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高中英语 UnitBack to the past Period Three Task讲义 牛津译林版必修Word格式.docx

1、2now that既然3pay attention to注意4carry out实行,执行;进行5set sail for起航去6on board在船(飞机或火车)上7in memory of纪念1expression语境感悟(1)(教材P53)Below is a list of useful expressions that you can use when giving a talk.下面是当你演讲时你可以用到的有用的表达方式。(2)I sent them flowers as an expression of thanks.我给他们送去鲜花表示感谢。(3)The actor has a

2、n expressive face.那个演员的面部表情丰富。(4)At last he found a proper way to give expression to his gratitude.最终他找到了适当的方法表达自己的感激之情。(5)She wore an expression of horror.她面露恐怖的神色。归纳拓展(1)expression n表达,表示;说法;give expression to表达;表现;把表达出来without expression毫无表情beyond expression无法形容an expression of amazement/disbelie

3、f/horror惊讶/不相信/恐怖的神色(2)expressive adj.有表现力的,富于表情的(3)express v表现;express oneself表达自己的意思即时跟踪(1)用适当的介词或所给词的正确形式填空He looked at me without expression.He can express himself(him) freely in English.Having expressed(express) my thanks to her,I feel relaxed.(2)The bride was lovely beyond expression.新娘美得无法形容。

4、(3)The on his face told me that he was not happy.Aimpression BsightCappearance Dexpression答案D解析句意为:他脸上的表情告诉我他生气了。impression印象;sight视力;appearance外表;expression表情。由句意知选D。2fortunate(1)(教材P55)It was fortunate that the US Navys aircraft carriers were at sea that day.幸运的是那天美国海军的航空母舰出海了。(2)Fortunately,every

5、thing worked out all right in the end.幸运的是,最后一切都很顺利。(3)I hope this unfortunate incident will not affect the relationship between us.我希望这一不幸事件不会影响你我之间的关系。(4)Unfortunately,weve all been victims of betrayal.(2015全国)不幸的是,我们都被背叛的受害者。(1)fortunate adj.幸运的be fortunate to do/in doing sth.在方面幸运;幸运地做(2)fortuna

6、tely adv.幸运地(3)unfortunate adj.不幸的(4)unfortunately adv.不幸地(1)用fortunate的正确形式填空Youre very fortunate to have found such a lovely house.Unfortunately,I didnt have my credit card with me,or Id certainly have bought it.It was just unfortunate that he phoned exactly as we were out.Theres nobody here other

7、 than our English teacher.Fortunately,she is more than glad to give us help when we are in trouble.(2)He met with robbers last night,but he was enough to escape them finally.Afortunate BeventualCcertain Dsurprising答案A解析fortunate幸运的;eventual最终的;certain当然的;surprising令人吃惊的。由句意可知选A。3declare(1)(教材P55)The

8、 next day,US President Franklin Roosevelt asked that the US declared war against Japan.第二天,美国总统富兰克林罗斯福要求美国对日宣战。(2)India declared its independence in 1947.印度在1947年宣布独立。(3)He declared that he would fight for his right.他宣称要为他的权利而斗争。(4)They declared him the winner.他们宣布他为获胜者。declare vt.宣布,宣称declare war (

9、on/against)(向)宣战declare sth./that.宣布declare sb./sth.(as/to be)n./adj.宣布某人/物declare for/against赞成/反对It is/was declared that.据宣布(1)They declared him (as/to be) chairman of the society.他们宣布他为该协会主席。(2)It was declared that the plane would not take off due to the bad weather.据宣布,由于天气不好飞机不起飞了。(3)Family far

10、ming has been called the main form of agriculture around the world. The United Nations has 2014 the International Year of Family Farming.(2015宝应高一期中)Adeclared BannouncedCinformed Dreported家庭农业一直被称为全世界的主要农业形式。美国已经宣布2014年为世界农业年。此处为declare sb./sth.(as/to be)n./adj.句型,意为“宣布某人/物”。announce宣布,通告,不用于此句型;inf

11、orm通知;report报道,报告,故选A。4educate(1)(教材P56)UNESCO is going to help protect more historical places around the world and educate people so that they can better enjoy the treasures from the past.联合国教科文组织将协助保护更多的世界范围的历史遗迹并教育人们,因此人们能够更好地欣赏以前的珍宝。(2)She completed her formal education in 1995.她在1995年完成正规学业。(3)

12、He spoke in an educated voice.他说话很斯文。(1)educate vt.教育educate sb.(in/on sth.)(在方面)教育某人be educated at.在受教育/完成学业(2)education n(尤指学校)教育(3)educated adj.受过教育(或训练)的;上过学校的,有教养的(4)educator n教育工作者;教师;教育家(1)Children need to be educated on/in the dangers of drugtaking.有必要对儿童进行吸毒危害的教育。(2)He at the local high sch

13、ool,after which he went on to Peking University.Awas educated BeducatedCwas educating Dis educated他在当地中学完成中学学业,从那之后他继续去北京大学深造。根据从句中的时态可知此处应用过去时态。主语he与educate之间为被动关系,故选A。1now that(1)(教材P53)Now that were finished,does anyone have any questions?既然我们结束了,还有人有问题吗?(2)Now that you have made a promise,you mu

14、st carry it out.既然你许下了诺言,你就要践行它。(3)Now (that)we are alone,we can speak freely.既然没有别人了,我们就可以无拘无束地谈谈了。(1)now that是一个连词词组,表示“既然,由于”,引导原因状语从句,表示明显的原因或既成的事实。(2)now that在口语中that常可省略,而只用now连接从句,而now在从句中已失去了“现在”的时间概念。(1)Now that you have come,you may as well stay.你既然来了,就不妨留下来。(2) the kids have left home wev

15、e got a lot of extra space.AWhile BNow thatCBefore DEven if答案B由于孩子们都离开家了,我们住着就更宽敞了。now that意为“由于”,表示因果关系。2point out(1)(教材P54)When describing a picture,do not point out every detail.当描述一幅画时,不要面面俱到。(2)She pointed to the book she had given them.(2015北京)她指着她带给他们的书。(3)It started raining when I was on the

16、 point of leaving home.我正要离开家的时候开始下雨了。(4)Papa would listen carefully and was ready with some comment,always to the point.(2015福建)爸爸会仔细地听着,并准备好一些评论,总是切中要点。point out 指出point to 指向point(sth.) at (把)对准,指向on the point of 正要时make a point of doing sth.特意做某事,认为做某事是有必要的to the point中肯,切题(1)用适当的介词填空It is not p

17、olite to point your fingers at people.She pointed out that they were mistaken.He pointed to the distant mountain and said,“That is my house.”(2)Whats the ,in your opinion,of helping him if he doesnt make an effort to help himself?Asympathy BthemeCobject Dpoint你认为如果他没有做出努力去帮助自己,那么去帮助他有什么意义呢?sympathy同

18、情;theme主题;object物体;point意义。根据句意可知选D。3carry out(1)(教材P55)A surprise attack was carried out there by the Japanese in 1941.日本于1941年突然袭击了那里。(2)He promised to us that he will carry out the plan in spite of the difficulties.他向我们许诺,尽管有困难,他还是要实施这个计划。(3)They decided to carry on their walk in spite of the wea

19、ther.他们决定不管天气好坏都坚持走下去。(4)The sound of seagulls carried her back to childhood holidays by the sea.她听到海鸥的叫声就回忆起童年时在海边度假的情景。carry out 执行,实施carry on继续(做某事)carry sb.back(to sth.)使某人回忆起(某事)carry sth.off赢得某物carry sth.through成功地完成某事(1)用适当的介、副词填空Three students were chosen to carry out the experiment.Carry on

20、 the good work!Its a difficult job but I believe she can carry it through.She carried off most of the prizes for swimming.(2)It is difficult for us to a conversation with all this noise around us.Acarry on Baccount forCbring up Dget through在周围有如此多的噪音的情况下要继续我们的谈话,对我们来说有点困难。carry on sth.继续某事;account f

21、or是的原因,占比例;bring up引起,抚养,呕吐;get through接通电话。根据句意可知选A。4in memory of(1)(教材P55)In memory of the Americans who died in the attack,.为纪念在袭击中遇难的美国人,(2)Generally,I am in favor of the inclusion.(2014江苏)一般而言,我赞成收录。(3)She herself lived a simple or rather poor life but she was so generous to the people in need

22、of help.(2014广东)她过着简单的或者说是相当贫困的生活,但她对需要帮助的人很慷慨。in memory of为了纪念in honour of为了表示对的崇敬in place of取代,代替in favor of赞同in search of搜寻,寻找in praise of赞扬in need of需要(1)用“in名词of”结构完成句子She set up the charity in memory of(为了纪念)her father.The police were in search of(寻找)the murderer.He spoke in praise of(赞扬)those

23、 who had passed the exam.We celebrate Mothers Day in honour of(为了表示对的敬意) our mothers.(2)While in London, we paid a visit to the hospital founded the nurse Florence Nightingale.(2016大丰新丰高一期中)Ain memory of Bin place ofCin search of Din charge of在伦敦的时候,我们去参观为了纪念护士Florence Nightingale而建的医院。in memory of

24、为了纪念,符合句意。in place of代替;in search of寻找;in charge of负责,故选A。with复合结构(1)(教材P55)In less than 9 minutes,the ship sank with 1,177 men on board.在不到9分钟里,轮船连同船上的1 177人沉了下去。(2)With a local guide leading the way,we got there easily.由一个当地的向导引路,我们没费什么事就到达了那儿。(3)With his homework finished,he went out to see a fil

25、m.做完作业后,他出去看电影。(4)With two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.因为有两场考试要担心,本周末我必须认真学习。(1)教材原句为with复合结构:“with宾语宾语补足语”。在句中可作定语或状语。作状语时,常表示伴随、方式、条件、原因等。(2)其宾语补足语通常有以下几种形式:形容词、副词、名词、介词短语、现在分词、过去分词、不定式。(1)The girl with a bag on her back went happily to school.背上背着书包的女孩高兴地上学去了。(2)T

26、he first painting Guilin Heights, which focuses on several steep hills with the Li River below, over three meters tall.(2016Aflowing;measuresBflowing;is measuredCflowed;Dflowed;第一幅画是桂林峰峦,有三米多高,该画主要画的是几座陡峭的山峰,山峰下流淌着漓江之水。第一空是with的复合结构,with宾语doing”构成的with复合结构作状语。其中宾语和它的补语之间为主谓关系,所以用现在分词短语作宾补。第二空measure

27、,是不及物动词,(某物的) 尺寸/长度/高度等为,故选A。(3) our food ,we had to walk to a village for help.ASince;runs out BBecause;run outCWith;running out DFor;running out答案C食物吃光了,我们只好去一个村子求助。A项和B项时态不对;D项中for不能用于这种结构;C项构成with复合结构,run out “用完,耗尽”,为不及物动词,用主动形式表被动意义,故用现在分词形式,故选C。.单词拼写1Australia declared(声明) its support for the

28、 agreement.2The wedding ceremony(典礼) was held in his home.3He looked at his plate with an expression of disgust.4The audience began clapping and cheering.5They had worked hard to give their son a good education(教育).选词填空1He pointed out that my plan was not practical.2We built the Monument to the Peoples Heroes in memory of those who were killed in the wars.3Our teache

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