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1、 A) turn over B) turn on C) turn off D) turn up5. The medicine _ to be effective. He stopped coughing that night.A) turned over B) turned out C) turned on D) turned into6. Could you turn the radio _ a bit, please? The baby is sleeping at the moment. A) down B) up C) on D) off7. The traditional medic

2、ine _ to be effective in treating the old ladys stomache-ache. A. turned over B. turned out C) turned on D. turned into8. Will you please _ the radio? The neighbours are having a rest. A. turn down B. turn up C. turn over D. turn into9. Believe it or not, the Australian captains words _to be true la

3、ter.A) turned over B) turned on C) turned out D) turned off10. His suggestion _to be useful though some people didnt accept it at first.A) turned up B)turned over C)turned on D)turned out11. A car_ on the highway this morning because of the heavy snow.A) turned out B) turned over C) went out D) went

4、 over【近义词辨析2】cost, take, pay, spendcost意为“花费,”主语通常是某物,“花费”的是金钱,时间或劳力,可接双宾语; sth. cost sb moneytake 指“花费”时间,主语一般是某件事,可接双宾语。 It take(s) sb time to do sthSpend指“花费”金钱或时间,主语一般是人。 sb spend money / time doing sth. 或 sb spend money / time on sthpay指“花费”金钱,主语为人。 Sb. pay money for sth.1He likes to _ money on

5、 books. A) cost B) take C) pay D) spend2Tom bought a new MP4 last week. It _ him nearly 200 yuan. A) paid B) spent C) took D) cost3Cars are very expensive. I cant afford to _ one now. A) spend B) pay C) cost D) buy4Im afraid I cant _ to go on holiday because I lost my job last week.A) take B) cost C

6、) spend D) afford5This kind of new computer _ too much. I cant afford one.A) takes B) spends C) pays D) costs6Yang Liwei _ about 21 hours travelling around the earth 14 times in the spaceship. A) took B) spent C) paid D) cost7The TV set is really expensive. It him $900.A) spent B) took C) cost D) pa

7、id8It _ Mr. Black five years to cycle around the whole country.A) cost B) paid C) spent D) took9Though the PSP _ him about ¥1200, he doesnt think it is expensive.A) took B) spent C) paid D) cost10Qian Xuesen _ many years doing research work at universities in the USA. A) cost B) spent C) paid D) too

8、k11I _ the shop assistant 130 dollars for the mobile phone. A) paid B) spent C) cost D) took12I _ 200 yuan for the T-shirt. I think it is a little bit too expensive now. A) took B) paid C) bought D) cost13Though the PSP _ his parents about $ 300, Jim doesnt think it is expensive. A) took B) cost C)

9、spent D) paid14The cell phone _ him ¥2000 and he likes it very much. A) cost B) spent C) paid D) took15Pauls parents were worried that he _ too much time chatting on line. A) spent B) cost C) paid D) took16Tom purchased a new MP5 last week. it _ him nearly 600 yuan. A) paid B) spent C) used D) cost1

10、7Private cars are becoming very popular, though most of them still _ too much.A) pay B) cost C) sell D) buy18. Joe cares for gardening and spends much of his spare time studying plants. Which is closest in meaning to the underlined part? _ A) teaches B) solves C) likes D) manages19The government wil

11、l _billions of yuan building a Disneyland Park in Shanghai.A) cost B) pay C) take D) spend20. These days, mum is really worried about Jenny as she too much time chatting with her friends on the Internet. A) pays B) takes C)costs D)spends 21. Tom bought a lovely pet cat last week. It him nearly 500 y

12、uan.A) paid B) spent C) took D) cost22. Tom bought a lovely pet cat last week. It him nearly 500 yuan.A) paid B) spent C) took D) cost23- Your MP4 is nice. Is it expensive? - No.I only $ 40 for it.A) cost B) spent C) paid D) took24Mikes parents were worried that he _too much time chatting online.A)

13、paid B)cost C)took D) spent【近义词辨析3】Say, tell , talk, speaksay 指用语言表达思想,意思就是“说”,强调说的内容,可接单词、词组或句子,也可直接引语。say sth./ that. ;say sth to sbtalk 指同某检谈话或谈论某人某事; talk to (with) sb. about sth. speak 表示说某种语言时是及物动词; speak English ; 在表示“说话”这个动作或说起某人某事时,是不及物动词; speak about (of) sth.; speak to sb.。tell 告诉,讲述; tel

14、l sb to do; tell sb sth; tell sb that.习语 tell a lie 撒谎 tell a story 讲故事 tell the difference 辨别不同1. People often _ “hello” to each other when they make a phone call.A) say B) tell C) talk D) speak 2. Im sorry I didnt hear what you _. Could you repeat it? A) talked B) told C) said D) spoke3. Teachers

15、should not _ their students buy many extra exercise- books for classes. A) ask B) say C) let D) allow4. Im sorry I didnt hear what you _. Could you repeat it? A) talked B) told C) said D) spoke5. Do you still remember what the teacher _ at the meeting yesterday? A) told B) said C) spoke D) talked6.

16、Its hard for the little girl to the difference between these signs.A) say B)talk C) tell D) speak7. 2. Sally can French very well, and she wants to work in France some day. A) say B) talk C) tell D speak8. Who can _ me the meaning of that sign? A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell9. When they first came

17、to China, none of them could _a word of Chinese.A) say B) speak C) tell D) talk【近义词短语辨析3】up 短语take up 1) 开始从事 2) 占用;化去pick up 1)拾起 2) 收拾 3) 学到;获得look up 1)查阅,查考;寻找(某人) 2) 向上看set up 建立 give up 放弃 make up 组成;stay up 熬夜 put up 张贴,举起1Jane took up the piano when she was five. The underlined word means _.

18、 A) picked up B) looked up C) sat up D) began to learn2The successful space walk of Zhai Zhigang is helpful to _ a space station.A) look up B) take up C) set up D) pick up3Please hang the map a little higher, so that every student in the classroom can see it clearly. The underlined word means A) tak

19、e up B) put up C) pick up D) look up4Please raise your hand if you have any question, The underlined word means “_”. A) look up B) pick up C) put up D) take upDont _ too late, or youll feel tired in tomorrows class.A) stay up B) take up C) wake up D) get up 5My father _ English in his thirties. Now

20、he is ready to be a volunteer for the coming Expo.A) picked up B) got up C) took up D) looked up6You should never jump to conclusions. Please _ before you decide. A) show it off B) throw it away C) give it up D) think it over7Dont _ to chat on the internet , or youll feel tired in tomorrows classes.

21、A) stay up B) set up C) wake up D) get up8Many students have to _ their hobbies because of their busy school work. A) stay up B) put up C) give up D) look up9Simon has decided to work hard for the entrance examination. The underlined part means _.A) tried his best B) held his breath C) lost his temp

22、er D) made up his mind10-Dont _, children. Im sure you will win. -Thank you, Mrs. White. Well try our best. A) put up B) give up C) wake up D) go up11I _too late last night, so I am very tired nowA) called up B) set up C ) stayed up D) showed up12. Please_ the word in the English-Chinese dictionary

23、if you dont know it.A) look up B) take up C) put up D) give up13.You should smoking. Its really a terrible habit. A) grow up B) pick up C) give up D) take up14. Jack has made up his mind to live in the country. The underlined part means _.A) agreed B) promised C) decided D) hesitated15. He always hi

24、s friends about everything. In fact, he has no ideas of his own.A) makes fun of B) laughs at C) cares for D) agrees with16. Dont throw waste paper on the ground. Please .A) pick them up B) pick up them C) pick up it D) pick it up1. My grandmother _ wash clothes by hand but now she _ doing it with th

25、e washing machine. A. used to used to B. is used to is used to C. is used toused to D. used tois used to 2. A: I didnt sleep well last night and feel quite sleepy now. B: Why not stop _? A. to work B. to have a rest C. having a rest D. to go on with your work3. Keep the window _ while you are in. A.

26、 open B. opening C. opened D. to open4. Will you please _ the radio? The neighbors are having a rest. 5. I _too late last night, so I am very tired nowA. called up B. set up C. stayed up D. showed up6. Have you got a letter from your mother lately? The underlined part means“_” A. heard of B. heard a

27、bout C. heard from D. heard as7. The cases are most probably connected with each other. The underlined part means“_” A. properly B. possibly C. recently D. seriously8. Believe it or not, the Australian captains words _to be true later. A. turned over B. turned on C. turned out D. turned off9. Susan, my secretary, will show you around Shanghai because she is very _

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