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1、The panda is native to China. 熊猫原产于中国个体名词含义1:具体的人或物,作为个体存在的。We have been good friends for twenty years.I had a dream last week.个体名词含义2:也可指抽象事物。There are still many problems. 现在仍然有许多问题 个体名词含义3:个体名词有复数,可以和冠词连用。3.2可数名词中的集体名词group(小组) cast演员(总称) army(军队) audience(听众) family(家庭) 集体名词是由个体组成的集体。3.2.1一般来说,集

2、体名词被视为整体时做单数;强调其成员时做复数:单数: His family isnt large. 他家族不大。复数: His family are all sport lovers 他家人都喜欢运动。 The public was unlikely to support it.公众支持它的可能性不大。 The public were fooled by the newspapers. 公众被报纸愚弄3.2.2 特殊用法例一:two people两个人 two peoples两个民族 people指“人们”时是集体名词,只能做复数;指“民族”时可做单数:例二:The police are lo

3、oking for him. A policeman is there. 一个警察在那。此类集体名词加the表“全体。”,如the cattle牛群;the England英格兰人。例三:常做复数的词。a pair of pants(短)裤子 / trousers裤子 / glasses眼镜 / scissors剪刀 shoes鞋子 socks袜子 3.2.3一些集体名词后做单复数皆可The audience was/were excited by the show. 观众对演出深感激动。3.3不可数名词中的物质名词beer啤酒 water水 cheese奶酪 cake蛋糕 rain雨 hai

4、r头发 sugar糖一般来说,物质名词是不可数的,没有复数形式。3.3.1特殊情况:Two coffees,please. 请给我两杯咖啡。Three beers,please. 一杯,一份It is a special tea. 这是一种特别的茶。 一种It is the time of the spring rains. 现在是春天雨季。Here are the snows of last year. 这是去年的积雪。 特殊含义 双面词: 物质名词 个体名词 glass玻璃 a glass 一个玻璃杯 paper纸 a paper一张报纸,试卷,论文 wood木头 a wood树林 gol

5、d 金子 a gold金牌 iron 铁 a iron 熨斗 fish鱼肉 a fish一条鱼 chicken鸡肉 a chicken一只小鸡3.4不可数名词中的抽象名词多数情况下,抽象名词是单数,不加任何冠词.Safety first!安全第一!He is learning English for fun. 抽象名词 个体名词 work工作 a work一部作品 room空间 a room一间房间 youth青春 a youth 青年人 beauty美 a beauty美人,美的东西 pleasure高兴 a pleasure 使人感到愉快的事 power力量 a power大国 可数名词

6、不可数名词 a job一件工作 work工作 a laugh一个笑声 laughter笑声 a bag(case)一件行李 luggage,baggage行李 a loaf一个面包 bread面包 a permit许可证 permission允许4冠词4.1 定义 冠词是英语中的一类特殊的虚词,只能与名词一起使用,且位于名词前。例: an apple, a picture, the book。4.2 不定冠词不定冠词a / an 表示一类事物中泛指的某一事物,后接可数名词单数如a map, an eye1.定冠词a用于以辅音音素开头的单词前;如a phone, a city, a countr

7、y.2.定冠词an用于以元音音素开头的单词前;如an airplane, an onion, an ear.注意:an用于以元音音素开头的单词前,而不是元音字母开头的单词前。 如university,第一个字母u是元音字母,但单词发音的一个音素是j, 所以要用a, 而不是an; 又如hour, 第一个字母h是辅音字母,因首字母h不发音,单词发音的第一个音素是a, 所以用an; 又如there is “n” in the word. 因字母n的发音第一个音素是e, 故应填an, 而不是a.3.用于表示一类人或事物;如an elephant is bigger than a horse.4.指某一

8、类人或事物中的一个;如she is a teacher.I just bought a new dictionary.5.泛指某一个人或事物;如A man is waiting for you at the school gate. 相当于“one”;6.文中第一次提及某人或事物;如There is a bridge over the river,and the bridge was built in 1898.7.表示单位,意思是“每一”;Myfriendcallsmeonceaweek.我朋友一周打一次电话给我。8.用在表示职业或身份的名词前。motherisanofficeworker.

9、我的妈妈是办公室职员。9.用在what引导的感叹句中的单数可数名词前。Whatdifficultproblem!多么难的问题啊!10.难点在不定冠词用于固定短语中Take a break, have a walk, have a great time, make a mistake, make a face做鬼脸,a number of, have a cold, do someone a favor帮助某人=help someone out.havegoodtime过得愉快makenoise 弄出噪音 havedrink喝do someones a favor帮某人忙 see a movie

10、看电影 as a rule照例 in a hurry赶快实战演练:Let me buy you beer/chocolate/sandwich.Two (coffee),please. Mr. Green called thsi morning.The Greens are sitting at the table.4.3定冠词定冠词用于特指某一个或某些事物,可用于不可数名词、可数名词单数、可数名词复数前;如,the food, the earth, the buildings.1.第一次在文中提及某人或某物用不定冠词,而第二次提到则用定冠词;I bought a dictionary yes

11、terday, and the dictionary is very useful.2.虽然是第一次提及某人或某物,但说话双方均知其所指,也应用定冠词;Please turn off the lights before you leave.3.世上独一无二的天体等名词前应加定冠词,如the earth, the moon, the sun;There are nine planets around the sun. a big red sun a new moon 形容词修饰时例外4.在序数词、形容词比较级和最高级前要用定冠词;If you turn right at the second c

12、rossing of this street, you can see the bookstore is on the left.He is the taller of the two children.That is the best lesson Ive ever had.Youre the only one I want. (the last最近、最后/same/next/right/wrong)注意在序数词的含义不是顺序中的第一第二,而其意在于再学一个,再来一个是,应用a;I want to learn a second language this term.5.在河流名称前应加定冠词

13、;(专有名词大写首字母)The Yellow River is the longest river in China.6.在形容词前加定冠词表示一类人,在姓的前面加定冠词,(在姓的后加s)表示某一家;The sick are lying on the ground.如:The poor/rich/old/blind/unknown/disabledThe Blacks are going to move to New York.7.物质名词特指时也应加定冠词;动词+sb. +介词+the+人体某一部位。I like to eat bread for breakfast,because the

14、bread tastes so good.A flying stone hit me on the head while I was passing by.8.在地点、时间、方向、方位前应用定冠词,如in the west, in the direction, in the past, in the future;The sun rises in the east.He could speak English at the age of four9.在特指和专有的事物或名称前,某类属的全体要加定冠词;Do you know who invented the telephone?The Smit

15、h you are looking for no longer lives here.The Tibet of today is not what it was 20 years ago.The pen is mightier than the sword. 文字的力量超过武器10.惯用法the same, the only, the very前的定冠词不可换为不定冠词;Last summer, I went to the same city as she did.11.计量单位:by the +单数名词Im paid by the hour/day/week/month/year.Eggs

16、are sold by the dozen.12.乐器前要加定冠词,而球类棋类游戏前则不加;I have two pen pals(笔友).One of them likes playing the guitar, and the other likes playing chess.13.用在固定搭配中。intheend最后byway顺便说一下4.4 零冠词A表示以某种交通工具去,用“名词”,名词必须用单数形式,并且在它前面不能加任何冠词。By car/bus/taxi/subway-ride a bike/take a bus/take the subwayIusuallygotoschoo

17、lbike.我通常骑自行车去学校。B. 在季节、月份、星期几等名词前。in September(专有名词大写首字母)Therearefourseasonsyear.Theyspring,summer,autumnandwinter.一年有四季,它们是春、夏、秋、冬。doyouoftenonSundays?周日你经常做什么?on WednesdayC. 在表示体育运动的名词前。WeplayfootballFridayafternoon.周五下午我们通常踢足球。D. 在表示一般意义而不是特指的可数名词复数和不可数名词前。WatchingTVtoomuchbadforyourhealth.看电视过多

18、有害你的健康。E. 在序数词前出现形容词性物主代词或名词所有格时,序数词前不加冠词。ThisherthirdHainan.这是她第三次去海南。F. 在三餐和表示学科的名词之前。Hehadlunchatyesterday.他昨天在学校吃的午饭。study mathG.在某些固定词组或习语中。hospital在医院 atschool在学校 home在家4.5冠词有无的区别英文中很多普通名词都有这种用法,一个需要加冠词,另一个不加冠词。1.winter词组in the winter是特指的某个冬天比如:In the winter,I came to Harbin for the first time

19、.这个冬天,我第一次来到了哈尔滨而 in winter是泛指冬天It always snows in Harbin in winter.哈尔滨的冬天总会下雪.2.go to school 词组He goes to school by bus every day. (他每天坐公共汽车去上学)You send a boy to school. (你送孩子去上学)They come home from school at three. (他们三点钟放学回家)What do you do before school? (上学之前你打算做什么?)School begins at eight. (学校从八

20、点起开始上课)I went to the school to see the results of the entrance examination. (我到学校去看入学考试的成绩)He lives opposite the school. (他就住在学校对面)I always take my lunch at the school. (我通常都在学校吃午饭)You will find them in the school between 8 A.M. and 4 P.M. (在上午八点到下午四点的时候,你可以在学校里找到他们)3.Hospital(医院):He is now in hospi

21、tal. (他现在进了医院)He is one of the patients at the hospital. (他是这家医院里的病人之一)4.Market(市场):Mother has gone to market. (母亲去市场了)Is it far from here to the market? (从这里到市场远么?5.Table(桌子):They were at table when I went in. (我进去时他们正在吃饭)The supper is on the table. (晚饭在桌子上)总结:不加THE的情况通常指的是享受该场所所提供的特定功能。如go to hosp

22、ital是(病人)去住院的意思,而加了THE就只是进入医院里(可以是看望病人,也可以在医院上班,就像医生)。6.例外:比如到戏院去看戏,虽然是戏院的本意,但是仍然要加 the,从而说成 go to the theatre(去看戏),go to the cinema(去看电影),go to the movies(去看电影)。7. Spring 当讨论具体季节、日期和中国传统节日时常用定冠词,否则不加冠词。I dont like the spring of Beijing.The Mid-Autumn Festival,the Spring Festival and the Lantern Fes

23、tival are three important traditional Chinese festivals.冠词填空:These cakes are tasty.Would you like third one?This is most useful book for English learners.用any/any other 填空并改错:She is taller than boy in his class. She is taller than girl in his class. 5冠词与名词融合 要根据表达内容选用冠词:The tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.老虎正面临灭绝的危险。这里不能用a tiger,因为濒临灭绝的是整个虎类,而不是任何一支老虎。普通名词前使用冠词的类指用法

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