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2、记忆时间到时,让被试默写自己记忆的单词;批改被试默写的单词2、计算机键盘与水平面可有三种倾斜度:0度、10度和15度,试设计一项实验来证明,哪一种倾斜度最有利于输入字符。单因素被试间设计1. 提出假设:在计算机和水平面之间的三种倾斜度中,0度,10度和15度中,打一段相同的材料(使用相同的语言),在完成任务以后,比较一下哪种任务完成的时间是最少的,假设倾斜10度所需要的时间是最少的。2. 被试筛选被试:在对被试进行选择的过程中,需要进行严格的筛选。在进行最后的测试之前,要对每个被试进行测试。 让所有被试在同一个房间里进行,给他们500字的中文文字,在最后的结果中筛选出在3-4分钟内完成的被试,

3、这样能够排除掉打字技术对成绩的干扰。其中选出被试45名。每个被试分别接受三个水平的实验处理(0度,10度和15度)。3. 实验材料3台配置一样的电脑,分别是:0度,10度和15度。分别给被试呈现不熟悉的材料,避免对材料有熟悉度,每段文字500字。4. 实验程序(1) 把被试统一安排在指定教室进行,事先不需要太多的交流。(2) 指导语:大家好,今天我们要进行一项文字输入的测试。在屏幕中央将会出现一篇文字,请您以最快的速度输入文字。在我说开始后,大家可以开始了。(3)电脑自动记录被试完成的时间。(4)进行数据分析。三、研究者要探讨灯光强度与颜色对反应时的影响,试设计一个22实验研究范式。(要求说明


5、试设计一个真实验研究范式。(要求说明实验中自变量、因变量与控制变量,是组间设计还是组内设计,实验结果如何整理等)采用随机化多组后测设计(组间实验设计)该实验研究的自变量为:教学方法,有三个水平:教学方法、教学方法、教学方法。教学效果,可用实验结束后学生的学业成绩变化情况来表示。 控制变量:不同数学教师的教学水平,学生的学习时间,学习动机等。 选取研究对象(取样):在某中学某年级随机选取学生n名,将其随机分为三组,在数学教学中分别使用三种不同的教学方法。测出实验结束后三组被试的数学成绩,比较三组被试数学成绩的平均数,看是否有差异,采用单因素方差分析(或者F检验),如果有差异,说明三种教学方法对数

6、学教学效果产生了不同影响。英语面试1,你喜欢的电视节目my favorite reality Tv show is the impossible game. The Tv program has six famous male stars of china to take part in, the six men are Huanglei, Huangbo, Sunhonglei, Zhangyixing,Luozhixiang and Wangxun. It is very exciting and interesting because the six men should finish

7、the impossible tasks that they have never done before. The tasks need peoples intelligence, strong body and courage. I like Huanglei the most, because he is the most clever. I also like sunhonglei and huangbo, because they seem selfish, in fact they care others very much. and zhangyixing is the memb

8、er of EXO, he is very handsome and popular with girls. Luozhixiang is very funny, I like him because where he is where the happiness is. Wangxun is always cheated, but he is still kind to others. At the beginning I think its an entertainment show, and later I find it is of educational significance.

9、From the program I learn a lot, I hope I can learn to challenge myself from the six men, I wish I can overcome my limitation and be more kind to others.2、喜欢的音乐I like pop music There are many different kind of musics, classic, electric, country and blue。 Among all these, pop music is my favorite。 I l

10、ove pop music because they are always fresh and always new。 Every time you get tired about one pop song, there will always be a new one waiting for you to listen。 Also, I love dancing with pop music which makes me feel young。 Whenever I feel upset or tired, pop music will cheer me up with they beaut

11、iful rhyme and teach me how to live my life in a right way。 Pop music is the soul of youth and it goes on forever。3、喜欢的网站I like surfing on the Internet. Although there are lots of websites, I like the CoCo English Learning website most. It is useful for me to learn English. For-example, there are lo

12、ts of English songs. I can improve my English by listening to English songs. Also, I can do some tests to check what I have learned.It is also interesting. I can make friends who like English either by it.4、喜欢团队合作还是个人Team Work.Team work is very important in our work.It is quite often that one is not

13、 able to carry out a job by itself.He needs more people to complete it together.We can say some importance jobs could not be done without teamwork.For example,in a football match,very member plays a different role which is important,all members must cooperate with each other to fight against the opp

14、onent team.They can only win the match when they do good teamwork,or they will be defeated.China has an old saying,Unity is strength,which means the importance of teamwork.5.网上购物When it comes to online shopping, different people holds different ideas towards it.Some people seem extremely enjoy the w

15、ay of buying things online because they feel online shopping is so convenient. Some just dont believe that they can buy good quality commodities from Internet. As far as Im concerned, I think online shopping creates lots of benefits to people. People buy commodities by Internet not only because it s

16、aves us time, but also, we can save lots of money. buying things online is a way of saving time.In conclusion, shopping online is a convenient, time-saving and money saving way.6、分数重要还是能力重要1 interpersonal relationships in the University, compared to learning, a little is not important;2 interpersona

17、l relationship is based on the value of the potential exchange, a person of no value, do not talk about interpersonal relationships;3 learning is not just learning professional knowledge, learning without thinking of the people, also do not talk about the value of.If you want to become a man of valu

18、e, it must be in learning at the same time, diligent in thinking, diligent summary.7、自己的兴趣爱好I have many hobbies,such as listening to music,reading,running and so on.As we all known,listening to music is a good way to coordinate our mood.Therefore,I enjoy listening to music,which can make me feel ver

19、y happy.Moreover,I like reading very much.Reading makes a man.I have read the article whose name is Of Studies that was written by Bacon.He said that studies serve for delight,for ornament and for ability.So we can not stop learning.In other words,never too old to learn.In addition,it is necessary t

20、o do exercise regularly.I love running,because it has great effects on my health.In a word,my hobbies have positive influences on my body and soul.8、介绍家乡Luoyang, as is known to us all, is the capital of thirteen dynasties, which is located in the west of Henan Province. The climate in Luoyang is pre

21、tty good. In summer, it wont be too hot. Whats more it wont be much too cold in winter. Luoyang is a historical city, so there are so many scenic sites, such as Longmen Grottoes(Shiku), White Horse(Baima)Temple, and other beautiful scenery in Luanchuan. I think you must know this sentence Luoyangs p

22、eony is the best in the world. So why not come to my hometown to see the peonies next year, and at that time I will show you around my hometown, besides, you will be taken to Laocheng, and I must treat you with lots of characteristic snacks. My hometown, Luoyang, is an amazing city and I love it so

23、much.9、难忘的经历An unforgettable thing I still remember the first day when I went to school .I was very shy .I sat beside my desk and did not say a word .Many boys and girls wanted me to play with them .But I was too afraid to move .Tears came to my eyes .Just then a beautiful woman came to me .She told

24、 me that she was my teacher Miss Yang .She talked with me quietly and told funny stories to me .We laughed happily and I did not feel afraid any more.She was so kind that I thought she was just like my mother .From then on , I made up my mind to be a teacher like her when I grew up !10、对家庭教育和对学校教育的看

25、法I personally think that family is more important than school education:One, in the childs growth path, family education is more important than school education, father education and mother education equally important.Second, family education with children from birth to, growth until the founding fa

26、mily. Family education dont in school education, the influence on children is subtle. Outlook on life, values, ethics, aesthetic view, mode of thinking, habits, behave as will give a greater impact; in the education of family education financial in family life is full of strong affection and the ind

27、ividual teaching way.11、喜欢的电影My favorite cartoon film is Kung Fu Panda.Because its very funny and interesting.The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city.So many people like it.In this cartoon movie the character who I most like is the panda Arab

28、 League valuable.Because it not only unusual lovable and annoys the human to like, moreover is this cartoon movies lead .But I did not deny that other roles also very much annoy the affection, for example tigress (Angelina Jolie), viper (Lucy Liu), praying mantis (Seth Rogen), hoist crane (David cro

29、ss) and monkey (Jackie Chan).I from this cartoon movie middle school: Each people have the merit and the shortcoming, perhaps you only know your shortcoming, so long as but you look diligently, also will discover that oneself will have the merit.12、城市规划With industries and business developing quickly

30、, the number of trees in many big cities has dramatically reduces. Efforts are being made to prevent people from cutting more trees. But a lot of trees are being destroyed by people who have never thought of the importance of green plants.Making cities greener has many advantages. First, it can make

31、 our air cleaner. Some researchers have proved that trees can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through absorption. Second, it can make our cities more beautiful. With trees and flowers everywhere, living conditions can be improved. Finally, it can produce timber-an effective way to solve the problems of limited supply of natural resources. Making our cities greener requires nationwide efforts. People in every field should not only know about the importance of keeping the quality of urba

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