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1、A.Costly. B.Time-saving.C.Practical. D.Conventional.3.Whats the purpose of designing the tamper-proof feature?A.To replace the old grate correctly.B.To close the grate ahead of a flood.C.To ensure airflow in normal conditions.D.To stop the train speeding up unexpectedly.4.Where does the text most pr

2、obably come from?A.A news report.B.An adventurous story.C.An equipment introduction.D.A guidebook of making grates.七选五(2018黑龙江大庆二模)Have you ever noticed how terrible weather seems to drag your spirits down?1But there are various things you can do to keep your spirits up until spring.2A snowy, icy, c

3、old, or rainy world can be beautiful and often has sounds and smells of its own. If youre an artist, or photographer, winter provides a great deal of inspiration and different colors for you to work with. Even if you dont feel that creative, simply watching a winter scene from the comfort of your ho

4、me can be a pleasant way to relax and enjoy the peace.Take part in winter activities.3If youre a beginner to these snow sports, try learning in areas where you wont be worried about more experienced people crowding you out. Local parks are ideal starting points to encourage you to get out and give n

5、ew winter sports a go.4Winter comes with the shortest days and lowest light of the year. Go out if you can. If you cant, or if youre so far from the equator as to have little or no daylight, use bright lights and perhaps light or white walls.Stay active.As much as possible, get yourself outside. Tak

6、e at least a short walk. If the weather does not permit, move around inside. Walk up and down your stairs if you have them.5It also regulates such things as sleep and diet. Move around at least a bit each day.A.Go out.B.Brighten up.C.Find things to enjoy about winter.D.Enjoy skiing, sledding, or ice

7、-skating.E.Theres nothing you can do about the weather.F.Making snowmen is a fun activity for both kids and adults.G.Exercise gets your body temperature up and your blood flowing.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.完形填空(2018山东、湖北部分重点中学三模)Ryan Hickman was born into an American family. When he was three years old, Ryan Hic

8、kman visited a1center in California and found what he wanted to do most.2, the next day as he greeted his dad, Damion, he made a(n)3, “Im going to4all the bottles and cans from everyone in the neighborhood. Ill start a new5myself!”Its never too6to start a business, though there were no other staff b

9、ut himself when the company was started. Today, Ryan, aged seven, the worlds7garbage man, is the CEO, manager and8of Ryans Recycling Company. Though Ryan says he doesnt remember what made it all start, he remains9about what he is doing. When questioned why he did so, he said, “Its10bottles get to th

10、e ocean, and then animals get sick and die.” Ryans neighbors have been11to the little boys knocking for their recycled goods. More and more12ones call to ask for a pickup or even13bags of bottles and cans at Hickmans door. At school, Ryans favorite activity is helping the dustmen14the trash and taki

11、ng away the recyclable. “My wife and I support him and we told him that whenever he wants to15, he can,” Damion said. “I want to see him with friends, but the recycling just makes him16. He has actually17five of his friends to join him.”According to Damion, Ryan has18over $11,000 through recycling b

12、ottles and cans. Ryan says he wants to buy a large trash truck to be19with enough garbage and become a20garbage B.recycling C.delivering D.industrial2.A.Amazingly B.Terribly C.Simply B.announcement C.speech D.explanation4.A.throw up B.throw out C.pick out D.pi

13、ck up5.A.investigation D.campaign6.A.old B.early C.weak D.late7.A.cleverest B.busiest C.wealthiest D.youngest8.A.customer B.employer C.trainee D.employee 9.A.enthusiastic B.energetic C.unbearable D.comfortable10.A.why C.because D.when11.A.opposed B.supposed C.accustomed

14、voted12.A.supportive B.instructive C.aggressive D.persuasive13.A.throw away B.turn down C.lay down D.pull away14.A.desert B.separate C.circulate D.weed15.A.start B.continue C.quit D.back16.A.relaxed B.upset C.delighted D.exhausted17.A.persuaded B.urged C.forced D.instructed18.A.raised B.saved C.wast

15、ed D.spent 19.A.surrounded B.entertained C.equipped D.loaded20.A.diligent B.generous C.wealthy D.true .语法填空(2018江西六校联考)Have you ever been to London?Which famous sites did you visit?Or, if it is the first time that you1(be)there, which one will you check out?Some world-famous2(culture)sites may alrea

16、dy be on your list:Buckingham Palace, Elizabeth Tower and the Tower of London. However, a tour of London would be incomplete3checking out the London art scene. As a guidebook Londons Secrets:Museums & Galleries puts it, Londons art is a lot like4city itselfdiverse, vast, and in a constant state of c

17、hanges. From old masters to street art and everything in between, London has it all.In fact, according to The Telegraph, museums and galleries were the most5(visit)attractions in Britain last year. The British Museum,6celebrated its 225th anniversary this year, had the most visitors, at 6,701,036.Ac

18、cording to The Art Newspaper, the British Museums increased7(popular)is down to its exhibitions, particularly its Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum show(MarchSeptember 2017).There are more than 7 million artifacts(历史文物)in the British Museum. Not all of them are on display, but much of the co

19、llection8(constant)rotates(轮换), so youll see something new with each visit. So,9youre an art lover or just looking for a fun time, youre sure10(find)inspiration in London.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.短文改错(2018福建漳州二次调研)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在

20、其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I am so glad that you can visit me in London. Knowing that youve never travel outside of Asia, Id tell you a bit about you can expect to find. When I first arrived, I found that London is such a interna

21、tional city. There are many Chinese restaurants,so the British people hardly eat Chinese food for breakfast. Most of them get used to bacon or egg with a few slices of toast. Tipping always puzzles me. If you want to avoid to getting confused, you should always leave 10% of the bill to the service.

22、Besides, its very difficult for our Chinese to understand British humour. So dont be surprised when you dont think anything is funny. The majority of British people is friendly. Anyway, I am so looking forward to your visit there.答案全解全析语篇解读美国的地铁设计有缺陷,飓风期间洪水常常进入隧道,两个少年发明了一种防止地铁水灾的新装置,不仅成本低而且很实用。1.D主旨



25、由此可知G项与本段的话题一致,意为“锻炼能使体温升高、加速血液流动”。语篇解读三岁的Ryan Hickman因为参观了一家废品回收中心而萌生了自己做废品回收生意的想法。如今,七岁的他是瑞安回收公司的首席执行官兼经理兼雇员,是世界上最年轻的“清洁工”。1.B句意:Ryan Hickman三岁的时候,参观了一家位于加利福尼亚州的回收中心,并且发现了自己最想做的事情。根据下文内容以及第8空后的Ryans Recycling Company可知选B项。financial金融的;recycle回收;deliver投递;industrial工业的。2.A根据上下文可知,Ryan当时只有三岁,他决定做废品回收生意,这件事当然“令人惊讶(Amazingly)”。terribly严重地;s

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