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1、8.prefer sth to sth 喜欢不喜欢.9.prefer doing a to doing b喜欢做a不喜欢做b10.prefer to do a rather than do b宁愿做a而不愿做b11.the way +that 做.的方式,方法;+in which ;+ /12.more than 超过,不只是,经常13.more than speaking and listening 不只是14.gesture 手势15.expression 表情16.expression on your face 你的脸部表情17.appearance 外貌,外表18.appear 出现,

2、似乎 disappear消失19.It appears that. 似乎,好像municate with sb 交流municate sth to sb 把(信息,消息)传递给某人22.keep up/lose communication with sb 与某人保持/失去联系 23.leave/make/ give sb a good impression; leave/make /give a good impression on sb 给某人留下很好的印象24.make sb feel+adj.是某人觉得.25.decide to do sth 决定做某事26.decide on sth=

3、 choose 选择27.for assistance 为了得到帮助28.improve 提高 at sb 像某人微笑30.enter the classroom 走进教室31.enter for 报名参加 seems to work这好像起作用了33.without hesitation 毫不犹豫34.hesitate to do sth 犹豫做某事,不愿意做某事35.remark 评论36.downwards 向下的37.sigh for sth 为.叹气38.remind sb to do sth /remind sb of sth /remind sb +从句

4、 提醒某人(做)某事39.throughout the history of mankind 在人类历史上 many situation在许多情况下41.the key to sth .的关键42.signal (n)信号 ,(v)示意,表示43.hostility 敌意44.confusion 困惑 western culture在西方文化里46.maintain eye contact 保持眼神交流 v. & n. 交往,联系48.keep contact with sb 与某人取得联系49.lose contact with sb 与某人失去联系5

5、0.avoid doing 避免做某事 authority 掌权 a matter of fact =in fact 事实上53.for instance =for example 比如54.concentration 专心55.concentrate(v.) on sth 集中时间做某事56.subtle 微妙的,细微的57.consider sth as sth 把看作 considered (as) sth 认为,看作59.consider doing sth 考虑做某事60.stare at 盯着 rude to sb = be impolite

6、 to sb 不礼貌62.boredom 无聊63.lack(n.) of sth缺少 64.lack(v.) sth65.respect v.& n. 尊敬66.lead to =result in=give rise to导致67.lead to this road 通向这条路Unit 2 Care for hair1.hairstyle2.suit3.guarantee4.on top of the addition10.shampoo11.effective12.conditioner13.normal1

7、4.apply15.wet16.squeeze17.squeeze attention to4.protein5.adequate6.dairy on sb =drop in on sb 拜访某人 at some place =drop in at some place拜访某地 for your hair照

8、料你的头发4.hairstyle 发型5.suit sb 适合某人6.guarantee to do sth 保证做某事7.guarantee sth to sb 向某人保证 /feel on top of the world 觉得兴高采烈9.get advice from expert 从专家那得到建议10.curl 卷发11.angle 棱角12.keep healthy 保持健康 a balanced diet吃均衡的饮食14.plenty of 许多,大量 addition 另外16.look after = take care of 照顾17.shamp

9、oo 洗发剂 is adj. for sb to do is adj. of sb to do sth20.effective 有效的21.conditioner 护发素22.apply 使用23.apply to 使用,申请,涂24.apply to the company for the position 向公司申请某个职位25.squeeze out 挤出26.damage(v) sth 损害某物do damage(n) to sth 27.loosen 使松28.dirt 灰尘b n.& v. 梳子 梳头发30.hairdryer 吹风机31.wash ou

10、t 洗掉 least 至少33.remember to do sth 记得要去做某事(没做)34.remember doing sth 记得做过某事(做了)35.overuse 过度使用36.suggest doing sth 建议做某事37.make / put forward a suggestion 提出建议38.normal 正常的39.wet (v)把.弄湿40.Some people.while others一些人然而另一些人41.bald 秃顶 a result of 由于 43.a result of .的结果44.ensure 确保,保证 a

11、ttention to sth/to doing sth 注意46.protein 蛋白质47.adequate 足够的48.eight to ten glasses of water 喝8-10 杯水49.keep sth from doing sthe 避免50.rob sb of sth 抢了某人的东西51.steal sth from sb 偷了某人的东西52.shiny 闪亮的53.remedy for .的疗法54.rinse your hair 冲洗掉你的头发 sb/sth do 帮助做某事56.regularly 经常的 sure to 务必,确保58.

12、the key to sth .的关键59.dairy product 乳制品60.stress 精神压力61.rub your hair 搓你的头发Unit 3 A taste of travel1.twist2.construction3.magnificent4.structure5.base6.include7.gallery8.bronze ware9.sculpture10.calligraphy11.seal12.historical13.civilization14.preserve15.admit16.scenery17.landscape18.attract19.refle

13、ction1.remains2.abandon3.access4.stadium5.hold6.empire7.ruin8.fall into ruins9.stand10.overlook11.tomb12.wonder1.places of interests = tourist attraction旅游景点2.the Great Wall 长城 interested in 对.有兴趣 interest in 5.interests 利益6.twist and turn 蜿蜒曲折(v.)7.twist the truth 扭曲事实8.turn down 拒绝9.turn

14、 up 出现10.turn out 结果是11.turn to 求助于12.turn over移交13.mountain chains 山脉 of sth .的建造 under construction 在建设中16.take shape 成型 designed by 被谁设计plete 完成pletion20.magnificent壮丽的,宏伟的21.from a distance 从远处看22.structure 建筑物23.base 底座24.include 包含-exclude 不包含 (艺术品)展览馆26.bron

15、ze ware 青铜器27.sculpture 雕塑28.calligraphy 书法29.seal 印章 家具 takes+一段时间for sb to do sth 做什么事情花费某人多少时间32.historical 有关历史的33.historic 历史性的34.preserve the buildings 保存,保护这些大楼35.preservation 保护区 admitted to some places被允许进入37.admit to doing sth 承认做某事38.scenery 风景39.landscape,风景,山水

16、ndscape painting 山水画41.odd 古怪的,奇数42.reflection 倒影,反思43.the remains of sth .的遗迹44.ancient temple 古老的庙宇 the pride of sth 是.的骄傲 proud of =take pride in 对.感到骄傲47.abandon v.& n. 放弃48.access(n) to sth 到达,有.的权利49.access(v) some places 50.fall of the roman empire 罗马帝国的衰落51.stadium 竞技场52.fall into

17、ruin 成为废墟53.hold more than 5000 people 容纳超过五千人54.wonder 奇迹55.tomb 坟墓56.overlook 俯瞰57.sit in the stands 坐在看台上58.civilization 文明 made of 有.制成(看得到材料) made from 有.制成(看不见材料) attracted by 被吸引Unit4 Entertainment1.studio2.film3.director4.contestant5.whisper6.faint7.gasp8.cameraman9.seat10.rus

18、h forward11.power12.cue13.clap14.boom15.quiz16.terrific17.ahead of18.tense19.beat20.keep still1.trend2.surround3.achieve4.suspend5.stereo6.arrange7.viewer8.digital9.cigarette lighter10.record11.cassette1.surprise n. & vt.惊奇,吃惊 ones surprise令人惊讶的 surprised to do sth吃惊的做某事 studios演播室5.

19、film v.& n.拍摄,电影6.director导演7.contestant竞争者8.contest v.& n.竞争,比赛9.contest with=compete with竞争10.a speech contest 演讲比赛11.whisper 低语12.whisper to sb向某人低语13.on the stage在舞台上14.faint adj &v. & n. 微弱的,晕倒,昏厥15.a faint hope 渺茫的希望16.faint with 因.而晕倒 a dead faint 不省人事18.gasp 喘着气说19.gasp out 气喘吁吁地说出20.of

20、f the stage 下舞台21.raise ones hand 举起某人的手22.rush forward 冲向23.powder ones face 在脸上抹粉b ones hair 梳头发25.make-up artist 化妆师26.cue sb 给某人提示27.clap拍手28.boom 低沉地说29.terrific 极好的 ahead of 领先31.tense 紧张的32.sit on the edge of ones seat 坐在座位的边缘33.chew ones fingernails 要手指甲34.keep still 静止不动35.make sb up 化

21、妆36.make up ones mind 下定决心做某事37.make up sth 编造38.make up for 弥补39.a bag of nerves 一个神经紧张的人40.cameraman 摄影师 v. 使坐下42.quiz 智力竞赛43.trend 趋势44.entertainment technology 娱乐科技45.feel like + n/adj. 感觉就像46.feel like sth /doing 想要什么,想要做什么47.imax dome theatre 3D电影院48.the Shanghai Science and Technology

22、Museum上海科技馆49.surround 环绕50.surroundings 环境51.audience 观众52.achieve a similar effect 达到相似的效果53.flat-screen宽屏 suspended on the wall被悬挂在墙上 technology 数字科技 arranged round the viewers被安排围绕着观众57.arrange安排 introduced in 被引进59.high- quality music 高质量音乐 longer 不再 61.record v &

23、n 记录62.cassette磁带63.stereo立体声的64.beat sb 战胜某人Unit 5 Think before you eat1.mixed grill2.steak3.pork chop4.sound5.vegetarian6.influence7.astronaut8.crowd9.tiny10.pepper11.grow12.instead

24、kshake7.increase8.heart attack9.intelligent10.decide on11.tell from1.vegetarian 素食者2.vegetable 素食3.mixed grill 烤什锦4.pork chops 猪排5.steak 牛排6.sausage 香肠7.sound good to sb 听起来很好 8.sound +adj.听起来.9.nor more 不再10.the program on tv 电视节目 influenced by 被.影响12.have an influence on = have an effect on 对

25、.影响13.on space 在太空14.become an astronaut 成为宇航员15.industry 工业16.industrialization 工业化17.spend time on sth 在花时间18.spend time in doing sth tiny spaces 在狭窄的空间里20.get sick 生病 the way 顺便说一下22.ought to 应该23.instead of= in place of 替代 contains vitamins and minerals 它包含维生素和矿物质25.pesticide 农药2

26、 healthy for sb 有助于健康27.the best source of energy 能量做好的来源 full of energy = energetic29.the importance of sth .的重要性.30.a variety of sth.多种多样的31.advise doing 建议做某事=suggest doing32.advise sb (not ) to do 建议(不)要做某事33.advise on sth 建议某事34.a balanced diet 营养均衡的食物35.warn sb of sth警告某人某事36.warn sb not to do sth警告某人不要做某事37.warn sb that从句38.lack of (v.)缺少39.a lack of (n.)40.especially 尤其是,特别是41.risk doing (v.) 冒险做某事 the risk of doing sth the risk (n.)of= at the cost of 以 .为代价44.decide on 选定=choose45.decide to do sth 决定做某事46.tell from 区别

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