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1、 What size do you want, please? Size ten or eleven. OK! What about this pair? Sorry! I 3. _ black shoes. Oh. We also have got blue ones. Can I 4. _ on ? Yes, please. 5. _ each pair? Thirty- five yuan. All right. I will take it.解析从对话的内容可以看出,对话的情景是购物,顾客想买一双运动鞋,是售货员和顾客之间的情景对话。理解了对话的主要情景和内容后,我们在补全对话的时候可

2、以联想一些关于购物的日常交际英语。1. 本空考查售货员经常用的日常交际英语,一般售货员用Can I help you? 或者What can I do for you? 来招呼顾客,所以本空可以填写这两个句子中任何一个。2. 从对话下面句子的意思和情景可以判断是顾客想买一双运动鞋,所以本空填写I want to buy/ Id like/ I am looking for都可以。3. 从对话售货员问“这双怎么样?”和顾客的回答可以理解是他不喜欢这双运动鞋,所以本空填写I dont like或者I hate。4. 从对话上下句的情景可以判断本空是顾客询问能否试穿,所以填写May I try th

3、em on?5. 从对话下面的回答是价格(Thirty-five yuan.)可以判断上面的句子是询问这双运动鞋的价格,所以用How much is each pair?来询问。2. 需要熟练掌握的交际用语1) 问候Hi! Hello! Good morning/ evening/afternoon.How are you doing?I am OK/ fine. / Thanks and you? /Very well, thank you.Please say hello to your parents. / Please give my best wishes to your paren

4、ts. Sure. /All right.2) 介绍My name is . Hello! How do you do?I am a student. I am from. This is Mr/Mrs/Miss. Id like you to meet Bob.Nice/ Glad/ Pleased to meet you.3)告别Good-bye. Bye. Bye-bye. Good night. See you later/then/ soon/tomorrow. I am sorry. I have to go now.4)感谢Thank you very much. /Thanks

5、 a lot. /Thank you for your help. Its a pleasure. Thats OK/all right. You are welcome.5) 道歉Sorry. I am sorry. /I am sorry for losing your /I am sorry to interrupt you. /I am sorry I am late./ I beg your pardon.Thats OK. /Its all right. /Never mind. /It doesnt matter./ Its nothing.6) 请求和允许May I come

6、in? Can/Could I use your ? Would/Do you mind if I open the door?Yes, please. Sure. Certainly. Thats all right. Of course,you can.I am sorry, its not allowed. I am afraid not. Youd better not.7) 打电话 May I speak to Tom? Id like to speak to Mr. Green?Is that Liu Hong speaking?This is Mary (speaking). /

7、 Mary speaking.May/ Can I leave a message? May/ Can I take a message?Ill call back later/again. Ill ring him/her up again. This is Mary speaking. Hello, who is that?Hold on, please. Just a moment, please.Hello, who is speaking?Sorry, he isnt here right now. Can I take a message?This line is bad/ bus

8、y. Sorry, I am afraid you have the wrong number.8)表扬和鼓励Very good! Well done!Wonderful! Excellent!You speak English very well. Your dress is very beautiful. Come on! /Keep trying! /You can do it.Thank you.OK! I will try it again.9)喜欢和爱好This book is very interesting. I like this movie. I like to play

9、computer games. I like taking photos. I enjoy listening to the music. I am interested in This song is bad. I dont like the movie at all. I dont enjoy collecting stamps. I hate to do much homework. I prefer bananas.I like English better than math. My favorite color is blue.10) 同意和不同意Sure. /Certainly.

10、 /Of course. All right. /I agree. /No problem. Thats a good idea. Yes, I think so. No way. Of course not. I dont agree. I dont think so. I am afraid not.11)邀请和应答Would you like to go for a walk?You must come to dinner with us. May I invite you to dinner?What/ How about having a swim? Thank you. Id li

11、ke that. Thanks. Yes, Id love to. That would be very nice. No, thank you. Its very nice of you, but my mother is ill. Id love to, but I am afraid I have no time. I am sorry I cant. What about another time?12)劝告和建议You had better go to see the doctor. You should listen to and read English every day. Y

12、ou need to buy a Chinese-English dictionary. Dont rush/hurry/push. Please stand in line.Lets go and have a look.What/ How about a picnic this Sunday?Why dont you buy a computer?Why not go to a movie?13)希望和打算I will go with you. I am going to see my grandfather this Sunday. I want to find a pen pal. I

13、 plan to go to Hangzhou this summer. I am not going to buy a car. I wish to see you again. I hope to become a doctor.I hope so. / I hope not.14) 祝愿和祝贺Have a good day/time!Have a good journey/trip. Good luck!Enjoy yourself!Best wish to you. Happy New Year! /Merry Christmas! /Happy birthday!Thank you.

14、 The same to you. Congratulations!Well done!15) 餐饮Would you like something to eat/drink?What would you like to have for breakfast / lunch/ supper?Would you like some fish?Help yourself to some fish.Yes, Id like to drink. Id like rice and chicken. Just a little, please. Can I have some soup?Its so de

15、licious. Thank you. I like green tea. Yes, please. /No, thanks.16) 看病Whats the matter? /Whats wrong with you?Do you have a fever?How long have you felt like this?How long have you been like this?Its nothing serious. Take this medicine three times a day. You will be better/all right soon.I have a hea

16、dache. /I feel terrible. / I feel bad/ awful. / I dont feel well.I have got a pain here.17)谈论天气Whats the weather like today? / How is the weather in Beijing?Its nice/ fine/ beautiful today.What a cold/hot day today!Its sunny/ cloudy/ windy/ rainy/ snowy. Its getting cool/ cold/ warm/ hot.18) 购物Can/

17、May I help you? / What can I do for you?How many/ How much would you like?What color/ size/ kind would you like?What about this one?Here is your change.Id like/ I want a pair of shoe. How much is it/ are they?May I try it on?Its too big/small. Sorry. Its too expensive. Do you have any other colors/

18、sizes?Thats fine. Ill take it. Just have a look. 19) 问路Excuse me. Where is the washroom?Can you tell me how to get to the post office?Which bus goes to World Park?Which is the way to the Bank of China?Could you tell me the way to the station?How can I get to No. 4 Middle School?Its over there. Its a

19、bout 400 meters from here. Go down this street until you see the tall red building. Turn right/ left at the first/second crossing. You can take No. 15 bus. Youd better take a taxi. I am sorry. I dont know. / Sorry, I am a stranger here.20)请求帮助和提供帮助Do you want me to clean the room?Can I help you?Woul

20、d you like me to help you?What can I do for you?Let me take your bag.Yes, please. /Yes, thanks. /Thank you for help. No, thanks. / Thank you all the same. / Thats very kind of you but I can do it myself.3. 交际用语题解题技巧:1)了解英汉文化差异就称呼方面,在英美国家即使对长辈也可以直呼其名,在称呼别人的时候不能用表示职业的名词连用。汉语中可以称呼警察叔叔、护士阿姨,但在英语表达的时候不能用

21、Policeman Uncle,Aunt Nurse,这会使英美国家的人感到莫名其妙。我们经常称呼先生的时候和名字连用,而英美国家的人把Mr./Mrs/Miss和姓连用。Mr. Green. Miss White.。就问候和告别用语的差异,不同的文化和风俗习惯,人们的问候方式和告别方式不同,所用的表示法也不同。我们见面的问候是“上哪里去?吃饭了吗?”,而英美国家的人的问候是“Hello! How are you?”,如果我们用中国人的习惯去表达会使他们感到不愉快,他们认为这是他们的私人的事情,别人无权干涉。所以要了解他们的问候语是: Hi! Good morning/afternoon/eve

22、ning.等中国人的告别除了“再见”外,还有“慢慢走、走好”,但英美国家的人交际用语是“Goodbye. Bye-bye.”等。如果用中国人的表达习惯去表达他们会感到困惑,“为什么要慢慢走?”就赞扬用语的差异,英美国家的人一般比较乐于接受赞扬,当别人赞扬你的时候,一般说“Thank you.“;而中国人却比较谦虚。英美国家的人赞扬一个女孩子的裙子很漂亮,会说“What a beautiful dress youre wearing!”按照英美的表达习惯可以说:Thank you. 如果按照中国人的经常说“不,很一般”,他会误会你认为他的欣赏水平不高,只好耸耸肩走开了。就电话用语的差异,我们打电

23、话时经常说 “喂,你是哪一位?”“你找谁?”而英美人打电话的时候经常首先说明自己是谁:“Hello! This is John speaking.”接电话的人也说“This is speaking.” 如果询问对方:“Is that Mary speaking?”或者Who is that(speaking)? 不能用“Who are you? Are you John?” 只要了解了打电话的日常交际英语的差异,才能正确应答。2)重视各种提示,充分理解上下文情景,发挥想象力。补全对话一般有中文、英语或者图片提示,做题前必须仔细阅读试题要求和有关提示,明确对话的语言情景和对话的功能,这样才能为更好地理解对话打好基础。快速浏览对话,可以了解对话的大概内容和其情景。例如是商店购物、书店买书、药店买药、水果店买水果、还是去看电影、参加生日聚会。判断准确了对话的情景,再根据其情景去联想有关的交际用语,把对话上下句的情景前后联系,根据回答写问句,根据问句写回答。所填入的句子既要在整体上服从对话的情景和内容,又要在局部上符合对话和语法关系。

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