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人教课标版高中英语必修1Unit1 Reading 教学设计1Word格式.docx

1、To consolidate the contents of the reading passage, students should be required to retell the text in their own words at the end of the class.教学目标1. To help students understand and use the following words and expressions: add up, upset, calm. . . down, be concerned about, walk the dog, set down, a s

2、eries of, outdoors, on purpose, in order to, at dusk, face to face2. Translate the sentences to understand the sentence patterns.There was a time when.I happened to (be upstairs).It was/is the first time that.Its no pleasure looking through these any longer.3. To instruct students to retell the text

3、 to understand the life of Anne during World War II.教学重点1. Improve students reading ability.2. Help students to understand the text.教学难点How to help students to understand the sentence patterns.教学用时One period教学方法Task-based approach, communicative approach.教学过程Step 1 Lead-in(设计意图:通过讨论“我们为什么需要朋友”,引出课文话

4、题,激活学生的思维,复现和使用 Warming Up 中的短语。通过一起观看图片,激发学生的学习兴趣,体会友谊的价值。)T: In my opinion, a friend is a present that I give myself. Whenever I am in trouble, my friends will come to help me. Then can you tell me why you need friends or what a good friend can do for you? Please work in groups of four and list as

5、 many answers as you can.S1: A good friend can go to the cinema with me.S2: I need a good friend because I want to tell my secrets to her.S4: A good friend can help me with my study.S5: I usually walk my dog with a good friend of mine. Oh, that sounds interesting. You walk the dog with your friend.

6、Anything that you can do with your friend? S6: I often play football with my good friends.S7: My friend can calm me down when I am very upset. Indeed, a good friend can do a lot of things with us. And I think whenever we are upset, our friends will be concerned about us and come to calm us down. Let

7、s enjoy some pictures on the screen to see what else we can do with our friends. (Show students some pictures and say together.)T and Ss: We can play happily together, take good care of each other, get ready to help each other, cooperate and improve together, learn from each other, compete with each

8、 other, and share joys and sadness with each other. Of course, we must be true/faithful to each other. So I say a friend is really a present that we give ourselves. No one in the world can sail the ocean of life without friends.(l) Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your frie

9、nd?(2) Do you think a diary can become your friend? Why or why not?Please work in pairs to discuss the questions above. S3: I am very interested in your answers. One of you even thinks a stone can be your good friend. That must be a special one to you. Those who think that a good friend must be a pe

10、rson, please put up your hand. And those who think that a diary can be a good friend, please put up your hand.Step 2 Pre-reading在师生交流的过程中适时而自然地引入课文中的生词,为下面的阅读活动解决了部分阅读障碍,也体现了“在用中学”的教学理念。通过图片和标题让学生预测课文内容,有助于学生展开想象力,增强了学生的课堂参与度,让他们养成动脑的好习惯。 Well, as for this question, different people have different i

11、deas. A few students think that a good friend must be a person while many students think that a good friend doesnt have to be a per-son. They can be anything else that we like. And most of you agree that a diary can be a good friend to us, because we can set down or write down a series of facts in a

12、 diary. Can you guess the meaning of “a series of”?Ss: It means “a group of”. Thats right. “A series of” means “a group of”. A series of facts is set down in her diary whom she could tell everything to. Look at the title of the reading passage and the pictures on Page 2 and Page 3. Can you guess who

13、 those people are and what the text might be about? Now lets come to the text and see whether your prediction is right.Step 3 Readingskimming 和 scanning 两个环节的设计旨在引导学生快速浏览文章,从总体上把握文章的框架结构和主题结构。经常进行这方面的训练将极大地提高学生的快速阅读能力。在把握主旨大意时,还可以引导学生发现文章的主题句,这是一种高效的阅读方法。1. Skimming Skim the passage and answer the f

14、ollowing questions:(1) How many parts can the text be divided into? How do you know that?(2) Whats the main idea of the first part? Read Para. I and the first two sentences of Para. 2 to get it, The text can be divided into two parts. From the color I know it. It is mainly about Annes best friend du

15、ring World War II. The text can be divided into two parts. Of course we can know that from the color. The diary in the yellow box is one part, and the rest is the other part. And the text is mainly about Annes best friend-her diary named Kitty, whom she could tell everything to.2. Scanning Scan the

16、passage and fill in the form below:NamePlaceTimeHer familyThey had to , or they would be caught by the German Nazis.what we can learn from her diaryShe hadnt been for too long, so she was crazy about everything to do with .To have a good look at by herself, one evening she stayed awake on purpose un

17、til 11:30, but she didnt dare as the moon gave far too much light.Another time five months ago, she nature face to face for the first time in a year and a halfShe hated to look at nature through dirty and she hoped to it.Suggested answers:Anne FrankIn Amsterdam in the NetherlandsDuring World War The

18、y had to hide away, or they would be caught by the German Nazis.She hadnt been outdoors for too long, so she was crazy about everything to do with nature.To have a good look at the moon by herself, one evening she stayed awake on purpose until 11:30, but she didnt dare open a window as the moon gave

19、 far too much light.Another time five months ago, she saw/looked at nature face to face for the first time in a year and a halfShe hated to look at nature through dirty curtains and she hoped toexperience it.3. Intensive reading此环节是在快速阅读的基础上,在学生对文章有了一定的理解之后,指导学生对细节进行充分的理解。同时对照所提出的问题有目的地阅读,并对问题采取合作学习

20、的方式进行探究,充分发挥学生在课堂中的主体作用。(l) T: Read the text carefully and answer the following questions. What is a true friend like in Annes opinion? What is an ordinary diary like according to Anne? What about her diary? How did Anne feel about nature after she and her family hid away? Why do you think her feeli

21、ngs changed towards nature? In Annes opinion, a true friend is a person whom you could tell everything to, such as your deepest feelings and thoughts. According to Anne, an ordinary diary is where most people like to set down a series of facts.Anne wrote down her deepest feelings and thoughts in her

22、 diary. She told everything to her best friend-her diary. She felt so crazy about nature. Because she had been indoors too long, she was so eager to see the outdoor world-the blue sky, the singing birds, the beautiful flowers, the bright moon. . .(2) T: Read the text again carefully and discuss in g

23、roups of four: What do the following two words imply(暗含)in Annes letter?WordsWhat is implied?outdoorsnature How would you describe Annes feelings as she was looking out at the night sky? outdoors: free nature: the blue sky, the singing birds, flowers, the bright moon Very sad, lonely, helpless, depr

24、essed(忧愁的), maybe hopelessStep 4 Post-reading阅读课文,不仅仅是获取信息,欣赏语言和学会运用语言也是阅读的主要目的。通过对“experience”一词的体会、通过典型和优美句型的学习,不仅让学生更进一步理解文章内容,更是为他们今后的语言运用打下坚实的基础。 Yes. When Anne was looking out at the night sky, she felt very sad, lonely, helpless and maybe hopeless. That was because she had been indoors too lo

25、ng and she was eager to see the outdoors. And Anne said in her diary, “Its no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.”1. T: Discuss in groups of four:(l) Why is nature one thing that really must be experienced?(2) In what case can we exp

26、erience nature? Thank you for your different ideas. From the passage we know nature means the blue sky, the singing birds, flowers, and the bright moon after hiding away. If we can only “look at” them through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows at night, that would be a terrible thing for us. Only if we go outdoors to get close to nature freely can we “experience” it and feel happy.(3) T: Can you go outdoors to get close to nature freely today? Why? Of course we can bec

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