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Lecture 5 British Society and Culture文档格式.docx

1、 Social Class System2. Way of Life Family and Childcare Housing Food Religion【教学难点】Society 【计划课时】 4 periods【主要内容】British society today is known for its multicultural climate, which gives strength and diversity to all aspects of British culture. People enjoy various indoor and outdoor activities in B

2、ritain. Some visit places of entertainment and cultural activity such as the theatre or a library. Many go on day trips, or away on holidays. Other activities involve interaction with technology, such as watching television and listening to the radio, and more recently the Internet. Although modern

3、technology seems ever present in everyday life, traditional forms of leisure, such as reading books or going to the cinema, remain popular. Many individuals participate in sports and physical activities in their leisure time, spend time with friends and family, help other people or participate in re

4、ligious worship. Throughout the year the British celebrate many holidays which reflect the religious, historical, social and cultural diversity of their country. The holidays provide an opportunity for families and friends to get together to visit, eat, exchange gifts and good wishes. The food and d

5、rinks in Britain are very special and traditional. More recently, the British diet has been enriched by the vast array of ethnic foods from many different countries, from Indian and Italian to Chinese and Thai. Besides, Britain is a tea-drinking nation. Sometimes it seems that they are always drinki

6、ng tea. Tea break, afternoon tea, high tea, tea time, tea party, tea towel and many more terms have derived from the tradition of drinking tea.The media are central to British leisure culture. Not only do the British use the media for entertainment, the media also have many other functions. Newspape

7、rs and radio and TV programs, for example, provide British people with information about political and social issues; provide weather reports; carry advertising; and provide a forum for people to write letters or phone in to express their views or seek advice. The media also play an important role i

8、n engendering a national culture. Even though the people live in very different environments, if ever they were to meet, they could discuss what they had read or seen and this would remind them that as people living in Britain they are all part of a particular culture.The British also have some cust

9、oms and etiquette that are different to those in other countries. In a British wedding ceremony, many traditions are followed. In Britain, people are judged by their table manners, especially when eating out or attending formal functions.1) Characters of British PeopleA. ExclusivenessThe best-known

10、quality of British people and, in particular, of the English people is their exclusiveness. This means, “I am English. You stay away from me. I am exclusive. I am quite happy to be myself. I do not need you. Leave me alone.” Perhaps there are many reasons. Of these reasons, two are very important. O

11、ne is the special geographical location of Britain. Britain is an island country which is cut off, separated and isolated from the rest of the world. The other is the distinct development of its history. British people are very proud of their history. B. ConservativenessBritish people think their wa

12、y of doing things is always the best, and always the most normal. So they are not very interested in new ideas. They are very careful towards new things. They will say, “Be careful. It might be dangerous”. There are many examples to show this. They did not adopt the metric system until 1975 and the

13、monetary system until 1971 though they had suffered inconvenience from adhering to the old ways. Furthermore, the public attitude to the monarchy illustrates their conservativeness. Most British people hold an affection and reverence for it. You seldom hear them complaining about the high cost of th

14、e trappings马衣;马饰and the royal yacht of the monarchy. In fact you can perceive many sound and reasonable arguments in favor of the monarchy. For the majority of people, they accept it and take it for granted. Another example is that British people do not accept change because they are told so. They f

15、avor the old ways. When central heating was developed in the USA, the English people thought this was a horrible thing. Until 1960, they continued to have the fireplace in most towns.C. Reserve/ Stiff Upper Lip Generally, British people tend to be a very reserved people. Since they are not immediate

16、ly friendly and open with strangers, they seem to be difficult to get to know. They are not the kind of people to embrace friends with open arms and are offended by body contact, such as kissing and hugging, when meeting others. At an early age, children are taught to control their feelings and keep

17、 a “stiff upper lip”. D. Politeness In Britain, all politeness is based on the basic rule of showing consideration for others. British people do not readily ask you to do anything inconvenient for them. They prefer to wait for such service to be offered, rather than ask for it. Sometimes they make o

18、ffers simply out of politeness, not really expecting them to be accepted, so you reject the offers with the same politeness. Besides, British people are quite particular about table manners. When you are invited to dinner in a persons home, you should not arrive early since the hostess is preparing

19、for your visit. Ten minutes late is excellent. At table, it is advisable to sit up straight, copy everyone else, gaily asking what to do if you are not sure and keep the conversation going. As to when to leave, there is no rule, but it is most impolite to say too late. British people usually do not

20、cry and shout in public. They do not cry in public even if they are very unhappy. If they say good-bye to their intimate friends, or even their mothers, they may try not to cry. If they cant help crying, they must cover their faces with their hands or handkerchiefs to restrain their feelings. Despit

21、e the very British reserve, the British are tremendously generous and hospitable. After being introduced, they will genuinely go to great lengths to make both friends and strangers feel at home.E. Sense of HumorThe British have a wonderful sense of humor. The humor is a rather gentle, subtle humor,

22、often directed against themselves. An Englishman laughs at his own faults, his own shortcomings, his own failures and his own embarrassment. He even laughs at his own ideals. This is an attitude towards life rather than the mere ability to laugh at jokes. This attitude is never cruel or disrespectfu

23、l or even malicious.F. Love of Privacy The British cherish their own space and privacy much more than Americans do. People who live in crowed apartment buildings or dense urban areas like to feel that their space is their own, so they do not usually mix freely with their neighbors. It is not uncommo

24、n for people to live next door to each other for years and never exchange more than a polite greeting or know anything about each others private lives. When people travel by bus or train, however crowed the conditions, each person keeps to himself, reading a book or newspaper and rarely conserving w

25、ith his fellow travelers. In fact, he might consider it to be quite an imposition if a stranger tried to strike up a conversation with him.2) Manners and Etiquette Good manners are very important to the British. Table manners are one of the first social behaviors taught to young children. DOs and DO

26、NTS (Taboos) in England Do stand in line: In England we like to form orderly queues (standing in line) and wait patiently for our turn e.g. boarding a bus. It is usual to queue when required, and expected that you will take your correct turn and not push in front. Queue jumping is frowned upon. Do t

27、ake your hat off when you go indoors (men only) : It is impolite for men to wear hats indoors especially in churches. Nowadays, it is becoming more common to see men wearing hats indoors. However, this is still seen as being impolite, especially to the older generations. Do say Excuse Me“: If someon

28、e is blocking your way and you would like them to move, say excuse me and they will move out of your way. Do Pay as you Go: Pay for drinks as you order them in pubs and other types of bars. Please and Thank you: It is very good manners to say pleasethank you. It is considered rude if you dont. You w

29、ill notice in England that we say thank you a lot. Do cover your Mouth: When yawning or coughing always cover your mouth with your hand. Do Shake Hands: When you are first introduced to someone, shake their right hand with your own right hand. Do say sorry: If you accidentally bump into someone, say

30、 sorry. They probably will too, even if it was your fault! This is a habit and can be seen as very amusing by an outsider. Do Smile: A smiling face is a welcoming face. Do Drive on the left side of the road Do open doors for other people Men and women both hold open the door for each other. It depen

31、ds on who goes through the door first.= Do not greet people with a kiss:We only kiss people who are close friends and relatives. Avoid talking loudly in public It is impolite to stare at anyone in public.Privacy is highly regarded. Do not ask a lady her ageIt is considered impolite to ask a lady her age Do not pick your nose in public:We are disgusted by this. If your nostrils need de-bugging, use a handkerchief.

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