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1、Cwould watch Dwas watching【答案】D过去进行时常表示过去某一时刻或过去某一阶段内正在进行的动作。根据所提供的情景“I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.”可判断出所指的是昨天晚上8点正在发生的事,所以要用过去进行时。4The fans _the names of the band members when they appeared at the airport.Ahad screamed out Bwere screaming outCwould scream out

2、Dhave screamed out【答案】B考查时态。当他们接近机场的时候,歌迷们一直在尖叫着乐队成名的名字。根据句意可知在过去某个时间点上正在进行的动作,所以使用过去进行时。故B正确。考查时态5 Whats your opinion about my suggestion? Sorry, I _. Would you please say it again?Ahadnt listened Bwouldnt listenCwasnt listening Dwont listen 考查动词的时态。你对我的建议有什么看法?对不起,我刚才没有听,你能再重复一遍吗?根据语境可知,说话人刚才没有在听对

3、方 的建议,因此用过去进行时,故选C项。考点 : 考查动词的时态6Would you please repeat what the man said? I _.Awont listen Bwasnt listeningChavent listened Dhadnt listened试题分析:你可以重复一下那个人说的话吗?我刚才没听。根据前句内容可知说话人没听到对方说的内容,也就是刚才对方说话的时候没注意听,应该用过去进行时,选B。考查动词时态7Jackie, could you please repeat what I said just now? Sorry, I _.Awasnt list

4、ening Bwasnt to listenChadnt listened Dwouldnt listen【答案】A考查动词的时态。杰克,你能重复一下我所说的吗?对不起,我没有听到。根据语境表示,刚才我正在做某事,用过去进行时,故选A项。8 I _ a football game when you called. Thats why I didnt hear you.Awatched Bwas watchingChave watched Dwould watch当你打电话的时候我在看足球赛。这就是我为什么没有听到你的原因。根据时间状语从句可以判断用过去时态,排除C项;从句意可知此处表达过去正在

5、进行的动作,应该用过去进行时,选B。考查动词时态。9The first time I _ Todd, he _ to some students at the English corner.Ahad seen; was talkedBsaw; talkedChad seen;Dsaw; was talking我第一次见到Todd时,他正在在英语角和一些学生讲话。第一空说的是动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时。第二空指在我见到他时,他正在和一些学生谈话,表示过去一个时间点或时间段正在进行的动作或状态应用过去进行时。故判断选D。10(湖南省怀化市2014年高三第二次模拟考试)33. She told

6、me that she had mailed part of the products and that the rest _ in a few days.Ahas followed Bhave followed Cwas following Dwere following本题考察的是进行时表示将来时的用法。句义:她告诉我她会邮寄部分产品,剩下的几天以后再邮寄。本句中使用的是过去进行时表示过去将来时,表示计划好的要发生的事情。故D正确。11I say, Harry. What did you say to the laid-off worker just now?Nothing. I to m

7、yself.Ahad only talked Bam only talking Chave just talked Dwas just talking考查时态,表示过去某一时刻进行的动作使用故去进行时态,根据题中的时间just now,故选D。我说,亨瑞,你刚才对那位下岗的工人说什么了?什么也没说,我只是在自言自语。12What happened to Bill?He _ really fast when suddenly he ran into a parked car.Ahad run Bwas runningChas run Dhas been runningB 考察动词时态。Bill怎

8、么啦?他跑得很快,突然撞到了一辆停着的车子上。根据when suddenly he ran into a parked car可知他奔跑是在过去一段 时间里发生的动作,所以使用过去进行时。13David, are you listening to me?Sorry, Dad. I _ to make sense of what the reporter said.Awas trying Bhave triedCam trying Dtried考查时态:-大卫,你在听吗?-对不起,爸爸,我在想理解记者说的话。说明大卫刚刚正在想理解记者说的话,用过去进行时。选A。点评:时态题的考查关键是抓住句子的

9、上下文含义和句中的时间状语。要根据时间状语来选择合适的时态,在平时的学习中要注意积累有关时态的用法和各种时态的特殊之处。14 When I _ home, I caught a thief stealing from a passerby.Aheaded Bwas headingChas headed Dhad headed当我回家的时候,我抓到了一个正在偷路人东西的小偷。表示过去某一时间正在进行的动作,用过去进行时,选B。15When did Bob leave?I have no idea. I _ a shower upstairs.Atook Bhave takenCwas takin

10、g Dwould takeC 考察动词时态。我不知道。当时我在楼上洗澡。根据句中的did可知,在Bob离开的那个时刻,我正在洗澡。过去进行时强调在过去的某个时间正在进行的动作。故C正确。16- Oh! You bumped me!- I am sorry. But I to catch the coming bus.Atry Btried Cam trying Dwas trying考查情景交际和时态。-噢!你撞到我了!-对不起。我(刚才)正在赶公交车。根据情景可知,是刚才发生的事情,应该用过去的某种时态,强调过去某一时刻发生的事情,用过去进行时,故选D。考查情景交际和时态17Why do y

11、ou know so much detail about the accident? -I _ a walk nearby when it happened.Ahad Bhad had Cwas having Dwould have根据句意 “当事故发生的时候,我正在附近散步”可知用过去进行时,表示过去正在发生的事情。你为什么知道这么多这起事故的细节?当事故发生的时候,我正在附近散步。18Were you able to catch a train home yesterday when your car broke down on the way?Id just missed the las

12、t one. Fortunately,a friend _ and he gave me a lift.Awas just passing Bhad just passedCwould just pass Dhas just passed【详解】既然你的车昨天在路上坏掉了,你赶上回家的火车没?我刚好错过了最后一列。幸运的是,一个朋友刚好路过,他顺路捎了我。结合语境可知,此处表达“我”在无助的时候“朋友刚好经过”,故用进行时,又事情发生在过去,所以用过去进行时,主语a friend是第三人称单数,故用was passing, 故选A项。19This time yesterday Jack _ h

13、is bike. He _ TV.Arepaired, didnt watch Bwas repairing, watchedCrepaired, watched Dwas repairing, wasnt watching昨天的这个时候Jack正在修自行车,而不是看电视。表示过去的某一时间点正在做的事情应该用过去进行时,故D项正确。20 -What did you say? Im sorry, Mrs White, but -So you _ to me, Peter.Ahavent listened Bwerent listeningCdont listen Dhadnt listened

14、-你刚才说什么了?对不起,怀特太太,可是,-那么你没有听我说话,皮特。从What did you say?可知是过去没有再听,属于过去范畴的时态,排除AC,D项是过去完成时,是过去的过去的动作,这里显然不是,而是表示过去正在做,选B。2128The farmer said the PLA men came to rescue timely when they _in the snowstorm.Awere trapping Bwere being trappedCare trapping Dare being trapped【解析】考查过去进行时的被动语态。这位农民说他们在暴风雪中被困时,解放

15、军战士及时赶来营救。根据题干中的said判断从句中需要与过去相关的时态;根据短语“be trapped in”排除A和C;句中表示“被暴风雪困住的时候”,故用过去进行时的被动语态,故选B。点睛:对时态的选择,要在把握时态的基本用法的基础上,根据具体语境和题干中的时间推断时态,同时关注特殊的结构。22Did you meet Mr. Smith?Yes. When I arrived, he _ for New York to attend a press conference.Awas just leaving Bjust leftCjust leaves Dhad just left考查动词

16、时态语态。你见到史密斯先生了吗?是的。当我到的时候,他正要去纽约参加一个记者招待会。根据arrived可知,其主句也应该用过去的某种时态,C项不正确;B项表示过去发生的动作,D项表示过去的过去,这两项均不合句意要求,故被排除;设空处表示过去将来的事情,故答案为A项。23Jim _ a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, the television went blank.Cwas watching Dwould be watching【分析】【详解】Jim深夜在家看电视,当剧情到最惊心动

17、魄的时刻时,电视突然没信号了。根据题干中的when可知所填动词构成固定句型be doing sth.when,意思是:当这时,表示正在做某事,这时发生了另一件事,由后面句子中 went blank可知用过去进行时,故选C。【点睛】做动词的时态和语态题的时候,切不可脱离实际运用的语言,一味死记硬背语法规则的条条框框。了解了时态的一些常见规则之后,在具体语境中体会动作发生的时间和状态。过去进行时表示过去某个时间点或某段时间内正在发生的动作。往往和具体的过去时间搭配,也有的是过去式的时间状语从句。24I _ to help you to do homework but I couldnt spare

18、 any time. I _ a composition last night and Ill finish it tomorrow.Awanted;wrote Bhad wanted;was writingChad wanted;wrote Dwanted;have been writing句意: 我本打算在家庭作业方面帮助你的,但是我抽不出时间。我昨天晚上整晚都在写作文,明天就能写完。第一空,句中为短语had wanted to do 本打算做某事,第二空表示时间段内正在进行的动作,故用过去进行时,综述选B。25 David, are you listening to me? Sorry,

19、 sir. I _ of the lecture I attended yesterday.Ahave thought Bwas thinking Cam thinking Dthought大卫,你在听我说吗? 对不起,先生。我在想我昨天听的讲座。此处表示刚才正在做某事,所以应该用过去进行时态,故选B。26I _down to London when I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road.Awas driving Bhave drivenCwould drive Ddrove考查固定句型和过去进行时。我正开着车去伦敦的路上,这时我发现走错路

20、了。be doing sth when 结构表示“正在做某事,这时”。为固定句型。根据时态一致原则,可知这里用过去进行时,故选A。27Susan had quit her well-paid job and _ as a volunteer in the neighborhood when I visited her last year.Ais working Bwas workingChas worked Dhad workedSusan已经辞去了高薪的工作。去年当我探望她的时候,她正在一个社区里做志愿者。Susan辞职发生在她当志愿者之前,had quit是过去完成时态,过去完成时态通俗的

21、说就是“过去的过去”,且结合时间状语when I visited her last year可知,Susan做志愿者是过去的某个时间段发生的情况,故该空应用过去进行时态。B选项正确。过去进行时表示在过去某一时间段或某一段时间内正在发生或进行的动作或状态。28 Why did you miss the interview yesterday? Terribly sorry. My pet dog got seriously injured and I _ it all the day.Aattend Bwas attendingChad attended Dhave attended根据后面的时

22、间状语all the day可知,这件事情是在过去持续进行的,应用过去进行时。故选B。29Tom _ into the house when no one _.Aslipped; was looking Bslipped; had lookedChad slipped; looked Dwas slipping; looked根据句意可知,这是表示“在一个动作发生的过程中,发生了另外一件事情”,所以后面的用进行时态,前面用一般过去时态。Tom 在没有注意的时候,溜进了屋里。故A正确。30I came across a good friend of mine on the square the

23、other day, but we didnt talk much because he _ to catch the bus.Ahad rushed Bwas rushingCwould rush Dhas been rushing【解析】考查时态。前几天我在广场上遇到了我的一个好朋友,但是我们不多说话,因为他赶着赶公共汽车。根据句意可知句子用过去进行时态,故选B。31The police _ the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre.Ais searching Bwere searching Care se

24、arching for Dwere searching for考查固定句式及时态。警察正在四处搜寻谋杀犯的时候,他突然出现在剧院。the police是集合名词,表示复数含义,因此谓语使用复数形式。“were/was doing.when.(从句用一般过去时)”为固定句式,表示“正在.这个时候,(突然).”。本句的从句中用的appeared(一般过去式)可判断,主句要用过去进行时。故答案是C项。32Although she _ any name, everyone knew who she _.Ahasnt mentioned; referred to Bdidnt mention; had

25、referred toChadnt mentioned; is referring to Ddidnt mention; was referring to【解析】句意:尽管她没有提到任何人的名字,但是每个人都知道她指的是谁.,根据语境可知,这里用过去时表示过去发生的事,故选D。33Why do children hang stockings over the fireplace for presents?As the story goes, to help a poor family, Father Christmas threw a small bag of gold down the ch

26、imney and it fell into a stocking that _up to dry over the fireplace.Ahung Bhad hungCwas hanging Dwas hanged为什么孩子把长筒袜挂在壁炉上面放礼物?-正如故事说的,为了帮助穷人,圣诞老人会顺着壁炉扔下一袋金子,它会落在壁炉上面的长筒袜里面。因为是讲述故事里面的事情,从前面的句子:Father Christmas threw a small bag of gold down the chimney and it fell into a stocking可知长筒袜是当时正悬挂在壁炉上方,所以用过去

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