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1、译林版七年级下英语各单元知识归纳译林版七年级下英语各单元知识点归纳Unit1 单元短语句型归纳【重点短语】1、next to紧邻,在 近旁 2、would like to do sth 想要做某事 3、in town在城镇里 4、live in住在里 5、dream home梦想中的家 6、the White House 白宫 7、the Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔 8、Big Ben大本钟 9、Red Square 红场 10、the capital of 的首都11、have fun玩得高兴 12、in the centre of 在的中心 13、on the seventh fl

2、oor 在八楼 14、listen to music 听音乐 15、in bed在床上 16、share sth with sb与某人合用/分享某物 like sth best最喜欢某物 17、look out at向外眺望 18、cook meals 做饭19、use sth to do sth用某物做某事 20、square metre平方米,平方公尺 21、in size在尺寸上,在大小方面 22、have an area of 有的面积 23、Womens Day 妇女节 24、on the ground floor 在底层,在一楼25、send sth to sb把某物寄给某人 26

3、、be different from 与不同 27、be full of满的,充满的 28、of ones own属于某人自己的 29、hope to do sth希望做某事 30、some day将来有一天,总有一天 31、answer the phone 接电话 32、make a phone call 打电话 33、take a message传个话,捎个口信 34、ask sb to do sth请/叫某人做某事 35、call sb back回某人电话 36、telephone number 电话号码37、more than超过,多于 38、one of 之一 39、practice

4、 doing sth 练习做某事 40、take turns to do sth 轮流做某事41、at the foot of 在脚下 42、a home cinema家庭影院 43、invite sb to do sth邀请某人做 某事 44、on the first floor 在一楼【典句必背】1、Which country is this photo from, Simon? 西蒙,这张照片来自哪个国家? 2、Is Tokyo the capital of Japan? 东京是日本的首都吗?3、I always have fun with my dog there.在那里我总是和我的狗

5、玩得很开心。 4、I share a bedroom with my sister.我和我的妹妹共住一个卧室。 5、I have my own bedroom and bathroom, and I like the balcony best.我有我自己的卧 室和淋浴间,而且我最喜欢阳台。6、Womens Day is on the eighth of March.妇女节在三月八号。 7、He is always the first to come to school in our class. 在我们班上他总是第一个到校。8、Your house is really different fr

6、om the flats here in our town. 你的房子真的与我们城里这儿的公寓不同。 9、I hope to visit your home some day. 我希望有一天能参观你的家。 10、Can you ask him to call me back? 你能让他给我回个电话吗?11、How many floors are there in your building? 你的大楼有多少层?12、There is always more than enough food there. 那里总是有足够多的食物。13、I would like to invite my frie

7、nds to watch films with me at the weekend. 周末我想邀请我的朋友和我一起看电影。【交际用语】1、Would you like to live in a palace, Eddie? 埃迪,你想住宫殿吗? 2、Which is your favorite? 你最喜欢哪一个?3、I have my own bedroom and bathroom. 我有我自己的卧室和淋浴间。 4、I hope to visit your home some day. 我希望有一天能参观你的家。 5、May I speak to Daniel, please? 请找丹尼尔接

8、电话,好吗?6、Can I take a message? 我可以带个口信吗?7、It is great fun!这很有意思!Unit2 短语和句型归纳一、重点短语:1、visit our new neighbors 拜访我们的新邻居2、welcome visitors like you 欢迎像你这样的客人3、be afraid to do 不敢做某事4、be afraid of doing 害怕做某事5、be afraid of sth. 害怕某事/物6、Im afraid (that). 恐怕7、most of them 他们中大多数8、some of them 他们中一些9、around

9、 your neighborhood 在你居民区周围10、meet at the community centre 在社区中心见面11、share their different skills 分享他们的一技之长12、help people in the neighborhood with all kinds of problems 帮助街区里的人解决各种问题13、have a “helping hands” meeting开一次援助之手会议14、ask a computer engineer to check it15、ask someone to fix it 请某人把它修下16、be r

10、eady to help others 乐于助人17、do some shopping = go to the shops = buy some things = go shopping 购物18、find someone to fix things like broken bicycles 找某人修像破自行车之类的东19、people here are like a big family 这里的人们像大家庭20、 among the volunteers 在志愿者中21、be sure to happen 一定会发生22、take an umbrella with sb. 随身带伞23、wa

11、it for us to call back 等我们回电话24、wait for your call 等你的电话25、plan a day out 计划一日出行26、make a fire 生活27、his elder brother 他哥哥28、work in a restaurant in the town centre 在镇中心的一家餐馆工作29、work for a company far away from her home 为离她家远的一家公司工作30、help sick people 帮助病人31、the way of doing sth. 做某事的方法32、on the mor

12、ning of 5 March 在三月五日上午33、the information below 下面的信息34、make you feel better 使你感到更好35、be not working / doesnt work 坏了/不奏效36、worry about sth. 担心某事(动作)37、worry about doing sth. 担心做某事38、be worried about sth. 担心某事(状态)39、all our group members 我们组的所有成员40、at the Health Centre 在健康中心41、the day after tomorrow

13、 后天42、the day before yesterday 前天二、重点句型:1、 Its good to live in a neighborhood like that. 住在像那样的街区真好。2、 Youre lucky to live in a neighborhood like that.3、 What are your neighbors like? 你的邻居们像什么样?4、 There is something wrong with my computer.= Something is wrong with my computer. 我的电脑出毛病了。5、There is no

14、thing wrong with my computer. = Nothing is wrong with my computer.= There isnt anything wrong with my computer. 我的电脑没有出毛病。6、Whats wrong with your computer? = Whats the matter with your computer? 你电脑怎么了?7、 What are you going to be in the future? 你将来要成为什么?8、 Im going to be a computer engineer. 我将做一名电脑

15、工程师。9、 That sounds like a good idea. 那听起来是一个好主意。10、 It may help you. = Maybe it will help you. 它可能会帮助你。11、 They will be happy to give you some ideas. 他们将很开心给你出一些主意。12、 Are you not feeling well these days? 你这些天感到身体不舒服吗?13、 Are you worrying about what to wear to a party or how to design your home? 你正担

16、心穿什么参加聚会或如何设计你家吗?14、Im afraid they wont welcome visitors like you. 恐怕他们不会欢迎像你这样的客人。Unit3 单元短语句型归纳【重点短语】1、wait a minute 等一会 2、a tin of 一听/罐 3、of course not 当然不 4、a group of 一群/组5、be far from远离某地 6、by underground 乘地铁 7、buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.为某人买某物8、watch a film 看电影 9、invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人

17、做某事 10、take sb. to sp.带某人去某地 11、have dinner 吃晚饭12、look forward to 盼望,期待 13、why not do sth.为什么不做某事 14、Beijing opera 京剧15、call sb. from sp.从某地给某人打电话16、key ring钥匙圈 17、all over到处,遍及18、the Palace Museum故宫博物馆 19、row a boat 划船20、work of art艺术品 21、how far多远22、Chinese paintings 国画 23、have a good time 玩得开心24、

18、another kind of 另种25、something else 一些别的东西26、raise cows饲养奶牛 27、on a farm在农场28、grow wheat种植小麦 29、be friendly to sb.对某人友好30、know each other 互相认识 31、every day 每天32、hear sb. do sth.听到某人做某事 33、drive sb. there开车带某人去那里34、show sb. around sp.带某人参观某地 35、do the shopping购物,买东西【典句必背】1、An old friend of mine is co

19、ining to see me, Hobo. 霍波,我的一个老朋友要来看我。 2、Maybe we can order a pizza.也许我们能点个比萨。3、Shall we take them to the cinema? 我们带他们去电影院好吗? 4、Shall we invite them to have dinner with us? 我们邀请他们和我们一起吃晚饭好吗?5、There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town. 在阳光镇有许多事情可做。6、It takes only 40 minutes by underground.乘地铁仅

20、花40分钟。7、Why not visit our local theatre and enjoy Beijing opera? 为什么不参观我们当地的戏院,欣赏京剧呢?8、We are looking forward to meeting you soon. 我们正期待着尽快见到你。9、I would like to take the boys to our schools football field. 我想把这些男孩带到我们学校的足球场。10、Whats the food like there? 那里的食物怎么样?11、How far is it from the hotel? 它离旅馆

21、有多远?12、Well have a good time there! 咱们在那里会玩得很开心的!13、I am talking about a CD, not something else. 我在谈论一张CD,不是其他东西。14、Im going to show you around my hometown. 我将要带你参观我的家乡。 15、I think it is a wonderful place to live. 我认为这是个居住的好地方。Unit4 单元短语句型归纳【重点短语】1、follow sb跟着某人 2、be sure确切 3、be afraid恐怕,害怕4、go on a

22、 trip进行一次郊游5、(to the) north of 在的北方(在某范围之外)6、in front of 在前面7、go straight on 一直走8、lie down躺下来9、all day long 整天地10、the king of the animal world 百兽之王11、lie on the grass躺在草地上 12、look like看起来像 13、walk past 路过14、take the second turning on the right在第二个路口向右转15、go on向前走;继续16、be far away from sp 离某地远17、make

23、 sb do sth使某人做某事 18、jump around跳来跳去 19、cross / go across the bridge 过轿 20、all kinds of各种各样的 21、have a nice trip 路途愉快22、half an hour later 半小时后23、one. the other.个另一个24、traffic lights红绿灯,交通灯 25、turn left at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口向左转26、see a film看电影27、take the underground 乘地铁 28、the way to sp去某地的路

24、 30、be happy to do sth很高兴做某事 31、at noon在中午32、invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事33、prepare. for为.准备34、plenty of大量,充足 35、look forward to 期盼,盼望【典句必备】1、 Are you sure, Hobo?霍波,你确定?2、 Sunny Garden is west of the zoo.阳光花园在动物园的西面。3、Where are we going for our class trip? 我们将去哪进行班级旅行? 4、 Well get there by bus.我们将乘公交车

25、去那里。5、 Cross the bridge, and youll see the elephant. 过桥,你就会看见大象。6、 Lets go to the Panda House first.咱们先去熊猫馆吧。7、 Take the second turning on the right.在第二个转弯处右转。 8、 I would like to invite you to the party. 我想邀请你们来参加聚会。9、 I am looking forward to seeing you at the party。 我期盼在聚会上见到你们。Unit5 单元短语句型归纳【重点短语】

26、1、come on得了吧,算了吧;加油,快点儿 2、be full of 充满3、the same size 一样的/相同的尺寸 4、fun facts 趣闻 5、stop doing sth.停止做某事6、as usual照例;像往常一样 7、pick up拿起,举起8、sit down 坐下 9、run/go away逃跑,跑开10、turn around转身;(使)翻转 11、the first time 第一次12、on ones/the way 在路上 13、find out查明,发现14、say to oneself自言自语 15、want to know 想知道16、sound

27、like听起来像 17、shout at对大喊大叫18、in the past在过去 19、a month ago 一个月前 20、just now刚刚,刚才 21、the day before yesterday 前天 22、yesterday morning/afternoon/evening 昨天上午/下午/晚上 23、last night昨天晚上 24、get to sp.到达某地 25、take photos 拍照 26、come back to school 回到学校 27、have a great time玩得开心,过得愉快 28、tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关

28、于某事 29、on the earth在地球上 30、a long time ago很久以前31、show sb. sth. /show sth. to sb.把某物给某人看 32、in cold winter在寒冷的冬天 33、be afraid of 害怕34、write a thank-you letter to sb.给某人写一封感谢信 35、need to do sth.需要做某事 36、be surprised to do sth. /be surprised at sth 对(做)某事惊奇 37、keep sth clean保持某物干净 38、not . any more再也不,

29、不再 39、hear of听说,得知 40、the other day那天,前几天 41、at the same time 同时42、different ways of doing sth.做某事的不同方法 43、stay at home待在家里 44、talk to sb.和某人说话/交谈45、plan to do sth.计划/打算做某事 46、play cards 打牌 47、all over the world遍及全世界 48、in use在使用中 49、at least 至少 50、as . as 像一样 51、ask for请求;要【典句必背】1、The world is full

30、 of amazing things. 世界充满了令人惊奇的事情。 2、Fish sleep with their eyes open.鱼睁着眼睛睡觉。 3、Our eyes are the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.我们的眼睛和出生时是一样大的,但是我们的鼻子和耳朵却从来没有停止生长。4、The Sun is about 1, 300, 000 times larger than the Earth. 太阳大约比地球大1,300,000倍。 5、They turned around but saw nothing. 他们四处转转但什么也没有看见。 6、What happened? 发生什么了? 7、“Here it is,” Andy said to himself. “找到了,”安迪对自己说。 8、When it miaowed, it sounded like a whisp

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