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阆中市届高三第五次模拟练习英语试题 含答案.docx

1、阆中市届高三第五次模拟练习英语试题 含答案四川省阆中市2018届高三第五次模拟练习英语试题第I卷(选择题)一、单项选择:共20题 每题1分 共20分1All the staff members are surprised by news that Jerry was even appointed _president of the Board.A.a; the B.the; 不填 C.the; the D.a; 不填2Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden? They are _ everyones

2、 C.for D.at3Im thinking of going back to school to get another degree.Sounds great! .A.It all depends B.Go for it C.Never mind D.No wonder4As it is, the parents worry about their childrens studies. They know quite clearly what to do at school.A.shouldnt B.mustnt C.cant D.neednt5Why does your br

3、other a sad look on his face these days?A.bring B.wear D.hold6Gao Lin finally got to know the fact only determination can decide the true champion when the team won the championship of the 2018 Chinese Super League.A.that B.why C.what D.how7The villagers in this remote mountain village often

4、get together to the cultural tradition and celebrate the festivals as their forefathers did.A.make up B.keep up C.put up D.set up8I _ so busily recently that I _ no time to help you with your maths.Thats OK. I can manage it by myself.A.have been working; have B.have worked; working; will hav

5、e D.had been working; had had9Molly, my mother once gave me a special number to call I run into an if that case D.even though10So convinced was John of his artistic talents he decided to become a professional artist.A.which B.that D.what11The songs that many young peopl

6、e will be quickly popular all over the country.A.attach to B.attend to C.keep to D.cater to12As far as love is concerned, nothing can take its place compared with to children from B.that C.this D.one13There are much brighter prospects for a _ settlement than before.A.expensive B.persuas

7、ive C.comprehensive D.massive14The aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow others.A.blindly B.unwillingly C.closely D.carefully15Your as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.A.operation B.growth C.performance D.cha

8、racter16Thats not a hard job. Im sure I can it myself.A.manage B.serve C.adapt D.construct17_ my surprise, he didnt say hello to me when he walked me.A.In; on B.To; past C.In; at D.To; over18As the clock _ midnight, cinemas across the country screened the film, _ China one of the first countries in

9、the world to show it.A.knocked; making B.hit; made C.beat; which made D.struck; making19Many firefighters _ tried to rescue the people in the building were injured in the fire.A.where B.which C.who D.that20.- One cannot achieve anything by sitting around and talking about it.- I cant agree more. _.T

10、hats why Peterson failed to get into college.A.A roaring lion kills no game B.A book is a garden carried in the pocketC.A bad workman always blames his tools D.An old pan is the one that makes good food二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意。然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。My father grew up in Oklahoma during the earl

11、y years of the Great Depression. He was the only living child of a hard-working farmer and a 21mother. When Dad completed eighth grade, my grandfather believed his only son would work on the farm. My grandmother, 22, understood the door that education could open even in 23economic times. She persuad

12、ed grandfather to 24Dad to finish high school.Dad worked hard and completed high school at the age of 16. At last, grandpa was to have his wish. Dad would work on the farm, easing the economic and physical 25grandpa carried. But grandmother again 26grandpa to permit my father to go to college.After

13、27, grandpa made the most difficult decision of his lifetime. He walked to the chicken coop(鸡笼子), where he did his 28. Taking a shovel in his work-worn hands, grandpa 29a jar that held all the familys savings. He offered the jar and its precious 30to Dad, saying, Here boy, go make something of yours

14、elf.Realizing that his family was 31all their savings by investing in his education, Dad became a steward of those funds. He 32his bachelors degree and then went on to the University of Oklahoma, where he graduated second in his 33school class in 1936. Jobs were hard to 34when Dad graduated, so he o

15、pened his own practice and lived in a home with a dirt floor. He worked long hours, but I remember him 35the great books he discovered in the course of his education with me.Our family was changed by the long walk grandpa took to the chicken coop. Education is 36an investment in our family. It is a treasure. I 37my father to college and law school, and all of my children have also 38higher education. We have been transformed by a sacrifice made two 39ago by a loving, if not fully convin

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