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1、3. Whats the mans suggestion?4.What did Mum buy yesterday?C5. What is NOT the reason why the man says sorry to the woman?A. Because he is keeping her awake. B. Because he has lost her radio. C.Because his radio is too loud.6. How did the boy feel about the news?A. Sad. B. Glad. C. He didnt say anyth

2、ing about it.7. Who will get the gift?A. Ann. B. Anns uncle. C. Anns father.8. How long has the woman been here?A. For 20 minutes. B. For 5 minutes. C. For 15 minutes.9. Where are the two speakers?A. In the bank. B. In the hospital. C. In the police station.10.What are they talking about?A.A traffic

3、 accident. B. An earthquake. C. A terrible bus.第二部分 听对话和短文,回答问题你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的答题时间。听第一段对话,回答第11至12小题。11.What is the pink dress made of?A. Wool. B. Silk. C.Cotton.12. Which dress did the man take at last?A. The yellow one. B.The brown one. C. The pink on

4、e.听一篇短文,回答第13-15题。请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。Class PartyWhenAt 6:00 p.m. this 13. _WhereIn the meeting room3rd floor of our school buildingWhat to doSing, 14. _ and play gamesJerrys phone number15. _13. A.Saturday. B.Friday C. Sunday.14. A. dance. B.Play badminton. C. drink15. A.6250868 B.68506

5、88 C.6256898听一篇短文,回答第16至20小题。16.Who is the man talking to?A. A friend of his. B. A group of new students. C. A group of visitors.17. How many departments are there now in this college?A. Five. B. Four. C. Three.18. Which department is the largest in the college?A. English. B. Chinese. C. French.19.

6、Where do the teachers in the English department mainly come from?A. England and Australia. B. America and French. C. America and Canada.20. Where is the main library?A. Between the class building and the dining hall.B. Next to the class building. C. Next to the English department building.二、单项选择1. g

7、reat fun it is to be with her!Thats true. She is a friendly person with a great sense of humour.A. What B. What a C. How D. How a2.Look, the kid is looking his mothers shoulder at the dancing birds again.Em, thats what children look like.A. over B. beyond C. towards D. through3.Alex doesnt write , i

8、n fact, writing is his bread and cheese.A. for free B. for fun C. as usual D. as well4.The Foreign Minister said, “ is our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.”A. There B. This C. That D. It5.Please keep the hot cup away from the children. It hurt them.A. need B. may C. must D. should6.T

9、he story itself was certainly a popular one, but there is no doubt that it was pure .A. invention B. instruction C. introduction D. information7.As soon as you this drink, you will never forget it. You may find it different from any other drink you have ever tried.A. see B. smell C. taste D. feel8.S

10、he devoted herself to her research and it made her very famous in her field.A. strongly B. exactly C. specially D. completely9.Life is a journey with trouble, but with care and wisdom you can _ any problem you face.A. work out B. hand out C. find out D. put out10.How do you get on with the English n

11、ovel?Ive no idea. I only half of it, and Ill try to finish it at the weekend.A. read B. am reading C. have read D. will read11.My little brother works hard and insists on not going to bed he has finished his homework.A. if B. until C. after D. when12.Excuse me, how long will it take me to get to the

12、 post office?Well, it depends on .A. how you will go there B. if you can go there a little earlierC. where you will go D. when you will go there13.Its said that Chris achieved high grades in the exam.Thats no surprise. He is , you know.A. a dark horse B. a green hand C. a wet blanket D. an early bir

13、d14. Henry, do remember to bring the dictionary I lent you tomorrow morning. Ive almost forgotten, but .A. no way B. no problem C. not really D. not exactly三、完形填空When we went out to dinner, I noticed a young man in a wheelchair, who, I thought, had muscular dystrophy( 肌肉萎缩症). As a disabled person li

14、ke him, his brain might be great but physically he could not do_15_. I had a chat with him and learnt my _16_ was right. He told me that normal things like answering the phone or opening the door were difficult for him.Soon our dinner was _17_, and I kept my eyes on him when I was eating. As we were

15、 leaving, I noticed him looking through his wallet. We went to him and learned that he couldnt find his card! He said that he remembered putting it into the wallet before leaving home. This man could not even move his hands easily. So I asked for his approval(批准) to help him look for his card, and h

16、e _18_ me. At the same time, my son, Stewart, went off to see if someone had_19_a card. After searching carefully I didnt find the card. However, I found_20_one in his bag. Meanwhile, I found he had a lot of valuables in his bag.After paying for his dinner with the card I found in his bag, he decide

17、d to leave. Worrying about his safety, we offered to send him home,_21_ he was carrying so many valuable things with him. However, he _22_ that he could go home by himself. So we gave up and hoped that he could get home _23_.There are many disabled people in the world and we cant _24_ the difficulty

18、 they have in their everyday life. I was so lucky to be healthy and I hoped we all could try our best to help them.15. A. many B. much C. few D. little16. A. guess B. idea C. thought D. feeling17. A. attended B. served C. prepared D. finished18. A. treated B. guided C. trusted D. excused19. A. looke

19、d up B. picked up C. put up D. taken up20. A. this B. that C. other D. another21. A. but B. or C. because D. so22. A. doubted B. insisted C. realized D. promised23. A. luckily B. finally C. safely D. early24. A. accept B. compare C. suppose D. imagine四、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上

20、将该项涂黑。My Favorite SweaterBy Bonnie Highsmith TaylorMy favorite sweater grew too small.I love that sweater best of all.My grandma made it when I was three. She made that sweater just for me.I picked the yarn (纱线), a special blue.The color of bluebells (风铃花).When I was three I was very small.But now I

21、m five and much too tall.I have a new jacket now thats green.So I gave my sweater to our cat Queen.Queen just gave birth to kittens in her room.My favorite sweater is now their bed.25. Who made the sweater?A. Miss Taylor. B. The grandma. C. The Kittens. D. The cat Queen.26. In the poem “small” ryhme

22、s with “tall”. Which of the following rhyme with each other?A. Blue and bluebells. B. All and three.C. Green and Queen. D. Room and bed.27. The underlined word “kittens” in this poem most probably means _.A. a kind of food B. baby cats C. a kind of drink D. beds for babiesBThese cute seabirds have w

23、ings, but they cannot fly. They wear a black or blue-grey overcoat, and they have a white belly, a pair of short legs, and two wings that serve as flippers (脚蹼). There are 18 types of them. We must look at their heads and necks to tell one type from another. Some have a pair of long, yellow eyebrows

24、, some have a rock star hairstyle, some have lemon-yellow and orange markings on their cheeks (脸颊), and some just have no special markings at all. When these seabirds walk on land, they look clumsy (笨拙的). Yet, when they dive into the water, they become excellent swimmers! Most of them live in places

25、 covered by snow and ice year-round in the Southern Hemisphere, but some are found in warmer areas near the equator (赤道). What are they? These cute seabirds are penguins!King penguins and emperor penguins are the two largest types of penguins. King penguins can reach a height of 38 inches, and emper

26、or penguins can be 48 inches tall. The smallest penguin is the little blue penguin from Australia and New Zealandwhen it stands straight, it is just about 16 inches tall. Big penguins have some advantages over their smaller relativesbig penguins can stay warm easier so they can live in a colder clim

27、ate; big penguins can dive deeper and stay underwater longer so they can catch food far below the water surface.28. How can we tell one type of penguin from another?A. By looking at their legs and wings. B. By looking at their heads and necks.C. By looking at their flippers and cheeks. D. By looking

28、 at their eyebrows and hairstyles.29. Which of the following sentences about penguins is TRUE?A. There are sixteen types of penguins. B. Yellow penguins are the smallest penguins.C. They can only be found in cold places. D. They look clumsy but they are good swimmers.30. What is the second paragraph

29、 mainly about?A. It tells us the height of two types of penguins.B. It tells us the size and advantages of big penguins.C. It tells us the living areas of the smallest penguins.D. It tells us the living conditions of two types of penguins.Do you know the word kiasu? If not, then be kiasu and google

30、it. Youll get more than a million hits and learn that, usually associated (联系) with Singaporeans, it means “to be afraid of losing out”. Youll come across words such as kiasu parents, kiasu companies and even kiasu apps.Just 40 years ago, the word first spread among men in the Singapore army. But be

31、fore long, it had entered everyday Singapore English.The first formal use of kiasu happened in 1990 in a government document (公文). Since then it has often been seen in Singapore newspapers. It spread to some other countries in southeast Asia, too. In 1992, Malaysias New Straits Times wrote of “kiasu parents

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