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Unit 2 Travelling教学案2.docx

1、Unit 2 Travelling教学案2Unit 2 Travelling教学案2銆愯 鍫傚姪瀛?1锛?棰勪範鎴愭灉灞曠 2锛?Check the homework. 3锛?Use PPT to learn new words, 4. 瑕佺偣鐐规嫧 1) harm n. 浼 锛屽嵄瀹?harmful adj. 鏈夊 鐨?harmless adj. 鏃犲 鐨?e.g. Reading in poor light is harmful for your eyes. 鑻辫 涓 紝鏈変簺褰 璇嶆槸鐢卞悕璇?鍚庣紑-ful鏋勬垚鐨勶紝濡傦細use-useful, help-helpful, succe

2、ss-successful, peace-peaceful, beauty-beautiful, cheer-cheerful 2锛塽seless adj. 娌敤鐨勶紝鏃犵泭鐨?useful adj. 鏈夌敤鐨?e.g. This old computer isn鈥檛 useless at all now. 鑻辫 涓 紝鍚庣紑-less琛鈥滄病鏈夆? 鏈変簺褰 璇嶆槸鐢卞悕璇?鍚庣紑-less鏋勬垚鐨勶紝濡傦細harm-harmless, use-useless, hope-hopeless, home-homeless. Useless鍓嶅 鏈変笉瀹氬啝璇嶏紝鍙 兘鐢锛屽洜涓哄瓧姣島鐨勭 涓

3、涓 洜绱犳槸杈呴煶銆傚 锛歍his is a useless dictionary. You鈥檇 better not buy it. 5. Read all the words together.銆愯 鍫傛 娴嬨?濉 啓涓嬪垪琛牸銆?鍚嶈瘝 褰 璇?鍙嶄箟璇?beauty care colour harm length health noise銆愯 鍚庝綔涓氥?涓銆?璇嶆眹銆?A.鏍规嵁鍙剰鐢墍缁欏崟璇嶇殑閫傚綋褰紡濉 銆?1. The fireworks at night were _. (colour) 2. The dictionary is _ in our English stud

4、ies.(use) 3. Daniel is a _ boy. He plans everything well.(thought) 4. Disneyland is a _ place to visit.(wonder) 5. Can you tell me the _ (mean) of this word? B. 鏍规嵁鍙剰鍙婁腑鑻辨枃鎻愮瀹屾垚鍗曡瘝銆?1. Mr. Liu is an _(缁忛獙) teacher. He has ways to make his class lively. 2. Many people in Harbin like_(婊戦洩) in winter.

5、3. The fans _(榧撴帉)and screamed when the famous singer appeared . 4. Overwork will do _(浼 ) to your health. 5. It _锛堜技涔庯級that she will leave Hong Kong with her parents. 6. They played so _锛堟剦蹇 級that they forgot the time. 7. There are fifty members in the club, _锛堝寘鎷 級nineteen girls and thirty-one boy

6、s. 8. Lee is kind and _ (help). 9. It鈥檚 _ to have a dictionary. (useless) 10.She danced so _ (wonderful) that everyone screamed. 11.The line of people outside was _ (end). It seemed to be _(hope) to try to get inside. 12. Bad luck! The _ (care) doctor pulled out one of my healthy teeth. C. 鐢悗缂-ful銆?

7、-less濉 銆?One day the traffic was heavy on the city roads. The cars were end_. It seemed to be hope_ to walk across the street. It was use_ for us to wait and see. So we decided to walk over the footbridge. My daughter was cheer_ in her colour_ dress. She always thought that life was meaning_ and won

8、der_ . But to her surprise, she found that a 3-year-old boy was begging on the footbridge. He looked so help_ .Why doesn鈥檛 he go back home? She asked. I didn鈥檛 know how to answer it.浜屻佸畬鎴愬彞瀛愩?1. 鎴戞槰鏅氭病鏈夎 鐪熷畬鎴愪綔涓氬氨鐫簡銆?I went to sleep without _my homework _ last night. 2. 鏄鎴戝埌瀹舵椂鎴戝 濡堟 鍦紑蹇冨湴鐓 銆?My moth

9、er_ when I _ yesterday. 3. 鎴戝凡缁忓拰浠栦滑鎷嶄簡寰堝 绮剧編鐨勭収鐗囥?I _ with them. 4.銆闅忚韩甯竴寮犲湴鍥句技涔庢槸娌敤鐨勩?It _ take a map with you. 5.銆涓嶈 椹 檸锛屼綘搴旇 涓囦簨灏忓績銆?Don鈥檛 _ . You should _ with everything. 涓夈侀夋嫨閫傚綋鐨勫崟璇嶏紝鐢 纭 殑褰紡濉 銆?beauty care cheer colour hope harm success use delightI had the most _ summer holiday last year be

10、cause I went to visit Disneyland in California. We bought the 3-day passes. The passes were very _ because we did not have to line up for the tickets every day. But of course, we had to be very _ not to lose them. They cost about $ 100 each. They are _ now but I will keep mine. I went to the Sleepin

11、g Beauty Castle. It was very _. The fireworks at night were very _. We could see different colours in the sky. In Mickey鈥檚 Toontown, Mickey Mouse smiled at everyone. He looked very _ and kind. When I saw the line outside the Space Mountain, I thought it was _ to get in that day but, at last, we were

12、 _. The 3-D animals inside looked dangerous but they were _.鍥涖侀 瀛楁瘝濉 銆?May Day holiday is coming. My family are discussing w to do for it. We are planning to travel a . We want to go to Singapore because my dad has g to Singapore for a meeting. He has b there twice. It鈥檚 a nice and clean c . We will

13、 f there next Monday. It will t us about two hours to go there by air. The weather there is very good all year r . We will visit many p of interest in Singapore . I think we will be happy t the whole trip.浜斻侀槄璇荤悊瑙?There are many charity shops in England. They are owned and run by Oxfam and other cha

14、rities. Sometimes all their money goes to help cure a particular disease锛堢壒瀹氱殑鐥咃級 such as cancer . Some other charities use their profits锛堢泩鍒級 to help young homeless people. A charity shop sells many things. For example, you find clothes, board games, china and books there. These second hand items a

15、re given to the shops by people who don鈥檛 need them any more. A family might give old clothes that they wear no more or books that they no longer read to a charity shop. The charity shop doesn鈥檛 pay for these items. The charity shop then sells these goods at a very low price. People often go to these shops to find a bargain. Of

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