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1、A、locate B、assign C、deliver D、place8、It is a common theme in many science fiction stories that the world may one day be _ by insects.A、broken in B、run over C、taken over D、filled in9、The French pianist who had been praised very highly _ to be a great disappointment.A、turned up B、turned in C、turned ou

2、t D、turned down10、Americans eat _ as they actually need every day.A、twice as much protein B、protein twice as much C、twice protein as much D、protein as twice much11、_ it or not, his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles.A、Believe B、To believe C、Believing D、Believed12、I asked my neighbor

3、to _ my garden when I was away.A、look after B、look over C、look in D、look to13、The subject of these lectures _ by the lecture committee.A、announces B、have been announced C、announced D、has been announcedD14、None of the servants were _ when Mr. Smith wanted to send a message.A、available B、approachable

4、C、attainable D、applicable15、When he was set free after twenty years in prison, he was amazed _ the changed world he found.A、at B、of C、on D、to16、Rejecting the urging of his physician father to study medicine, Hawking chose to _ on math and theoretical physics.A、impose B、center C、overwork D、concentrat

5、e17、Since he was involved in the case, the court _ his appearance.A、requested B、asked C、required D、solicited18、I signed the letter at the _ of the page.A、bottom B、end C、base D、root19、Only under special circumstances _ to take make-up tests.A、are freshmen permitted B、freshmen are permitted C、permitte

6、d are freshmen D、are permitted freshmen20、Many of the human problems associated with living in the ocean are _ the problems of living in outer space.A、just as B、such as C、such that D、the same as21、John _ Bill by two games to one.A、won B、beat C、fought D、overcame22、I cannot tell the _ difference betwe

7、en the twins.A、slender B、single C、simple D、slight23、When I caught him cheating me, I stopped _ things in his shop.A、buying B、buy C、to buy D、bought24、Most of our meetings were _ to discussing the housing reform.A、used B、spent C、devoted D、located25、_ to New York, her father has not heard from her.A、Be

8、cause she went B、After she went C、When she went D、Since she went26、John could do nothing but _ to his father that he was wrong.A、admitting B、admits C、admit D、to admit27、_ an honest man, he never tells a lie.A、Being B、Be C、Since D、To be28、Professor White has written some short stories, but he is _ kn

9、own for his plays.A、the best B、more C、better D、the most29、I didnt accept his offer last week, but I _.A、had B、would do C、should have D、might have to30、Its high time we _ to the cinema.A、will go B、shall go C、are going to go D、went31、A number of workers _ in front of the factory to protest against bei

10、ng forced to work overtime.A、is crowded B、have crowded C、was crowded D、has crowded32、I have not seen my mother for a long time. I _ her very much.A、miss B、impress C、remember D、remind33、Nowadays advertising costs are no longer in reasonable _ to the total cost of the product.A、proportion B、correlatio

11、n C、connection D、correspondence34、I dont believe they can bridge the gap, _?A、does he B、cant he C、doesnt he D、can they35、I will not spend so much money on that fur coat, for I dont think it is _.A、worth buying B、worth to buy C、worthy buying D、worthy of buy36、The horse is getting old and cant run _ i

12、t did.A、as faster as B、so fast than C、so fast as D、such fast as37、When I returned home, I found the window open and something _.A、to steal B、stealing C、stolen D、steal38、_ is known to everyone, the moon travels round the earth once every month.A、It B、As C、That D、What39、Scientists have found that ther

13、e is not any _ plant on the moon.A、life B、living C、alive D、live40、Mrs. Green has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be _ with everyone who comes to the store.A、accepted B、admitted C、admired D、acquainted41、Some time the manager of the company sent me a fax saying that he would vi

14、sit us _ next spring.A、some time B、sometime C、sometimes D、some times42、She will stop showing off if no notice_ of her.A、is taken B、takes C、will be taken D、has taken43、It is said that a new robot _ by him in a few days.A、designed B、has been designed C、will be designed D、will have been designed44、His

15、office is on the third _ of the building.A、flat B、floor C、story D、layer45、Some animals adjust themselves _ their environment by instinct.A、to B、in C、from D、toward46、Hardly had she walked out of the woods _ she heard the strange scream coming from behind a tree.A、than B、until C、since D、when47、Its adv

16、isable that she _ for Xian as soon as possible.A、will leave B、may leave C、leaves D、leave48、The worker and writer from Shanghai _very popular among college students since the beginning of this century.A、is B、are C、has been D、have been49、The shortage of energy is getting worse. It _an immediate soluti

17、on.A、calls off B、calls up C、calls for D、calls at50、May I leave now? No, you _.A、neednt B、cant C、mustnt D、shouldnt2018秋专升本计算机模拟卷1、计算机最主要的工作特点是_。A、存储程序与自动控制 B、高速度与高精度 C、可靠性与可用性 D、有记忆能力2、在Excel工作表中,_操作可以删除工作表D列。A、单击列号D,按delete键 B、单击列号D,选择编辑菜单下的删除 C、单击列号D,选择工具条上的剪切按钮 D、单击列号D,选择清除 下的全部3、在Word中,下列不能打印输出当前

18、编辑的文档操作是_ 。A、单击“文件”菜单下的“打印”选项 B、单击常用工具栏中的“打印”按钮 C、单击“文件”菜单下的“页面设置”选项 D、单击“文件”菜单下的“打印预览”选项,再单击工具栏中的“打印”按钮4、当要改变一个演示文稿的幻灯片母板格式时,_ 。A、所有的非标题幻灯片均采用新母板格式 B、只有当前非标题幻灯片采用新母板格式 C、所有的剪贴画均丢失 D、默认字体将自动改变5、在资源管理器中,如果要同时选定相邻的多个文件,需要使用_键。A、Shift B、Alt C、Ctrl D、F86、Word程序允许打开多个文档窗口,用 _菜单可以实现文档窗口之间的切换。A、编辑 B、窗口 C、视

19、图 D、工具7、在Excel工作表中,第11行第14列单元格地址可表示为_。A、M10 B、N10 C、M11 D、N118、在Word中,如果插入的表格其内外框线是虚线,要想将框线变成实线,用哪个命令实现。(假使光标在表格中)_ 。A、“表格” 菜单的“虚线” B、“格式” 菜单的“边框和底纹” C、“表格” 菜单的“选中表格” D、“格式”菜单的“制表位”9、在Word中,对于多个自选图形要进行组合,可以先按下_工具栏中的“选择对象”按钮。A、格式 B、常用 C、绘图 D、表格和边框10、微型计算机内存储器是_。A、按二进制位编址 B、按字节编址 C、按字长编址 D、根据微处理型号不同而编

20、址不同11、在Windows 操作环境下,要将整个屏幕画面全部拷贝到剪贴板中,应使用的键为_ 。A、Print Screen B、Alt+ Print Screen C、Alt+F4 D、Ctrl+Space12、多个窗口的切换可以通过_来实现。A、在任务栏上用鼠标单击右键 B、关闭当前活动窗口 C、按Alt+Shift组合键 D、按Alt+Tab组合键13、在Windows中,如果想同时改变窗口的高度和宽度,可以通过拖放_来实现。A、窗口角 B、窗口边框 C、滚动条 D、菜单栏14、在Word的编辑状态,设置了标尺,可以同时显示水平标尺和垂直标尺的视图方式是_。A、普通方式 B、页面方式 C

21、、大纲方式 D、web版式15、在Windows中,对桌面上的图标_。A、可以用鼠标的拖动或打开一个快捷菜单对它们的位置加以调整 B、只能用鼠标对它们拖动来调整位置 C、只能通过某个菜单来调整位置 D、只需鼠标在桌面上从屏幕左上角向右下角拖动一次,它们就会重新排列16、十进制数100转换成二进制数是_。A、1100100 B、1100101 C、1100110 D、110100017、Word的“文件”菜单下部一般列出4个用户最近用过的文档名,此文档名的个数最多可设置为_ 。A、6个 B、8个 C、9个 D、12个18、PowerPoint演示稿的扩展名是_。A、.DOC B、.XLS C、.

22、PPT D、.POT19、微型计算机中运算器的主要功能是进行_。A、算术运算 B、逻辑运算 C、算术和逻辑运算 D、初等函数运算20、在Excel中,要在同一工作簿中把工作表sheet3移动到sheet1前面,应_。A、单击工作表sheet3标签,并沿着标签行拖动到sheet1前 B、单击工作表sheet3标签,并按住Ctrl键沿着标签行拖动到sheet1前 C、单击工作表sheet3标签,并选“编辑”菜单的“复制”命令,然后单击工作表sheet1标签,再选“编辑”菜单的“粘贴”命令 D、单击工作表sheet3标签,并选“编辑”菜单的“剪切”命令,然后单击工作表sheet1标签,再选“编辑”菜

23、单的“粘贴”命令21、计算机能够直接执行的计算机语言是_。A、汇编语言 B、机器语言 C、高级语言 D、自然语言22、在Windows 中快速获得硬件的有关信息可通过_ 。A、鼠标右键单击桌面空白区,选择属性 B、鼠标右键单击开始菜单 C、鼠标右键单击我的电脑,选择属性 D、鼠标右键单击任务栏空白区,选择属性23、Windows的回收站中,可以恢复_。A、从硬盘中删除的文件或文件夹 B、从软盘中删除的文件或文件夹 C、剪切掉的文档 D、从光盘中删除的文件或文件夹24、word 具有的功能是_ 。A、表格处理 B、绘制图形 C、自动更正 D、以上三项都是25、Windows中,按PrintScr

24、een键,则使整个桌面内容_ 。A、打印到打印纸上 B、打印到指定文件 C、复制到指定文件 D、复制到剪贴板26、在Windows桌面底部的任务栏中,可能出现的图标有_ 。A、“开始”按钮、“快速启动工具栏”、应用程序图标及“指示器” B、“资源管理器”按钮、“快速启动工具栏”、应用程序图标及“指示器” C、“开始”按钮、“资源管理器”快捷菜单、应用程序图标及“指示器” D、“开始”按钮、“快速启动工具栏”、“指示器”及“屏幕设置”快捷菜单27、在Word中,要新建文档,应选择哪个菜单中的命令。_ 。A、文件 B、编辑 C、视图 D、插入28、PowerPoint中,设置幻灯片放映时的换页效果

25、为垂直百叶窗,应使用幻灯片放映菜单下的选项是_ 。A、动作按钮 B、幻灯片切换 C、动画方案 D、自定义动画29、在Windows中,写字板和记事本所编辑的文档_ 。A、均可通过剪切、复制和粘贴与其他Windows应用程序交换信息 B、只有写字板可通过上述操作与其他Windows应用程序交换信息 C、只有记事本可通过上述操作与其他Windows应用程序交换信息 D、二者均不能与其他Windows应用程序交换信息30、当向Excel工作表单元格输入公式时,使用单元格地址D$2引用D列2行单元格,该单元格的引用称为_ 。A、交叉地址引用 B、混合地址引用 C、相对地址引用 D、绝对地址引用31、在Excel 工作薄中,对工作表不可以进行的打印设置是_ 。A、打印区域 B、打印标题 C、打印讲义 D、打印顺序32、微型计算机与外部设备之间的信息传输方式有_ 。A、仅串行方式 B、串行方式或并行方式 C、连接方式 D、仅并行方式33、在Excel中,单元格地址是指_

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