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高三第一次联考英语试题 3Word格式文档下载.docx

1、2. What does the woman decide to do at the end of the conversation? A. To attend cooking classes. B. To learn from each other. C. To learn from cook books.Conversation two3. When does the conversation probably take place? A. In the morning. B. At noon. C. In the evening.4. Where is the school bag? A

2、. Under the bed. B. Under the blanket. C. Under the desk.Conversation three5. Why didnt Uncle Tom fly? A. He was afraid to fly. B. He liked the train better. C. It was much more expensive to fly.6. How old is Uncle Tom? A. Around 45. B. Around 55. C. Around 65.Conversation four7. Whats wrong with th

3、e man? A. He has headaches. B. He has a runny nose. C. He has a temperature.8. When did the problem begin? A. Two weeks ago. B. Two months ago. C. Three months ago.9. Where does the conversation take place probably? A. In a drugstore. B. In a hospital. C. At home.Conversation five10. What is the man

4、? A. A teacher. B. A student C. A tourist11. Where was Lynn born? A. America. B. China. C. Spain.12. How long has Lynn been in China? A. A quarter of a year. B. Half of a year. C. A year.Conversation six13. Where does the conversation take place? A. A hotel. B. A store. C. A restaurant.14. Whats wro

5、ng with the womans coat? A. Its lost. B. Its on fire. C. It drops into water.15. Whats the Day today? A. Valentines Day. B. Christmas Day. C. Thanksgiving Day.SECTION B In this section, youll hear a mini-talk. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information youve got. Fill

6、 in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3WORDS.Youll hear the mini-talk TWICE.A traffic accidentI. What about the accidentThe time to take placeAt 16 , this afternoonThe studentsSome got off the bus, some were hurt 17 .II. Why did the accident take placeNeither the two drivers had been drinking or the 18 w

7、ere poor.III. The number of accidents this month 19 .IV. The polices adviceTo be 20 in driving.PART TWO LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21. Major clubs depending on their e

8、xperienced leaders can be traced to the Indian culture _ family members respect their elders.A. which B. whose C. where D. that22. In recent years, _ many ridersincluding last years winner, Floyd Landis, and several riders this yearhave been accused of taking drugs to help them that the most difficu

9、lt race no longer seems special.A. such B. as C. so D. too23. _ some people believe teenagers dont have much to do with politics, it doesnt mean they are not involved in the world around them. A. While B. Since C. Before D. Unless24. “Its with a great amount of shame _ I stand before you and tell yo

10、u that I have betrayed your trust.” Jones confessed. A. How B. that C. when D. until25. The number of kidnappings in Britain _ dramatically over the past five years.A. had increased B. increased C. is increasing D. has increased26. Actually, suitable electronic equipment has long existed, and many c

11、ompanies market safety aids _ to make it safer for aircraft to take off, fly any distance, and land, whatever the weather. A. to design B. designed C. designing D. design27. The fact that most of these young people have gone to Europeanized or Americanized societies makes it unlikely that they will

12、hold as tightly to the value of duty as they would have if they _ their countries.A. has not left B. did not left C. had not left D. would leave28. _ the waterfront of the city after sunset, you couldnt help stopping and listening to the sweet silence, interrupted only by the screaming seabirds and

13、leaving fishing boats.A. Followed B. To follow C. Following D. Having followed29. The textbook is filled with cases about _ our life has developed thanks to new inventions.A. what B. where C. why D. how30. On a Saturday and Sunday I work in a cloth shop, which is proving to be a bit of a struggle wi

14、th my school work _ so much of my time. A. taking up B. to take up C. taken up D. to be taken up31. He worked harder and ran more than any of the other studentsperhaps he sensed that the abilities that seemed to come naturally to so many others _ naturally to him.A. not coming B. didnt come C. do no

15、t come D. not to come32. Decisions about what Wang should do when he was older _ tension in his familyA. creating B. created C. was created D. to create33. The iphone changes the way we think about how mobile phones _ look, feel and perform.A. shall B. should C. must D. need34. It is worth pointing

16、out that the mishearing or misunderstanding of instructions in English, and the use of another language, in an international conversation, _ two recent aircraft accidents.A. leading to B. to lead to C. led to D. have led to35. Not until I reached my apartment building and unlocked the door _ what th

17、e noise had been. It had been my wallet falling to the sidewalk.A. I realized B. do I realize C. did I realize D. have I realized For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Fill in each blank with the words or phrase that best fits the context. The

18、 other day, I happened to meet someone I hadnt seen for many years. I couldnt believe the 36 in him. In fact, he didnt even seem like the same person.When I first knew Bill, back in college, he was one of the most easygoing, carefree people I had ever met. He was always ready to have a party. He tho

19、ught 37 of going out for pizza at three oclock in the morning or driving 50 miles to see an old movie he really liked. Bill and I were in the same dormitory in college, and life was never 38 when he was around. With him there was one wild adventure after another. Sometimes I wonder how we ever 39 to

20、 study for our exams. Last weekend I was in Houston on business, and I 40 Bill in the bar at the hotel. 41 , I wasnt even sure it was he. Was this short-haired, conservatively dressed businessman really the same person? I wasnt really sure until I approached him, but it indeed was Bill. Now he works

21、 for a bank. He 42 most of the evening about his job, his new car and his house. How he had changed! Back when we were in college, the 43 thing Bill cared about were possessions. Now they seemed to be his major 44 . Although I have changed quite a bit myself, somehow I never imagined Bill changing s

22、o much. My 45 of him remained the one I had formed at the time when we were college students together. I suppose its foolish to expect people to remain the same, especially 46 I have changed so much myself. But I must say that I enjoyed the old Bill much more than the new Bill. Maybe he 47 the same

23、way about me.36. A. behavior B. memory C. change D. character 37. A. nothing B. much C. none D. most38. A. dull B. alone C. pale D. messy39. A. intended B. considered C. completed D. managed40. A. got into B. ran into C. came into D. looked into41. A. From the first B. For the first time C. At first

24、 D. First of all42. A. thought B. talked C. introduced D. showed 43. A. first B. next C. last D. only 44. A. event B. interest C. subject D. idea45. A. conclusion B. comment C. imagination D. image46. A. when B. because C. how D. if47. A. realized B. agreed C. acted D. felt SECTION C Directions: Com

25、plete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.The generation gap is so great in Hong Kong that the teenagers there 48 turn to their parents or teachers 49 advice on anything. 50 it is sex, AIDS, school worries or family problems, adults are not conside

26、red up to the job. Until now, no one has asked Hong Kong youth, What do you think? Some understanding 51 the emotions of Hong Kongs youth, however, has come from the work of Dr. Jeffrey Day at the University of Hong Kong. His survey of young people does not focus, for example, on 52 many drugs they

27、takebut tries to answer the question why. Dr. Day hopes the results, which 53 plans to explain in full next week, will reveal 54 troublesas well as pleasestodays high-school students. Conclusions will be passed on not only to government departments 55 back to the schools which took part.PART THREE R

28、EADING COMPREHENSION Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.AIn this age of Internet chat, videogames and reality television, there is no shortage of mindless activities to keep a child occupied. Yet, despite the competition, my 8yearold daughter Rebecca wants to spend her leisure time writing short stories. She wants to enter one of her sto

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