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1、chickens gizzard-membrane 鸡内金chinaberry bark and root-bark 苦楝皮chinagreen herb 广东万年青chinaroot greenbier rhizome 菝契chinese alangium root 八角枫chinese angelica 当归chinese aralia bark and root-bark 葱木chinese arborvitae twig 侧柏叶chinese asafoetida 阿魏chinese astilbe 落新妇chinese azalea flower 闹羊花chinese azalea

2、fruit 八厘麻chinese bastardtoadflax herb 白蕊草chinese box twig 黄杨木chinese brake herb 凤尾草chinese buckeye seed / 娑罗子wilson buckeye seedchinese caterpillar fungus 冬虫夏草chinese cinquefoil herb 委陵菜chinese cricket 蟋蟀chinese date 大枣chinese dicliptera herb 狗肝菜chinese dwarf cherry seed / 郁李仁dwarf flowering cherry

3、seed / longstalk peach seedchinese eaglewood 沉香chinese elder herb 陆英chinese elm bark 榔榆皮chinese eupatorium root 广东土牛膝chinese fevervine herb 鸡屎藤chinese fir wood or twig 杉木chinese forgetmenot root 接骨草chinese gall 五倍子chinese gentian 龙胆chinese globeflower flower 金莲花chinese hibisci rosae-sinensis flower

4、扶桑花chinese holly leaf 枸骨叶chinese honeylocust abnormal fruit 猪牙皂chinese honeylocust fruit 皂角chinese honeylocust spine 皂角刺chinese incarvilla herb 角蒿chinese iris seed 马蔺子chinese ivy stem 常春藤chinese knotweed herb 火炭母chinese ladiestresses root or herb 盘龙参chinese ligusticum rhizome / jehol ligusticum rhiz

5、ome 藁本chinese lizardtail rhizome or herb 三白草chinese lobelia herb 半边莲chinese loropetalum herb 继木chinese magnoliavine fruit 五味子chinese milkwort herb 大叶金不換chinese mosla herb 香薷chinese osbeckia herb 金锦香chinese peashrub root 锦鸡儿chinese pholidota herb 石仙桃chinese photinia leaf 石南叶chinese pulsatilla root 白头

6、翁chinese pyrola herb 鹿衔草chinese rose flower 月季花chinese sage herb 石见穿chinese silkvine root-bark 香加皮chinese siphonostegia herb 铃茵陈chinese soapberry fruit 无患子chinese st. johnswort root 金丝桃chinese starjasmine stem 络石藤chinese stellera root 瑞香狼毒chinese tallowtree root-bark 乌桕chinese tamarisk twig 西河柳chine

7、se taxillus twig 桑寄生chinese thorowax root / 柴胡red thorowax rootchinese trumpetcreeper flower common trumpetcreeperflower 凌霄花chinese umbrellaleaf rhizome and root 窝儿七chinese usnea 松萝chinese waxgourd peel 冬瓜皮chinese waxgourd semen 冬瓜子chinese waxmyrtle bark 杨梅chinese wedelia herb 澎蜞菊chinese white olive

8、 青果chinese wingmut leaf 枫杨叶chinese wolfberry root-bark 低骨皮chingma abutilon seed 苘麻子chinse clinopodium herb / manyhead clinopodium herb 断血流cholla stem 仙人掌chrysanthemum 菊花cicada slough 蝉蜕ciliatenerve knotweed root 朱砂莲cinchona bark 金鸡纳皮cinnabar 朱砂citron fruit 香橼clam shell 蛤壳clematis root 威灵仙clethra loo

9、sestrife herb 珍珠菜climbing fig fruit 薜荔果climbing groundsel herb 千里光clinopodium herb 剪刀草cluster mallow fruit 冬葵子coastal glehnia root 北沙参coca leaf 古柯叶cochinchina momordica seed 木鳖子cochinchnese asparagus root 天门冬cockscomb flower 鸡冠花coffee senna seed 望江南coix seed 薏苡仁coloed mistletoe herb 槲寄生colophony 松香c

10、ombined spicebush root 乌药common achyranthes herb 倒扣草common adenostema herb 下田菊common aeschynomene herb 田皂角common alocasia rhizome 海芋common alstonia leaf 灯台叶common andrographis herb 穿心莲common anemarrhena rhizome 知母common baphicacanthus rhizome and root 马蓝common bletilla pseudobulb 白及common bluebeard

11、herb 兰香草common bombax flower 木棉花common burreed rhizome 三棱common camptotheca fruit 喜树果common carpesium fruit 鹤虱common cephalanoplos herb 小蓟common cissampelos herb 亚乎奴common clubmoss herb 伸筋草common cnidium fruit 蛇床子common coltsfoot flower 款冬花common crapemyrtle leaf 紫薇叶common curculigo rhizome 仙茅common

12、 dayflower herb 鸭跖草common ducksmeat herb 浮萍common dysosmatis rhizome and root / sixangular dysosmatis rhizome and root 八角莲common fenugreek seed 葫芦巴common fibraurea stem 黄藤common floweringquince fruit 木瓜common four-oclock root 紫茉莉根common foxglove leaf 洋地黄叶common gendarussa herb 小驳骨common goldenrod he

13、rb 一只黄花common heronsbill herb 长嘴老鹳草common jasminorange leaf and twig 九里香common jointfir stem 买麻藤common knotgrass herb 编蓄common lantana leaf 马缨丹common leafflower herb 叶下珠common lophatherum herb 淡竹叶common macrocarpium fruit 山茱萸common melastoma herb 野牡丹common monkshood mother root 川乌common nandina 天竺子c

14、ommon russianthistle herb 猪毛菜common sage herb 荔枝草common scouring rush herb 木贼common selfheal fruit-spike 夏枯草common smoketree twig and leaf 黄栌common squill bulb 鲜白头common st. johnswort herb 贯叶金丝桃common threewingnut root 雷公藤common vladimiria root 川木香common wedgelet fern leaf 乌韭common yam rhizome / win

15、gde yan rhizome 山药copperleaf herb 铁苋菜coral ardisia root 朱砂根coralhead plant seed 相思子coriander fruit 芫荽子corn stigma 玉米须coromadel coast falsemallow herb 黄花棉corymbose hedyotis herb 水线草costustoot 木香cottonrose hibiscus leaf 木芙蓉叶cowherb seed 王不留行creeping dichondra herb 马蹄金creeping rostellularia herb 爵床cree

16、ping woodsorrel herb 酢浆草crispateleaf ardisia root 百两金croton seed 巴豆cudweed herb 鼠曲草cuneate lespedeza 铁扫帚curly bristlethistle herb 飞廉cushaw seed 南瓜子cuttlebone 海螵蛸cyrtomium rhizome 贯众dactylicapnos root 紫金龙daghestan sweetclover herb 辟汗草dahurian angelica root/taiwan angelica root 白芷dahurian patrinia her

17、b / whiteflower patrinia herb 败酱草dahurian rhododendron leaf 满山红dahurian rose fruit 刺玫danshen root 丹参dark plum fruit 乌梅daylily root / citron daylily / small yellow daylily 萱草根decumbent bugle herb 筋骨草decumbent corydalis tuber 夏天无dendrobium 石斛densefruit pittany root-bark 白鲜皮desertliving cistanche 肉苁蓉de

18、vilpepper root /java devilpepper root 萝芙木devils rush herb 龙须草diels stephania root 血散薯digitalis lanata leaf 毛花洋地黄叶digua fig stem 地石榴discolor cinquefoil herb 翻白草divaricate saposhnikovia root 防风divaricate strophantus seed 羊角拗子diverse wormwood herb 刘寄奴diversifolious patrinia root /scabrous patrinia root

19、 墓头回dock root 土大黄doederleins spikemoss herb 石上柏dogbane leaf 罗布麻叶dogs testis and penis 狗肾donkey-hide glue 阿胶doubleteethpubescentangilicaroot/pubescent angelica root 独活downy groundcherry fruit or herb 灯笼草downy rosemyrtle root 岗稔根dragonhead herb 全缘叶青兰dragons blood 血竭s tongue leaf 龙利叶drgons bones , fossilizid 龙骨dried ginger 干姜dried lacquer 干漆dried longan pulp 龙眼肉drug sweetflag rhizome 菖蒲dutchmanspipe fruit 马兜铃dutchmanspipe vine / 天仙藤northern dutchmanspipe vinedwarf lilyturf tuber 麦冬中草药药物中英文名称(C-D) 相关内容:

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