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1、 You dont have to wait until your third or fourth year of Medical school to get some hands-on experience! The dean has invited me here to tell you about the universitys rural opportunity program. If you enroll in this program, you can have the opportunity this summer, after your first year of medica

2、l school, to spend from four to six weeks observing and assisting a real physician like me in a small rural community. You wont have to compete with other students for time and attention, and you can see what life as a country doctor is really like. The program was designed to encourage medical stud

3、ents like yourselves to consider careers in rural communities that are still understaffed. It seems that medical students are afraid to go into rural family practice for two reasons. First, they dont know much about it. And second, specialists in the cities usually make more money. But, on the up-si

4、de, in rural practice, doctors can really get to know their patients and be respected members of the community. I participated in the program when it first started and spent six weeks in a small rural town. Let me tell you, it was really great! I got to work with real patients. I watched the birth o

5、f a child, assisted an accident victim, and had lots of really practical hands-on experience - all in one summer. And to my surprise, I found that country life has a lot to offer that city life doesnt - no pollution or traffic jams, for instance!My experience made me want to work where Im needed and

6、 appreciated. I dont miss the city at all!第二篇(选课场景) In the few minutes that remain of todays class, Id like to discuss next weeks schedule with you. Because Im presenting a paper at a conference in Detroit on Thursday, I wont be here for either Wednesdays or Fridays class. I will, however, be here f

7、or Mondays. Next Friday, a week from today, is the midterm exam, marking the halfway point in the semester. Professor Andrews has agreed to administer the exam. In place of the usual Wednesday class, Ive arranged an optional review session. Since it is optional, attendance will not be taken; however

8、, attending the class would be a good idea for those worried about the midterm. So, remember: optional class next Wednesday; midterm, Friday. 第三篇(打工场景) Good afternoon. Im here today to talk to you about a career with our airline. Were especially interested in recruiting people to fill openings for f

9、light attendants. First of all, to work as a flight attendant with us, you must be accepted into our training program - and with so many people applying, its not easy to be selected. From the thousands of applications that we receive annually, we choose fewer than a thousand people for training. So,

10、 we require experience serving the public; and it also helps if youve earned some college credits. Also, not everybody who gets accepted into the training program makes it through. The course meets six days a week for five weeks. The training includes extensive classroom work in such subjects as fir

11、st aid and passenger psychology as well as practical training in flight procedures and meal service. A lot of our graduates say that our fight attendants develop the skills of a nurse, a headwaiter, and a public relations executive!But, as a flight attendant myself, I can say that all of the hard wo

12、rk is worth it. Of course, I get to travel throughout the country, and the airline pays all of my expenses while Im away from my base station. And, what I like best of all is that Ive made friends with people from all over the country!第四篇(Housing场景) I need to make sure you understand how to get hous

13、ing for next year. When you entered as first-year students this year, the school assigned you to a dorm and a roommate, but next year as returning students youll choose both your roommate and your dorm. But whether or not you actually get to live in your first choice depends on what number you or yo

14、ur roommate draws in the lottery system. The system gives priority to the students who have been here longest. Fourth-year students get the first block of numbers, third-years get the second block, and second-years - like youll be - get the third. The lower the number you draw, the sooner you choose

15、. Number one gets the first choice, number two gets the second choice, and so on. You can use either your won or your intended roommates number to make your room choice. If your roommate for next year has been at the school longer than you have, theyll be in a better block of numbers and so will hav

16、e a better number than any second-year student. But most of you will probably be rooming with other second-year students and so neither of you may have a great number. You may not get into your first or even second choice. Of course, if youve made plans to live off campus, you dont need to enter the

17、 lottery at all. Dorm space will be especially tight this year because the dorms on North Campus will be closed for renovations. This means that those of you who draw the worst numbers wont be able to get dorm housing at all. In that case, the housing office will help you find off-campus housing. 人类

18、学类第一篇 Todays lecture will center on prehistoric people of the Nevada desert. Now, most of these prehistoric desert people moved across the countryside throughout the year. You might think that they were wandering aimlessly - far from it! They actually followed a series of carefully planned moves. Wh

19、ere they moved depended on where food was available - places where plants were ripening or fish were spawning. Now often when these people moved, they carried all their possessions on their backs, but if the journey was long, extra food and tools were sometimes stored in caves or beneath rocks. One

20、of these caves is now an exciting archaeological site. Beyond its small opening is a huge underground grotto. Even though the caves very large, it was certainly too dark and dusty for the travelers to live in - but it was a great place to hide things, and tremendous amounts of food supplies and arti

21、facts have been found there. The food includes dried fish, seeds, and nuts. The artifacts include stone spear points and knives; the spear points are actually rather small. Heres a picture of some that were found. You can see their size in relation to the hands holding them. 第二篇 Well, if there are n

22、o more questions I would like to continue our discussion of human evolution by looking at Homo erectus, the earliest of our ancestors who stood upright. Homo erectus lived about one and a half million years ago and was given that name because, at the time the first fossil was discovered, it represen

23、ted the first primate to stand upright. There is evidence now that Homo erectus had sharper mental skills than their predecessors. They constructed the first standardized tool for hunting and butchering. They created an extraordinary stone implement, a large teardrop-shaped hand ax whose design and

24、symmetry reveal a keen sense of aesthetics. This detailing, along with the axs utilitarian value, strongly suggest that Homo erectus had the ability to conceive of and execute a design to specification. In addition, Homo erectus was the first hominid HAH muh nid to use fire. This discovery enticed t

25、hem to cook meat, which they could flavor and keep from spilling by flame, and which paleontologists now believe may have given them a new disease. Some fossil bones of Homo erectus are grossly deformed, and paleontologists have noted that this condition is similar to that found in people today who

26、have been exposed to chronic overdoses of vitamin A. Apparently Homo erectus first got this disease by eating large amounts of animal liver. 第三篇 I understand your professor has been discussing several Eastern Woodland Indian tribes in your study of Native American cultures. As you have probably lear

27、ned, the Eastern Woodland Indians get their name from the forest-covered areas of the Eastern United States where they lived. The earliest Woodland cultures date back 9,000 years, but the group well focus on dates back only to about 700 A.D. We now call these Native Americans the Mississippian cultu

28、re, because they settled in the Mississippi River valley. This civilization is known for its flat-topped monuments called temple mounds. They were made of earth and used as temples and official residences. The temple mounds were located in the central square of the city, with the huts of the townspe

29、ople built in rows around the plaza. The Mississippian people were city dwellers. But some city residents earned their living as farmers, tending the fields of corn, beans, and squash that surrounded the city. The citys artisans made arrowheads, leather goods, pottery, and jewelry. Traders came from

30、 far away to exchange raw materials for these items. In the slides Im about to show, you will see models of a Mississippian city. 历史类第一篇(舞蹈) Good evening. My name is Pam Jones, and on behalf of the Modern Dance club, Id like to welcome you to tonights program. The club is pleased to present the TV v

31、ersion of The Catherine Wheel, Twyla Tharps rock ballet. This video version of the ballet has been even more successful with audiences than the original theater production - it includes some animation, slow motion, and stop-action freezes that really help the audience understand the dance. The title of the piece refers to Saint Catherine, who died on a wheel in 307 A.D. Nowadays, a Catherine wheel is also a kind of firework - it looks something like a pinwh

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