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1、4、When everyone is fully aware of the severity and take feasible measures, I firmly believe.一面倒1、.NO invention has received more praises and abuses than cars Now there is a growing awareness over traffic safety.2、Although some people acclaim that I am still prone to go along with the other side base

2、d on the following sound reasons.3、To embark on it, it comes as the first problem that.4、Should it remain unable to unfold my perspectives, itll come as reinforcement that5、It is indisputable that nowhere in history has.been more visible. As far as I am concernedTASK 1( 一 ) 信息描述或数据比较1、The graph illu

3、strates (1) 总体介绍图表情况。According to the graph, in YEAR1,(2)YEAR1 年的信息描述。For example, (3) 举例说明。However by YEAR2,(4)YEAR2 的信息描述。During the same period, there was a large increase in (5) 描述数据转变。In YEAR1, (6) 提供 YEAR1 的数据。In contrast, by YEAR2, ( 7 )提供 YEAR2 的数据。We can conclude from this that(8) 总结图表最突出的特

4、点。2、The two pie charts describe (1) 总体介绍图表情况。This first point to note is (2) 图表提供的第一条信息。Comparing the graphs,(3) 两幅表比较。The graph also suggest that (4) 图表说明的问题。In conclusion, it can be seen from the data that (5) 总结图表数据所证明的内容。The most noticeable thing is (6) 总结图表最突出的特点。3、The first graph illustrates (

5、1) 总体介绍图表情况。The second graph shows(2) 图表提供的第一条信息。The first graph reveals that (3) 描述图表说明的问题。The second graph tells us that (4) 图表说明的问题。As can be seen from the two graphs that (5) 总结图表最突出的特点。 4、The two pie charts show (1) 总体介绍图表情况。And the column chart gives reasons. Overall,(2) 三幅图整体上所提供的信息。The pie c

6、harts shows that (3) 图表提供的第一条信息。The highest percentage of (4) 图表说明的问题 is (5)%. However, this is less than the percentage of (6) 图表说明的问题 for some reasons, which is approximately (7)%. The common reasons of (8)are ( 9 )原因。It is apparent that (10) 描述数据所表明的内容。5、 The indicators used in the table reflect

7、that(1) 总体介绍图表情况。The data concerning (2) 填入指数 1 indicators shows that (3) 指数反映的情况。There figures are overwhelmingly greater than the corresponding figures of (4) 填入 1 个信息主体。( 5 )填入指数 2 reflect (6) 指数反映的情况。As for (7) 指数 3 indicators, it roughly follows the same ranking. (8) 指数 3 反映的情况。According to (9)

8、 指数 4 it can be seen that (10) 指数反映的情况。The data appears to confirm that (11) 描述数据所表明的内容。 ( 二 ) 描述事件的具体步骤或过程The chart shows that there are four stages to complete (1) 此处填入一件具体的事情。The first stage is (2) The second stage involves (3) ,(4) is the third stage. First of all, (5) 完成步骤三的第一步Then (6) 完成步骤三的第二

9、步。The last stage consisits of (7) . ( 三 ) 描述一事物说明她的工作程序AAA is (1) the diagram shows its construction and how it works. It mainly consists of (2)AAA 的组成部分。AAA works as follows : first (3) then (4) Afterwards, (5) . At last, (6) . TASK 2命题形式一:对立观点式 (一)A or B ,which one do you agree with? Give specific

10、 reasons for your answer. (A,B 表示供选择的两种观点。Do C 指题目中提及的某件事情。如:some people prefer A in order to Do C.1、A much debated issue these days is whether A or B. Some people say that A. Others claim B. For my part, I agree with those who stree A. Sudies have shown that (1) 赞同 A 的原因之一。Moreover, (2) 赞同 A 的原因之二。

11、Nevertheless, it would be a mistake to discount the impact of B. We all know that (3) 列举 B 的优势。For instance, (4) 举例说明 B 的优势。However, I think that without A,B will fail to (5) 总结观点。 2、Some people hold the opinion of A. Others, however, believe B. there are advantages and disadvantages on both sides.

12、Accounting to my personality and foundness, I would prefer A rather than B. Although B(1)B 的优势,there is no evidence to suggest that B is better than A. Firstly, (2) 选择 A 的第一个原因。Secendly, (3) 选择 A 的第二个原因。 We can see that (4) 举例说明选择 A 的第二个原因。Furthermore, (5) 选择 A 的第三个原因。 For instance, ( 6 )举例说明选择 A 的第

13、三个原因。So, as I see it, (7) 总结观点。3、 As for the question that which is better, A or B, different people have different opinions. A has its advantages, but at the mean time, it has many disadvantages. In my point of view, I would prefer B. First of all, (1) 支持 B 的原因之一。For example, (2) 举例说明支持 B 的原因之一。Ano

14、ther reason is that (3) 支持 B 的原因之二。The third reason, however, goes this way: (4) 支持 B 的原因之三。So from what has been discussed, one can reach only this conclusion that (5) 重申观点。 4、Some people believe A, they point out the fact that (1) 人们支持 A 的原因。However, other people believe B. They hold that (2) 人们支持

15、 B 的原因。As far as Im concerned, I prefer A. As we all know (3) 我支持 A 的原因之一。I remrember (4) 举例说明。In addition, (5) 我支持 A 的原因之二。On the other hand, (6) 从反面论证 A 的优势。Last but not least, (7) 我支持 A 的原因之三。As a matter of fact, there are also some disadvantages in A ,such as (8) 举例说明 A 的劣势。But these can be comp

16、ensated by its advantages. 5、There are two different views on the matter of DOING C. Some people believe that (1) 支持的观点 A. By this , they argue that (2) 进一步阐述观点 A. For example,(3) 举例说明。Others hold, on the other hand, that (4) 反对的观点 B 。Forthermore,(5) 进一步阐述观点 B. For instance,(6) 举例说明观点 B 。Considering

17、 the views on the two sides, I prefer to put weight to the pros rather than cons. Personally, (7) 我支持 A 的原因。 (二)给出两个对立的事物或一个事物对立的两个方面,要求考生比较两者的优缺点并提供理由。Some people believe AAA while others believe BBB. Give advantages and disadvantages of the two positions and explain which position you support. Giv

18、e reasons for your answer.1、AAA has improved the quality of our lives and played an important role in our daily life. The benefits AAA brings to us are far more than its disadvantages. However, it also creates some problems as well. On the postive side, AAA has enabled us to (1) 此处填入 AAA 的优势之一。For i

19、nstance, (2) 举例说明优势之一。 Nowadays, (4) 举例说明优势之二。In addition, (5)AAA 的优势之三。On the negative side, (6) 此处填入 AAA 的劣势之一。For example, (7) 举例说明劣势之一。Also, (8)AAA 的劣势之二。Furthermore, (9)AAA 的劣势之三。All in all , we cant live without AAA for the conveniences it brings to us, but we should also be aware of the negat

20、ive effacts it creates on the modern life.2、Some people believe AAA, but others claim BBB, while both have their advantages and disadvantages, they can be applied under different circumstances. For AAA,(1) 优势之一。 However, in some cases, there are some negative effects. Most seriously, (2)AAA 的第一个劣势。M

21、oreover,(3)AAA 的第二个劣势。Again,(4)AAA 的第三个劣势。On the other hand, (5)BBB 的优势。For example, (6) 举例说明 BBB 的优势。In my opinion, the advantages of BBB are more than those of AAA, because BBB fits me in two ways:first,(7) 我支持 BBB 的原因之一。Second,(8) 我支持 BBB 的原因之二。 3、AAA may involve some problems in terms of its cos

22、t. However, there are stell many advantages of AAA. First of all, (1)AAA 的优势之一。Furthermore, (2)AAA 的优势之二。 Finally, (3)AAA 的优势之三。Some people claim that (4) 人们反对 AAA 的理由之一。I dont think this is altogether true. In fact,(5) 举例说明 . People also say that (6) 人们反对 AAA 的另一个理由 . It is true that such cases do

23、exist in out life. However, these cases are uncommon and are the result of bad management. So the problems are in fact the problems of bad management, not AAA itself. In conclusion, there are more advantages than disadvantages of AAA. In most cases, therefore, the cost is justified.4、There is a good

24、 side and a bad side to everything. Without exception, AAAhas brought us not only benefits but also risks. As we know that (1)AAA 的一个劣势。However, this does not mean AAA has no benefits. It is obvious that (2)AAA 的优势之一。Also, (3)AAA 的优势之二。A final point is that (4)AAA 的优势之三。For example, (5) 举例说明。Althoug

25、h there is a great deal of enthusiasm nowadays over the advantages of AAA, its disadvantages should not be neglected. Most importantly, (6)AAA 的劣势之一。Furthermore,(7)AAA 的劣势之二。Last but not least, (8)AAA 的劣势之三。However, we can avoid the negative effects with appropriate management such as (9) 列举控制 AAA 负

26、面影响的措施。So as shown above, I consider the advantages outweigh the disadvantaghes. 命题形式二:单一观点式(一) Statement A about AAA. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 1、 I full agree with the argument that (1) 支持观点 A. For one thing (2) 支持观点 A

27、的原因之一。For another, (3) 支持观点 A 的原因之二。History has told us that (4) 历史证明 A 的正确性。 For example, (5) 举例证明。Furthermore, (6) 进一步阐述 A 的正确性。But some people stubbornly cling to (7) 人们反对观点 A. If we listen to these people we will (8) 听从那些人会产生的后果。 In conclusion, I think we should not (9) 我们不应该怎麽做。 On the contrary

28、, we should (10) 我们应该怎麽做。 2、According to the opinion of some people , there are quite different attitudes towards AAA. Some claim that (1) 人们的观点 AAA. However, I can not agree (2) 我反对观点 AAA. First, (3) 我反对 AAA 的第一个理由。That is to say (4) 进一步阐述。 Second, (5) 我反对 AAA 的第二个理由。In fact, (6) 举例说明。 Finally, (7) 我反对 AAA 的第三个理由。To sum up, (8) 总结我的观点。But it is also necessary to stress that (9) 退一步总结。 3、It is often said that (1) 题目所给的观点。Those who hold this view say

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