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1、6.In the West people think it s rude to ._a person7.Fine, let s to Section 2, as we have finished Section 1, said the professor.8.Of course, a good idea will not reality by itself. It needs our hard work.三、用所给词的适当形式填空1.We felt motivated after listening to the (inspire)speech.2.The train started (ins

2、tant)he was on board and he sighed in relief.3.As we get older, our bodies become less (efficiency)at burning up calories.4.Your friend has a very (attract)personality, so we all admire her.5.It was the most (delight)garden I had ever seen.6.People greatly appreciate all (con tribute)made by the bra

3、ve soldiers.7.They drew a (con clude)that he was guilty.四、 翻译句子1作为一位候选人,如果你想赢得选举,你必须给你遇见的人留下好印象。 (make a good impression on )2.她过去常在睡前做仰卧起坐。 (used to do)3.当看到那些学生渴望知识时,我更加努力工作了。 ( greedy)4.清晰地印在书的封面上的是一幅美丽的图画。 (全部倒装)5.在他离开前他说他一会儿就回来。 (in an instant)五、 完形填空Imagine you are an urban professional living

4、 in a western city a few decades from now. An average morning might look something like this :There will be no alarm clock to 1 you up at least, not in the traditi onal sen se. In stead, you ll be awaken by the smell of freshly brewed coffee, by 2 entering your room as curtains ope n automatically b

5、y themselves, and by a gen tle back massage man aged by your hi-tech 3 .You re more likely to awake 4 , because in side your mattress (床垫)there s a special sen sorthat 5 your sleep ing rhythms, determ ining exactly whe n to wake you so as not to 6 your sleep.Your apartment is an electronic orchestra

6、( 管弦乐队)and you are the 7 . With simpleflicks of the wrist and spoken orders, you can 8 temperature, wetness, music and lighting. You are able to look through the day s news on 半透明的fer)t(creens while a freshly cleaned _9_is take n from your closet. You 10 the kitche n for breakfast and the tran sluce

7、 nt n ewsdisplay follows, as a projected picture 11 just in front of you. You take a cup of coffee and a fresh pie . 12_to perfection in your oven (烤箱),and skim new emails 13 a tablet projected in front of you. Your central computer system suggests a list of _14_yourhousekeep ing robots should do to

8、day.You pull up notes for a(n) 15 you II give later that day to important new customers abroad. All of your data from your pers onal and professi onal life is 16 through all of your various devices, as it 17 insthe cloud, a remote digital-storage system with near limitless ability. You own a few 18

9、digital devices : one is the size of a tablet, another the size of a pocket watch, while others might be 19 or wearable. All devices will be lightweight, really fast and will 20 more powerful processors tha n anything available today.1.A. pick B. wakeC. bring D. take2.A. air B. smellC. light D. wi n

10、d3.A. bed B. machi neC. phone D. chair4.A. en ergetic B. sleepyC. upset D. n ervous5.A. cha nges B. checksC. forms D. develops6.A. in terrupt B. absorbC. disturb D. affect7.A. performer B. liste nerC. player D. director8.A. in crease B. measureC. con trol D. record9.A. suit B. dishC. towel D. sheet1

11、0.A. look for B. break intoC. head to D. kno ck at11.A. spinning B. flyi ngC. wait ing D. speak ing13.A. on B. atC. in D. for14.A. researches B. homeworkC. chores D. experiments15.A. presentation B. reasonC. promise D. excuse16.A. reliable B. availableC. widespread D. valuable17.A. collected B. cove

12、redC. buried D. stored18.A. expensive B. fashionableC. different D. important19.A. modern B. cheapC. flexible D. strong20.A. fix B. equipC. supply D. use六、阅读理解s NesDuring the winter, Andy Law likes to keep his house warm, which used to be a problem. He sometimes forgot to turn down the thermostat (恒

13、温器) when he traveled, which raised his heating bills. But he hasn t had to worry about that since he bought one of Googlethermostats.In fact, companies are developing many smart devices( 装置 )that will tailor their functions to what they learn about their users needs. But many of these devices are st

14、ill on the drawingboard, so the Nest thermostat first provides a good example of what is fast coming down the road.Officials at Google Inc. say the Nest thermostat can understand what its owners want. The first three to four days is when it s most eager to learn, said Maxime Veron, director of produ

15、ctmarketing for Nest. It gathers data, temperature, the time it was set and occupancy. After four days Nest learns enough to keep the house as hot or cold as the person generally prefers atdifferent times.One feature that will click in about a week after Nest starts learning is its Auto-Away functio

16、n. Nest will automatically adjust the temperature to whatever people previously have indicated they prefer when they re gone.The Auto-Away sensors(传感器)also are designed to sean a room for movement above most pets heads, so they don t mistake a dog or cat for a person and assume someone is still in t

17、hehome. But the thermostats ean be fooled by large pets.Another feature many people seem to like is Nest Leaf , which gives the users feedback (反 馈)whenever the temperatures they set save energy. So if the person raises the temperature enough on a hot day or down on a cool one, a green leaf appears

18、on the thermostat.However, some people say that it is too expensive. But after trying it out, PC Magazine editor John Delaney said, It is a must for anyone looking to save on heating and air conditioning costs and I like the idea of setting it and forgetting it. 1.After buying a Nest thermostat Andy

19、 Law .A.has reduced his heating billsB.has solved his health problemsC.doesn t need to keep his house warmD.doesn t worry about his traveling expenses2.By sayingon the drawing board in Paragraph 2, the author means that many of thesedevices are .A.out of controlB.made for a special purposeC.designed

20、 in many new the process of being planned3.One feature of the Nest thermostat is that it can .A.affect and change its users living habitsB.learn its users daily heating and cooling preferencesC.collect detailed information about its users activitiesD.recognize the differences between people

21、 and large pets4.A green leaf will appear when you your Nest thermostat in a cool houseB.turn down your Nest thermostat on a hot dayC.turn on the Auto-Away function of your Nest thermostatD. adjust your Nest thermostat to an energy-efficient temperature5.What s the beistltet for the passage

22、 ?A.The introduction to Google s Nest thermostatsB.The way to keep one s house warmC.The experiment on thermostatsD. The function of Auto-Away 参考答案1.greedy 2. motivation 3. swallowed 4. instant 5. settlement 6. material7. wandered 8. recycled 9. representatives1.are greedy for 2. citizens 3. at that

23、 instant 4. back to earth 5. settle down6.stare at 7. move on 8. turn into1. inspiring 2. instantly 3. efficient 4. attractive 5. delightful 6. contributions7.conclusion四、翻译句子1. As a candidate, you must make a good impression on the people you meet if you want to win the election.2.She used to do si

24、t-ups before going to sleep.3.When I saw that those students were greedy for knowledge, I worked harder.4.Clearly printed on the cover of the book is a beautiful picture. 5. He said he would be back in an instant before he left.五、完形填空【解题导语】 本文主要描写了未来的生活情景,比如我们日常生活中的起床、睡觉、 做饭以及公寓里各种自动设备等情况。【重点词语链接】1.

25、 massage n. 按摩The boy gave his mother a soft mas sage in ordertorelieveherpainsin her feet. 为了减轻母 亲脚部的疼痛,这个男孩给她按摩。2.translucent adj. 半透明的The sky was changing from translucent blue to thicker grey. 天空由半透明的蓝色变成了暗 灰色。1. B 【解题思路】结合前面的 There will be no alarm clock 可知此处是指没有闹钟叫醒你。2. C 【解题思路】从后面的 entering y

26、our room as curtains open 可知,此处应该是指窗帘打开后,光线进到房间来。3. A 【解题思路】结合语境尤其是前面的a gen tie back massage 可知此处是背部的按摩,因此选 A。4. A 【解题思路】根据下文的 determining exactiy when to wake you 可知, 人会睡眠比较好,因此醒来的时候会感到精力充沛。5. B 【解题思路】从空格后面的 your sieeping rhythms , determining exactiy when towake you 可知,这里指传感器检查睡眠规律,确定什么时间唤你起床。6. C

27、 【解题思路】由空前的 可知, 此处指以免打搅你的睡眠。7. D 【解题思路】根据空格前面的 Your apartment is an eiectronic orchestra (管弦乐队) 可知,这里指公寓就像一个电子管弦乐队,你就是一个指挥者。8. C 【解题思路】结合空格前面的 With simpie fiicks of the wrist and spoken orders和后面的 temperature ,wetness ,music and lighting 可知, 此处表示你可以控制温度、 湿度、 音乐和灯光。9. A 【解题思路】根据后面的 your cioset 可知,此处是指一套清新干净的衣服。10. C 【解题思路】根据后面的 the kitchen for breakfast 可知, 你直奔厨房去吃早餐。11. B 【解题思路】as a projected picture 和后面的 just in front ofyou可知,此处表示像在你面前飞着的投射图像一样。12. D

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