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1、C.My names LiLi.3.Whats your name? _ A. My names Daming. B.Fine,thank you. C.Good morning.4.How many girls? _ A.Yes,it is. B.Thank you.C.Three.5.Where is the cat? A.Its in the green bag. B.Its red. C.Its a box.6.Is it a bag? A.Yes,it isnt. B.Yes,it is. C.No,it isnt.7.Whats this? A.Its a panda. B.Its

2、 in the desk. C.Im five.8.How old are you? A.Im fine,thank you. B.Im six. C.You are seven.9.Happy birthday! A.Happy birthday! B.Thank you! C.Yes,it is.10.Here is your present. A.No,thank you.四、给圆圈中的字母重新排列顺序,组成一个新的单词,然后把单词写在四线三格中。(加上四线三格) (加上四线三格) (加上四线三格) (加上四线三格)五、情景交际。1.如果你在街上遇见一位好朋友,你该如何问候呢?( ) A

3、Whats this? B.How old are you? C.How are you?2.老师想让你指着门,用英语该怎么说?AStand up. B. Whats this. C.Point to the door. 3.你想向别人介绍你的学校,怎么说呢? AThis is my bag. B.This is my school. C.Im nine. 4.当别人过生日时,你应该对别人说什么? A.How are you? B.Happy birthday. C.Im nine.5.当你想告诉别人你妈妈是位老师时,可以这样说: A.My mother is a doctor. B.My m

4、other is a farmer. C.My mother is a teacher. 六、小小翻译家。1.Good afternoon._ 2.Im a chameleon.3.Its a yellow cap.4.This is my English teacher.5.Where is my bag?6.Sit down ,please._七、连词成句。 point mouth your _ 2.this his is hand_ in the bag green is it a book red 5.grandpa teacher my a is 八、读一

5、读,然后判断下面各小题是否正确,正确的打“”,错误的打“”。 Im a pupil.Im nine.My mother is a doctor,she is 33. My father is a teacher,hes 34.My grandpa is a farmer,hes 66. My grandma is a nurse,she is 66,too.Where is my brother? Oh,he is in the classroom. 1.Im eight. ( ) 2.Im a pupil.( ) 3.My father is 33.( ) 4.My father is a

6、teacher.( ) 5.My mother is a nurse.( ) 6.My grandpa is a doctor.( ) 7. My grandma is a nurse.( ) 8. My grandma is 66. ( )九、读一读,按要求涂颜色。1. Colour the ears red.2. Colour the head black.3. Colour the mouth red.4. Colour the body green.5. Colour the arms yellow.6. Colour the hands black.7. Colour the leg

7、s blue.8. Colour the feet green. 期中测试一、 照样子写一写,并把句子汉语意思写出来。(红色字放入四线三格中,每句话下一行加一行空白四线三格)1.Good morning!2.Whats your name?3.Point to the door.4.Its a black dog.5.How many?二、读单词,将对应图片的编号写在括号里。book ( ) desk ( ) panda ( )pencil ( ) bag ( ) cat ( ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 三、找朋友,连一连。afternoon 男孩chair 女孩bird 帽子re

8、d 下午blue 椅子cap 鸟 girl 红色boy 门 morning 早晨door 蓝色四、给下面单词分类。red panda pen one green cat pencil two bag yellow dog book three black chameleon four blue bird 颜色类:(加上四线三格)文具类:动物类:数字类:五、选一选,配一配。在右边找到每句话的答句,并把选项写在括号里。( )1.Hello! A.Three.( )2.Good morning! B.My names Sam.( )3.How are you? C.Hello.( )4.Good b

9、ye! D.Good morning!( )5.Whats your name? E.Im fine,thank you.( )6.How many boys? F.Good bye!六、情景交际。1.早上见到老师,打招呼时该怎么说呢?AGood bye! B.Goodbye! C.Good morning!2.当我们向新朋友介绍自己的名字时,我们可以说:A.My names B.Good moning. C.Im fine,thank you.3.Sam 是班长,老师走进教室准备上课,他应该怎样说呢?A.Stand up! B.Sit down. C.How are you?4.Lili说她

10、家有好几只小猫,你想问她有几只小猫时该怎么说呢?A.How are you? B.How many? C.Whats this?5.老师想让你指着黑板,可以怎么说呢?AThis is a blackboard.B.Point to the blackboard.C.Stand up.6.你想告诉别人你书包上的图案是一只黑色的小猫,你该怎么说呢?A.Its a yellow dog.B.Its a black dog.C.Its a black cat. 7.下雨了,你没带伞,朋友送你回家,你该对他说:AGoodbye! B.Thank you. C.Im fine.七、请你来判断,他们的自我介

11、绍是否正确,正确的画“”错误的画“1.My name is Panpan. Im a cat. ( ) 2.My name is Jim .Im a girl. ( ) 3.My name is Lele.Im a girl.( ) 4.My name is John.Im a bird. ( ) 5.My name is Tweettweet.Im a dog. 八、我是小小翻译家。1.Im Sam. _ 2.How are you?_ 3.Stand up!4.Point to the window.5.Its a red cap._ 6.How many girls?九、按要求给下面小鸟

12、涂颜色。Colour the bird red. Colour the bird blue. Colour the bird green. Colour the bird yellow. Colour the bird black. Colour the bird orange. 期末总复习一、 找朋友,连一连。二、 将下面每列字母排列顺序,组成一个新的单词。1. (加上四线三格)2 (加上四线三格) 3. (加上四线三格) 4. (加上四线三格)二、 选出不同类的单词,将标号写在前面括号里。1.( ) A.she C.his 2.( ) A.pencil B.bag C.clas

13、sroom3.( ) A.morning B.afternoon C.thank 4.( ) B.girl C.boy5.( ) A.leg B.arm C.morning 三、 读一读,选一选。( )1.Good afternoon,Ms Smart. _ A.Hello,Sam. B.Goodbye,Sam. C.Good afternoon,Sam. ( )2._ Im fine,thank you.A.How old are you? B.How are you? C.Whats your name?( )3._ Im ten. A.How many?( )4._ Thank

14、 you! B.Here is your present. C.Whats your name? ( )5._ Its in the desk.A.Where is cat? B.Whats this? C.How many?四、 情景交际。1.你的铅笔找不到了,你想问你妈妈铅笔在哪里,你该怎么说呢?A.This is my pencil. B.Its in the bag. C.Where is my pencil?2.你朋友到你家里去玩,你给他介绍你的妈妈,你可以怎么说呢?A.This is my mother. B.He is my mother. C.He is my father.3

15、.你想告诉别人你的爸爸是个医生,你该怎么说呢?A.My father is a doctor.B.My father is a driver.C.My father is a teacher. 4.如果你见到一个自己不认识的东西,你该怎么问呢?AHow are you?B.Whats this?C.How old are you?5.别人问你多大了?你该怎么回答呢?()A.Im a pupil. B.Its my birthday.C. Im nine.六、找朋友,连一连。A B1.Good morning,boys and girls. A.Yes,it is. B.It is in the

16、 green bag.3.How many cats? C.Thank you!4.Whats that? D.It is my cap.5.Happy birthday! E.Three.6.Are you seven? F.My names Lili.7.Where is my pen? G.No,Im nine.8.Is this your mother? H.Good morning,Mr Li.七、请你来判断,对话正确的在前面括号里写上“T”,不正确的写上“F”( )1.Good morning,boys and girls. Hello,Mr Li. ( ) 2.How are y

17、ou? Im fine,thank you. ( ) 3.Whats this? She is a doctor. ( ) 4.How old are you? Im nine,too. ( ) 5.Good bye,Lili. Good bye. 八英汉连一连。 A BMy names Panpan. 他是一个司机。Its a blue dog. 你好吗?How mang doctors? 我不知道。This is my school. 我的名字叫盼盼。How are you? 它是一只蓝色的狗。I dont know. 有多少医生?He is a driver. 这是我的学校。九、这是LiLi的全家福,请你为每位家庭成员贴上标签。

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