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1、最新陕旅版四年级英语上册全册单元测试题含答案Unit1 单元测试卷、根据汉语意思将正确的单词填在横线上。(1) (工人) 建造高楼, (2) (农民) 种地很辛苦, (3) (厨师) 厨房炒菜香, (4) (司机) 开车送乘客。救死扶伤 是(5) (医生),友好的 (6) (护士) 来帮忙。、将图片与对应的单词连线三、单项选择。( ) 1. She a B. are C. am( ) 2. I want to a B. be C. am( ) 3. What you?A. beB. amC. about( ) 4. No, she .A. isn

2、tB. isC. am( ) 5. He s a cook, .A. toB. twoC. too四、给下列问句选择合适的答语。(1) What s your mother?A. He s a farmer.(2) What is he?B. Yes, he is.(3) Is she your grandma?C. She s a nurse.(4) Who is that man?D. Yes, she is.(5) Is your brother a doctor?E. He s my brother.五、情景交际。 ( ) 1. 当你想让对方猜一猜时,你可以说:A. Sure. B.

3、What are you?C. Please guess. ( ) 2. 介绍完自己的情况后,如果你还想了解对方的情况,你可以说:A. What about you? B. Good idea!C. You re welcome! ( ) 3. 你想了解对方的妈妈的职业,你可以说:A. My mother is tall. B. Please guess.C. What s your mother? ( ) 4. 你想表达自己想从事的职业是警察,你可以说:A. I m not a policeman. B. I want to be a policeman.C. Are you a polic

4、eman?( ) 5. 你想知道远处的那个男人的身份,你可以说:A. Who s that man? B. Is your brother a worker?C. What about you?六、阅读对话,判断正 ( 误)( )。 Liu Hua: What s your sister?Sun Ying: She s a worker. Is your mother a worker, too?s your brother?Liu Hua: No, shes a doctor. My brother is a doctor, too. What Sun Ying: He s a cook.L

5、iu Hua: What s your mother?Sun Ying: She s a farmer.(1)Sun Ying s sister is a worker.(2)Liu Hua s mother is a worker, too.(3)Liu Hua s brother is a doctor.(4)Sun Ying s brother is a farmer.(5)Sun Ying s mother is a cook.七、你的家人从事什么职业?你以后想从事什么职业?向大家介绍一下吧 要求: (1) 语法正确,条理清晰。(2) 不少于 30个单词。参考词汇: mother, f

6、ather, grandpa, grandma, sister, brother, nurse, policeman, farmer, doctor, driver参考句型: Im Myis a/an I want to be a/an 参考答案(1)worker (2) farmer (3) cook (4) driver (5) doctor (6) nurse(1)-(5) BAECD三、1-5 ABCAC四、(1)-(5) CADEB五、1-5 CACBA六、(1)-(5) 七、(仅供参考)Hello! I m Wang Hong. My father is a policeman.

7、My mother nisu ars e. My grandpa and grandma are farmers. My sister is a doctor. My brother is a driver. I want to be a driver.Unit2 单元测试卷、根据汉语意思将正确的单词填在横线上。(1) (农场) 里面动物多,热热闹闹真有趣。 (2) (鸭子)嘎嘎水中游, (3) (母鸡) 咕咕会下蛋, (4) (小猪)哼哼爱睡觉, (5) (绵羊) 咩咩吃青草, (6) (奶牛) 哞哞产奶多,(7) (马儿) 哒哒跑的快。二、给下列短语选择合适的汉语意思A. 在教室里B. 在

8、盒子里C. 有一只风筝D. 许多动物(1) On the farm(2)Many animals(3)In the box(4)Have a kite三、单项选择( ) 1. Colin some ships.A. have B. has C. AreB. I have a niceB. Li Shan haschairs.五、情景交际( ) 1. 当你想知道对方的农场里有什么时,你可以说:A. What do you have on your farm?farm.C.What do they have on the farm?( ) 2. 当你怀疑某件事是否真实时,你可以说:A. OK. B

9、. Really?C. Good night.( ) 3. 老师想让同学们扮演奶牛,老师可以说: A. There is a cow on the farm.a cow.C. Act like a cow.( ) 4. 你想表达 “爷爷有一匹马 ”,你可以说:A. They are horses. B. Grandpa has a horse.C. There s a horse in the bedroom.( ) 5. 当你很高兴时,你可以说:A. I m happy. B. What are they?C. Really?六、阅读短文,选择正确答案。Uncle John has a fa

10、rm. It nsi ce and big. There are many animals on the farm. There are nineteen hens, twenty ducks, six horses and seven cows. There is some green grass and many trees, too.(1) Uncle John s farm is .A. small(2) There are ducks.B. small and niceC. nice and bigA. twoB. twentyC. ten(3) There are hens.A.

11、nineB. thirteenC. nineteen(4) There are cows.A. sevenB. sixC. five(5) There are trees.A. manyB. sixC. seven七、假如你有一个农场,你希望自己的农场里有什么?试着描述一下自己理想 的农场吧。要求: (1) 语法正确,条理清晰。(2) 不少于 30 个单词。参考词汇: farm, big, horse, duck, hen, pig, nice 参考句型: I have a There is/are It s参考答案一、(1) farm (2) duck (3) hen (4) pig (5)

12、 sheep (6) cow (7) horse(1)-(5) EDBCA1-5 BACAB四、(1)-(5) CEABD五、1-5 ABCBA六、(1)-(5) CBCAA七、(仅供参考)I have a farm. It s big. There are two horses, six ducks, eleven hens, five pigsand some sheep. There is some green grass and many trees, too. It s very nice. I like it very much.Unit3 单元测试卷一、根据汉语意思将正确的单词填

13、在横线上。身体健康很重要,一日三餐不可少。 (1) (早餐)吃的像皇帝,多种食物要 (2) (准备好的 )。如果时间太匆忙,煮些 (3) (面条)速度快。 (4) (午餐)吃的像平民, (5) (米饭),(6) (肉)来一些,饭前喝 (7) (汤)健脾胃,营养丰富味道美。 (8) (晚餐)吃的像乞丐, (9) (饺子),(10) (鸡肉)不要吃太多。如果三餐有规律,身体保证 (11) (极好的)。二、选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. breakfastB. duckC. hen( ) 2. A. teacherB. dumplingsC. farmer( ) 3. A. auntB. me

14、atC. rice( ) 4. A. dinnerB. lunchC. great( ) 5. A. meatB. WeC. noodles三、单项选择。( ) 1. We have rice and meat _ dinner.A. inB. onC. for( ) 2. They re A. applesB. appleC. a apple( ) 3. I like very much.A. noodleB. dumplingC. soup( ) 4. Do you have dumplings _ home?A. inB. atC. on( ) 5. for breakfast?Some

15、 bread and milk.A. Where sB. What sC. Whos四、给下列句子选择正确的汉语意思。(1) What s for breakfast?A. 我们早餐吃面条。(2) Let s have rice and vegetables. B. 早餐吃什么?(3) I like dumplings.C. 你吃鸡肉吗?(4) We have noodles for breakfast. D. 我喜欢饺子。(5)Do you have chicken? E. 让我们吃米饭和蔬菜吧。五、情景交际。() 1. 你想知道午餐吃什么,你可以说:A. What do we have f

16、or lunch?B. Great!C. Really?() 2. 朋友来到自己家里做客,你对他们表示欢迎,你可以说:A. Thank you.B. Welcome!C. OK.() 3. 当你家里人很少吃某种食物时,你可以说:A. No, we don t.B. Hello!C. Very little.() 4. 向对方表示感谢时,你可以说:A. Thank you.B. Good morning.C. Look.() 5. 今天的晚餐非常丰盛,刘朝阳很高兴,他可以说:A. Very little.B. No.C. Very good.六、同学们,你们的三餐都吃什么?试着向大家介绍一下吧。

17、要求: 1. 语法正确,字迹清楚2. 不少于 30 个单词。参考词汇: bread, egg, milk, rice, meat, vegetables, breakfast, lunch, dinner 参考句型: I have for breakfast/lunch/dinner. I like 参考答案一、(1) breakfast (2) ready (3) noodles (4) lunch (5) rice (6) meat (7) soup(8) supper/dinner (9) dumplings (10) chicken (11) great二、1-5 ABACB三、1-5

18、 CACBB四、(1)-(5) BEDAC五、1-5 ABCAC六、 (仅供参考 )Hello, ImL i Hui. I have bread, eggs and milk for breakfast. I have rice, meat and vegetables for lunch. I have noodles and soup for dinner. I like noodles. What about you?Unit4 单元测试卷、根据汉语意思将正确的单词填在横线上。清早(1)(起床 )后,高高兴兴上学。大家一起 (2)(上课 ),遨游在知识的海洋。课间 (3)(做游戏 ),快

19、乐身边围绕。中午 (4)(吃午饭 ),米饭蔬菜营养多。晚上 (5)(看电视 ),了解神、选出不同类的一项。) 1. A. seeB. comeC. lateD. go) 2. A. bigB. classC. goodD. small) 3. A. bedB. lunchC. dinnerD. breakfast) 4. A. meatB. whenC. riceD. noodles) 5. A. haveB. getC. doD. at、单项选择。) 1. Li Wei TV in the evening.(上床休息 ),养成良好习惯。(C. haveA. watchB. watches奇世

20、界。早早 (6)I go to school at six.A. WhenB. WhereC. Who) 3. They go to bed latenight.A. inB. toC. at) 4. Ihave a leg.A. doesn tB. amC. don t) 5. We have a classnine.A. atB. inC. onA. He has lunch at twelve.B. I go home at five.C. I go to bed at nine.D. OK.E. Yes, we do.B. Lunch is ready.B. When do you h

21、ave class?B. I have lunch at eleven.B.I go home at four.B. I go to bed late.四、给下列句子选择合适的答语。(1)When do you go to bed?(2)Do you play games in the afternoon?(3)Dinner is ready.(4)When does he have lunch?(5)When do you go home?五、情景交际。( ) 1. 妈妈想叫 Kitty 吃早饭,可以说:A.Dinner is ready.C. Breakfast is ready.( )

22、2. 你想询问对方什么时候上课,可以说: A. Let s have a class.C. Do you have classes at seven?( ) 3. 你想叫妈妈吃午饭,可以说:A. Please have lunch, Mom.C. Have breakfast, Mom.( ) 4. 你想询问对方是否在四点回家,可以说: A. When do you go home?C. Do you go home at four?( ) 5. 你想劝告对方早睡早起,可以说:A. It s too late.C. Early to bed and early to rise!六、阅读短文,判

23、断正 ( 误)( )。Jim is a boy. He is in Beijing now. He gets up at six. He goes to school at seven. He has a Chinese class at eight. He has lunch at 11: 30 at school. He plays games at 3:00 in the afternoon. He goes home at four. He goes to bed at nine.(1)Jim gets up at six.(2)Jim has a Chinese class at s

24、even.(3)Jim has lunch at twelve.(4)Jim plays games in the morning.(5)Jim goes to bed at nine.七、请你描述一下自己每天的时间安排。 要求: 1. 语法正确,条理清晰。2. 不少于 30 个单词。参考词汇: get up, go to school, have classes, go home, go to bed 参考句型: Iatin the morning/afternoon/evening.参考答案(1)get up (2) have a class (3) play games (4) have

25、 lunch (5) watch TV (6) go to bed二、1-5 CBABD三、1-5 BACCA四、(1)-(5) CEDAB五、1-5 CBACC六、(1)-(5) 七、(仅供参考)I get up at 6:00 in the morning. I go to school at 7:30. I have a class at 8:00. I play games at 10:00. I have lunch at 12:00. I go home at 4:00. I have dinner at 6:00 in the evening. I watch TV at 7:0

26、0 in the evening. I go to bed at 10:00 at night.Unit5 单元测试卷一、根据汉语意思将正确的单词填在横线上。我们背着小书包,高高兴兴进学校。 (1) (办公室)里面老师忙,都用(2) (电脑 )来办公。 (3) (图书馆 )里面图书多, (4) (操场)上面玩耍好开心。 (5) (厕所)里面不要挤,校园秩 序要遵守。二、英汉互译。1.教师办公室 2.在操场上 3.学校大门 the classroom 5.of course 三、单项选择。( ) 1. Are there computers in the library?A.a B.

27、any C. some( ) 2. There are desks and chairs.A.some B. any C. a( ) 3. What do you have your office?A. of B. in C. on( ) 4. There a library in our school.A. am B. Are C. is( ) 5. Are there any computers in your classroom?No, there .A. is B. aren t C. am五、情景交际( ) 1. 你想让别人看某人或某物,你可以说:A. Look! B. Great!

28、C. Really?( ) 2. 你想知道对方的学校里有什么,你可以问:A. What do you have in your bedroom?B . Let s go and see.C. What s in your school?( ) 3. 你想告诉别人当然可以做某事,你可以说:A. No. B. Of course.C. Look!( ) 4. 向别人介绍学校大门时,我们可以说:A. This is our school gate. B. Those are our desks.C. It s my school.( ) 5. 你想告诉别人那些是你们的教室,你可以说:A. This

29、is my office. B. There is a garden.C. Those are our classrooms.六、阅读短文,判断正 ( 误)( )。We have a new classroom. It is big and nice. There are two computers in it. We have many new desks and chairs in the classroom. My desk is near the window. I like our classroom.(1) We have a new classroom.(2)The classroom is small.(3)We have many old desks and chairs.(4)There are two computers in our classroom.(5)I like our classroom.

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