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1、( )8. Why doesnt the writer like the ground floor? A. Because he likes the exercise. B. Because he doesnt think its safe. C. Because its a tall building. ( )9. Who lives on the top floor? A. Mrs Smith. B. The writer. C. The writers mother. ( )10. Why cant the writers mother go upstairs? A. Because d

2、oesnt feel safe enough. B. Because she is as old as Mrs. Smith. C. Because something is wrong with her leg. C) 根据听到的短文,选择最佳答案。( )11. In America, a summer holiday begins in _.A. September B. July C. June ( )12. Most American children go to school at the age of _. A. five B. seven C. eighteen ( )13. H

3、igh school students _after class. A. only do their homework B. go to work C. do many interesting things( )14. In order to _,many American college students work after school. A. help their parents B. get the money for their studies C. help other( )15. After high school, many students go to _. A. work

4、 B. make money C. college II. 单项选择。(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)( )16. Its very nice_me the newspapers and magazines. A. of you to bring B. for you to bring C. for you bringing D. of you bringing( )17. Im too busy. Could you do_to help me? Of course. I can do_for you if you want me to. A. anything; something

5、B. something; anything C. anything; anything D. something; something ( )18. Simon is_enough to buy gifts for all of us. A. generous B. energetic C. patient D. confident( )19. I think David should be the new chairperson_hes as smart as my uncle. A. whether B. although C. after D. because ( )20. Mr Wu

6、 spends a lot of time_things to us. He is very patient. A. explain B. to explain C. explaining D. explains ( )21. His hobby is_taking photos_collecting stamps. Its growing flowers.A. either; or B. both; and C. not only; but also D. neither; nor ( )22. Since David is so hard-working, he would not min

7、d_extra work for the Students Union.A. to do B. doing C. does D. done ( )23. When I came here just now, I saw your son_with a black and white dog in the garden. A. play B. to play C. played D. playing ( )24. The doctor told the old man to_smoking at once because it was bad for his health.A. look up

8、B. give up C. keep up D. come up ( )25. Id like to_David as the new chairperson of the students Union . A. recommend B. realize C. remind D. remember ( )26. You look rather tired,_stop to have a rest? All right. But Ill have to work for_minutes. A. Dont you; much more B. Why not; a few more C. Why n

9、ot to; a little more D. What about; a few many ( )27. People would rather_colours like orange and yellow to make them feel warm if they live in cold climates. A. to use B. used C. use D. using ( )28. Wearing red makes it easier for you_action. This can help when you are having difficulty_a decision.

10、 A. to take; to make B. taking; making C. to take; making D. taking; to make ( )29. Would you please_him the pictures when he_back tomorrow? With pleasure. A. give; comes B. to give; will come C. gave; will come D. giving; comes( )30. Many students need to learn how to achieve a balance_work_ play.A

11、. both; and B. between; and C. either; or D. only; but( )31. Liu Xiang became famous_ he got the first place. A. before B. after C. while D. until( )32. You can play computer games_ 8 to 10 tonight. A. as B. from C. while D. between( )33. I wont go to bed_ you tell me to do that. A. until B. while C

12、. after D. as( )34. Which is_ to learn , fishing or swimming? A. easy B. easier C. the easiest D. more easily( )35. John doesnt sing quite_ the other boys and girls in his class. A. so well as B. as good like C. as well like D. so good as.完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1分, 计10分) Billy is a boy of fifteen. His paren

13、ts died three years ago. One day when he was walking in the street, he _36_ a wallet. He returned it to the owner, Mr Baker. He gave his_37_ to the boy. As the boy had no job, Mr Baker made him work for him in his _38_. Billy worked so hard that Mr and Mrs Baker were _39_ with him. Mr Baker loved pl

14、anting _40_. The week before last, he bought a few trees home, planted them in the _41_ himself and watered them every day. Several days _42_, he had to leave for another city. Before he started, he s aid to Billy, “Take good care of the trees. Some boys near our house always want to steal(偷)them. ”

15、 “Dont _43_ about them, sir.” answered Billy, “Ill try my best to watch them.” Six days passed and Mr Baker came back. He asked, “_44_ anyone eve r come to steal the trees?” “No, sir,” said the boy. “To stop someone from stealing the trees, I _45_ them up six days ago. I have hidden them for almost

16、a week!” ( )36. A. found B. bought C. carried D. wanted ( )37. A. wallet B. pity C. thanks D. excuses ( )38. A. factory B. office C. town D. home ( )39. A. pleased B. angry C. strict D. popular ( )40. A. flowers B. grass C. vegetables D. trees ( )41. A. garden B. office C. city D. room ( )42. A. ago

17、 B. later C. before D. after ( )43. A. think B. talk C. learn D. worry ( )44. A. Did B. Does C. Has D. Will ( )45. A. sent B. pulled C. put D. picked . 阅读理解。(共15 小题,A篇每小题2分,B、C两篇每小题1 分,满分20分)ADuring the day we work and play; at night we sleep. Our bodies rest while sleep. In the morning we are ready

18、 to work and play again. While we are asleep our bodies grow most. Children who are tired usually need more sleep. We can get our lesson s better and we feel better too, when we have had a lot of rest. Boys and girls who are eight or nine years old need ten hours of sleep every night. Our bodies nee

19、d a lot of air when we sleep. If we do not get enough fresh air, well feel tired when we wake up. While in bed we must not cover our heads. If we do, our lungs(肺) will not get enough fresh air. If we open our windows at night we can have a lot of fresh air. Cool air is better than warm air. Boys and

20、 girls who want to grow and be strong must get a lot of sleep.( )46. Our bodies grow most while we are _. A. eating B. playing C. sleeping D. waking ( )47. Which is the best air for us? A. Hoe air. B. Cool air. C. Warm air. D. Dry air. ( )48. Too little sleep makes us _. A. happy B. hungry C. tired

21、D. grow( )49. How much sleep should boys and girls of nine years have every night? A. Eight hours. B. Nine hours. C. Ten hours. D. Eleven hours.( )50. What do the lungs need most? A. Fresh air. B. Food. C. Rest. D. Exercise. BThese days, children often think of superheroes(超级英雄) as cute(漂亮的), cool a

22、nd strong supermen. A poor, short and thin boy wearing glasses may not interest the kids(少年) today. Yet in less than 4 years, Harry Potter has taken the world by the storm. J. K. Rowling, the writer of Harry Potter, was a British single mother out of work and living on money given to her by the gove

23、rnment (政府). One day, when she was on a long train trip. She had the idea for this book. She wrote the first book o f the seven in the cafe with her baby daughter sleeping beside her. Last year, the fan s welcomed the birth of the fourth by lining outside the bookstores. Today these books are still

24、popular among people. Harry Potter is something more than fantasy (幻想). Rowling tries to tell the readers how things are not always what they seem to be. However, millions of the fans dont care about such a lesson. They would like to spend many sleepless nights waiting in line for the fifth, the six

25、th and the seventh to come. For them, surprising stories of the little boy are what they want. ( )51. J.K. Rowling_when she wrote the first book. A. lived a quiet life with her husband B. was very poor and didnt get work for herself C. had to teach her daughter how to work D. was already a famous wr

26、iter ( )52. When did Rowling think of the idea of writing her book? A. While she was telling her baby stories about superheroes. B. While she was going on a long trip. C. She was on he way to find work. D. While she was drinking in a cafe. ( )53. How many books of the seven have come out according t

27、o this passage?A. Four. B. five. C. Six. D. Seven.( )54. What does Rowling want to show to her readers? A. Harry Potter is a poor, short and thin boy wearing glasses. B. Fantasy. C. How things are not always what they seem to be. D. She has got many interesting story books. ( )55. Which of the follo

28、wing is true? A. Rowling wrote the first book with her daughters help. B. Rowling gave birth to her fourth baby last year. C. The fans just care about the surprising stories of Harry Potter. D. Only children love the books, for theyre fairy tales. CYoung people and old people do not always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. But in a program in New York, adults(成人) and teenagers live together in peace. Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for 8 weeks as members of a work group. Everyone works several hours each day. The aim

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