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1、 (1)What do you think of it? I dont like it. Its a little difficult. (2) I like history very much because its very interesting. (3) Which subject do you like best? I like history best. Why do you like it? Because its easy and interesting. .2.Skill aims 能听懂谈论最喜爱的课程及其评价的简单对话; 能表达自己最喜爱的科目并陈述原因;能在口头表达中做

2、到发音清晰,语音语调准确; 能正确朗读对话,注意语音语调和节奏; 能正确书写与本话题表达有关的学校课程安排和对课程的评价的语句。3.Emotional aims能通过谈论最喜爱的课程及其原因,增进同学之间的了解,培养学生对校园生活的热爱之情;能结合游戏、表演等灵活多样的课堂活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。. The key points and difficult points 能在情景对话中,掌握对某一科目看法的表达法,谈论最喜欢的科目并陈述原因。. Learning strategies1.能逐步养成预习和复习的好习惯;2.能反思自己的学习习惯,并根据自己的情况进行改进。. Teaching

3、 aids 录音机、教学挂图、闪卡和黑板. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(5 minutes)1. The whole class work.2. Group work.1. Focus their attention on the teacher. 2.Have a group competition. Sit in groups. Answer the teachers questions as quickly as you can. Revise

4、 the words about the days of a week and subjects. The group which can answer the most questions will be the winner in this competition.e.g.T:Its 10:30 on Wednesday morning. What class are we having?S:Geography.We have two English classes on this day. One of them begins at 9:00 and its over at 9:40.

5、What day is it?Its Monday.1. Get students ready for learning.2. Help the students to revise the words about the days of a week and subjects. Organize the competition to arouse the students interests. Presentation (10 minutes)1. Individual work and pair work.2. The whole class work and individual wor

6、k.1.Look at the word flashcards (easy, interesting, difficult). Answer the teachers questions and learn the new words and new sentence patterns.What do you think of English? Easy? Interesting? Or difficult?Interesting.What do you think of history?Difficult.Do you like Chinese?Yes, I do.Why?Because i

7、ts interesting.Fill in the blanks individually. Then check the answers with your partner.easy/difficult,interesting/boringA:What do you think of geography?B:I dont like it because its _ and my geography is not good.I think its _ and I like the stories in history. What about you?I dont like history b

8、ecause its a little _ for me.2. Do 1a. Look at the picture in 1a. Predict the listening material in 1a. Then listen to the tape and complete the two columns in the table in 1b. Then listen again and complete the third column in 1b. Check the answers with your partner. Then the whole class check the

9、answers together.1. Present new words and new patterns with the help of the flashcards and context.2.Help the students learn to ask someone, likes or dislikes of a subject. Tell them to listen to key words while listening.Consolidation 1. The whole class work and pair work.2.Individual work.1. Read

10、1a after the tape. Then practice the conversation in 1a in pairs. Some pairs read out the conversation to the whole class.2.Do 1b. Look at the table in 1b. Try to say the sentences with the help of the table.Maria likes English very much because she thinks its easy and interesting.Zhou Yan doesnt li

11、ke English because she thinks its a little difficult. But she likes history very much because she thinks its very interesting.1.To be a good listener. 2.Help the students to organize the sentences with the help of the table. Consolidate the sentence patterns about likes and dislikes.Practice1. Pair

12、work.2. The whole 3. The whole class work and pair work.1.Do 1a. After practicing the conversation in 1a, make up a new conversation about your favorite subject in pairs. Then practice your new conversation with your partner. After that, some pairs act out your conversations to the whole class.What

13、do you think of Chinese? I dont like it at all.Because its a little difficult for me. What about you? I like geography best. Why?Because it is interesting.2. Do 2a. Answer the teachers questions to learn the new phrase learn about.What class are we having?Ss:We are having an English class.What are w

14、e learning about?We are learning about English words and sentences. Then match the words of subjects with the descriptions individually. Check the answers with your partner.Ask and answer questions with your partner with the phrases in the box in 2a.They are learning about the past in the class. Wha

15、t class are they having?They are having a history class.3. Do 2b. Answer the teachers questions to learn new wordswhich, subject, best. I like English very much. I like Chinese a lot. I like math. Which subject do I like best? Can you guess?English!Because you are an English teacher.Then work in pai

16、rs. Look at the pictures in 2b and make up new conversations. Practice your conversations in pairs. After that, some pairs act out your conversations to the whole class.Which subject do you like best?I like history best.Because its easy and interesting. What do you think of it? I think its difficult

17、 and boring.1. Make the students practice expressions about likes and dislikes orally.2. Create situations to present the new phrase. Check the answers. Make the students practice the words of subjects orally.3.Make the students practice the expressions about likes and dislikes.Production Group work

18、. Do 3. Sit in groups. Survey your group members about the subjects they like or dislike and the reasons. Then report the result to the class.In our group, Tom likes math because he thinks its interesting. But he doesnt like history because he thinks its boring. Mary likes.1. Make the students use t

19、he expressions about likes and dislikes in oral work and written work after learning.2. Assign the homework:Review the words and practice the conversations in 1a with your partner;Go on writing your survey report. Then report it to the class the next day;Preview Section C.Teaching reflection: 在本课中,学

20、生通过听力训练、师生问答、小组调查等活动,结合教学闪卡等教具,学习并反复操练了关于“喜欢与不喜欢”的表达法及其原因的表述。因为每个人的喜好不同,因此本课在表达喜好的时候掺杂了许多学生主观因素,因此我们教师应正确引导学生,注意学科平衡与精力分配,避免偏科现象。. Blackboard designTopic 3 My school life is very interesting.Section B1. What do you think of it? easy I dont like it. Its a little difficult. interesting2. Which subject do you like best? difficult3. Why do you like it? which4. I think. learn subject best

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