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1、But energy and climate are extremely important to these people,in fact,more important than anyone else on the planet. The climate getting worse means that many years that many years,their crops wont grow . There will be too much rain,not enough rain,things will change in ways that their fragile envi

2、ronment simply cant support. And that leads to starvation,it leads to uncertainty,it leads to unrest. So, the price of energy is very important to them. In fact, if you could pick just one thing to lower th- e price of, to reduce poverty, by far you would pick energy. Now ,the price of energy has be

3、come down over time. Really advanced civilization is based on advances in energy.The coal revolution fueled the Industrial Revolution, and,even in 1990s weve seen a very rapid decline in the price of electricity, and thats why we have refrigerators,air-conditioning, we can make modern materials and

4、do so many things. And so ,were in a wonderful situation with electricity in the rich world. But, as we make it cheaper-and lets go for making it twice as cheap-we need to meet a new constrain,and that constrain has to do with CO2. CO2 is warning the planet, and the equation on CO2 is actually a ver

5、y straightforward one. If you sum up the CO2 that gets emitted,that leads to a temperature increase, and that temperature increase leads to some very negative effects: the effects on the weather, perhaps worse, the indirect effects,in that the nature ecosystems cant adjust to these rapid changes, an

6、d so you get ecosystem collapses.Now, the exact amount of how you map from a certain increase of CO2 to what temperature will be and where the positive feedback are, theres some uncertainty there,but not very much. And theres certainly uncertainty about how bad those effects will be, but they will b

7、e extremely bad. I asked the top scientists on this several times.Do we really have to get down to near zero? Cant we just cut it in half or a quarter? And the answer is that until we get near to zero,the temperature will continue to rise. And so thats a big challenge. Its very different than saying

8、 “Were a twelve-foot-high truck trying to get under a ten-foot bridge, and we can just sort of squeeze under.” This is something that has to get to zero. Now,we put out of a lot of carbon dioxide every year, over 26 billion tons. For each American, its about 20 tons; for people in poor countries,its

9、 less than one ton. Its an average of about five tons for everyone on the planet.And, somehow, we have to make changes that will bring that down to zero. Its been constantly going up. Its only various economic changes that have been flattened it at all, so we have to go from rapid rising to falling,

10、 and falling all the way to zero. This equation has four factors, a little bit of multiplication: So, youre got a thing on the left,CO2,that you want to get to zero,and thats going to be based on the number of people,thes each persons using on average,the energy on average for each, and the CO2 bein

11、g put out per unit of energy. So ,lets look at each one of these and see how we get this down to zero. Probably, one of this number is going to have to get pretty near to zero. Now thats back from high school algebra,but lets take a look. First, weve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion p

12、eople. Thats headed up to about nine billion. Now ,if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive healths, we could lower that by ,perhaps, 10 or 15 percent, but there we see an increase of about 1.3. The second factor is thes we use. This encompass everything: the foot we ea

13、t, clothing, TV,heating. These are very good things:getting rid of poverty means providing theses to almost everyone on the planet. And its a great thing for this number to go up. In the rich world,perhaps the top one billion,we probably could cut back and use less,but every year, this numer, on ave

14、rage,is going to go up,and so, over all,that will more than double,thes delivered per person. Here we have a very basic: Do you have lighting in your house to be able to read your homework? And, in fact,these kids dont,so theyre going out and reading their school work under the street lamps. Now, ef

15、ficiency,E,the energy for each,here finally we have some good news. We have something thats not going up. Through various inventions and new ways of doing lighting through different types of car,different ways of building-there are a lot ofs where you can bring the energy for that down quite substan

16、tially. There are others like how we make fertilizer,or how we do air transport,where the rooms for improvement are far ,far less. And so,overall here,if were optimistic,we may get a reduction of a factor of three to even,perhaps, a factor of six. But for these first three factors now,weve gone from

17、 26billion to, at best,may 13 billion tons, and that just wont cut it. So lets look at this fourth factor-this is going to be a key one-and this is the amount of CO2 put out per each unit of energy. And so the question is:can you actually get that to zero? If you burn coal,no. If you burn natural ga

18、s,no. Almost every way make electricity today,except for the emerging renewables and nuclear,puts out CO2. And so,what were going to have to do at a global scale,is create a new system.And so,we need energy miracles. Now, when I use the term “miracle,” I dont mean something thats impossible. The mic

19、roprocessor is a miracle. The personal computer is a miracle. The Internet and itss are miracles. So, the people here have participated in the creation of many miracles. Usually, we dont have a deadline,where you have to get the miracle by a certain date. Usually, you just kind of stand by and some

20、come along. This is a case where we actually have to drive at full speed and get a miracle in a pretty tight timeline. Now I thought, “how could I really capture this?Is there some kind of natural illustration,some demonstration that would grab peoples imagination here?” I thought back to a year ago

21、 when I brought mosquitos, and somehow people enjoyed that. It really got them involved in the ideal of, you know,there are people who live with mosquitos. So, with energy, all I could come up with is this. I decided that releasing fireflies would be my contribution to the environment here this year

22、. So here we have some natural fireflies. Im told they dont bite, in fact,they might not even leave that jar. Now,there all sorts of gimmicky solutions like that one,but they dont really add up to much. We need solutions-either one or several-that have unbelievable scale and unbelievable reliability

23、, and, although theres many directions people are seeking, I really only see five that can achieve the big numbers. Ive left out tide, geothermal,fusion, biofuels. Those may make some contribution, and if they can do better than I expect, so much the better, but my key point here is that weve going

24、to have to work on each of these five, and we cant give up any of them because they look daunting,because they all have significant challenges. Lets look first at the burning fossil fuels,either burning coal or burning natural gas. What you need to do there,seems like it might be simple,but its not,

25、 and thats to take all the CO2, after youve burned it, going out the flue,pressurize it, create a liquid, put it somewhere,and hope it stays there. Now we have some pilot things that do this at the 60 to 80 percent level, but getting to that full percentage,that will be very tricky, and agreeing on

26、where these CO2 quantities should be put will be hard, but the toughest one here is this long-term issue. Whos going to be sure? Whos going to guarantee something that is literally billions of time large than any type of of wasted you think of in terms of nuclear or other things? This is a lot of vo

27、lume. So thats a tough one. Next would be nuclear. It also has three big problems: Cost, particularly in highly regulated countries,is high, the issue of the the safety, really feeling good about nothing could go wrong ,that,even though you have these human operators,that the fuel doesnt get used fo

28、r weapons. And then what do you do with the waste? And ,although its not very large, there are a lot of concerns about that. People need to feel good about it. So three very tough problems that might be solvable,and so ,should be worked on. The last three of the five,Ive grouped together. These are

29、what people often refer to as the renewable. And they actually-although its great they dont require fuel -they have some disadvantages. One of that the density of energy gathered in these technologies is dramatically less than a power plan. This is energy farming, so youre talking about many square

30、miles, thousands of time more area than you think of as a normal energy plant. Also, these are intermittent sources. The sun doesnt shine all day,it doesnt shine every day, and,likewise,the wind doesnt blow all the time. And also, if you depend on these sources,you have to have some way of getting t

31、he energy during those time period thats its not a available. So, weve got big cost challenges here,we have transmission challenges: for example,say this energy source is outside your country; you not only need the technology, but you have to deal with the risk of the energy coming from elsewhere. A

32、nd finally, this storage problem. And, to dimensionalize this, I went through and looked at all types of batteries that get made-for cars, for computers, for phones, for flashlights, for everything-and compared that to the amount of electricity energy the world uses,and what found is that all the batteries we make now could sto

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