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1、Lets split the expense.Lets split the bill.Lets share the expense.6、 Would you bring me the menu, please?What is the specialty of the house?Can you recommend what to have?Take out or for here?7、 It hits the spot.Its incredible.It really tastes good.Its out of this world.It couldnt be better.Its juic

2、y.Its to my liking.Its to my taste.The flavor is really good.I cant have enough.8、 Ive had better.It could be better.It leaves much to be desired.Im not an adventurous eater.There is still a lot of room for improvement.Well, to be honest with you, 9、 Care for some more dessert?Do go ahead with the d

3、essert.Help yourself to some of the fish.Do have more of the cake.10、If I eat another bite, Ill burst.If I had anymore, I would be overdoing it.If I had another bite, Id be overeat myself.11、I have a big appetiteHe eats like a horse.I have no will power when it comes to dessert.In spite of myself, I

4、 couldnt stop eating.I couldnt have enough of it.I overate myself.If I have another bite, Ill burst.三、住宿场景1、dorm宿舍 move off the campus搬出校园 stay put不搬出校园 furnish the apartment布置房子 paint the room粉刷房屋 vacuum the rug给地毯吸尘 polish the furniture给家具打蜡 framed posters带框装饰画 wall paper墙纸 shower pipe淋浴 technicia

5、n技工 electrician电工 plumber管工 roommate舍友 messy乱 noisy吵 leave things about四处放东西 play loud music音乐放音大 housing office房屋管理中心 cultural shock文化冲突2、The window is stuck.窗户打不开了 The shutters are loose.百叶窗松了 The faucet/pipe is leaking.水管漏了 The sink is clogged.下水管漏了 The lock doesnt open.锁打不开了 There is something w

6、rong with the wiring/plumbing.电线/下水出问题3、My room is a mess. I havent done the cleaning for quite some time. My room is in chaos. mess up/make a mess of 搞糟 His room is a real dump.他的房间真脏 at sixes and sevens乱七八糟 spacious/ roomy宽敞的 cramped拥挤的 tiny place地方小 I can hardly turn around in my room.我在屋子里转不了身四、

7、出行场景1、搭车Could you give me a ride to? Could I get a ride with you to? Could you give me a lift to? Could I get a lift with you to? Could I ride with you to?2、开车 drive a car/do the driving/be behind the wheel开车 go for a drive开车兜风 take turns driving轮流开车 You were speeding. Speed limit. You went through

8、the red light. You parked in a place where you shouldnt. This lot is for faculty only.3、买车、借车、接送人 They end up being more trouble than they are worth. Trade it in for a new car Could I borrow your car? Could you lend me your car? Could I use your car to go grocery shopping? Could you let me use your

9、car to pick up my friend at the airport? Do you think I could borrow your car to? I dont imagine that you have a car I could use to? Ill run you home. Where do I pick you up? Ill drive you to the bus terminal.4、交通方式 nonstop train/express train直达列车 one way ticket单程票 return ticket来回票 round trip ticket

10、来回票 platform站台 platform ticket站台票 rack行李架 baggage rack行李架 waiting room候车室 dining car餐车 window seat靠窗座位 direct flight直达航班 connecting flight衔接航班 cabin机舱 hostess空姐 luggage compartment行李舱 take off起飞 land降落 boarding pass登机牌 airsick晕机 night service夜航 first class头等舱 economy class经济舱 board the train上火车 boar

11、d the plane上飞机 fare交通票钱 train fare火车票钱 air fare飞机票钱 expenses费用 watch our expenses注意花费 change a few times换乘几次 train schedule火车时刻表5、交通拥堵 The traffic is heavy. The traffic was at a standstill. The traffic was bumper to bumper all the way home. The traffic is backed up for several blocks. Its a nightmar

12、e on the expressway during the rush hour. You can never rely on the bus schedule. The bus is running behind the schedule. My bus usually takes half an hour to get to campus, but today it took me over an hour. I dont know whether I can make the next bus. The traffic is tied up. The traffic is backed

13、up.五、金钱场景1、没钱 Im broke. I cant make ends meet. I never seem to have any money. Im on a budget. Im on a tight budget. Do you think I have inherited a fortune? Do you think my name is Rockefeller/Bill Gates? Do you think Im made of money? My finances are really low. Its more than I can afford. We cant

14、 afford much. Its beyond the reach of most students. Ive found a perfect book bag, but Im about 20 dollars short. He spends money like water. I spent my whole budget for the semester. I went through a lot of money recently. He has some money to burn. Whenever there is money in his pocket, money will

15、 be burning a hole in his pocket.2、物价高、太贵 Its expensive/a bit steep/overpriced/costly/too dear/a rip-off/beyond the reach of me. The price is unreasonable/unreasonably high. It costs me a fortune. It costs him an arm and a leg.3、 We have to watch our expense. We have to save money for rainy days. We

16、 have to stay within our budget.4、 apply for the scholarship apply for financial assistance apply for student loan六、学习生活场景1、课程安排The class is cancelled/called off on Thursday.The quiz will be postponed/put off until next weeks class.The math test wasnt until Monday.2、学习困难I have trouble withIm having

17、difficulty doingIm having a problemIm having a hard time withI can never understandI dont know what to do withI can never make sense ofThis course turned out to be hard.This course is really difficult.This course is much too hard for me.These physics problems are really tough.Dont give up. It always

18、 seems hard when you are just starting out.Dont give up. Everything is difficult before it is easy.Stick with it. I did it and I made it.Why dont you get some help from, they can help you out.3、学习努力Study around the clockSpend hours on end working on myWork on something day and nightWork on something

19、 night and dayIve been spending 36 hours a day working on my thesis/project.Ive been working on my dissertation proposal day in and day out.Ive put a lot of hours/time/days intoHe burned the midnight oil.I made a night of it.He stayed up late cramming for his exams.He was up all night, trying to com

20、e up with something.He never missed/skipped a class.He cant tear himself away from his studies.He couldnt put down his textbook.4、学习累及建议Im exhausted/beat/burned out/out of steam/out of energy/worn out.Shes been knocking herself out on the project.My eyes are starting to blur.I can hardly stay awake.

21、Ive been studying so long that I can hardly concentrate.You need a change of pace.Everybody needs to take a break every once in a while.Come to movies with us.One has to take it easy from time to time.One has to take things easy now and then.You need to relax.Physical activity will make you more ale

22、rt.Why dont we go for a walk/ride/drive?5、 关于考试go over these questionsgo through these questionsreviewcram for the exam填鸭式地准备考试stay up all night studying for the exambe up all night studying for the examIll be tested on this chapter要考着一章score high in the exam考试得高分pass the exams with flying colors以优异

23、的成绩通过考试fail in the exam exam week/period考试周make up the exam补考be nervous/restlessget cold feetcant sit stillbe on edgelike a cat on hot brickshave butterflies in ones stomachkeep pacing the floorbite ones nails6、 作业、论文等场景 paper/essay论文term paper学期论文 thesis硕士论文 dissertation博士论文 dissertation proposal博士

24、论文的开题报告 project课题term project学期课题 book report读书报告 lab report实验报告 presentation发言 assignment/studies/class work /school work功课 deadline最后期限 extension延期 I dont know if I will be able to hand in/turn in my paper on time. The professor gave us a three-day extension. The deadline has been extended a week.

25、 The paper is due this coming Friday. I dont know whether I can make the deadline/get an extension. I have trouble/difficulty/a hard time/a problem deciding on a topic.7、读书场景 novel小说 best seller畅销书 non fiction非小说类书籍 biography传记 autobiography自传 history历史书籍 social commentary社会评论 science fiction科幻小说 de

26、tective story侦探小说 who done it侦探小说 mystery novel悬念小说 pore over the book读书专注 cant put down the book cant tear oneself away from the book I was totally absorbed in the book. I take a lot of interest in this kind of book. He is a fast reader, he will be through with the book in no time.读书快 He can get through the book in two weeks. Ive been reading the same page for hours.读得慢 Ive been struggling with the same chapter for a long time. It seems that I will never get through the book. It takes fo

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