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1、 The main idea of this passage is A. New fashions in clothes reflect the qualities of women. New fashions in clothing are created solely for commercial exploitation of women.C. The top designers seem to have the right to creating new fashion.D. Men have the basic quality of reliability.2. Why do the

2、 general appearance of actresses look ludicrous?A. Because they want their appearance in the fashion. Because the top designers want them to follow the fashion.C. Because the top designers want them to make fashion.D. Because the top designers want them to lead the fashion.3. Why are women merciless

3、ly exploited by the fashion designers?A. They love new fashion. . They love new clothes.C. They want to look beautiful. D. They are too vain.4. What are fashion designers interested in?A. Outward appearance. . Comfort.C. Beauty. D. Durability.Vocabularydated 过时的decree 法令,命令dictatorial 专制的,惟我独尊的arbit

4、rary 任意的,专横的5. take exception (at 生气,发怒6. take exception to (against 对提出异议7. dictates (pl意旨,命令,指令8. squander 浪费9. hem 褶边,折缝,镶边10. flimsy 薄的,没有价值的11. dainty 雅致的,讲究的12. fickle 易变的,轻浮的13. bully 欺负14. lay down the law 制定法律)这里指服装设计师发号施令或定出条条框框难句译注 制定法律。这里指:发号施令或定出条条框框。Next year the law is reversed and fa

5、r from taking exception, no one is even mildly surprised.参考译文 第二年,条例又反过来,人们远没有生气,甚至连稍稍的惊讶都没有。写作方法和文章大意文章论述“妇女时装更新”问题,采用因果,对比手法。先从男女演员服装的差异,谈到服装设计师年年变更样式,风格。妇女不顾一切的追随,甘愿被剥削的根源。而男人却能淡然处之。答案祥解B. 创制新时装就是对妇女的商业性剥削。答案遍及全文。也有几段突出描述。如:第二段第四句“每年,巴黎,伦敦的一些所谓高级设计师定出条条框框,全世界妇女竞相服从。设计师的条令难以预测,说一不二。”第三段“要说妇女年年被无情的

6、剥削之事,只能怪她们自己。由于她们一想起在公共场所穿着过失的衣服就会发抖,所以他们每年都被设计师和大商店讹诈勒索)”第四段:“许多妇女每年)浪费大笔钱财来置换她们从未穿过的服装,时装变化就是故意创造浪费。”A. 时装反映妇女的秉性。这是在最后一段结论中提及,不是中心思想。 D. 男人具有可靠性的基本素质。不对。C. 高级设计师似乎有权创造新款式。这是作者在批评设计者。D. 因为高级设计师请她们领导时装潮流。只是常识,设计师新颖服装的推出,首先是让演员试装等于时装模特的效用,掀起可以领导时装的新潮流。A. 他们要打扮入时,这只是演员的一方面。 B. 随大流。 C. 作作样子。 都是不对的。D.

7、他们太好虚荣。 这在文章的好几段内都提到。如第一题中的第二段,三段,四段的参考译文。如第三段后半部分“只穿了几次的衣服就因为时尚的命令而弃之一边。当你想到只有妇女能站在堆满衣服的衣柜前,悲哀的诉说她没有衣服穿。”第四段的后半段“花不起大笔钱财买衣服的妇女会花上好几个小时把他们已有的衣服换来换去”。第五段后半部分“男人一生中经常可以看到大冬天妇女颤抖在薄薄的衣衫中,或者穿着精致的鞋在雪地上选路走,这都令他们发笑”。最后一段结论,画龙点睛的以问点明“经常不断的换时装。人们不禁要问,这是不是反映了妇女轻浮和易变的基本素质秉性)?A. 她们爱新时尚; B. 她们爱新衣服; C. 她们想瞧着美。这三项只

8、是虚荣的部分组成。A. 外观。答案在第五段“没有人认为时装工业为社会作过真正的贡献。时装设计师很少关心保暖,舒服和耐穿这类紧要的事,他们只是对外观感性趣,他们利用了妇女的心理:只要看着美,她们能忍受一切The smuggler in many ways is just another international businessman and his turnover would do credit to many international corporations. His business happens to be illegal and risky, but look at the

9、stakes involved: $5 billion worth of heroin smuggled into the United States each year, and $1.5 billion in gold passing annually along smuggling pipelines to India and Indonesia, to France and Morocco, to Brazil and Turkey. Perhaps half of all the watches made in Switzerland reach their eventual wea

10、rers by some back door. Most of this illicit trade is carried on with all the efficiency of any multinational company. Entirely legitimate businesses, such as a travel bureau or an import-export agency, are also often fronts for smuggling organizations. One of the worlds largest gold smugglers also

11、owned and operated the franchise for a leading make of British cars in a small Middle Eastern country. He made a good profit from both activities.A smuggling syndicate operates much like any other business. The boss is really a chief executive. He makes all the plans, establishes international conta

12、cts, and thinks up the smuggling routes and method but remains aloof from actual operations. He is aided by a handful of managers looking after such specialties as financing, travel (one reason why many smuggling syndicates find it handy to have their own travel agency, the bribing of airline or cus

13、toms officials, and recruitment of couriers, or mules as they are called. There may also be someone in charge of local arrangements in the countries to which the smuggled goods is going.Another similarity between legitimate business and its illegal counterpart is price fluctuation. Just as the price

14、s of products traded legally vary with quality and market conditions such as supply and demand, so do the prices of goods go up and down in the smuggling trade. Consider the price of drugs. Heroin and cannabis, in whatever form or by whatever name, cone in several grades, each with a going price. Th

15、e wholesale price at which big dealers sell to big dealers is less than the street price. When the authorities are successful in reducing the supply buy seizures, the price of all grades rises.The main idea for this passage is A. The Comparison between Legitimate Business and Its Illegal Counterpart

16、. The similarities between Legitimate Business and Smuggling.C. Smugglers May Make Great Profit from Both Activities.D. The Boss in Smuggling Syndicate is a Chief Executive.When is the price going down?A. The quality of the foods and market condition are not very well. The quality of goods and marke

17、t condition vary.C. Unbalance between supply and demand.D. The price of other goods fluctuates.It can be inferred that a smugglerA. may make plan and establish international contacts. is a real boss.C. may make money in different ways .D. may sell other goods.One of the best ways smugglers usually t

18、ake is A. to set up multinational companies. to engage in illegal businesses only.C. to make legitimate businesses as fronts for smuggling organizations.D. to make good profits from both activities.turnover 营业额do credit to 增光于某人/某物stake 下在投机生意上的股本,赌注smuggling pipeline 走私线路speciality 专业部门,公司recruit 招

19、募,添补新兵)The smuggler in many ways is just another international businessman and his turnover would do credit to many international corporations.结构简析 并列句参考译文 走私者在许多方面就像一个国际商人,而他的营业额确为许多国际公司增光。写作方法与文章大意这是一篇介绍走私集团的文章,采用对比写法正常合法)的商业和走私非法)集团的对比。第一段第一句就点明宗旨:走私者在许多方面就像一个国际商人,而他的营业额确为许多国际公司增光。不仅如此,有的也经营合法商业,如旅游,进出口公司等,这些往往是非法走私组织的前哨阵地。第二段介绍了走私辛迪加的经营情况非常类似其他商业。老板就是真正的执行)董事长。他制定计划,签定国际合同,确定走私路线和方法但不参与具体执行行动。有一批经理助他管理

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