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高中英语第五单元 同步练习四人教版必修一Word格式.docx

1、 4. A. The group were discouraged when they got the result of the experiment. B. The group _ _ at the result of the experiment.5. A. The Johnsons always try to help us out when we have something difficult to do. B. The Johnsons are always a good help when we are _ _.C词语填空用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Have a _ (go

2、) and youll find it easy to do.2. The black used to be _ (treat) as slaves in the south of the Us.3. After hard thinking, he _ (work) out the problem and he felt very happy.4. The total darkness made him _ (afraid), so he dared not go out at night.5. Words in English dictionaries are arranged (安排) i

3、n the alphabetical(字母表的)_(order).6. The terrible storm _ (stop) us from coming here on time.7. The kids _ (work) hard and made rapid (快)progress. Im sure of that.8. Youre late and have missed a good chance to see it. You should _ (come) a little earlier.9. Whenever I see the pictures taken in the un

4、iversity, the happy time _(come) back to me.10. In 1949, people in China _ (come) to power and they began to live a happy life.二、A听力理解第一节(共5小题) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话只读一偏。(Text 1) M: Excuse me. Have you got an electronic dictionary?W: Im afrai

5、d not. Why dont you go and ask Jimmy? I saw one on his desk minutes ago.(Text 2) How can I get to the history museum? You can take a bus, but it isnt too far. Maybe youd like to walk.(Text 3) My mother and I have just moved here from Indiana. Pretty cold in Indiana, isnt it? Yes. Thats why we moved.

6、 And Ive not used to the life here. I love my work as a teacher in a middle school. (Text 4) By the way, have you finished your composition? Yes. I spent more than forty minutes on it last night. I didnt start it until half past nine last night because I had to do my physics exercises first. And at

7、five past ten I finished my composition.(Text 5) Hello, this is Carls garage. We found Mr. Woods wallet here after he left this morning. He has been wondering whether he has to go out to the bank and the post office. You are welcome.1.Who is likely to have an electronic dictionary?A.Jimmy.B.The lady

8、. C.The man2.How far is the history museum?A.Half an hours walk.B.Fifteen minutes ride.C.Within walking distance.3.Why did the man move from Indiana?A.Because its very cold there.B.Because his mother works as a teacher.C.Because he is tired of the life there.4.How long did the man spend on his compo

9、sition?A.Half an hourB.Thirty-five minutes.C.Forty minutes.5.What can we learn from the talk?A.Mrs. Wood lost her wallet.B.Carl works in a post office.C.Mr. Wood is going to pick up his wallet.第二节6-8(Text 6) Hello! Is that Dr Hunters surgery? Yes. It is. Can I help you? Yes, yes, well, Ive got a ras

10、h. Ive had a rash for two days ever since Sunday and Id like to make an appointment with Dr Hunter, please. OK! Is tomorrow suitable? Tomorrow, yes, certainly. Thats fine. He is free at two oclock. Oh. Thats not so good. Could you suggest another time? Is 5:30 all right? Oh, yes. Thatd be much bette

11、r, thanks. OK, 5:30. Thats Mr. Bill Short. And whats your address, Mr. Short? 15 Long Street, Wide View.6. Whats the matter with Mr. Short?A. He is suffering from a rash.B. Hes broken his left leg. C. He is having a headache.7. When will Mr. Short go to see the doctor?A. At 20:00 this afternoon.B. A

12、t 9:20 tomorrow morning.C. At 5:30 pm tomorrow.8. How long has Mr. Short been ill?A. For 2 days since Sunday.B. For 3 days since Saturday.C. For 4 days since Monday.9-11(Text 7) Morning, Alice. Did you enjoy your holiday in the country? Yes, thanks. We had a great time. And some friends went with us

13、. Where did you stay? In a hotel? No. We camped in the mountains, near Snowdon. We cooked all our meals on our open fire and ate outside. Sounds wonderful. Was the weather good? The sun shone nearly every day, and it didnt rain once. Did you like the people there? Yes, they were great. We met some f

14、armers and had tea in their houses. When did you get back? Last night? No. You might think we were mad. We came back this morning, I got up at 1:30, left at 5:00 and arrived here at 9:00. Im so tired. What about you? Did you give a good weekend? Yes, but I didnt do much. I just stayed in. The weathe

15、r was terrible.9. What is the subject of the dialogue?A. The weather.B. Life in the country.C. A weekend.10. Where did Alice spend the nights in the country?A. In a farmers house.B. In the open.C. At a friends home.11. What was the weather like in the country?A. It was fine.B. It was OK, but rained

16、once.C. It was terrible.12-14(Text 8) What are you reading, Paul? Oh, its a book about engineering. Why are you reading Friday evening? Because Ive got to write a report this weekend. What are you going to do when you graduate? Id like to get a job abroad, I think. What are you going to do when your

17、 year at Weston is over? Im going to spend a few weeks touring Britain, then Im going back to Canada, I suppose. What id John going to do? I think hes going to open a branch “ Pretty Feet” in London. Now he is seeing some designers in Italy. Hes coming back tomorrow. By the way, what are you and Sue

18、 doing on Saturday evening? We havent decided yet. Why? Well, I thought we could cook another of our famous suppers and invite John and Sue. Oh, no! sorry, Barbara, bit I really have to read this book.12. When does the conversation take place?A. Wednesday.B. Friday.C. Saturday13. Where does the woma

19、n come from?A. America B. ItalyC. Canada14. Whats Johns plan for the future?A. To open a shoe shop.B. To tour Britain.C. To get a job abroad.15-17(Text 9) Didnt you have a good day, dear? What do you think? Look at this bag! Theres only one bird in it, and it cost me a lot of money! Werent there any

20、 birds? Hundreds of them! But I spent the day quarrelling with a farmer. What happened, dear? I shot my first bird at five oclock this morning. Soon afterwards, I aimed at another one and fired. But I dont know what happened. I think I moved out of place because I didnt shoot the bird. I hit a cow a

21、nd killed it. The farmer who owned it got very angry with me, and he insisted that I should pay for the cow. I quarreled with him for hours, and in the end I had to pay him fifty pounds! Oh, my goodness!15. What did the man go out for?A. He went to work on a farm.B. He went out for a journey.C. He w

22、ent hunting.16. What happened to the man?A. The man shot 2 birds.B. The man killed the farmers cow.C. The man hit the farmer.18-20 For most of us, home computers are still expensive. But in the future, as improvements are made, the home computer will become more affordable, too. When that happens, h

23、ome computers will be as common as television sets are today. The home computer of the future will make our lives easier and more interesting in many ways. It will control the temperature of our homes. It will even allow us to shop and pay bills from our homes. Computers will store valuable informat

24、ion for us, like phone numbers, addresses and birthdays. Computerized locks on our doors will be made to open-not by keys-but by the sound of our voices. “Door-to-door” salespeople may never have to knock on a door again. In the future, newspapers and magazines may be “delivered” on our television s

25、creens, too.18. Whats the story mainly about?A. Computer for home use.B. The important of computers.C. Sending messages by computers.19. How can you eater the door if you fix a computerized lock on your door?A. Use a special key.B. Open the door by speaking to it.C. Sending the computer.20. How will

26、 people do shopping in the future?A. People can do shopping without leaving home.B. Salespeople sell goods from door to door.C. People choose goods on a computer and pay the bills in the stores.B单项填空从A、B、C、D中选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。21. The English play _ my students acted the New Years party was a great success(成功)。A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which22. My teacher usually _ me on my English study.A. advises B. tells C. teaches D. encourages23. Although it was already dark, they _ to work i

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