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1、Lets play 让我们玩My names Lily. 我的名字是莉莉。8Lets learn. 让我们学习。bag (书)包pen 钢笔pencil box 铅笔盒book 书Oh, no! 哦,不!Zoom! your bag! 祖姆!你的包!s do 让我们做Open your pencil box. 打开你的铅笔盒。Show me your pen. 让我看看你的钢笔。Close your book. 把书合上。Carry your bag. 携带你的包。9Start to read 开始阅读Circle the same letters. 把相同的字母圈起来。Read and co

2、unt. 阅读和计算。eraser 橡皮10s check 让我们检查Listen and number. 听和数。Look and match. 看一看。Lets sing 让我们唱Hello, Sarah! 您好!莎拉。Do, oh, do. 做(干),哦,做。11Story time故事时间 您好! Whos there? 你好!谁在那里?Guess! 猜!Are you Tutu? 你是图图?No! 不!Haha! Im Zip! 哈哈!我是哲珀!Hi, Zip! My names Zoom. 嗨,邮编!我的名字是祖姆。Lets play! Ok? 让我们玩!好啊?Great! 太好了

3、!12-13Unit Two Colours 单元2 颜色Lets paint! 让我们画!Good afternoon, Yifan. 下午好,一帆。Good afternoon. 下午好。Ok! 好啊。Dad, this is Mr Jones. 爸爸,这是琼斯先生。Nice to meet you. 见到您很高兴。Nice to meet you, too. 认识你我也很高兴.14Mr Jones, this is Miss Green. 琼斯先生,这是格林小姐。Good morning. Miss Green. 早上好,格林小姐。 Good morning. 早上好。Draw and

4、say 绘画并说This is Miss Green. 这是格林小姐。This is Miss Jones. 这是琼斯先生。15Lets learn 让我们学习I see green. 我看到绿色。I see red. 我看到红色。red 红色yellow 黄色green 绿色blue 蓝色Lets do 让我们做Show me green. 我的绿。Show me red. 我的红。Show me blue. 我的蓝。Show me yellow. 我的黄。16Letters and sounds 字母和发音Listen, repeat and chant 听,重复和唱ant 蚂蚁apple

5、 苹果bag 书包cat 猫duck 鸭子dog 狗Listen and circle 听和圈圈Write and say 写和说17Hi, Mum. This is Wu yifan. 您好!妈妈。这是吴一凡。Good afternoon,Wu yifan. 下午好,吴一凡。Good afternoon,Nice to meet you. 下午好!见到你很高兴。Nice to meet you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。Good afternoon, Chen Jie. This is Zoom. 下午好,陈洁。这是祖姆。Hello, Zoom! This is Zip. 你好,祖姆!这

6、是哲珀。Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。Nice to meet you,too. 见到你我也很高兴. 18Colour it brown! 把它涂成棕色吧! 好(啊)。black 黑色white 白色orange 橙色brown 棕色Stand up. 站起来。Sit down. 坐下。Touch the ground. 接触地面。Turn around. 回头。19Find and say 找到并说I see C, a, D 我看到C,a,D Read and tick 阅读并勾选20Listen and tick or cross. 听并打勾或叉。Match and c

7、olour. 匹配颜色。Lets sing. 让我们唱。Colour song 颜色歌Red and yellow and pind and green, 红色、黄色、粉红色和绿色,Purple and orange and blue. 紫色、橙色和蓝色。I can sing a rainbow, 我可以唱出一道彩虹,sing a rainbow, 唱出一道彩虹,Sing a rainbow now. 唱出一道彩虹吧。21Story time 故事时间Good morning, Zoom. 早上好,祖姆。Good morning, Zip. 早上好,哲珀。How are you? 你身体好吗?

8、Fine, thank you. 很好,谢谢。Wow! Flowers! 真的。花!A red flower. 一朵红色的花。A yellow flower. 一朵黄色的花。A blue flower. 一朵蓝色的花。Zip, look! 哲珀,看!Zoom, look! 祖姆,看!22-23Unit Three Look at me! 单元3 看着我!Lets play ! 让我们玩! 你好吗?Im fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你。Look at my nose! 看看我的鼻子!Very well, thanks. 很好,谢谢。24Lets go to school! 我们

9、一起去学校吧! Hello! 您好。您好。25Lood at me! This is my face. 看我的!这是我的脸。ear 耳朵eye 眼睛nose 鼻子mouth 嘴face 脸Close your eyes. 闭上你的眼睛。Open your mouth. 张开你的嘴巴。Touch your nose. 触摸你的鼻子。Touch your ear. 摸摸你的耳朵。Touch your face. 触摸你的脸。26Letters and sounds 字母和发音Listen, repeat and chant. 听,重复和唱。egg 鸡蛋elephant 大象foot 脚gift 礼

10、物hand 手hi 喂ice crdeam 冰淇淋ice 冰Listen and circle. 听和圈圈。27Hi, Mike! How are you? 嗨,迈克!你好吗?Lets make a puppet! 让我们做一个木偶! 太好了。Hi, John! 嗨,约翰!Hi, Chen Jie! 嗨,陈洁!Im fine. 我很好。28This is the arm. 这是手臂。This is the leg. 这是腿。head 头arm 臂(胳膊)body 身体leg 腿Clap your hands. 拍拍你的手。Touch your head. 摸摸你的头。Wave your arm

11、s. 挥挥你的手臂。Shake your legs. 摇摇你的腿。Shake your body. 摇摇你的身子。Stamp your foot. 跺跺你的脚。29Start to read 开始阅读Find and say. 找到并说。I see E, i 我看到E,iRead and count 阅读和计算arm 臂30Listen and number 听和数Look and match 看和比赛Lets sing. 让我们唱。Head and shoulders, knees and toes. 头和肩膀,膝盖和脚趾。Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

12、眼睛、耳朵、嘴巴和鼻子。31Lets make a puppet. 让我们一起做个木偶吧。Good idea! 好主意!First, make the head. 首先,做头部。Then, make the body. 然后,做身体。Look! An arm and a leg. 看看!一只胳膊和一条腿。Lets play with the puppet. 让我们玩儿木偶吧。 再见了!32-33Recycle 1 复习1Read aloud朗读Morning 早上Good morning. Im Chen Jie. 早上好.我是陈洁。This is Sarah.这是莎拉My names Zip

13、. 我的名字是哲珀。Im Zoom. 我是祖姆White hands? 白色的手吗?Brown arms? 褐色手臂 Zoom and Zip! 看!祖姆和哲珀!Hey! 嘿!Bye! 再见。Can you act it out? 你能表现出来?Listen and colour. 听录音并图颜色。Look and tick. 看并打勾。I see 我知道a yellow body 一个黄色的身体a red body 一个红色的身体blue arms 蓝色手臂brown arms 褐色手臂a red mouth 一个红色的嘴a white mouth 一个白色的嘴 orange eyes 橙色

14、的眼睛black eyes 黑色的眼睛34Go up the ladders, Go down the snakes. 爬梯子,跟着蛇。Miss Green 格林小姐Finish 结束ENGLISH 英语Start 开始35Match, write and read aloud. 比赛,书写并大声朗读。Sing a song 唱一首歌 你身体好吗?Hello, Mike. Hello, Chen Jie. 你好,麦克。您好,陈洁。Hello, hello!您好!This is Mary. This is Willy. 这是玛丽。这是威利。Nice to meet you. How are yo

15、u? 见到你很高兴。Im fine. Im fine. 我很好。我很好。Thand you, thank you very much. 谢谢你,非常感谢你。36-37Unit Four we love animals 单元4 我们爱动物Look, a panda! 看,一头(大)熊猫!Whats that? 这是什么?Its an elephant. 它是一头大象。Cool! I like it. 酷!我喜欢。Look, Zoom. 看,祖姆。Whats this?Its a bear. 这是一头熊。38Its a duck. (它)是一只鸭子。Its a dog. 这是一只狗。 Its a

16、bear. 哦,不!这是一头熊。Oh, its Zoom! 哦,这是祖姆!Quack! 嘎嘎!Woof! 汪!39pig 猪bear 熊Its a duck. 这是一只鸭子。Lets chant 让我们唱Look at the cat. It is fat. 看看那只猫。它是胖的。Look at the pig. It is big. 看这只猪。它是大的。Look at the dog. Its on the log. 看那只狗。它在原木上。Look at the duck. Its in the truck. 看那只鸭子。它在车里。Look at the bear. Its on the p

17、ear. 看那只熊。它坐在梨上。Oops! 哎哟!40jeep 吉普 jump 跳kite 风筝kate 和long 长的mun 妈milk 牛奶noodles 面条Write and say. 写和说。41 那是啥?A bear? 熊? Its a panda. 不!它是一头(大)熊猫。Look!Afunny dog! 看看!一个有趣的狗!我喜欢它。 那是什么?Its a panda. I like it. 它是一只熊猫。Thanks. 谢谢。42Its a tiger! 它是一只老虎!zoo 动物园bird 鸟panda (大)熊猫tiger 老虎monkey 猴子Lets do 让我们做

18、Act like an elephant. 扮演像一头大象。Act like a bird. 扮演像一只鸟。Act like a monkey. 扮演像一只猴子。Act like a tiger. 扮演像一只老虎。Act like a panda. 扮演像一头熊猫。43I see K, j 我看到K,j44Lets check 让我们检查Look and match. 看和匹配。duck 鸭Lets sing. 让我们唱。Old MacDonald 老麦克唐纳德Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. 老麦克唐纳德有一个农场,咿呀-咿呀-呦。And on tha

19、t farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O. 在他的农场里有一些鸭子,咿呀-咿呀-呦。With a quack quack here and a quack quack there. 这里有嘎嘎叫,那里也嘎嘎叫。Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack quack. 这里嘎嘎叫,那里嘎嘎叫,到处嘎嘎嘎嘎。45Hello, pig! Follow me! 你好,猪!跟我来!Hello, Dog! Follow pig. Follow me! 你好,狗!跟着猪。Hello,Duck! Follow Zoom. Fol

20、low pig. Follow me! 你好,鸭!跟着祖姆。Hello, Rabbit! Follow Zoom. Follow pig. Follow Dog. Follow me!你好,兔子!跟着狗。跟我来.I have a carrot. Follow me! 我有一个胡萝卜。Follow Zip! 跟着哲珀! 跟我来!46-47Unit Five Lets eat! 单元5 让我们吃!Id like some bread, please. 请给我一些面包。Can I have some milk? 我可以喝些牛奶吗?Here you are. 给你。Youre welcome. 不客气

21、。Have some cake. 吃点儿蛋糕。Thank you. 谢谢你。48Id like some juice, please. 请给我一些果汁。Have some bread, too. 也吃一些面包。Id like some bread. 我想要一些面包。Id like some bread and eggs. 我想要一些面包和鸡蛋。Id like some bread, eggs and juice. 我想吃些面包,鸡蛋和果汁。49Mum, Im hungry! 妈,我饿了。Have some bread. 吃一些面包。juice 果汁egg (鸡)蛋bread 面包Have some eggs. 吃一些鸡蛋。

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