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1、(8)A teachB helpC learnD call(9)A sorryB healthyC busyD happy(10)A WhereB WhatC WhoD When2(2019镇原县模拟)My father (1) a good friend in the factory(工厂) He is sixty He is an old manAll of the children like him We call (2) Uncle Sam He comes from England He cant (3) Chinese We teach(教)him Chinese and he t

2、eaches us English He doesntwork (4) Sundays He likes (5) And he likes watching TV with his children atnight(1)AhaveBhavesChasDis(2)AheB theyC himD his(3)AspeakB tellCsay(4)A inC forD of(5)A cookBcooksCcookingD cooked3(2018开福区模拟)Da Qing Hua Dumping Restaurant is near my house ,on Jinghu Street Its no

3、t big(1) very clean The people in it are(2) and the dumplings are nice, so lots of people come to(3) dumplings every day You can buy all(4) of dumplings hereIt has beef, chicken,(5) ,mutton and carrot dumplingsThe dumplings look(6) while boats Beef dumplings are my favorite Usually a medium(7) is en

4、ough(足够的)for me But Im very(8) today, so Id like a large bowl A large bowl of beef dumplings is(9) 8 RMB! Its really cheap(便宜的)Oh, every Saturday afternoon Sun Rock Band plays in the(10) Come to get your dumplings and enjoy the music!(1)A andB butC so(2)A uglyBlazyC friendly(3)A sellB haveCtake(4)A

5、sizesB placesC kinds(5)A beef and onionB broccoli and eggsC beef and carrots(6)A forB afterC like(7)AbagB bowlCtable(8)AhappyB hungryCrealxed(9)A justCtoo(10)A shopB parkCrestaurant4(2018天津模拟)Someone says,Time is money but I think time is more(1) than money Why? Because when money is spent(花费), we c

6、an get it back However (然而),(2) time is gone, itll never(3) That is(4) we mustnt waste time It goes without saying that the(5) is usually limited Even a second is very important We should make full use of our time to do (6) useful But it is pity that there are lots of people who do not know the impo

7、rtance of time They spend their limited time smoking, drinking, and(7) They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own (8) In a word, we should save time We shoulnt(9) todays work for tomorrowRemember we have no time to(10) (1)A beautifulB importantC interestingD difficult(2)A wha

8、tB whereC whenD who(3)A returnB getC takeDgo(4)A whatB thatD why(5)AmoneyB timeC dayD food(6)A nothingB somethingC anythingD whole thing(7)A readingB writingC playingD working(8)A timeC moneyD lives(9)A stopB leaveC letD give(10)A loseB saveC spendD take5(2018开福区模拟)The boy in the picture is my new f

9、riend(1) name is Jack He is(2) the USA Now he lives in Shanghai with his mother He is thirteen years old He has(3) black hair, just like me There is always a smile on his(4) and we all love himHe is 1.76 metres tall but he doesnt(5) playing basketball He loves table tennis,(6) Zhang Jike is his favo

10、urite player He(7) near our school, so he often plays table tennis in the gym after schoolJack likes Chinese(8) very much His mother often takes him to the Chinese restaurants on weekends(9) are his favourite He wants to(10) BeijingBeijing is a beautiful and great city! he says(1)A MyB HisC Her(2)A

11、fromB in(3)A bigB tallC short(4)A bodyB faceC hand(5)A knowB likeC think(6)A andC if(7)A livesB comesC works(8)A peopleC animals(9)A DumplingB GlassesC Roses(10)A readB pointC visit6(2018芦淞区模拟)Today is July 10thIt is Toms birthdayHe is 12 years oldHis friends,Sam and Mary (1) in his home (2) parents

12、 buy him a big birthday cakeIts (3) the tableSam gives him a(4) ,because he likes music very muchMary buys him a toy bear,because bear is his(5) animalAfter dinner,they sing (6) song to himThen they eat the birthday (7) Tom likes the party(1)AamBare(2)AHisBHer(3)AonBunder(4)ACDBTshirt(5)AkindBfavori

13、te(6)AGood MorningBHappy Birthday(7)AcardBcake7(2018陇西县模拟)Xiao Ling is a middle school student She likes English and she is good (81) it She often(82) her parents about her English study Now she is talking (83) her father about her English study againXiao Ling says, Look, Dad, this is our new Englis

14、h book There are a lot of interesting (84) in itMmm, not bad Do you speak only English in class, (85) does your teacher explain (解释) everything to you in Chinese?Oh, our teacher speaks to (86) only in English Sometimes its not easy for us (87) her, but she says listening and speaking help (88) I thi

15、nk shes right Does she speak English very slowly?Not (89) Sometimes we dont understand her Then she has to say it againIts interesting to study English, isnt it?Yes And Im going to work (90) at it in the new school yearThats good Im sure youll study better81AinB withC atD about82AtellsB speaksC says

16、D talks83AforC aboutD on84AstoryB a storyC storiesD storys85AandC howD or86AweB ourC usD ours87Ato understandB understandC understandingD understand88AmanyB a lotC a lot ofD too many89AalwaysB sometimesC goodD speak90AhardB harderC the harderD hardest8(2017郑州模拟)读日记,选出与划线单词意义相近的单词Good news! I will ha

17、ve a (1)vacation in Zhengzhou this summer and I feel really excited It takes about 12 hours to fly to Zhengzhou from my hometown I have read a lot of books (2)regarding Zhengzhou The history of Zhengzhou is much longer than the history of my hometown So many (3)amazing stories (4)took place there an

18、d so many famous (5)figures lived there I plan to pay a visit to Yellow River and Shaolin Temple I have seen them dozens of times in the movies and I hope to (6)witness them with my own eyes(1) A holidayB dinnerC classD job(2) A byB aboutC inD out(3) A deliciousB boringC happyD interesting(4) A happ

19、enedB wentC closedD started(5) A numbersB clothesC peopleD pictures(6) A seeB hearC touchD cry9(2017凌海市模拟)NBA is the most famous basketball game in the worldThere(1) a Chinese player in this gameHis name is Yao MingHe is (2) player in this gameIn his spare time,Yao (3) cars On last Christmas,he drov

20、e (4) old car to visit one of his (5) On his way, he (6) a policeman following himFinally, he stopped and said to the policeman: (7) Christmas,sirIs there anything wrong with me?No,of course notanswered the policemanThen (8) did you (9) me?as ked Yao(10) be angrysaid the policeman:You did nothing wr

21、ong,I only want to ask you for a signature(签名)!(1)AbeCis(2)AtallBthe tallestCtallest(3)A1ikes drivingB1ikes driveC1ike driving(4)AaBanCthe(5)AfriendsBfriendCthe friend(6)AseesBseedCsaw(7)AMarryBMerryCHappy(8)AWhyBHowCWhen(9)AaskBfollowCstopped(10)ADonBYou donCYou can10(2017淮安模拟)Youll see a new(1) at

22、 a hospital near London if you go thereHe is very clever, (2) he can speakHe can work 24 hours a day and never gets(3) He is one metre tall and has a face(4) a TV screen He is DrRobot Doctors often need to ask their patients a lot of questions(5) doctors can only spend a few minutes with such a pati

23、entBut DrRobot, a human doctor can ask a patient questions for an hour if it is(6) (7) the help of DrRobot, a human doctor can(8) a lot of useful information(信息)when he meets his patient How can DrRobot do this?A computertellshim what to do DrRobot can do a lot of things people can do,though he hasn

24、t completely (9) the place of(10) doctors(1)A sick personB nurseC ChemistD doctor(2)A soB ifC butDbecause(3)A tiredB offC upDwoounded(4)A likeC asDin(5)A KindB BusyC FreeDTall(6)AlateB impossibleC necessaryDinteresting(7)AWithB ForC BehindDUnder(8)A spendC sendDspeak(9)A bringB giveC takenDlead(10)A

25、 robotB computerC womenDhuman11(2017广州模拟)Radio and television are very useful in (21) world, and they can be seen (22) (23) people watch TV Many people listen to (24) TV is, of course, (25) than radio On TV you can see and hear what s happening in the world However, radio is not disappearing(消失) It is still (26) us And the number of listeners

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