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译林英语七上第六单元导学案Uni6 food lifestyleWord格式文档下载.docx

1、5. Do English people eat a lot of (牛肉)? Yes, they do.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. We can buy (potato) in this supermarket.2. Whats your favourite fruit? (tomato).3. Lets (eat) some sweets/4. Dont eat too much (chocolate). It can make you fat.5. Fish is a kind of (health) food.【课堂导学与互动】任务一:竞赛活动。让学生通过抢答的形式复习学生学过的有

2、关食物名称,学习新词。任务二:讨论。让学生两人一组,将任务一中列举食物种类进行分类。FoodFruitVegetablesMeatDrink任务三:讨论1 Ask: What food do you like/ dislike/ hate? Why?2分组讨论学生的一日三餐及其对我们身体的影响。任务四:小组合作。1将班级分成两部分,就P69Part B内容进行对话;2两人一组拓展对话,鼓励增加自己的想法。任务六:展示:表演对话【当堂反馈】一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子1. He spends more than an hour (锻炼) every day.2. We must (保持) o

3、ur classroom clean and tidy.3. You must look after yourself and keep h .4. I think its a quarter (过) nine now.5. Vegetables are good f you.二、单项选择( )1. Would you please give a lemon? Sure. A. I B. me C. my D. mine( )2. There is red apple in the box. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )3. Whats your favourite fr

4、uit? . A. Juice B. Carrots C. Sweets D. Lemons( )4. How much would you like to eat?A. beef B. watermelons C. milk D. vegetables( )5. Do you like ? Yes, my favourite.A. banana; its B. bananas; theyre C. bananas; its D. banana; theyre三、根据所给汉语补全下列句子1. 鱼是米莉最喜爱的食品。 Fish is .2. 现在是十点半了,让我们吃些点心吧。 Its now.

5、Lets .3. 一天一只苹果,医生远An apple a day .4. “我喜欢橘子,你呢?”“我最喜欢梨。” I like oranges. you? I like pears .5. 水果对我们的健康有益。 Fruits our .【学后反思】第2课时 Reading (1) 编号291 知识目标:(1) 复习并扩展有关食物和生活方式的词汇:meal, pear, sugar, tooth, swimming pool, more, pool, fit, change, plan(2) 掌握重点句:I need to keep fit. I always have milk and b

6、read for breakfast. There is a swimming pool near my home. I plan go swimming every week.学会整体阅读,了解Kitty和Daniel 的饮食习惯和生活方式。学生养成健康的饮食习惯和生活方式。一、预习P 60P61,相信你就能把下列短语译成英语1.每天跳舞半小时- 2. 保持健康 3. 早餐喝牛奶,吃面包 4. 有太多的糖 5. 对我的牙齿有害处 6. 很少锻炼 7. 需要改变我的生活方式 8. 计划多吃水果和蔬菜 9. 计划每周去游泳 10. 游泳池 二、根据句意,首字母或中文提示完成单词1. Whats

7、your favourite fruit? (梨). 2. (健康的) food is very important for us. 3. He (计划) to go fishing every week. 4. There is a small (水池) beside my house. 5. Chinese people usually have three (一餐) a day.三、同学们, 在完成上面练习以后请你思考下列问题1我们已经学过多个连系动词,请写下来_后接_ 2我们学过的表示否定的词有_ 3我们学过的哪些动词后接动词不定式形式,请写下来_课前准备1讨论。让学生分组讨论哪些是健

8、康食品,哪些不是。然后展示食物图片,学习新单词“fruit, sugar, pear, cola”. 并指出哪些是健康食品,哪些不是。2创设情境,学习新词:fit, keep, fit, tooth, change, plan, pool, swimming pool3. Match the new words with the correct English meanings(完成PartB1练习).阅读课文1. Skim (浏览、略读) the article and answer. Whos healthy, Kitty or Daniel? 2. Listen and answer。W

9、hat does Kitty love doing?What does Daniel like to do, to eat and to drink? 3. Read the article silently and do “True” or “False” statements(完成Part B3练习).4. Read the article about Kitty and Daniel carefully and fill in and blanks。(P71B2)阅读提升。讨论下列问题 1. What do you usually have for breakfast /lunch /s

10、upper? 2. What do you do every day? 3. Do you want to change your diet? 4. What do you think of your lifestyle?1. Do you know the difference (在之间)”beside” and “besides”?2. Eating too much sweet is bad for your (tooth).3. My doctor advised(建议) me to take the medicine t a day, in the morning and eveni

11、ng.4. My brother plans to c his lifestyle because he wants to be healthy.5. We are (plan) to visit our English teacher this Sunday.( )1. We need to drink water because it has no-in it.A. sweetsB. candy C. candiesD. sugar( )2. She always -milk and bread for breakfast. A. eats B. drinks C. has D. drin

12、k( )3. Why do you never eat cakes - sweets?Because theyre not good for me.A. and B. but C. or D. so( )4. There are some chairs between -. A. a desk B. desk C. a desks D. desks( )5. Dont eat -meat/. Its not good. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too【学后反思】 第3课时 Reading (2) 编号30plan to do st

13、h , twice a week , how long, how often , between meals学习句型:(1) How often does Kitty dance ? (2) What does Daniel plan to do ? (3) What does he plan to eat every day? (4) How long does Kitty dance for every time ?学会整体阅读,能深入理解课文,并能用自己的语言复述Millie和Daniel的饮食与生活习惯。能理解正确的饮食习惯对于健康的重要性,并能通过学习改变自己不良的生活习惯,过更健康

14、的生活。【预习导学】1. When we feel h , we need to eat food.2. He (很少) goes fishing because it needs a lot of time.3. His (生活方式) is not healthy. He needs to change it.4. Simon (运动) a lot every day, so he is strong and healthy.5. They often have a rest (在之间) classes.1. It is very important for us to be (health

15、).2. The weather here often (change) in June.3. Lucy plans (swim) this Saturday.4. Sandy wants to be a singer. She has (sing) lessons twice a week.5. She likes playing computer games and (chat) with friends on QQ.朗读课文,回顾信息,完成表格KittyDanielWhat she/ he eatsFor breakfast 1He loves:5For lunch 2For dinne

16、r3He plans to eat:6Between meals4How she/ he exercises How often does she exercise?7How often does he exercise?9How long does she exercise?8He plans to:10根据表格用自己的语言复述Millie和Daniel的日常饮食与生活习惯。角色表演。假设你是一名记者,在班上任意找两名学生扮演Kitty和Daniel,采访Kitty和Daniel一些关于健康饮食和生活习惯问题。任务四:知识点梳理。总结本节课学习过的重点短语和句子。1. She n exerc

17、ises, so she is not healthy.2. A healthy diet(饮食) is very i .3. I must c my lifestyle. I should do some exercise every day.4. She runs every day and now she f much better.5. I like this kind of cake very much. It t good.1. Its good (drink) lots of water every day.2. My sister always (dance) on Sunda

18、ys.3. Everyone needs to do some exercise (keep ) fit 4. There is a (swim) pool in our school.5. Eating too much meat (be) very bad for our health.三、单项选择( )1. Peter, - do you visit your grandparents? Twice a month.A. how long B. how soon C. how far D. how often( )2. The old man used to raise many -to

19、 make a living on the farm.A. duck B. horse C. bird D. sheep( )3. I think drinking milk is good - our health. A. for B. to C. with D. at( )4. It is very important for us -English well.A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learned( )5. As we all know, its not polite to keep others for a long time.A. wa

20、it B. waited C. to wait D. waiting( )6. Whose T-shirt is this? It be Johns. Its small for him.A. cant; much too B. cant; too much C. mustnt; much to D. mustnt; too much( )7. Everyone knows that girls sweets.A. usually likes B. likes usually C. usually like D. like usually( )8. do you usually do on S

21、undays?A. What B. Where C. Which D. Who( )9. Eating more food helps you keep .A. health; health B. health; healthy C. healthy; health D. healthy; healthy( )10. Would you like to exercise with us? Id love to, Im too busy.A. if B. so C. and D. but第4课时 Grammar (1) 编号31识别并学会使用可数名词或不可数名词。能够将可数名词变成正确的复数形式

22、,包括规则变化和不规则变化以及能正确使用量词修饰名词。如:a packet of salt , two bags of rice , four kilos of meat 养成健康地生活习惯。一、认真阅读课文,相信你能把下列短语译成英语1. 一片面包 2. 一杯水 3. 一袋盐 4. 两袋大米 5. 三杯茶 6. 四千克肉 7. 六瓶果汁 8. 一盘鸡肉 9. 五盒牛奶 10. 买一些胡萝卜和马铃薯 11. 只有一只苹果 12. 爷爷最喜爱的 二、同学们, 在完成上面练习以后请你思考下列问题1可数名词单数变复数规则变化有5种,它们是:_2你们学过的名词变复数是不规则变化的有:(至少8个)呈现1

23、. 用实物呈现可数名词单数及不定冠词修饰单数名词的区别。2. 用实物呈现可数名词加s的复数形式1. 呈现可数名词变复数的其他规则:family-families, watch- watches photo- photos potato- potatoes, knife-knives 2. 呈现可数名词变复数的不规则变化1. 用实物呈现不可数名词,并归纳不可数名词:juice, rice, tea, meat, milk, chicken, salt, bread2. 区别可数名词与不可数名词。练习1 完成第74页练习,然后核对答案并朗读对话。2 找出对话中的可数名词单数、可数名词复数和不可数名

24、词。一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. There is some (milk) in the bottle.2. He has white (tooth).3. I like (tomato) very much. How about you?4. Look, some (child) are playing on the playground.5. There are a lot of interesting (story) in books.6. The two (woman) are Lilys aunts.7. I need some (box) to put books in.8. W

25、e need to change (lifestyle) of those poor(贫穷的) people.9. Elephants like eating (banana).10. How many glasses of (water)?( )1. There some milk in the glass. A. is B. are C. be D. has( )2. My mum wants me to buy two bread, A. bag B. bags C. bag of D. bags of( )3. We dont have in the fridge. Lets go and buy some carrots and tomatoes.A. fruit B. fruits C. vegetables D. vegetable( )4. Are there any on the hill? Yes, there are.A. horse B. pig C. cow D. sheep( )5. What can you see in the picture? chicken.A. So

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