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1、both go to school, both like doing, like each other, like to be together, help do.要求学生能通过课内文本的学习,模仿叙述自己和朋友的情况。能灵活运用课新的语言知识。第三课时Say and act则是以学生的日常生活中的一段故事情景,来进行更丰富,更愉悦的阅读和表演。教材提供的内容富有感染力和情趣,是学生喜欢的内容。整个故事还渗透着比赛和友谊的教育,是一个很好的题材。也是一篇很适合表演的作品。中间有很多短句都是生活中很实用的日常会话。 Lets wait and see! Dont worry. Congratul

2、ations! Your team pay well. Thank you.第四课时,是一组比较简洁的关于新朋友的介绍,主要是Im from关于家庭住址的介绍和How about you ?句式的运用。相对而言文本内容比较简单,教学中教师可以进行人称的替换和内容的适当拓展,以便提升学生的能力,将文本的内容更为丰富些。写作的练习同样可作句式的扩充。第五课时,的主要内容为Listen and enjoy 和 Learn the sound. 作为本单元的最后一课时,可以在综合本单元主要内容的基础上进行教学。这块内容,让学生欣赏到的是更多的介绍朋友的内容,如运用to have句式,likes to

3、do, loves, happy like a bee ,更加丰富了内涵,在图片的配合下也学生理解和掌握更更丰富的内容。此外,音标的教学也是一块重点和难点。尝试着让学生能说出更多的含有本课因素的单词,进行比较和纠正。并尝试着让学生根据单词读音写音标。词汇、句型学习运用教材内容综合运功用能力第一课时 Same different both allSB: P23 WB:p.31 B 能理解词汇的意义,能正确地运用。第二课时both(do) the same, each other , together, helpdoSB: p22WB: p33 E能模仿课文内容进行有关自己和朋友的一段有意义的语段

4、的叙述。第三课时Lets wait and see!Congratulations! p24 p34 G能模仿课文中的新句型叙述和朋友之间的故事,会用所学的日常会话在创设的情境中正确运用。第四课时Imfrom p25 35H模仿说话,更多的替换人称练习和写作练习。第五课时/u:/ / u/ p26 p32D p36 task学儿歌,丰富更多句式。掌握音标的读音和书写。 Contents5AM2U2 Friends Period 1 (P22)Aims1. Using the key words in context. e.g. same, different, both, all2. Usin

5、g modeled sentences to give specific information. e.g. We are in the same class.Main pointsPronouncing the key words correctly.Difficult pointsUsing the new words and sentences to communicate with others.Teaching aidsPPT, tape recording, etc.Teaching procedureStepsTeachers activitiesStudents activit

6、iesPurposePre-task preparation1. Sing a song.2. Daily talk. Sing together.Introduce your friend.e.g. I have a friend. Her/His name is She/ He is. She/ He can She/ He likes 热身运动,让学生介绍自己的朋友,即带学生进入了学习状态,又揭示了本课主题。While-task procedurebothallsamedifferentFill in the blanks.Make a dialogue.1. Teach: both,

7、all 1) Read the words. 2) Students spell the words. 3)Show the difference between “both” and “all”. 4) Look at the pictures and then make sentences with “both ” and “all”. They both/all _ on Sundays.2. Teach: same, different 2) Read the sentences: They are the same. They are different. 3) Look at th

8、e pictures and then say like this: Look at the _. They are _. One is _. They are _. The other is _. They are the same/ different.3. Fill in the blanks with both, all, the same, different. 1) Students do the exercise. 2) Check the answer. 3) Introduce your friends.4. Make a short dialogue. S1: Who is

9、/ are your friend(s)? S2: is /are my friend(s). Are you at the same school/ in the same class? Yes. We are both/ all at/in No. we are at / in different Do you like the same sports? Yes, we both /all like No. I likeHe/She likes用直观方法告诉学生both和all之间的区别,both表示两者都,all表示三者或三者以上。看图描述,在实际的实践中,让学生掌握same和diffe

10、rent的用法。练习检验学生的掌握程度。在对话中综合运用所学新知,达到学以致用的目的。Post-task activities1. Read the words.2. Do a survey.Students read the words together.Do a survey and then make a report.e.g. and are good friends. They are at the same/ different school(s).They are in the same/ different class(es).They both/all like综合运用所学新

11、知,让学生熟练运用所学单词。Homework1. Listen to the tape and read after it.2. Copy the new words.3. Writing: My friends.板书设计M2U2 Friendsboth, allsame They are the same.different They are different.教学反思Contents5AM2U2 Friends Period 2 (P21)1. Using modeled sentences to describe similarities. e.g. Alice and I both

12、go to Rainbow Primary School.Using modeled sentences to describe the similarities between friends.1. Revision.Read the words.Introduce your friends.复习上课的单词,为本课的新授作好准备。Picture 1 Picture 2, 3 Picture 4 Picture 1 1) T show passage 1 and ask the students to read by themselves. 2) Listen and read the tex

13、t. 3) Answer questions: Whos Kittys friend? Are they in the same class? 4) Introduce: I have a friend. _ and I both go to _. We are in the same/different class (es). Picture 2, 3 1) Listen and answer questions. Do they both like sports? Do they like the same sports? What does Alice like playing? Wha

14、t do they sometimes do?2) T show the passage. 3) Listen and read the text. 4) Teach: help sb. do sth. 5) Students read the text. 6) Introduce:His/Her name is _ and I both _.We are in the same/different classes.We both canWe both likeI like He/ She likes3. Teach: Picture 4 1)Listen to the tape and re

15、ad the text. 2) Teach: together 3) Make some phrases. 4) Read the text.4. Read the rhyme. We help each other. We care about each other. We share with each other. Because we are friends. 在第一环节介绍朋友的基础上加上新知,培养学生连续说话的能力。听录音,回答问题,引出第二段,同时培养学生听说的能力,并锻练学生答题能力。通过组词来帮助学生学会运用新授的单词。渗透德育教育,让学生知道朋友之间应该要相互关心,相互帮助

16、,共同分享。Read the text.Do a survey.1. Read the whole text.2. Fill in the blanks according to the text.3. Do a survey and then talk about it.最后环节,回归文本输出。2. Copy the new sentences. My friend.Alice and I both go to Rain Primary School.We are in the same sb. do sth.5AM2U2 Friends Period 3Learn t

17、he new phrases: from Room 205, from the fifteenth floor, play with all of youLearn the new patterns: I like (doing) How about you? I want to (do) Using the key pattern to express ones likes: I like (doing) Understanding introductions about peoples general information and hobbies.Writing several sent

18、ences to introduce oneself or ones friend.StepPre-taskPreparationRole-play the dialogue on page 24.Make a self-introduction. Invite several students to act out the dialogue on page 24 in front of the class.Ask some questions to the Ss.Then ask them to make a self-introduction according to the questi

19、ons.表演上节课学习的对话,复习巩固所学内容。要求学生根据老师提出的问题,进行自我介绍,为学习新课做好准备。While-taskProceduresRead the text on page 25. Do Write about you on page 25.Write another verse.Have each group read one verse.Then ask several students to complete the table on the blackboard.Encourage the Ss to play the role and make a self-in

20、troduction.Ask the Ss to complete the verse with their own information. Invite several students to read their completed verse to the class.Have the Ss read the information cards and write a verse for one of them.Ask the Ss to make an information card like this with their friends information, then wr

21、ite a verse with it.Invite several students to read their completed verses.学生朗读课文,并归纳出相关信息填入表格中,培养学生的能力。看表格中的信息还原成句子进行表达,锻炼说的能力。模仿课文,用自己的信息完成一个段落,检验学生对课文内容的掌握情况。要求学生根据信息卡上的内容进行仿写,使学生熟练掌握新学的句型。学生制作自己的信息卡,并完成对朋友的介绍。Post-taskActivitiesCollect some information from friends.Write something about their fr

22、iends.Have the Ss walk around the classroom and make friends with each other.Ask them to get some information from their new friends.Ask them to write something about their friends.Encourage them to use same, different, both and all.学生自由选择朋友,用提问等形式搜集相关信息,培养学生运用语言知识的能力。要求学生用前几节课学到的句型对搜集到的信息进行描述。Assig

23、nments1. Copy the text on page 25.2. Learn the third and the fourth verse by heart.3. Write a verse about one of your friends.5AM2U2 Friends Period 4Learn to say the new pattern: I have a good friend called Learn to pronounce the sounds and correctly in words.Review the patterns: both/all (do) We are in the same/different Writing several sentences to introduce oneself or ones friends.Difficult point

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