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1、 你不感到难为情吗?19. Are you through? 你说够了没有?20. I dont want to take over my fathers business. 我不想继承父亲的事业。21. He inherited a lot of money from his father. 他从他父亲那里继承了很多钱。22. Are you saying that we only have two days to finish the project? 你是说我们还有两天完成任务了吗?23. We are closing in half an hour. 我们还有半小时就要关门了。24.

2、- Ive got to get moving. - Are you leaving so soon? 我得走了。这么早?25. Id better get going. 我得走了。26. Well, Im off. 嗯,我要走了。27. I am history. See you later.我走了。明天见。28. Arent you sorry you asked? 你这么问不觉得遗憾吗?(对别人的问题感到反感时用)29. Are things getting you down? 有什么烦心事吗?30. He is always apple-polishing the teacher. 他

3、总是拍老师马屁通。31. Well end up dead in the long run. 长期以往,死路一条。32. Anything you say. 听你的。33. Anyone I know? 那个人我认识吗?34. Two days is way too long. 两天太长了。35. Another day, another dollar.有一天过一天。又是一天。36. Wheres the evidence? Where is the proof? 有什么证据吗?37. I am alone at last! 终于解放了!终于自由了!38. Would you press 15

4、 for me? 你能帮我按一下到十五层的键吗?39. Sometimes we have to use any means necessary. 有时我们要耍些手段。40. When it comes to dancing, I am all thumbs. 说到跳舞,我一窍不通。41. All the more reason to work harder. 那就更应该努力点。42. I get stressed out right now. 我现在很心烦。43. All the best in your new job. 祝你新工作顺利。44. I thought for such a p

5、rice the pen would write better. 我以为这么贵,这笔要好写点呢。45. We have a meeting every day. But all that for nothing. 但一点都没用。46. All set! Lets get started! 一切就绪,我们出发吧。47. We must go all out to win the game! 我们必须全力以赴赢得比赛。48. Does this business turn a profit? 这生意赚钱吗?49. Ive got so much work to get through. 我有太多的

6、工作要做。50. Maybe someone slipped your book into his pocket. 可能有人顺手拿走了你的书。51. Dont be such a nuisance! 别这么讨厌了。52. Martin is nothing but bad news! 马丁真是个讨厌鬼。53. Youve gone a little too far! 你太过分了。54. Youve pushed me a little too far! 你逼人太甚。55. It doesnt matter about me. 别管我。56. We are running out of time

7、 now. 我们现在没太多时间了。57. Nobodys going to blame you for it. 没人会因此责怪你的。58. I was so involved with the book that I didnt hear your knock. 我太专心看书了,所以没听到你敲门。59. Its getting out of hand. 事情变得一发不可收拾。60. We didnt talk about anything personal. 我们没有谈论私人问题。61. I feel so insignificant. 我感到很渺小。62. What a drip! 太无聊了

8、。63. We hate it up there. 我们恨那个地方。64. Stay out of trouble.别惹麻烦。65. Did you get into trouble? 你闯祸了吗?66. I hope everything turns out OK. 我希望一切顺利。67. How come you are up so late? 这么晚,你怎么还不睡?68. Hang up, John! 把电话挂了!69. Fair enough. 非常公平。可以接受。70. Theres someone on the phone for you. 有电话找你。71. My clothes

9、 dont fit. 我的衣服不合身了。72. Stop it. 别说了。73. You want to bet? 打赌吧?74. As you wish.随你的便。75. At the moment, thats it.目前就这样吧。76. At your earliest convenience. 尽早。77. At your service. 听你的吩咐。78. This new car is at your service. 这新车供你使用。79. Thats what I am here for. 这是我应该做的。80. He is living on the unemploymen

10、t compensation. 他靠失业救济金过活。81. Isnt it bad ass? 不错吧!82. If you badmouth me like that again, Ill knock your block off. 如果你再那样诽谤我,我就揍你。83. Be a good sport. 大度点。大方点。有气度点。84. It was a close race.这是个旗鼓相当的比赛。85. Shell laugh in my face. 她会当面嘲笑我。86. I overslept. 我睡过头了。87. Be that as it may, youll lose the bo

11、nus for this month. 即便这样,也会扣除你这个月的奖金。88. It will be all over in no time. 很快就好了。89. Use lots of sunscreen. 多擦点防晒油。90. Be reasonable. 讲讲理好不好。91. Be glad I didnt ask you to finish it today. 我没叫你今天完成很不错了。92. Its just an advertising trick. 这只是广告小把戏而已。93. Dont be so cynical. 别老往坏处想。94. Be tactful! 圆滑点!95.

12、 Be tactful when you talk to him. 和他讲话要注意技巧。96. Dont just come right out and ask her where she was last night. 别单刀直入问他昨晚去哪了。97. Hes very cranky these days. 这几天他脾气很暴躁。98. Bear with it. 忍忍吧。99. Itll pass. 会过去的。Its getting better. 会越来越好的。100. You are always picking on me. 你总对我有意见。101. I was stumped by

13、the question. 这个问题问住我了。102. Beats me.这个我不知道。103. You got me. 你问倒我了。104. Search me! 我不知道。105. Hell if I know. 知道才怪呢。106. He ran through the red light. 他闯了红灯。107. Susan saved the day. Susan把局面扭转过来了。108. You must have heard it through/on the grapevine. 你一定是小道消息听来的。109. It serves you right buying a chea

14、p one. 你活该,谁让你买便宜货的。110. Best is cheapest. 便宜没好货。111. Id bet my bottom dollar that he will do that again. 我打赌他还会这么做的。112. Youd better keep quiet about it, if you know whats good for you. 你是识相点最好保密。113. I will keep my mouth shut. 我不会说出去的。114. Dont breathe a word of this to anyone. 这事别和任何人说。115. Are y

15、ou pulling my leg? 你在开玩笑吧?116. Some things are better left unsaid. 有些事不说更好。117. I lost out on David. 我输给了David.118. Better luck next time. 下次好运。119. Better safe than sorry. 还是保险点好。120. Big deal. 有什么了不起的。真了不起啊!121. I forgot all about it when I set out. 我出门的时候忘的一干二净。122. Whose big idea is it? 谁的馊主意啊?1

16、23. You are a big mouth. 你真是个大嘴巴。124. If you open your big mouth, Ill beat you up. 如果你多嘴,我就揍你。125. Tell your bigmouthed friend to shut up. 告诉你那个多嘴的朋友闭嘴。126. I am a big spender. 我是个花钱大手大脚的人。127. Dont give me your big talk. 别和我吹牛。128. Here is to you. 敬你。129. Down the hatch! 干杯。130. Brace yourself for

17、this: you failed the exam. 做好准备:你没考及格。131. Break a leg. 祝你好运!132. Hes breaking his neck to finish the job on time. 他正全力以赴按时完成任务。133. Why dont you break the ice with Linda? 为何不和Linda化解你们的误会呢?134. Butt out! 滚开!Beat it. 滚开Bug off! 滚开。Take a hike! 滚开135. Fill out the form for leave-taking. 填好请假条。136. Ca

18、n I take a rain check? 我能改天再来吗?137. Can it! 安静!别说话了!138. You look like youve got something on your mind. 你看上去心事重重的。139. -Can you hold? 能等一下吗 (接电话时由于手头正忙,要对方稍等)-Thank you for holding. 久等了.140. Hold on for a minute, Tom! I have a word with you! 等一下汤姆。我有话和你说。141. Can you settle for less? 少点行不行?(还价用语)14

19、2. Can you come down a little? 能便宜点吗?143. Weve set prices. 我们这儿不还价的。144. She haggles over every penny.她还一分钱都好。145. Cant you read? 你不识字吗?146. Case closed. = The case is closed. 事情已经过去了。147. Cat got your tongue? 哑巴啦?怎么不说话啦?148. Buck up! 振作起来。149. Keep to the right. 靠右走。150. Clothes make the man. 人靠衣装。

20、151. Soup is on! Come and get it! 汤好了。快来喝。152. Come off it! 别装蒜了/别瞎说了。Cut the clowning. 别装傻了。153. Cool down. 冷静一点。154. Could I be excused? 我先失陪了。155. Could I get by, please? 156. Coming through, please. 请让一下。157. Can I have a lift? 我能搭你的车吗158. Give you a lift? 我用车送你?159. Hop in! 上车吧。160. Could I hav

21、e her call you later? 我待会叫她打电话给你好吗?161. Where have you been hiding? 这段时间躲哪儿去了?162. Shes on another phone. 她正在打电话。163. Can I use your restroom? 我能用一下你的厕所吗?164. Could we continue this later? 这事我们迟些再说好吗?165. Could you drop me off at the airport? 你能载我到机场吗?(搭车用语)166. Count me in. 把我算进去。167. Time is runni

22、ng out. Cut it short. 时间不多了。长话短说。168. Cut it short with watching TV. 就少看点电视吗?169. Cut the funny stuff. Lets get down to business. 别闹了。170. Whats the hurry? 急什么?171. Do I have to spell it out for you? 你还要我再说一遍吗?(极不耐烦)172. -Does it work for you? 你合适吗?你有问题吗?你可以吗?-(It) works for me. 我没问题。173. It doesnt

23、hurt to ask. 问问也无妨嘛。174. Hows your exam? Dont ask. 别提了。175. Its about time to eat. Dont be gone too long. 快吃饭了。别出去太久。176. Ill be right back! 我马上就回来。177. Ive saved up enough to retire. 我已经存够钱养老了。178. Inflation can ruin your savings. 通胀可以让你一无所有。179. I just felt a raindrop. 我刚感觉到有小雨点哩。180. Dont be too

24、sure = dont speak too soon. 别太早下结论。181. Dont bother. Lets eat out. 别费事了。出去吃吧。182. My head is spinning. 我头晕。183. Dont do anything I wouldnt do. 别做傻事。184. Dont give up without a fight. 别轻易放弃。185. He wont admit it. 他不会放弃的。186. Dont I know it! 我不知道吗?187. Dont let it get you down. 别为此烦恼。188. What a dumb

25、idea. Dont make me laugh! 多么愚蠢的问题啊。别逗了。(用于表示你不觉得他说的会发生)189. You make me laugh. 你真可笑。190. Dont mind me. 不用管我。(当受到冷落时,用于讽刺)191. This is the first step of laying you off. 这是解雇你的第一步。192. Get your hands off. 把你手拿开。193. Hold still! 别动!Freeze!不许动 Dont move a muscle! 不许动!194. Hold your tongue! = Bite your t

26、ongue! = Cut it out! 住嘴!(警告别人花太多厌烦,该闭嘴了。)Drop the subject!(相当粗鲁,慎用!)195. I dont have all day! Hurry up! 我可没时间等你。快点。196. I want to work on the night shift. I cant get along with those people on the day shift. 我想上晚班。我和日班的同事合不来。197. I dont think the weather is good for an outing. 这天气不适合出游。198. You said

27、 a mouthful! 你说的对极了。199. Ill drink to that! 我求之不得呢。200. I dont look at it that way. 我不这样认为。201. Dont put your career on the back burner. 你不觉得阻碍了自己的发展?202. Make yourself at home. Dont stand on ceremony. 就像在家里一样。别拘束。203. My bark is worse than my bite. 我也就说说而已。204. She just wrote a lot of bullshit. 她只是

28、乱写一通205. Thats a lot of bull! 胡说八道。206. No one will notice we are gone. 没人会知道我们走了。207. Speaking English is a snap, if you can put your heart into it! 如果你用心,说英语很简单。208. Whats the worst that could happen? 能发生什么大事。209. You got me mixed up! 你把我弄糊涂了。210. You really freaked me out. 你吓死我了。211. I got freaked out when the old lady cussed at me. 那个老太太骂我,把我气得要命。212. Why do you give a cold shoulder to me? 你为什么对我这么冷淡。213. I can always give you a shoulder to cry on. 我永远是你可以依赖的人。214. There is a man following us. Lets give him the slip. 让我们甩掉他。215. He is quite dense. It took him a while to see the lig

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