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译林牛津版高中英语选修9教案u4 task79.docx

1、译林牛津版高中英语选修9教案u4 task79牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语 (模块九) 高三上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 4 Behind beliefs板块:Task 1Thoughts on the design:本节课是Task板块的第一课时,以听、说、读为主。本教案的设计旨在使学生通过对Skills Building 1的学习,在听、说、读等开放式任务型活动中获取有关圣诞老人的大量信息及描述一个传说中的人物时该用的句型,帮助学生在此基础上学会去分析信息、处理信息,从而为完成最后一部分的书面写作任务作好铺垫。教学中课堂活动的设计遵循了学生的认知规律,即按照学生温故

2、而知新探索新知识使用新知识的客观规律来进行教学。Teaching aims:After learning Skills Building 1, the students will be able to know about the expressions used to describe a legendary person and get much information about Father Christmas through listening and reading. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to te

3、ll about Father Christmas with the expressions used to describe a legendary person.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in1. Have a revisionHave a revision of the most popular religions in the world that students have learned in Word power by asking students the following question.Q: What are the most po

4、pular religions in the world?A: Hinduism; Buddhism; Judaism; Christianity; Islam; etc. (PPT4)2Introduce ChristmasIntroduce Christmas by asking students the following questions so that students will naturally associate Christmas with Father Christmas.Q: So among these religions, which is the most pop

5、ular religion in western countries?A: Christianity.Q: What do we call people believing in Christianity?A: Christians. (PPT5)Q: Which is the most popular festival celebrated by Christians?A: Christmas.Q: What do you know about Christmas? (PPT6)Ask the students to talk about Christmas to see how much

6、they know about this festival.Then give a brief introduction of Christmas based on the students answers to the question above: Christmas is the day Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, whom Christians believe to be the son of God. Children are excited about this holiday because they belie

7、ve Father Christmas will bring them gifts. (PPT7)3. Show images of Father Christmas (PPT8, 9)4. Introduce the idea that Father Christmas is only a legendary personIntroduce the idea that Father Christmas is only a legendary person by asking the following questions.Q: But do you believe Father Christ

8、mas really exists?A: No. Although Father Christmas is very famous and people talk a lot about him, he is just a legendary person. The story of Father Christmas is just a legend.(Then arouse students interest in what a legend is and what kind of person is a legendary person by asking the above questi

9、on.)Q: Then what is a legend and what kind of person is a legendary person? (PPT10)After that, ask students to read the top of page 58 in Skills building 1 and find out the answers by themselves.Explanation学生在Word power部分已经了解世界上最受人推崇的几大宗教及相关知识,在导入部分先对相关知识进行复习,并由此自然地引申到西方国家最重要的宗教基督教及该宗教中最隆重的节日即圣诞节和该节

10、日的标志性人物圣诞老人,然后引出Skills Building1中的生词“legend”和词组“a legendary person”,为Skills Building 1开头部分相关知识的学习作好了铺垫。这样的导入既起到了复习、巩固以往所学知识的作用,又能很自然的导入到Task部分的主题,即有关圣诞老人的传说故事。Step 2 Skills building 1: finding information about a legendary person. (PPT11)1. Explore what a legend is and what kind of person is a legen

11、dary person.Let students explore this by themselves.Q: So what is a legend?A: Legend refers to the traditional story of a famous person or an event. Some of the stories can be true. However, most of the stories include things that are untrue, impossible or do not exist. (PPT12)Q: What is a legendary

12、 person?2. A: A legendary person is often a real person who lived a long time ago. The information about this person might be true but some of it might be untrue and just part of a legend. (PPT13)Get students to understand Father Christmas is a legendary personHelp students to understand Father Chri

13、stmas is a legendary person by showing two examples of traditional Chinese legends. (PPT14) Pangu cutting open heaven and earth (PPT15) Nwa patching the sky with five-colour stones (PPT16)Q: In such legends, who are legendary people?A: Pangu and Nwa.Q: So in the legends about Father Christmas, who i

14、s a legendary person?3. A: Father Christmas. (PPT17)Teach the expressions that can be used to describe a legendary person/figureHe/she is said/supposed to He/She is known/described as People believe that According to the stories, he/she Apparently, he/she I have heard that he/she (PPT18)4. PracticeG

15、ive students chances to practice the above expressions by asking them to rewrite the following sentence with the expressions above.e.g. Father Christmas delivers/brings presents to people. Father Christmas is said/supposed to deliver/bring presents to people. (PPT19)Then ask students to practice rew

16、riting the same sentence with the expressions used to describe a legendary person.Practice: Father Christmas delivers/brings presents to people. He/she is said/supposed to He/She is known/described as People believe that According to the stories, he/she Apparently, he/she I have heard that he/she (PPT20)Examples: Father Chri

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