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1、 15. dolphin 海豚 16. pool 池塘 17. cute 娇小伶俐的(近义词clever) 18. restaurant 饭店 19. ask 问(反义词answer) 20. dark 黑暗的(反义词bright) 21. giraffe 长颈鹿 22. naughty 调皮的 23. laugh 大笑 (微笑smile) 1. different animals 不同的动物 2. look at a map of the zoo 看一张动物园的地图 3. on our right 在我们右边(on our/the left) 4. after that 从那以后 5. wa

2、lk along Winter Lane 沿着Winter 路走 6. a visit to Ocean Word 参观海洋世界 7. sea animals 海洋动物 8. at Ocean World 在海洋世界 9. in a big pool 在大池塘里 10. twelve fifteen 十二点一刻(a quarter past 12) 11. look for a restaurant 寻找饭店 12. get to the restaurant 到达饭店 13. make us laugh 让我们大笑 1. Peter meets his friends at the zoo.

3、 Peter在动物园见他的朋友。 2. They are looking at a map of the zoo. 他们在看一张动物园的地图。 3. The Wangs are going to Ocean World. 姓王的一家人正准备去海洋世界。 4. The dolphins are jumping and swimming in a big pool. 海豚正在大水池里跳跃,游泳。 5. Go along Green Road and turn right at the first crossing. 沿着格林路走,在第一个路口向左转。M3U2 Buying new Clothes

4、1. clothes 衣服 2. button 纽扣 3. zip 拉链 4. pocket 口袋 5. which 哪一个 6. dress 连衣裙(复数dresses) 7. shirt 男衬衫 8. blouse 女衬衫 9. T-shirt T恤衫 10. skirt 短裙 11. shorts 短裤 12. pants 裤子(同义词trousers) 13. price 价格 14. try 试一试 15. buy 买(反义词sell) 16. idea 主意 17. pretty 漂亮的 1. put on her dress 穿上她的连衣裙 2. at a clothes sho

5、p 在衣服店 3 a pair of shoes 一双鞋 4. two pairs of trousers 两条裤子 5. the pink ones 粉色的那些 6. try on 试穿 7. a good idea 一个好主意 8. too small 太小了 9. which T-shirt 哪一件T恤衫 1. Which coat do you like? I like the green one. 你喜欢哪一件外套? 我喜欢绿色的那件。 2. How much is it? Its 85 yuan. 它多少钱? 85元。 3. How much are the pants? They

6、 are 70 yuan. 裤子多少钱? 70元。 4. My dress is too small. Yes. You need a new dress, I think. 我的连衣裙太小了。 是的。我想你需要一件新的。 5. Why not try on both? Good idea. 为什么不两件都试一下呢? 好主意。(一) Words 单词1. pretty 漂亮的(反义词ugly 丑陋的) 2. emperor 皇帝 3. magic 魔术4. nod 点头 5. smile 微笑 6. money 钱 7. keep 保持8. silent 安静的 9. cry 哭(三单crie

7、s)10. nothing 没有东西 11. dot 圆点12. truth 实话(形容词true真实的) 13. sweater 毛衣 14. raincoat 雨衣 15. slippers 拖鞋 16. sneakers 旅游鞋;胶底鞋 17. boots 靴子(二) Phrases 词组 1. try on these dresses 试试这些连衣裙 2. look great on you 太适合你了 3. take the blue one 买蓝色的一条 4. with some new clothes 带着一些新衣服 5. with a big smile 笑容可掬 6. a l

8、ot of money 许多钱 7. put on new clothes 穿上新衣服(wear new clothes 穿着新衣服) 8. keep silent 保持安静 9. cry out 大喊(大声疾呼) 10. polka dot 带圆点花纹 11. hundreds of polka dots 数百个圆点,成百上千个圆点(三) Sentences 句子 1. What do you think, Mum? They look great on you. 妈妈,你觉得怎么样? 它们看上去很适合你。 2. Then lets take the blue one. 那我们就买蓝色的那条

9、。 3. One day, a man visits the emperor with some new clothes. 一天,一个男人带着新衣服拜访了这个皇帝。 4. The emperor cannot see any clothes, but he nods with a big smile and says, “ They are so beautiful!” 皇帝看不见衣服,但他笑容可掬地说:“衣服多么漂亮!M3U3 Seeing the Doctor 1. fever 发热 2. toothache 牙痛 3. cough 咳嗽 4. rest 休息 5. warm 温暖的(反义

10、词cool 凉爽的)6. dentist 牙医 7. medicine 药 8. soft 软的(反义词hard 硬的) 9. before 在之前(反义词after在之后) 10. should 应该(shouldnt= should not 不应该) 11. soon 不久之后 12. will 将 13. good 好的(近义词:well 身体好的 比较级: better 最高级: best) 1. see the doctor 看医生 2. have a cold 得了感冒 3. wear warm clothes 穿暖和的衣服 4. have a good rest 好好休息一下 5

11、. drink a lot of water 喝很多水 6. drink too much soft drinks 喝太多软饮料 7. take some medicine 吃一些药 8. feel well 感觉良好 9. have a look 看一看 1. I have a toothache. What should I do? You should go to see the dentist. You shouldnt eat too many sweets. 我牙痛,我应该干什么? 你应该去看牙医。你不应该吃太多的糖。 2. I have a cold. What else sho

12、uld I do? You should go to see the doctor. You should drink a lot of water and have a good rest. 我得了感冒,我应该干什么? 你应该去看医生。你应该喝很多水,好好洗休息一下。 3. Whats wrong with you? How do you feel? I have a cough. 你怎么啦? 你感觉怎么样? 我咳嗽了。 4. Kitty is not feeling well. Kitty 今天感觉不好。 5. You will be better soon. 你很快就会好的。 1. ei

13、ther 也(用于否定句和疑问句,同义词 too用于肯定句) 2. toothless 无牙的 3. king 国王 4. hide 躲藏 5. themselves 他们自己 6. cave 洞穴 7. secret 秘密 8. present 礼物(近义词gift) 9. meeting 会议 10. really 真的 11. hurt 受伤,伤害 12. worry 担心 13. become 变成,成为 1. come and have lunch 来吃午饭 2. at the dentists 在牙科诊所 3. brush your teeth 刷牙 4. in the eveni

14、ng 在傍晚(at night在深夜) 5. look at your teeth 看你的牙齿 6. how many times 多少次 7. I see. 我明白了。 8. the king of the forest 森林之王 9. be afraid of 害怕 10. have a meeting 开会 11. hide themselves 把他们自己藏起来 12. in a secret cave 在秘密的山洞里 13. have an idea 有了主意 14. a large packet of sweets 一大袋糖果 15. pull out 拔掉 16. Whats w

15、rong?=Whats the matter? 怎么啦? 1. Peter and his mum are at the dentists. Peter和妈妈在牙医诊所里。 2. You shouldnt drink too much soft drinks. 你不应该喝太多软饮料。 3. How many times a day do you brush your teeth? Once, in the morning. 你一天刷牙几次? 一次,在早上。 4. The fox gives the tiger a large packet of sweets. 狐狸给老虎一大袋糖果。 5. T

16、hey pull out all the tigers teeth. He becomes a toothless tiger. 他们拔掉了老虎所有的牙齿。他变成了一只无牙的老虎。M4U1 The Natural World1. first /f:st/ 首先,第一的 2. next 下一个 3. then 然后4. finally fanli最后(形容词final) 5. boil bl 煮,烧开 6. cup 茶杯、 7. pour p:(r) 倒,灌 8. tea pot 茶壶 9. taste test 尝1. make some tea 泡茶 2. boil the water 烧水

17、3. put some tea into the cup 放一些茶叶在茶杯里4. pour hot water into the cup 把热水倒在茶杯里5. drink some tea 喝茶 6. in the kitchen 在厨房里7. taste great 味道好极了 1. Lets make some tea. What do we do? First we boil the water. Next we put some tea into the cup. Then, we pour hot water into the cup. Finally we drink the te

18、a. 让我们泡茶。 我们做什么呢? 先烧水,接着放一些茶叶在茶杯里。再把热水倒入茶杯里。最后喝茶。 2. Kitty is in the kitchen with her grandma. Kitty 和她的奶奶在厨房里。 3. Would you like some tea? Yes, please. 你想要一些茶吗? 好的,请吧。Words 单词1. report rp:t 报告 2. start st:t 开始 3. high 高的(反义词:low 低的) 4. west west 西面(对应词east 东面) 5. through ru:通过 6. gorge g:d山峡;峡谷7. l

19、ake 湖(区分river 河流) 8. part 部分 9. journey d:ni旅程;行程 10. drop 掉下;滴下 11. raindrop 雨滴 12. fall 落下13. rise raz 升起来 14. inside 在里面(反义词outside ) 15. sunlight 日光 16. hold 握着;抓住 17. above 在上方 18. rainbow 彩虹 1. give a report 作报告 2. about the Yangtze River 有关长江 3. in the west of China 在中国西部 4. run down the moun

20、tains 流下山 5. through the beautiful Three Gorges 经过风景秀丽的三峡 6. part of the Yangtze River 长江的部分 7. Little Water Drop 小雨滴 8. a piece of white paper 一张白纸 9. above the paper 在纸的上方 1. First the Yangtze River starts high in the mountains in the west of China. 首先,扬子江发源于中国西部的高山上。 Next it runs down the mountai

21、ns and through the beautiful Three Gorges. 接着,它沿着山脉往下流,经过风景秀丽的三峡。 Then it meets more water from many other lakes and rivers. 然后,它与很多来自其他河流湖泊的水汇合。 2. The sun shines and Little Water Drop gets hot. He rises up to the sky. 太阳照耀着,小水滴变热了。他升上了天空。 Little Water Drop flies over rivers and mountains. 小水滴飞过了河流

22、和山脉。 Little Water Drop falls down to the ground. 小水滴降落在了地上。 3. Next, take them near the window, into the sunlight. 接着,把它们拿到窗户边,太阳光下面。M4U2 Wind1. gently 轻轻地(形容词:gentle 轻轻的) dentli2. strongly 强有力地,猛烈地(形容词:strong 猛烈的,强壮的)strl3. slowly 慢慢地(形容词:slow 缓慢的)4. quick 快速的(形容词:quickly 快速地)kwk5. happy 高兴的(副词:hap

23、pily 高兴地)6. soft 柔软的(副词:softly 柔软地)7. wind 风 8. windmill 风车wndml9. move 移动 10. blow 吹 1. no wind 没有风 2. in the sea 在海里 3. fly kites 放风筝 4. in the wind 在风里 1. The wind blows strongly. The windmill moves quickly. 风猛烈地吹着。 风车转动得很快。 2. The flowers dance in the wind softly. 花在风中温柔地跳着舞。 3. The children fly

24、 their kites happily. 孩子们在高兴地放风筝。 4. The wind blows. Sometimes it blows gently. Sometimes it blows strongly. 风吹着。 有时候它温柔地吹着。 有时候它猛烈地吹着。 1. heavy 沉重有力的;剧烈的(副词:heavily 猛烈地;厉害地) 2. tomorrow 明天 3. wind-bell 风铃 4. make 制作 5. wood 木头 6. circle 圆形 7. line 线;绳 8. fold 折叠 9. pin 针;别针;绑;别起来 10. sick 小木棒 1. a

25、rainy day 一个下雨天 2. look out of the window 看窗外 3. go out and play 出去玩 4. some heavy rain 倾盆大雨 5. a strong wind 一阵猛烈的风 6. watch the weather on TV 在电视上看天气 7. be made of wood 用木头制作 8. make a wind-bell 制作风铃 9. the sound of wind 风的声音 10. cut it out (cut out the circle) 把圆剪下来 11. cut along them (the circle

26、s) 沿着(圆)把它们剪下来 12. fold as a windmill 折叠成风车 13. pin it to a pencil or stick 别上一支铅笔或一根小棍 1. Mum ,can we go out now? Im afraid you cant. 妈妈,我们现在能出去吗? 恐怕你们不能。 2. But tomorrow will be a fine day. 但明天将会是个好天气。 3. Little Duck has a glass wind-bell on her window. 小鸭子有个玻璃的风铃在她的窗户上。 4. Little Pig wants to hear the sound of the wind. 小猪想要听风的声音。 5. Draw eight lines and cut along them. 画八条线,并且沿着线剪下来。 6. Pin it to a pencil or a stick. 别上一支铅笔或一根小棍。M4U3 Fire(一)

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