot 非常寒冷/炎热7be caught in a heavy rain 遇上一场大雨8rains cats and dogs/pouring rain 倾盆大雨9hazy weather 雾霾天气10(buildings)fall down (房屋)倒塌11(water and power supplies) be cut off(

25、水电)被切断12be destroyed in the hurricane 在飓风中被毁坏13be covered with ice and snow 被冰雪覆盖14(people)be killed in the flood/storm(人们)在洪水/暴风雨中遇难15cause13 deaths and 5 people missing 造成13人死亡和5人失踪16with more than 200 people injured/missing 有200多人受伤/失踪17cause great damage/economic losses 造成巨大损失/经济损失18be in ruins/

26、fall into ruins 成为废墟19become homeless 变得无家可归20send out rescue teams 派出救援队21donate/contribute money to sb. 给某人捐款22rebuild ones homeland 重建家园23return to normal 恢复正常1The weather forecast said it will be sunny in most part of China for each day in the next five days.天气预报显示在未来五天内,中国大部分地区都会是晴天。2It is going to be rainy all day, so be sure to go out with your umbrellas.全天有雨,因此外出请带好您的雨伞。3The extreme weather has caused people much in convenience and trouble, especially for those who work outdoors.极端

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