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1、 General Conversation 问候,介绍和一般交谈.1. How have you been?/Long time no see! 1. 你近来如何?/好久不见!2. How are you? 2. 你好吗?3. Nice to meet you. 3. 很高兴见到你。4. Nice to see you again. 4. 很高兴再见到你。5. How do you do? 5. 你好吗?6. Good morning. 6. 早上好。7. Good afternoon. 7. 下午好。8. The whether forecast says it will be cold b

2、eginning tomorrow. 8. 天气预报说明天开始变冷。9. Its hot. 9. 天很热。10. Its worm 10. 天气暖和。11. Its sunny. 11. 天气晴朗。12. Its rainy. 12. 下雨了。13. Its cloudy. 13. 多云的天气。14. Its cold. 14. 天气很冷。15. My name is Hong Gil Dong. 15. 我是16. Id like to introduce my co-worker, Mr. Hwang, to you. 16.我想把我的工作伙伴介绍给你。17. Welcome! I am

3、LQC Hong Gil Dong. Im in charge of the hull of this ship. 17. 欢迎!我是,我负责这艘船。18. Hello, I am Hong Gil Dong. Im in charge of this team. 18. 你好,我是 ,我负责这个部门。19. I am Hong Gil Dong. Im in charge of this inspection. 19. 我是,我负责这次检查。20. I am in charge of this block. 20. 我负责这个分段。21. I am Hong Gil Dong. Im in

4、charge of piping work. 21. 我是,我负责管道工作。22. I am in charge of the final work of the hull construction until delivery. 22. 我负责装船前的船舶建造最后的工作。23. Are you here to inspect Hull No. 1234? 23. 你在这儿检查1234号船吗?我带你去看看。 Ill show you around.24. Wed like to welcome you to this department for the inspection.24. 欢迎你来

5、检查。25. Ill get the person in charge for you. 25. 我派个人协助你。26. Ill get QA personal. 26. 我要一个QA人员。27. Mr. Kim, in QA, has not come yet. 27. 金先生还没来。28. QA staff, Hong Gil Dong is absent because of business trip.28. QA人员 出差没来。29. The QA staff is with another inspector, so Ill accompany you in their place

6、.29.QA人员是另一个检查员,因 此我会陪你到他们地方。30. The QA staff is so busy that I will accompany you for the inspection. 30.QA人员太忙了,因此由我陪同检查。31. Just a moment please. 31. 等一下。32. May I help you?/ What can I do for you?/ How can I help you? 32. 我能帮你吗?33. How should I address you? 33. 我怎么寄给你呢?34. Could you give me your

7、 business card? 34. 能给我你的名片吗?35. Did you conduct inspection work at this company a few years ago? 35. 36. Where are you from? 36. 你来自哪里?37. What country are you from? 37. 你是哪个国家的?38. What is your hometown famous for? 38. 你家乡有什么有名的?39. Can you speak Korean? 39. 你能讲韩语吗?40. I am from Dae-Gu. 40. 我来自41.

8、 I am thirty five years old. 41. 我35岁。42. I have been working for 15 years as a hull inspector. 42. 我从事船体检查员工作已经15年了。43. Lets try to co-operate. 43. 让我们试着合作吧。44. Lets begin the inspection after a glass of cold water. 44. 喝杯水后开始检查吧。45. Would you care for a coffee? 45. 要来杯咖啡吗?46. Lets have a cup of co

9、ffee. 46. 喝杯咖啡吧。47. Lets go to the vending machine. 47. 我们去自动贩卖机那里吧。48. Lets begin the inspection after a cigarette. 48. 抽根烟后在去检查吧。49. I dont smoke, but I drink a little. 49. 我不抽烟,但是我喝一点酒。50. Lets have a get-together tonight. 50. 今晚开联欢会吧。51. Thats a good idea! 51. 好主意。52. Do you like Korean food? 52

10、. 你喜欢韩国菜吗?53. How are you feeling today? 53. 今天你觉得怎样?54. You look great today. 54. 你今天看起来很棒。55. Today is March 12th. 55. 今天是3月12号。56. When are you leaving for your vacation? 56. 什么时候开始休假?57. Did you have a good vacation with your family? 57. 你和家人假日过的好吗?58. Did you have a good/nice weekend? 58. 假日过的好

11、吗?59. Have a nice weekend! 59. 祝你有个愉快的假日。60. Take care!/Have a safe trip! 60. 旅途当心。61. What is your office home number? 61. 你办公室电话号码多少?62. My office phone number is 1234. 62. 我办公室电话号码是1234。63. My cell phone number is 011-123-4567. 63. 我的手机号码是011-123-4567。64. We are going to inspect this block. 64. 我

12、们来检查这个分段。65. Well build/construct you a quality ship. 65. 我们将会建造一艘安全的船舶。66. You did a good job yesterday. 66. 昨天工作圆满吗?67. I cant express my thoughts fully in English. 67. 我不能完全用英语表达我的想法。68. See you tomorrow! 68. 明天见!69. Were honored you could come to this naming ceremony. 69. 我们很荣幸你能参加这次的命名仪式。70. I

13、hope well be able to meet again in the future. 70. 我希望我们今后还有机会再见面。71. Its been a pleasure working with you. 71. 和你一起工作很愉快。2. Preparing for the inspection 检查准备.1. When is the inspection scheduled for? 1. 检查什么时候开始?2. When are you going to inspect? 2. 什么时候开始检查?3. Where would you like to inspect first (

14、next)? 3. 你想先去哪里检查?4. What time is this inspection scheduled for? 4. 检查几点开始?5. We are ready for the inspection. 5. 我们已经准备好检查了。6. When will you be ready for the inspection? 6. 你们什么时候准备好检查?7. When will you be available for the inspection? 7. 什么时候方便检查?8. What time do you think is the most convenient fo

15、r the inspection? 8. 你什么时间检查最方便?9. Do you need any help with your inspection? 9. 你需要帮助你检查吗?10. Though it is a little insufficient, its going to be all right for the inspection. 10. 尽管有一点不足,但是检查应该没问题的。11. We will be ready for the inspection around 10. 11. 我们准备在10点左右检查。12. We will be ready for the ins

16、pection by 10. 12. 我们准备在10点左右检查。13. Todays inspection time is 10:30. 13. 今天的检查时间是10:30。14. We will be ready for the inspection at 10 as scheduled. 14. 我们根据计划在10点开始检查。15. We are ready for the inspection of ship 725. 15. 我们已经准备好725号船的检查。16. We are fully ready for todays inspection. 16. 我们准备好今天的检查了。17.

17、 I have done my best to prepare for the inspection. 17. 我会为这次检查作最好的准备。18. We are preparing for the inspection. 18. 我们正在做检查准备。19. When we are ready for the inspection, well call you at the office.19. 当我们准备好检查,会打电话到你办公室。20. Lets start the inspection in 5 minutes. 20. 我们在5分钟内开始检查。21. Ill be waiting for

18、 you at the entrance of the ship. 21. 我会在船的出口处等你。22. Ill be waiting for you in front of Hull No. 1234. 22. 我会在1234号船前面等你。23. Ill be waiting for you at Dock 3. 23. 我会在第三个船坞那里等你。24. Lets meet here around 3. 24. 3点左右在这见面。3. Introduction of the inspection 检查介绍1. Todays inspection item is. 1. 今天的检查项目是2.

19、What are you going to inspect today? 2. 今天你去检查什么?3. Ill tell you the inspection order for today. 3. 今天我会告诉你检查顺序。4. Would you please tell me the inspection order? 4. 你能告诉我检查顺序吗?5. What are you going to inspect first? 5. 我们先查什么?6. What will you focus on in the inspection? 6. 在检查中你会集中检查什么?7. The block

20、to be inspected has been moved another place. 7. 要检查的分段已经移到另一个地方。8. The inspection area has been changed. 8. 检查区域已经改变了。9. Your inspection area begins from here. 9. 你的检查从这儿开始。10. Since it rained yesterday, here is some water in the block. 10. 因为昨天下雨,分段上有一些水。11. The condition in the inspection area ar

21、e dangerous, be careful. 11. 检查区域比较危险,请注意。12. The inspection area is so large that it will take about an hour to complete. 12. 检查区域范围很大,要花1个小时完成。13. I am sorry that I couldnt begin the inspection on time. 13. 很抱歉,不能准时开始检查。14. We will prepare your main checkpoints before the inspection. 14. 我们会在检查前准备

22、好主要的检查点。15. What kind of tools do you need for the inspection? 15. 检查过程中你需要用到什么工具?16. We have a lot to inspect today; lets do it one by one. 16. 今天有很多检查,一个接一个做吧。17. It isnt very clean due to yesterdays rain. 17. 由于昨天下雨了,所以不是不是很干净。18. Because P.E work is going on in this block, it is little dirty. 18

23、. 因为在这个分段上进行PE工作,所以有点脏。19. What do we need for the inspection? 19. 对于检查我们需要什么?20. Do you need torch? Do you need the drawing? 20. 你需要手电筒吗?你需要图纸吗?21. Do you want me to get a piece of chalk for you? 21. 你想要我给你拿粉笔吗?22. I have lights prepared in the block. 22. 我已经准备好分段内的照明设施.23. Id like to know the deta

24、ils of the products were going to inspect.23. 我想知道我们将要检查分段的详细资料。24. Im inspecting five blocks today. 24. 今天检查5个分段。25. Today were going to conduct a hydro test of the main engine fuel pipes. 25. 今天我们要进行主机舱室油管的检查。26. Is the block over there? 26. 那边有分段吗?27. The block has been moved from A to B. 27. 分段已

25、经从A搬到B。28. The pressure gauge is on the second deck. 28. 压力表在第二层甲板。29. We only need to check the lights in the cabin area today. 29. 我们今天只检查船舱处的照明情况。30. How about dividing this inspection into two? 30. 把检查分成两次如何?31. Ill get you the drawing. 31. 我给你拿图纸。32. Well check it with the drawing. 32. 我们根据图纸检查

26、。33. During the inspection, pay attention to safety. 33. 在检查期间,要注意安全。34. Id like to know the assembly process after the inspection. 34. 我想知道检查后的装配流程。35. Will you go alone or do you want me to go with you? 35. 你自己去还是要我陪你去?36. Lets co-operate to build a quality ship. 36. 让我们一起合作建造一艘高质量的船。4. Delay of t

27、he inspection 检查延迟1. Id like to change the inspection time. 1. 我想改变检查时间。2. We are not ready for the inspection yet. 2. 我们还没有准备好检查。3. May I adjust the inspection time? 3. 我可以确认一下检查时间吗?4. We are not ready yet. Could you wait for 10 minutes? 4. 我们还没准备好,你能等10分钟吗?5. I am sorry , but could you come back a

28、gain at 1:30? 5. 很抱歉,你能在1:30分回来吗?6. The block is not ready for the inspection yet. 6. 分段还没准备好检查。7. Postpone GB12 block inspection until tomorrow. 7. 推迟GB12分段检查到明天。8. Even though the inspection is scheduled for today, Wed like to postpone it until tomorrow morning at 10:00.尽管今天才是检查日期,但是我想推迟到明天上午10:00

29、。9. As we are not fully ready for the inspection yet, could you come back this afternoon?由于我们还没有完成准备好检查,你能不能今天下午在来?10. As we are not ready for the inspection yet, wed like to postpone it until 10. 由于我们还没有完成准备好检查,我想推迟到10点。11. As cleaning work is not completed yet, lets begin the inspection in 1 hour.由于清扫工作还未完成,让我们在1个小时内开始检查吧。12. Since we are not ready for the inspections, yet, wed like to delay it.由于我们还未准备好检查,我想推迟。13. Since we have a number of inspections today, why dont you do that separately? 我们有很多检查,为什么昨天不分开来检查呢?14. Due to rain, we have to postpone todays inspecti

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