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1、1. Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our school. Its a school with a deep culture. Our school has two campuses,46 teaching classes,116 teachers and more than 2600 students. When entering the beautiful campus. We can feel the rich elegant flavor and humanist concern everywhere. Every aspect ref

2、lects our teaching character “quality annotates the nature,joss-stick float at campus.”(2)跨进校门,我们可以看到“三小欢迎您”五个大字,它们代表我们三小的全体师生向光临我校指导的各位领导表示欢迎!在大门的左右两侧,可以看到是两个路队架,和一块校园铃声音乐牌,我们每周都可以欣赏到不同风格的世界名曲。再往前是一条世纪大道,这条大道记载了中华民族的各个朝代的变迁,四个历史驿站反映了不同时期的历史演变,行走在这里,就像漫游历史的长河。2.Entering the school,We can see many di

3、fferent designs ,they are our class badges showing our warmly welcome .Both sides of the gate ,there are two frames and a music brand .we can enjoy different famous music every week.Then we come to the Century Road ,it records different dynasties of China .Its just like walking in history. (3)“心有多大,

4、舞台就有多大”,是我们的校训。它时刻引领着我们敢想、敢做、敢于创新与创造,创造属于自己的人生舞台。前面是我校七个部门的宣传橱窗,从“学校概况”、“校务公开”、“教育教研”、“德育园地”等几方面来展示学校的整体办学风貌,也是我们了解学校工作的一个平台。这边是我们的老师展示粉笔字训练的园地,每周老师们都会进行不同内容的训练,老师们的字写的好,我们的字也很漂亮!3.“You stage is as big as your mind.”This is our motto. It always ledas us to think、to do、to innovate and to creat our st

5、age. There are seven propaganda windows ahead.School profile、 Afffairs public、Education and Research and Moral education and so on.They show our style and features from different aspects.They are also a platform showing us the school work.Look,this is our teachers garden to show Fen Bi Zi. Our teach

6、ers practice different contents every week. Our teachers write well, so do we.(4)办公楼后面的这条路是一条比例路,它喻示着我们学校的全体师生在比较中寻找差距,在比较中慎思践行、在比较中提升自我,相信自己、总有一天也能成为众人瞩目的成长范例!4.Behind the office building is a road of proportion, it represents all teachers and students in our school seek for the differences in comp

7、arison ,think carefully in comparison and improve ourselves in comparison. Believe ourselves, one day we can become the growth model that people focus on .(5)跨进校门,我们首先可以看到循环小数路,这个循环小数的数值是3.333333,它象征着一届届三小学子如同跳动的数字般循环往复,在此走过六年的小学时光,圣洁的玉兰树见证了我们的成长,饮水思源,生生不息。5.Stepping on the campus, firstly your eyes

8、 will be catched by the path of recurring decimal. The value of it is 3.333333,it symbolizes that the students in our school are just like the recycled decimal, coming around and around. Spending six years of pupil time, pure magnolia trees witness our growth,growing endlessly.(6)这里是我们的教室。走进它,就能感受到浓

9、郁的书香气息。看,课桌摆放有序,地面干净,劳动工具摆放得多整齐呀!我们和老师、家长一起布置的书香版面更是别具特色。黑板上安装的交互式电子白板,更是为我校构建成长性高效课堂提供了有力的条件,我们在这里可以直观的欣赏优美的音乐、生动的画面,充分利用先进的网络资源来学习。我们的课堂是高效的,也是开放的。每周我校都会邀请学生家长到校听我们老师的常态课,随时关注我们的成长。Entering the classroom, you can feel the elegant flavor. The desks stand on the clean floor, the tools are put neatly

10、. It reflects our forming-habit education. Every classroom has a white board. Our teachers use white boards and laptops to make lessons. It makes our school walk on the informative track. Open education is our strong measure to make lessons. Our parents come here and focus on our growth.(7)我们的正前方,是一

11、面文化墙,这面墙壁全部是由我们的美术老师自己设计并且绘图、上色而成,可以说是老师们智慧的结晶。在墙的左右两侧,刻着陶行知先生的一副名联:“千教万教 教人求真,千学万学 学做真人”,这正是我们的教风和学风。这里就是我们的图书室了,它的名字叫做小荷,取自杨万里的名句“小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头”,小荷就象征着知识的萌芽就从这里萌发。7. The cultural wall is in right front of us. It was designed ,drew and colored by the art teachers from our school ,which is also th

12、e result of the wisdom of all teachers .Both sides of the wall, there are couplets written by Tao xingzhi that go “ teaching is to be reality, learning is to be one”, which is just our style of teaching and learning. Here is the library named little lotus, taken from “lotus just buds, dragonfly stan

13、ds on the top of the lotus”. Little lotus represents the knowledge of germinating seeds.(8)操场是我们开展活动的乐园。2010年4月份,驻马店军分区的伯伯们为我们投资修建了崭新的塑胶操场,我们在这里跑步、做操、打篮球、练我们最爱做的功夫扇,心里别提有多高兴了!操场的南墙上展示着一幅长达52米的巨型画轴,以“让梦想从这里起飞”为主题,从不同角度展示我校素质教育的成果。画轴的前方是我们的班旗校旗,每周一的升旗仪式上,我们都会唱着校歌,升起它们。8. The playground is our paradise

14、 holding many activities. In April, 2010, soiders from Zhu Madian military sub-district invested the construction of it. We can do exercise like running, playing basketball and other trainings. We love to do kungFu and we are happy. There is a giant scroll as long as 52 meters, the theme of which is

15、 “let dream fly” to show the quality education from any way. In front of the picture is our class flag-banner. We sing the school song at flag-raising ceremony each week. (9)这是我们学校的厕所,我们可以用“美观、整洁、温馨、方便”这些词来形容它。学校专门聘请了专职的保洁员,配备了专业清洁工具,制定了完善的卫生制度,甚至我们的校领导也要定期亲自参与到厕所的打扫中,做全校师生的表率,可以说我们的厕所管理在汝南县所有的学校中是最

16、好的!9. This is our school toilet. We can describe it using “beautiful, clean and convenient”. The school hired the professional cleaning staff with professional tools and developed the a set of healthy system .our school leaders have been regularly concerned for cleaning toilet personally, taking the

17、mselves as the examples of all teachers and students. The toilet management is the best of Runan county schools.二、南校区:(1)各位领导,欢迎来到三小南校区,走入校园一种勃勃的生机与活力向你扑面而来,浓浓温馨的书香气息将沐浴着你的身心。请看!大门两侧悬挂着我们的校风、校训,东侧的版面上清楚的书写着我校的办学宗旨:素质诠释质量,书香溢满校园。All leaders,welcome to south campus of NO.3 primary school. Entering our

18、 school,you can feel the rich literary atmosphere.Look! The sides of the gate was our school spirit and school motto. The aim of school was written on the eastern side-quality annotates the nature loss-stick float at campus.(2)求知楼是我们的教学楼,它是我们求知的殿堂,丹桂楼是我们的办公楼,取名丹桂缘于我们校区整修在丹桂飘香的季节,也寓意我校书香校园的打造,如桂子的花香飘

19、满校园,结出累累硕果。“读书好,读好书,好读书”是我们的学风。Knowledge building is the palace of teaching building.TanKWai building is the teachers office building.The name originates from the south campus was established in Osmanthus fragrance season. It means our elegant campus in six years of building such as Guizi blossom,jo

20、ss-stick lion at campus and produce the great achievements.reading is great,read excellent books,be fond of readingis our school spirit.(3)前方的地面上是我们精心打造的地面文化,正前方是汝南地图,它让我们了解家乡,认识家乡。跳房子、走迷宫、探索趣味数字图形给我们的课间带来无穷的欢乐。京剧脸谱“生、旦、净、末、丑”、词语接龙、老子的道德经、三十六计散发着传统文化的魅力。英文字母、汉语拼音表、象棋盘、永字八法,处处皆教育。The ground is the te

21、achers carefully build the ground culture.look, Runans map. It let us know and love our hometown. Hopscotch,maze and exploring the interesting digital graphics bring our break endless happiness. Peking Opera sheng,dan,jing,mo,chou words solitaire 36 gauge exudes the charm of traditional culture. Eng

22、lish letters, Chinese pinyin table,chess,permanent word eight patten,reflect everywhere outside the expansion of knowledge. (4)现在来说说意味深刻的丹霞石,它名叫魔力石,你们看它的造型像什么?数字六,它代表小学六年的时光,它将伴随我们六年的求知路,聆听我们的心声,与理想同行。“六年奠基一生”这不正是它的“魔力”所在吗?魔力石两侧是新装置的铁艺宣传栏,校长寄语每一位老师:思想比业务更重要,方向比努力更重要;校长寄语每一位学生:当潜能转化为特长,每个孩子都将体味成功。Now

23、, let us talk about the meaningful DanXia stone its name is magic stone. What does it look like? Number six. Six stands for the whole six years childhood. The years we pursued Now, let us talk about the meaningful DanXia stone its name is magic stone. What does it look like? Number six. Six stands f

24、or the whole six years childhood. The years we pursued knowledge, listened to our heart and seek after the ideal”. A hard study for six years can lay a good foundation to a better life”. Isnt it the “magical power”? Besides the magic stone, we can see the new bulletin board where several sentence wr

25、itten on it by the headteacher. To teachers:Thinking is more important than business and so is direction than efforts TO students:Everyone can make success after transforming your potention into speciality.(5)现在你们来到的是三小南校区的南院。呈现在我们眼前的是我校的文化长廊,它是我们南校区13个班班级特色的展示区,一幅幅图画、一个个手工、一张张书法都是我们和老师智慧的结晶,也是我们素质教

26、育特色的一个缩影。站在长廊里,映入我们眼帘的还有一幅三字经、弟子规的经典国学画卷,为我们营造了“墨香逸情”的成长乐园。Then, welcome to the south division of NO.3 primary school. Before us, there is a long cultural corridor. We can show our 13 classes characteristics here. Pictures, handcrafts and handwritings are not only the crystallize of our wisdom but also the miniature of our quality education. Standing in the long corridor, we can see The Three-character classic and DiZiGui which created a learning fairyland for us.

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