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1、Sophocles Oedipus希神俄狄浦斯 the king / Electra / Antigone希神 安提歌尼(底比斯王俄狄普斯之女, 因违抗禁令而自杀身亡)Euripides欧里庇得斯(希腊的悲剧诗人) Andromache / Medea美狄亚(希腊神话中科尔喀斯国王之女, 以巫术著称, 曾帮助过伊阿宋取得金羊毛) / Trojan 特洛伊womenComedist 喜剧作家Aristophanes Frogs / clouds / Birds wasps5、 PhilosophySocrates苏格拉底 : Dialogues 他坚持的观点是人类的美德是一种知识,因此一切恶行都

2、是无知的结果。Plato柏拉图: Dialogues对话录 / the Apology / Symposium (dealing with beauty and love) / the RepublicPlatos philosophy is called idealism理想主义, 唯心论.Aristotle亚里斯多德: Ethics 伦理学/ Politics / Poetics诗论 / Rhetoric修辞学重点What should be mans aim in life? Aristotles answer was happiness, but not happiness in th

3、e vulgar sense, but something that could only be achieved by leading a life of reason, goodness and contemplation沉思.6、 Cynics 犬儒主义 P29Diogenes第欧根尼:希腊哲学家,哲学犬儒学派奠基人,强调自我控制和推崇善行。说他曾提着灯在雅典大街漫步寻找诚实的人, decided to live like a dog and the word “cynic” means “dog” in Greek, he rejected all conventions whethe

4、r of religion, of manners, dress, housing, food, or of decency.7、 Roman history P38The year 27 B.C divided the history of Romeinto two periods: before then, Romehad been a republic, in that year, Octavius took supreme power as emperor with the title of Augustus. Two centuries later, the Roman empire

5、 reached its greatest extend, encircling the Mediterranean地中海 , reaching Scotland in the north and spreading into Armenia and Mesopotamia in the east. The emperors relied on a strong armythe famous Roman Legions古罗马军团(约有3000至6000步兵,辅以数百名骑兵) and an efficient bureaucracy官僚机构 to exert their rule, which

6、was facilitated by a well developed system of roads. Thus the Roman enjoyed a long period of peace lasting two hundred years, a remarkable phenomenon in history know as the pax Roman罗马帝国统治下的和平.8、 Virgil维吉尔(古罗马诗人,公元前70-公元前19)The greatest of Latin poets, wrote the great epic, 作品the Aeneid埃涅伊德.9、 About

7、 Bible P52The Bible is a collection of religious writings comprising two parts: the old Testament旧约全书 and the new Testament. The former is about God and the laws of God; the latter, the doctrine教义 of Jesus Christ, the wordTestamentmeans “agreement” namely the agreement between God and man.10、 Rise o

8、f Christianity P73At the heart of Christianity is the life of Jesus: how he lived and died to redeem救赎the whole human race.Why Jesus be crucified十字架钉死?Jesus propagated传播the faith about Godmen should believe in God and love him and behave like Gods children and love another. “everyone is equal” befor

9、e God.In AD 30, in Galilee, Jesus was regarded as被认作 a dangerous man that threaten the clique派系in power. At the end of three years, he went with his disciples信徒to Jerusalem耶路撒冷 for the Passover逾越节, but was betrayed by Juda. Jesus was rushed to trial and crucified as a revolutionary preacher and dang

10、erous reformer.11、 Translations of the Bible P86Aramaic dialect 亚拉姆语Hebrew 希伯莱Vulgate edition 拉丁文圣经12、 Whats means code of Chivalry骑士制度? P94As a knight, he was pledged誓言to protect the weak, to fight for the church, to be loyal to his lord and respect women of noble birth贵族出身. These rules were known

11、as a code of Chivalry.13、 基督教是如何成为合法的唯一宗教并被尊为国教 P76Constantine康斯坦丁大帝, who won war between rivals for the throne君主 and the emperor of Roman. He believed that God had helped him in winning the battle, issued the Edict of Milan in 313. It granted准予religions freedom to all, and made Christianity legal.I

12、n392 A.D, emperor Theodosius made Christianity, the official religion of the empire and outlawed宣布.为不合法all other religious.14、 The crusades 十字军 名字的由来?为什么东征及东征的意义P99To express their religious feelings, many people in the middle Ages went on journeys to sacred神圣的 places where early Christian leaders h

13、ad lived. The most important of all was Jerusalem耶路撒冷. But in 1071 Palestine fell to the armies of the Turkish Moslems who unlike the Arabs attacked the Christian pilgrims 朝圣者,killing many of them and sold many others as slaves. New of this kind roused 激起great indignation among Christians in western

14、 Europe. The result was a series of Holy wars圣战 called crusades十字军东侵which went on about 200years. All the soldiers going to Palestine wore a red cross on the tunics束腰外衣 as symbol of obedience顺从to God.Significance:1*although the crusades did not achieve their goal to regain theHoly land, they had an

15、important effect on the future of both the east and west. They brought the east into closer contact with the west, and they greatly influent on history ofEurope.2*crusades helped to break down feudalism封建主义.3* the crusades also resulted in renewing peoples interest in learning and invention.15、 Nati

16、onal Epics P105The epic was the product of the Heroic Age古希腊的“ 英雄时代”1*Beowulf (700750A.D), an Anglo-Saxon盎格鲁-撒克逊人epic.2* Song of Rolan罗兰之诗about 12th A.DIt is the most well-known of a group of French epics knows asLa Chansonde gestes. P11116、 Dante但丁Alighieri , Italy, greatest poet. The divine comedy

17、神曲P11817、 Renaissance文艺复兴 means? 14thmid 17th P129The word “Renaissance” means revival, specifically in this period of history, revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture.Subject: humanity人权/ Christianity神权18、 文艺复兴时期的新文学Giovanni Boccaccio卜伽丘, Decameron十日谈,其中收集了以逃避黑死病为忧郁背景的100个故事,100 tale

18、s told by on their way to escape the black death of 1348, the tales are witty, licentious放荡的, full of praise of true love and wisdom and also satire讽刺文学 on the hypocrisy伪善 of the priest and the aristocrat贵族.19、 Martin Luther路德,马丁:(1483-1546) 德国神学家、欧洲宗教改革运动的领袖。他反对教会阶层的富有和腐败,认为只要在信仰的基础上即可获得超度,而不须借助于教会

19、的典籍,这些观点使他于1521年与天主教会脱离。他肯定了1530年的奥格斯堡忏悔会,成功的建立了堤路德教会and his Doctrines P145German leader of the protestant reformation欧洲宗教改革运动. He quoted the scripture基督教经文in support of his belief that men are redeemed by faith and not by the purchase(以某种代价)换得of indulgences特许.20、 John Calvin卡尔文,约翰:(1509-1564) 法裔瑞士新

20、教神学家,他破除了罗马教会统治(1533年),在今天为人所知的基督教学院 (1536年)中将他自己的神学教义推向前进and Calvinism卡尔文主义:约翰卡尔文的宗教教义,强调上帝是万能的,以及仁慈上帝对人的超度作用 p147French theologian, work: institutes of the Christian religionCalvinism stressed the absolute authority of the Gods will, holding that only those specially elected by God are saved. He b

21、elief was that any form of sinfulness was a likely sign.21、 Miguel de Cervantes塞万提斯 1547-1616,renaissance in Spain.1*with the publication of don Quixote ,the European novel entered a new stage.2*don Quixote was a parody滑稽satirizing讽刺性描写a very popular type of literature at the time, the romance of ch

22、ivalry. Its sources are romantic as well as realistic, truthful and imaginative.3*it is recognized as the father of the modern European novel, and has had great impact on world literature.22、 William Shakespeare莎士比亚,威廉:(1564-1616) 英国戏剧家和诗人,他的作品被认为是英语文学作品中最伟大的戏剧,其中大多在伦敦的全球戏院演出过,包括历史作品,例如理查德二世 ;喜剧包括 无

23、事生非 和 皆大欢喜 ;悲剧包括 哈姆雷特 、 奥赛罗 和 李尔王 。他还作过154首十四行诗。他最早的戏剧集子,第一对开本,包含了36个戏剧,并在他死后出版(1623年)renaissance in England P176Shakespeare was a man of the late renaissance who gave the fullest expression to humanist ideals.He was inLondonas actor, poet and playwright, with occasional visits to his hometown.Hamle

24、t 哈姆勒特king Lear李尔王Macbeth 麦克白Othello奥赛罗As you like itAnthony CleopatraThe sonnets十四行诗23、 Sir Isaal Newton牛顿1642-1727 P193Of all his achievement in physics, his discovery of the law of the universal gravitation万有引力 is the most important, which states that every body attracts other with force directly

25、 proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of distance between them.24、 Francis Bacon培根,弗朗西斯:(1561-1626) 英国哲学家、随笔作家、朝臣、法理学家和政治家。其作品包括论科学的价值和发展 (1605年)和新工具论 (1620年),在这部著作里他提出了以观察和实验为基础的科学认识理论,作为归纳法理论逐渐为人所知 P196An English philosopher, essayist and statesman.W

26、orks: the advancement of learningThe new AtlantisNew method新工具Essays 培根语录重要Two methods in the novum organum新工具论:1* induction means reasoning from particular facts or individual cases to a general conclusion. 归纳法:由特殊的事实或例子推理出的普遍性规律的过程2* deduction method演绎法 emphasized reasoning from a principle so the

27、 unknown and from the general to the specific.从所述前提得出一个结论;从一般推向特殊的推论25、 John Locke洛克 1632-1704, 英国哲学家 P204English empiricist经验主义者 and an outstanding political philosopher.His materialist views唯物主义观点 are expressed明确的 in one of his chief works:Essay concerning human understanding 1960His basic theory

28、is that all our ideas are ultimately 根本、最终derived 起源from sensation or from reflection, that these two make up experience and that all our knowledge springs from 来自experience.26、 John Milton 米尔顿1608-1674, 英国诗人 P 212Epic poems : paradise lost 失乐园/ paradise regained / Samson agonist力士参孙27、 Rene Descart

29、es笛卡尔,莱恩:(1596-1650) 法国数学家,哲学家,因将笛卡尔坐标体系公式化而被认为是解析几何之父。他的哲学思想基于唯理性的前提“我思故我在”1596-1650 P213A philosopher, physicist and mathematiciam.His believed that modern philosophy begins with Bacon培根 in England and with Rene Descartes in France.Major works: rules for direction of the mindDiscourse on详论 methodM

30、editations concerning first philosophy and objections and replies28、 French classicism古典运动 and what is classicism? P127Classicism implies the revival of the forms and traditions of the ancient word, a return to works of old Greek literature from Homer荷马 to Plato柏拉图 and Aristotle.亚里士多德But French classicism of the 17th century was not conscious of being a classical revival. It intended to produce a literature, French to the co

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