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高考总复习英语江苏专用习题 第一部分模块1unit3知能演练轻松闯关Word格式.docx

1、3Dont lend your textbooks to those people; it is difficult to _ the books from them when you want them.Aattain BrecognizeCpreserve DrecoverD解析:考查动词辨析。别把你的课本借给那些人。当你要的时候就很难从他们那要回来了。recover “重新获得,收回”,符合句意。A项意为“达到,获得”; B项意为“认出,赏识”; C项意为“保留”。4My neighbor is as _ as a young man and dislikes sitting aroun

2、d doing nothing all day.Aenthusiastic BsensitiveCtalkative Denergetic考查形容词辨析。我的邻居和年轻人一样精力充沛,不喜欢整天闲坐着什么也不干。根据句子的后半部分“dislikes sitting around doing nothing all day”可知,此处用energetic合适。5More than one doctor has warned the patient that without proper treatment the disease will lead to lung _Adefeat BfallC

3、failure Dattack考查名词辨析。不止一个医生警告过该病人,没有恰当的治疗这种病会导致肺衰竭。failure “失败,故障”, lung failure表示“肺衰竭”。6(2016盐城月考)Surely it doesnt matter where the Student Association gets their money from; what_is what they do with it.Acounts BappliesCstresses DfunctionsA解析:毫无疑问,学生协会从哪儿弄到的钱这无关紧要,重要的是他们用这些钱来做什么。count在句中的含义为“重要,有

4、价值,有意义”。7(2016常州学情诊断)Caroline has never ever broken her promise, and _Aso I have Bso have ICnor I have Dnor have I考查倒装。 Caroline从来没有违背过自己的诺言,我也是如此。“nor/neither助动词/情态动词/be主语”表示:也不。故选择D。易错选为B项,没有意识到第一句是否定意义的句子而so have I 是表示“前面肯定的情况也适用于后面”而误选。8The present situation is very complex, so I think it will t

5、ake me some time to_ its reality.Amake up Bfigure outClook through Dput offB解析: make up “组成;化妆;编造”; figure out “理解;弄清楚”; look through “浏览”; put off “推迟”。目前的形势非常复杂,因此我认为要花费我一段时间来弄清楚它的真实性。9Jack didnt play football yesterday because he had_ his leg.Adamaged BhurtChit Dstruck Jack昨天没能来踢足球是因为他的腿受伤了。damag

6、e “破坏,损坏”; hurt “伤害,使受伤”; hit “击中,打中”; strike “击打,敲打”。10The Shenzhou8 spacecraft has been launched successfully, _ of great importance to the development of space science.Awhich I think it is Band I think isCwhich I think is Dwhen I think is I think为插入语,去掉I think可看出此句为which引导的非限制性定语从句修饰前一句所述内容。11Mos

7、t of us could hardly _ our excitement when hearing that Celine Dion would come to the stage to sing her famous songMyHeartWillGoon.Aread BshowChold Dcontain此处表示“我们中的大多数几乎不能控制我们的兴奋”,根据句意可知选D, contain表示“控制,克制”。12How can you keep slim as a mother of two?I have been _ in the gym for years.Aworking out B

8、carrying outCgetting out Dgiving outwork out “锻炼”; carry out “执行”; get out “出去”; give out “分发;公布;发出”。根据句意可知应是“多年来一直坚持锻炼”。13The questionnaire takes _ ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview.Amainly BpunctuallyCapproximately Dprecisely问卷调查大约需要10至15分钟完成,可以

9、与面试一起完成。approximately “大约地”; mainly “主要地”; punctually “准时地”; precisely “精确地”。14His deskmate refused to help him cheat in the examination, which made him _Aexcited BrelaxedCembarrassed Dexperienced他的同桌拒绝(在考试中)帮他作弊,他感到很难为情。excited “激动的”; relaxed “放松的”; embarrassed “尴尬的;难为情的”; experienced “有经验的”。15Did

10、you enjoy yourself at the party?Yes, Ive never been to_ one before.Aa more excited Bthe most excitedCa more exciting Dthe most exciting比较级用于否定句中表示最高级的意义。答语句意:是的,我以前从未参加过比这个更激动人心的晚会。.阅读理解A(2016宿迁市模拟)Depression can be a devastating illness,plaguing millions of people worldwide with feelings of sadness

11、,hopelessness,and fatigue.Despite numerous antidepressant drugs,as many as a third of patients dont respond to medication.This has forced doctors to be more creative in finding different treatments for the condition.In the past two decades,researchers have tied depression to a seemingly unrelated co

12、ndition:inflammation(炎症),the bodys natural response to stress.It could rise from injury or inflection,or even emotional issues like an unhappy marriage or problems at work.Some amount of inflammation is generally beneficial,as it increases production of cytokines (致癌因子),proteins that help us heal an

13、d protect us from the effects of overwork.But excessive cytokine levels,and the inflammation they bring on,could come at a cost.A number of studies suggest that high levels of cytokines could contribute to depression.Cytokines can reach the brain several ways:directly through the bloodbrain barrier

14、or indirectly by binding to nerve fibers elsewhere,which send signals to the brain to produce the inflammation molecules.In the brain,cytokines can disturb the production and release of several important signaling chemicals,including serotonin,dopamine and glutamate,which help control emotion,appeti

15、te,sleep,learning and memory.Its thought that a lack of serotonin activity in the brain causes depression; most antidepressants increase the activity.But cytokines also have been shown to activate stress hormone signaling in the brain,which can also serve to develop depression.With all the evidence

16、implicating inflammation in depression,doctors have been anxious to test antiinflammatory drugs as a potential treatment.Four small students published between 2006 and 2012 by research groups in Europe and Iran found that adults diagnosed with depression who took aspirin or another antiinflammatory

17、drug called C elecoxib,along with an antidepressant,got more relief from feelings of sadness,hopelessness,guilt and fatigue compared with those taking an antidepressant alone.However,Andrew Miller,a professor of psychiatry at Emory University,thought something was amiss in these small,limited studie

18、s.None of them looked at whether the participants had to have high levels of cytokines before into the trap of viewing inflammatory drugs.“Unfortunately,much of the field has fallen into the trap of viewing inflammation as the beall,endall,” Miller says.He and his colleagues wanted to see whether th

19、e effect of these drugs was limited to the depression patients with high cytokine levels,or if it helped all people diagnosed with depression.【解题导语】这是一篇医疗文章阅读。文章主要介绍了抑郁症形成的过程和原因,也提供了一些治疗方法,但到目前为止还没有非常满意的疗效。1Which of the following illustrates how depression is developed?Ainfectioninflammationcytokine

20、depressionBstressoverworkinflammationdepressionCcytokinestressinfectiondepressionDinflammation infectionstressdepression细节理解题。根据题干关键词how depression is developed找到文章对应段落第二段,根据该段的第二句话和第三句话判断抑郁形成的步骤是A。2We can infer from the passage that_Adepression will be an incurable disease for a long timeBwe have a

21、 long way to go before depression can be satisfying treatedCpeople who are hardworking are more subject to depressionDaspirin can effectively help relieve people of many emotional problems根据文章的第一段排除A;根据文章第四段的倒数第二句话排除C;根据文章第五段的第二句话排除D;根据文章最后一段专家的分析说明抑郁症的治疗要有很漫长的路要走,故选B。3The underlined word “excessive

22、” in Para.3 is closest in meaning to “_”Aintermediate BmildCappropriate Dovermuch词义猜测题。intermediate中间的;mild温柔的;appropriate适当的;overmuch过度的。根据文章第二段的最后一句话increases production of.可判断是过度的,故选D。4Which of the following shows the right structure of the passage?篇章结构题。通读全文,并根据文章的第一段提出论点,最后一段回扣主题,由此可判断选择C。BAndy

23、 is the most unreasonable, pigheaded life form in the world, and he makes me so angry that I could scream! Of course, I love him like a brother.I have to because he is my brother.More than that, he is my twin!Thats right.Andy and Amy (thats me) have the same curly hair and dark eyes and equally stub

24、born characters.Yet, though we may look alike, on most issues we usually take completely opposite positions.If I say day, you can count on Andy to say night.Just this week, the hot topic in school was all about the PTAS proposal(提议) to adopt a school dress principle.Every student would be required t

25、o wear a uniform.Uniforms! Can you imagine? Oh, they would be uniforms in color.The dress style would be sort of loose and free.Boys would wear white or blue buttondown shirts, a school tie, blue or gray pants, and a navy blue blazer (运动夹克)Girls would wear white or blue blouses or sweaters, blue or

26、gray pants or skirts, along with a navy blue blazer.Socks or tights could be black, gray, blue, or white.The teachers are divided: Some are in favor of the uniforms, others are opposed.Theheadmaster has asked the students to express their opinions by voting on the issue before making their decisions

27、.She will have the final word on the dress principle.I think a dress principle is a good idea.The reason is simple.School is tough enough without worrying about looking cool every single day.The fact is, the less I have to decide first thing in the morning, the better.I cant tell you how many mornin

28、gs I look into my closet and just stare, unable to decide what to wear.Of course, there are other mornings when my room looks like a storm had hit it, with bits and pieces of a dozen different possible clothes on the bed and on the floor.I also wouldnt mind not having to see guys wearing oversized j

29、eans and shirts.And I certainly would welcome not seeing kids showing off designerlabeled clothes.Andy is surprised at my opinion.He says he cant believe that I would be willing to give up my allAmerican teenage birthright by dressing likewell, like a typical teenager.Last night, he even dragged out Mom and Dads high school photo albums.What a couple of peaceloving hippies (嬉皮士) they we

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