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1、 be friendly to; in the future; be kind to; do exercise; last for; at the beginning of; at the end of; go swimming; go to the sea; go skiing句型1. I would like to.2. How many people are there in your family?3. What do they do?4. Here are some things about.5. What is your favourite.?语法1.特殊疑问词的用法2.定冠词、不

2、定冠词的用法Unit 2 Our daily life1 life n. 生活;生命2 probably adv. 很可能;大概3 most adj.(数量上)最多;最大4 find v. 找到;发现5 daily adj. 每日的;日常的6 top adj.(位置、级别或程度)最高的7 business n. 公司;生意8 still adv. 还是;仍然;依旧9 wash v. 洗;洗脸(或手等);洗澡10 uniform n. 制服;校服11 discuss v. 讨论12 make v. 做;使得13 twice adv. 两次14 club n. 俱乐部;社团15 once adv.

3、 一次16 continue v. 继续17 brush v. 用刷子刷18 activity n. 活动19 guard n. 警卫;卫兵;看守20 construction n. 建筑;建造;施工21 dentist n. 牙科医生22 manager n. 经理;老板23 charge n. 主管;掌管;管理24 careful adj. 仔细的;慎重的;谨慎25 dangerous adj. 有危险的;不安全的26 parcel n. 包裹27 honestly adv. 诚实地28 mean v. 意思是;表示的意思29 angry adj. 愤怒的;生气的30 hold v. 抱住

4、;拿着;抓住31 husband n. 丈夫32 finger n. 手指33 except prep. 除之外34 biology n. 生物the same as; find out; daily life; top student; have breakfast; make phone calls to; on the way to; have lunch; come back to; have dinner; work on; half an hour; walk home; in charge of; look after; by bus; be late for; get angr

5、y; tell the truth; go jogging; except for; on weekdays 1.Once a week I have piano lessons.2.How often do you.?3.Can you tell me.?1.一般现在时(三单变形规则)2.频度副词及频度副词短语3.动词三单加“s”及名词单复数读法Unit 3 Troubles1 deal v. 处理2 argue v. 争吵;吵架3 steel n. 钢4 purse n. 钱包5 follow v. 跟随6 hurry v. 匆忙;加速7 report v. 举报;报告8 minute n

6、. 分钟9 side n. 一边;一旁;一侧10 river n. 江;河11 already adv. 已经12 project n. 课题13 hurt v. 受伤;伤害14 without prep. 不用;不带;没有15 guilty adj. 内疚的16 description n. 描写;形容;说明17 thief n. 小偷;贼18 arrive v. 到达;抵达19 ticket n. 票;券20 newspaper n. 报纸21 button n. 按键22 lift v. 抬起23 downstairs adv. 往楼下;在楼下24 postman n. 邮递员25 de

7、licious adj. 美味的;可口的26 present n. 礼物27 helicopter n. 直升机28 university n. 大学;高等学府29 compare v. 比较;对比30 mind n. 想法31 lie n. 谎言;谎话32 return v. 归还;返回33 reason n. 原因;理由34 point n. 具体细节;重点;观点35 moment n. 时刻;片刻36 possible adj. 可能的;能做到的deal with; happen to; hold out; run away;go after; on the other side of;

8、 in handcuffs; stay up late; be angry with; think about; walk around; on ones own; on the side of; in a hurry; quarter of an hour; have time for fun; without question;;; either.or; tell a lie;right away, at the same time; just at that moment; come up to; look around; as soon as pos

9、sible1.She should not.2.Must I.?3.You ought to.4.How are you feeling?1.一般过去时2.表过去的时间状语3.动词+ed的发音Unit 4 Hobbies1 star n. 恒星;星;星状物2 expensive adj. 昂贵的3 through prep. 从一端到另一端;穿过;贯穿4 group n. 组;群;类5 shape n. 现状6 move v. (使)改变位置;移动7 however adv. 然而;不过8 another pron. 又一;再一;另一(事物或人)9 planet n. 行星10 able ad

10、j. 能;能够11 even adv. 甚至;还12 size n. 大小;尺码13 photograph n. 照片14 interesting adj. 有趣的;有吸引力的15 remember v. 记得16 especially adv. 特别;尤其17 example n. 例子;实例18 history n. 历史19 mend v. 修理20 collect v. 收藏;搜集21 special adj. 特别的;尤其的22 page n. 页;张23 alone adv. 独自地24 net n. 网25 umbrella n. 伞;雨伞;阳伞26 rush v. (使)仓促行

11、事27 worm n. 蠕虫;虫子28 believe v. 相信29 score v. 得分;计分;评分30 centre n. 中心;正中31 worst adj. 最差的;最糟的32 fold v. 折叠;对折133 paper n. 纸34 corner n. 角;墙角;壁角35 bottom n. 底;底部36 direction n. 方向used to; billions of; be able to; take photographs; as well as; all over the world; for example; look like; in the past; ma

12、ke a lot of friends; at the weekend; hurry up; in a second; think of; in half1.By the way,.2.Welcome to.3.For how long do you.?4.Maybe you could.1.“when”引导的时间状语从句2.“used to”和did not use to用法Unit 5 Encyclopaedias1 dinosaur n. 恐龙2 statement n. 说法;陈述3 cartoon n. 卡通片;漫画4 character n.人物5 human n. 人类6 gen

13、tle adj. (性格)温和的7 meat n. 肉类8 sell v. 出售9 disease n. 疾病;病10 animal n. 动物11 stone n. 石头;石块;岩石12 ancient adj. 古代的;古老的13 sand n. 沙;沙地14 secret n. 秘密;奥秘15 word n. 词;单词;字16 expert n .专家17 discovery n. 发现18 square adj. (表示面积)平方19 government n. 政府20 spend v. 花(钱)21 pleasure n. 愉快;乐事22 magic adj. 有魔力的;神奇的23

14、 power n. 能力;能量24 competition n. 比赛;竞赛25 trip n. 旅游;旅行26 cave n. 山洞;洞穴27 hungry adj. 感到饿的;饥饿的28 bamboo n. 竹子29 shoot n. 嫩芽;新枝30 shoulder n. 肩膀31 round adj. 圆形的;球状的32 adult adj. 成年的33 female adj. 雌的;女性的34 protect v. 保护35 law n. 法律;法规36 countryside n. 乡村;农村37 cover v. 覆盖;遮盖1.Will you please.?2.Thank y

15、ou for your information.3.It is my pleasure!4.Is that true?3.“when”引导的时间状语从句4.“used to”和Unit 6 Beyond time and space ( I )1 cage n. 笼子2 adventure n. 奇遇;冒险经历3 towards prep. 向;朝着4 pilot n. 飞行员5 huge adj. 巨大的6 shout v. 叫;嚷7 steel n. 钢8 bar n. 长条;棒9 rise v. 上升;起立10 close v. 关;关闭11 peace n. 和平;平和12 shake

16、 v. 颤抖;摇动13 trust v. 信任;信赖14 physics n. 物理15 space n. 空间;太空16 light n. 光;发光体17 cry v. 喊叫18 step n. 台阶19 passenger n. 乘客;旅客20 crazy adj. 疯狂的;离谱的21 petrol n. 汽油22 environment n. 环境23 rat n. 老鼠;耗子24 arrange v. 安排25 island n. 岛;群岛26 below adv. 在下面27 quiz n. 竞赛;比赛28 barbecue n. 烧烤野餐29 shine v. 发光;照耀30 ci

17、rcle n. 圆周;圆圈31 measure v. 测量32 air n. 空气land on; get sick; get in; part of; in peace; in pieces; in space; instead of; from now on; come true; rather than; run out of; take a bath; go around; full moon1. It must be.2. That sounds interesting!3. What do you think?4. And medicine will cure every illn

18、ess in the future.5. Its important to protect our environment from now on.1.一般将来时2.表将来的时间状语Unit 6 Beyond time and space ()1 attack v. 攻击;袭击2 pocket n. 口袋3 asleep adj. 睡着4 interrupt v. 打岔;插嘴5 aim v. 瞄准6 hit v. 命中;击中7 freedom n. 自由8 search v. 搜查;查找9 popular adj. 受欢迎的;当红的10 programme n. 节目11 actor n. 演

19、员12 gun n. 枪;炮13 hide v. 隐藏;躲藏14 joke n. 笑话;玩笑15 machine n. 机器16 copy n. 一本;一册17 base n. 基地;总部;18 rope n. 绳子19 tent n. 帐篷20 litre n. 升(单位)21 blanket n. 毯子22 break v. (使)破;碎23 enter v. 进入24 touch v. 触摸;碰25 enough adv.& adj. 足够地;充足26 plastic adj. 塑胶的27 room n. 空间28 provide v. 提供;供应29 bicycle n. 自行车30

20、several adj. 几个;一些31 safe adj. 安全的32 since conj. 因为;既然33 prison n. 监狱Leave alone; fall sleep; put out;; come out of; play jokes on.; get away from; a first-aid box; in order of; sound like; in fact; break down; provide.with.; live a.life1.What happened to.?2.What do you think of.?3.I would rather.4.If we kill him,we wont be able to open the huge door.5. There was enough room in it for David and they provided him with many toys.1.方位介词2.不定代词

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