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1、primary planning unit 总规划统计区primary service reservoir 主配水库primary strengthening 主要巩固工程primary treatment sewage 初级处理污水prime investment property 主要投资物业prime lot 最佳地段;“地王”prime site 最佳地盘;primer 底漆;底涂料primer detonator 炮胆principal datum 主水平基准;主基准面principal effective stress 有效主应力Principal Land Control Off

2、icer 政府土地管制监督principal strain 主应变principal stress 主应力principal tenancy 主租赁;二房东租权;包租权principal tenant 主租客;二房东;包租人Principal Valuer 首席估价主任principal works 主要工程priority green form applicant 优先绿表申请人priority green quota 优先资格绿表申请人名额priority in flat selection 优先选楼资格priority junction 优先通行路口priority number 选楼次

3、序编号Priority Service Centre for the Elderly Hong Kong Housing Authority 高龄人士优先服务中心香港房屋委员会private agricultural land 私人耕地private agricultural lot 私人农耕地段private commercial premises 私人商业楼宇private domestic premises 私人住宅楼宇private domestic property 私人住宅物业private domestic unit 私人住宅单位private domestic-Class A

4、类私人住宅private domestic-Class B 类私人住宅private domestic-Class C 类私人住宅private domestic-Class D 类私人住宅private domestic-Class E 类私人住宅private domestic-miscellaneous 杂类私人住宅private estate agent 私人产业代理人private flat 私人楼宇private flatted factory 私人分层工厂大厦private housing 私人兴建的房屋;私人楼宇;私人房屋Private Housing Division Hou

5、sing Bureau 私营房屋部房屋局private industrial/office premises 私人工业写字楼综合楼宇private land 私人用地;私人土地private landowner 私有土地业权人private large domestic unit 大型私人住宅单位private lot 私家地段private medium domestic unit 中型私人住宅单位private office (Grade A) 私人写字楼(甲级)private office (Grade B) 私人写字楼(乙级)private office (Grade C) 私人写字楼

6、(丙级)private open space 私用休憩场地;私有空地private practice surveyor 私人执业测量师private property 私人物业;私人产业private property management agent 私人物业管理公司private property market statistics 私人物业市场统计private recreational lease 私人游乐场地契约private redevelopment project 私营房屋重建计划private road 私家路private sale 内部认购private sale of

7、uncompleted flats 内部认购楼花单位private sector household 私人楼宇住户private sector housing 私人楼宇Private Sector Participation Scheme PSPS Hong Kong Housing Authority 私人机构参建居屋计划私人参建计划香港房屋委员会Private Sector Participation Scheme Steering Group 私人参建居屋督导委员会Private Sector Participation Scheme Tender Board 私人参建计划投标委员会Pr

8、ivate Sector Priority Strategy 私人机构优先策略private sector tenant facility 私人租户设施private slope 私人物业范围内的斜坡private slope owner 私人斜坡业主private small domestic unit 小型私人住宅单位private specialized factory 私人专业厂房private storage 私人货仓private street 私家街道private street resumption clearance 因收回私家街道而进行的清拆private tenancy

9、allowance PTA 自行租屋津贴private tenement building 私人唐楼private treaty grant 私人协约方式批地;私人合约方式批租土地private trustee 私人受托人private underground pipe 私人地下水管private waterfront 私人海旁用地private works 私人工程private-sector-led approach 以私人楼宇为主导的原则privatized estate 管理私营化计划下的屋probability of failure 破坏概率;崩塌概率probate 遗嘱认证Prob

10、ate Registry 遗产承办处problem slope 问题斜坡Proctor compaction test 普氏压实试验product target including safety margin 包括容差的建屋量指标production of land 土地辟增;土地开发production target 建屋指标;预定建屋量;建屋量目标production target professional valuer 建屋指标专业估价师professional management cost 专业管理费profile mark 剖面标志profit rent 租值利润profits b

11、asis valuation 根据溢利估价profits method of valuation 溢利估价法programming 施工时间安排;工程程序;工程进度Project Administration Handbook for Civil Engineering Works 土木工程管理手册project architect 负责有关工程的建筑师;项目建筑师project category 工程级别project code 工程代号Project Design Review Committee PDRC Hong Kong Housing Authority 工程设计审议小组委员会香港

12、房屋委员会Project Design Review Committee Hong Kong Housing Authority 工程设计检讨小组委员会香港房屋委员会project engineer 负责有关工程的工程师;项目工程师project handbook 工程手册Project Management Division Housing Bureau 工程计划管理部房屋局Project Management Information System 工程管理资讯系统Project Management Manual Works Bureau 工程管理手册工务局Project Manageme

13、nt System 建筑工程管理系统Project Manager Housing Department 工程策划总经理房屋署project monitoring system 工程监察系统project office 工程办事处project plan 计划工程图project planning 工程规划Project Procedures Manual Housing Department 工程程序手册房屋署project profile 工程概况;工程项目简介project programme 工程施工计划;工程进度表Project Quality Plan 工程品质控制计划projec

14、t quantity surveyor 负责有关工程的工料测量师project signboard 工程布告板project site plan 工程地盘平面图project surveyor 工程项目测量师project vote 工程拨款projecting footing of the external wall 外墙伸出的墙基projecting structure 伸出楼外的构筑物;伸出楼外的搭建物projection 伸出物;突出物;外伸建筑构件prolongation costs 工程延误引致的额外费用promenade 散步广场;散步长廊proof load 标准荷载;标准负载

15、prop 承托支架;支柱property 房地产;物业Property Attendant 产业看守员property class 物业类别property developer 物业发展商Property Division Memorial 产业分割备忘录Property Guide 置业安居property management 物业管理property management agency 物业管理公司Property Management Unit Lands Department 物业管理小组地政总署property market 物业市场property market statisti

16、cs 物业市场统计property market yield 物业市场回报率property ownership rule 不得拥有自置物业的规定property ownership test 物业拥有权评审;物业拥有权审查property redemption 赎回楼宇property right 产权Property Services Branch Architectural Services Department 物业事务处建筑署property speculation 物业炒卖活动property tax 物业税Property Tax Demand Note 物业税缴税通知书prop

17、erty valuation 物业估价property valuation database Rating and Valuation Department 物业估价资料库差饷物业估价署Proposal for Alteration of Valuation List 修改估价册建议书proposed building 拟建建筑物proposed tenancy agreement 拟订租赁协议;拟订租约propping works 承托工程;支撑工程proprietary roof finishing works 天面隔热工程proprietory products for permanen

18、t reinforced fill structures 永久性加固填筑结构使用的物料Prospecting Licence 探 牌照prospective buyer 准买家;有意的买家prospective grantee 准承批人prospective owner 准业主prospective purchaser 准购楼者;有意购楼者prospective tenant 准租户prospective tenderer 准投标者protected tenancy 受保障的租住权;受保障租约protected tenant 受法例保障的租客protective barrier 防护栏障pro

19、tective canopy 保护檐篷protective coat 保护涂料protective construction 防护工程protective cover 保护层;保护罩protective fence 防护围栏protective works 防护工程provision Home Ownership Scheme 备付金居者有其屋计划Provision for Maintenance and Repairs 维修及修理备付金provision of fire services installation and equipment 提供消防装置和设备provision of lan

20、d 提供土地provisional agreement for sale and purchase 临时买卖协议provisional rates of quantities 暂定工料估价单public active recreation area 公众运动场地public area 公共地方public bathhouse 公众浴室public building 公共建筑物;公众建筑物public car park 公众停车场public cargo working area 公众货物装卸区public convenience 公厕public corridor 公众走廊public dom

21、estic premises 公屋住宅物业public domestic unit 公屋住宅单位public drain 公共排水渠public drainage system 公共排水系统public fill 公众填料public filling activity 公众填土活动public filling area 公众填土区public filling strategy 公众填土策略Public Filling Sub-committee Fill Management Committee 公众填土小组委员会填料管理委员会public geotechnical design 公共工程的土

22、力设计public housing 公共房屋;公屋;公营房屋Public Housing Allocation Policy 公共房屋编配政策public housing block 公屋大厦Public Housing Development Programme 公营房屋发展计划Public Housing Division Housing Bureau 公营房屋部房屋局public housing estate 公共屋Public Housing in Hong Kong 香港公共房屋Public Housing Monitoring Group 公营房屋兴建监察小组public hous

23、ing programme 公共房屋计划;公共房屋建设计划Public Housing Rent Index 公屋租金指数public housing rental estate 公共租住屋public housing subsidy 公共房屋资助;公屋资助public land 公众用地public lane 公众巷public liability 公众责任public liability insurance 公众责任保险public lighting 公共照明设施public lighting programme 公共路灯计划public lorry park 公共货车停放处public

24、open space 公众休憩用地;公共空地public pier 公用码头public project 公共工程public purpose 公共目的;公共用途public rental housing 租住公屋public safety 公众安全public search (memorial) 查册(注册摘要)public search (register cards) 查册(注册资料卡)public sector construction project 公营建筑工程Public Sector Housing Target 公共房屋建屋目标public sewer 公共污水渠public

25、 slope 公共斜坡public standpipe 公共街喉public street 公众街道public toilet 公厕public utility 公用事业设施;公用设施public utility reserve 公用设施预留区public utility trench 公用设施坑道public utility works 公用设施工程;公用事业工程public way 公众通道public works 公共工程Public Works Central Laboratory Civil Engineering Department 工务中央试验所土木工程署Public Work

26、s Programme PWP 工务计划Public Works Programme Item No. X 工务计划项目第号Public Works Progress Committee 工务进度委员会public works project 工务计划Public Works Sub-committee Finance Committee 工务小组委员会财务委员会Public Works Tender Board 工务投标委员会Public Works Tender Box 工务投标箱Public Works Vetting Committee 工务审查委员会publication of a draft plan 公布草图publication of an approved plan 公布核准图则puddle flange 胶泥凸缘pulverized fuel ash 粉煤灰;飞灰pulverized fuel ash reclamation area 粉煤灰堆填区pump and sump system 抽水及去水系统pump house 抽水房;泵房pump installation 水泵装置pump priming approach 暂行迁置方法pump primi

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