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CATTI真题 二级笔译Word文档格式.docx

1、 美国修复有轨电车系统汉译英:1. 必译题:中国制造变成了质量低劣的产品的代名词。技术革新和质量管理是中国企业的必须采取的行动。2. 选译题:新疆发现白熊酷似北极熊;蓝藻在各大湖泊蔓延,造成污染。城市饮水收到威胁。苏州使用蓝藻清除船进行水面清理。E-C TranslationCompulsory TranslationThere was, last week, a glimmer of hope in the world food crisis. Expecting abumper harvest, Ukrainerelaxed restrictions on exports. Overnig

2、ht, global wheat prices fell by 10percent.By contrast, traders in Bangkokquote rice prices around $1,000 a ton, up from $460 two months ago.Such is the volatility of todays markets. We do not know how high food pricesmight go, nor how far they could fall. But one thing is certain: We have gonefrom a

3、n era of plenty to one of scarcity. Experts agree that food prices arenot likely to return to the levels the world had grown accustomed to any time soon.Imagine the situation of those living on less than $1 a day - the “bottombillion,” the poorest of the worlds poor. Most live in Africa,and many mig

4、ht typically spend two-thirds of their income on food.In Liberialast week, I heard how people have stopped purchasing imported rice by the bag.Instead, they increasingly buy it by the cup, because thats all they canafford.Traveling though West Africa, I found goodreason for optimism. In Burkina Faso

5、,I saw a government working to import drought resistant seeds and better managescarce water supplies, helped by nations like Brazil. In Ivory Coast, wesaw a womens cooperative running a chicken farm set up with UN funds. Theproject generated income - and food - for villagers in ways that can easily

6、bereplicated.Elsewhere, I saw yet another womens group slowly expanding their localagricultural production, with UN help. Soon they will replace World FoodProgram rice with their own home-grown produce, sufficient to cover the needsof their school feeding program.These are home-grown, grass-roots so

7、lutions for grass-roots problems -precisely the kind of solutions that Africaneeds.Topic 1For a decade, metallurgists studying the hulk of the Titanic have argued thatthe storied ocean liner went down quickly after hitting an iceberg because theships builder used substandard rivets that popped their

8、 heads and let tons oficy seawater rush in. More than 1,500 people died.Now a team of scientists has moved into deeper waters, uncovering evidence inthe builders own archives of a deadly mix of great ambition and use oflow-quality iron that doomed the ship, which sank 96 years ago Tuesday.The scient

9、ists found that the ships builder, Harland and Wolff, in Belfast, struggled foryears to obtain adequate supplies of rivets and riveters to build the worldsthree biggest ships at once: the Titanic and two sisters, Olympic andBritannic.Each required three million rivets, and shortages peaked during Ti

10、tanics construction.The board was in crisis mode, said Jennifer Hooper McCarty, amember of the team that studied the companys archive and other evidence.It was constant stress. Every meeting it was, Theres problems withthe rivets, and we need to hire more people. The team collected other clues from

11、48 Titanic rivets, using modern tests,computer simulations, comparisons to century-old metals and carefuldocumentation of what engineers and shipbuilders of the era considered state ofthe art.The scientists say the troubles began when the colossal plans forced Harlandand Wolff to reach beyond its us

12、ual suppliers of rivet iron and include smallerforges, as disclosed in company and British government papers. Small forgestended to have less skill and experience.Adding to the threat, the company, in buying iron for Titanics rivets,ordered No. 3 bar, known as best, not No. 4, known asbest-best, the

13、 scientists found. They also discovered thatshipbuilders of the day typically used No. 4 iron for anchors, chains andrivets.So the liner, whose name was meant to be synonymous with opulence, in at leastone instance relied on cheap materials.The scientists argue that better rivets would have probably

14、 kept the Titanicafloat long enough for rescuers to have arrived before the icy plunge, savinghundreds of lives.C-E Translation “中国制造”模式遭遇发展瓶颈,这种模式必须要改进和提高。一些外国人认为,“中国制造”大约就是质量低下的代名词。不可否认,少数产品的确存在质量问题,让大多数价廉质优的产品代其受罪。质量是产品的生命线。随着外国市场的夸大,中国企业也意识到质量的重要性。因此一场旨在提高质量,提供优良服务的运动正在兴起。在传统的制造业中,中国企业通过技术创新和质量管

15、理,为国际市场提供高质量的产品。在新兴的信息产业,中国企业以高科技为师,增强和外国企业的交流与合作,提高产品质量。近几年来,中国政府通过立法和社会监督保证产品质量,创造全社会重视产品问题的环境。 1996年,一位摄影师在新疆喀纳斯自然保护区无意间拍到一只白熊。自此以后的十年里,白熊藏身于深山之中,再无音讯。直到2003年,人们才再次在该自然区又发现了白熊的踪迹。在熊的家族里,只有北极熊是白色的。但是,这个庞然大物是如何离开极地寒带,来到这个寒温带的地方呢?难道它是通过通往北极的水路来到此地?这一猜测遭到动物学家的质疑。首先,北极熊不能在温带的树林中生活。其次,。2006年,一个科学考察队在白熊

16、出没的地区发现了熊冬眠的冬窝儿,还发现了一小团白色的动物毛发。DNA样本鉴定为棕熊的毛发。但是,也有可能,至少那团毛发不属于照片中的白熊。Topic 2蓝藻是一种简单的水生植物,它可以在河湖、湿地、树干和温泉自然蔓延生长。当蓝藻细胞达到一定程度时,蓝藻的“密集孽生”会使水体变色、引起泡沫、散发臭气、影响贝类和鱼类的生存,还会使水质大幅度下降。2007年夏天,富营养物和其他污染导致蓝藻在太湖、巢湖、滇池发生了蓝藻“密集孽生”现象,影响了城市供水及水生产品生长。“密集孽生”最严重的是太湖东部。太湖是我国第三大淡水湖。这次“密集孽生”导致周边100多万居民供水问题长达10天之久。为了防止污染,当地环保部门关闭了770家化工厂。2008年夏天,长期的温暖、干燥气候导致蓝藻在部分地区发生。9月,一艘可以快速、有效地清除蓝藻的船在江苏省投入使用。

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