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1、注意它们,因为气候往往是考点及其答案所在。Because , if , but , while , not only .but also , for fear (that) , unfortunately , however , unless , besides。 举例处,层次或次序类词汇如:first , second , third , last 等 ,短文首尾,数字或证据,虚拟处或should/were/had。处。词义转述,因果处,对比处。聪明的你,想以下这些词汇或地方有什么特点?2、以下为常见的听力词汇及句子。对于它们,要非常、十分熟悉(如你自己的名字般)。那听力的248.5fend

2、uini来说岂不是易如反掌。1、Be all ears . 全神贯注地听 I am all ears .我洗耳恭听。There is nothing more interesting than helping my student solve the problems in the study . 没有比。更有趣的了。 Take a chance 冒险 go far beyond 远远超过Herbal plants 草药 more than 不仅仅超出十分非常Think twice 认真考虑 how do /does.sound ?(建议尝式)Tutor 家教辅导 he has a hands

3、ome income 数量相当大的、可观的Short memory 健忘 get on ones nerves 是某人心烦不安 She has a very short memory and really gets on my nerves sometimes .休息一下,后面更精彩2、dont you have anything better to do ? 你难道就没有更有意义的事做吗?My favorite television show comes on in a few minutes 。come on电视等上演 It could hardly be more disgusting

4、没有比这更恶心的了(否定词与比较级连用表最高级) Have some time off 有休息的时间 sign 签字批准Show off 炫耀 show up 出现出席露面 on time 准时The train is behind the schedule .火车晚点了,迟于预定时间Give somebody a hand with(doing) something =help sb do something I would if I werent .(虚拟)如果我不。的话我就会。In good order 整齐#然有序Once I started I simply couldnt put

5、it down 我一开。始就爱不释手Take time from doing .从某事中抽出时间I still havent been able to take any time out from my study How do you find .。询问对方的看法 how do you find your lessons ?Read something straight through 通读某物 at a stretch 一口气地 I didnt read it straight through the way youd read a novel It is raining cats and

6、 dogs pouring 倾盆大雨别走开。稍后回来。3、 look what youve made ! Ive told you several times ,but you just turn a deaf ear to me 。 turn a deaf ear to some body/something 把某人的话当耳边风,充耳不闻 Shut up !youre driving me mad with your constant complaining 。drive somebody mad 把某人避风 Well. its just at the tip of my tongue .s

7、omething is at the tip of ones tongue 话到嘴边,某人记得但一时想不起来I might as well go .nothing better to do .我也去,反正也没什么事干 For the time being =for the moment /present目前暂时眼下there is plenty t of water . have plenty of 有充足的。can you believe .?令人吃惊,反问句说明unusual。 take up doing.开始做。can you believe that he has taken up s

8、inging at his age?Let somebody go让某人离开(解雇的委婉说法= 第四史密斯说、fire)This is the third time you have been late this week .i find it necessary to let you go It wont happen again ,I assure you.向。保证It seems to be seen where the new one is any better than the old one I already have my hands full with the reporth

9、ave hands full 忙得不可开交I couldnt agree more .我完全同意,我非常同意I have to be home to get my children up and off to school 叫孩子们起床并送去上学I do get angry with people who leave their offices like place for raising pigs 我对那些把办公室搞得像猪圈的人非常生气He wont have changed all that much 他不会变化那么大Sounds like an ideal I time to stock

10、 up /on with coffee.备货存货 stack up堆放广告一下更精彩。第4 集(听力大结局)Ill prescribe some Chinese traditional medicine .also ,you need a treatment with rays below the red in the spectrum.。prescribe V开药吃中药同时接受红外线治疗I wouldnt put it past him .(would)not put it past somebody (to do something )认为某人肯做坏事、不合法的事It seems like

11、 six of one and half of dozen of the other 半斤八两Its very well to say that 说起来容易It is easier said than done It can grow up to four meters tall It seems we didnt have to deal with the same headaches (麻烦)I wouldnt want to be charged for a second night 我可不想再多付一个晚上的钱She would certainly know how to narrow

12、the topic down缩小主题Ill count on you 我只能指望你了Have no heart to do something 不忍心Youre in such a good mood night that I almost had no heart to tell you that your history paper is due tomorrow 到期,期限为Put all ones eggs in one basket 希望寄予一件事情上I will not put all my eggs in one basket 结束语:同志们辛苦啦!听力每个7.1分哟!come

13、on ! youll make it !Part two reading comprehension 词汇、理解、练习思考、反思、总结 Part three writing前言近年来,命题人哎处一分为二类的题目。以下正是为次而创。一、the expressions of different opinions People have different opinions to this phenomenon.Peoples opinions vary from person to person to this phenomenon. Compulsory 必须做的,强制的Personally ,

14、 where it is compulsory for the young too give up their seats to needy riders depends on the seats they take Opponents , on the contrary ,main that its not compulsory .People opinions vary when it come to internet .二、statementsIn general ,it is a moral requirement .It is a legal obligation.Where we

15、should give gifts to teachers on Teachers Day has become a topic of debate in china recentlyGenerally speaking ,criminals can easily get away with them 逃脱,做。更加困难 For one thing .,for anotherBroaden ones horizonsIt can not only have a good influence on students character , but also help students how t

16、o cooperate with other peopleGive off toxic smoke 释放毒烟from the perspective of . 从。角度来看considering the problems mentioned .conj/prep 考虑到enhance everyones awareness of security =raise our awareness of safety 提高、加强安全意识besides the efforts of schools with joint efforts of both students and schools , we a

17、re sure to create a safer campusin todays fast-paced world and with the booming economy.In face of danger 面临危险 be at risk of 面临。的风险Hardly had we arrived when the problems started No sooner had she said it than she burst into tearsExtra part communications 说明:本部分主要由几个常见词引导。UpUp to doing something 能胜任

18、。He s not up to the jobs Whats up =whats the matter?=whats new ?(尤指异常或不愉快的是发生)Whats up with him /他怎么了?Is anything up/you can tell me.出什么事了?跟我说吧Up to somebody 由。决定Its up to you 由你决定Up to something 到达(某数量或程度) I can take up to four people The temperature went up to 35正在干,从事着(尤指坏事)Whats she up to ? 他在搞什

19、么鬼?Im sure hes up to no good 我敢说他在打什么坏主意 About大约、左右Its about 10.这大约要花费10美元He arrived about 10Thats about it 我要说的就是这些、我的话说完了Anything else? No thats about it 还有什么要说的吗?没有了,现在我要说的就这些Thats it 就这样,行了,就是他after you 请先走farfar from。远非(相当于一个否定词)it is far from what you want to do far from it 完全相反,绝非go far 有远大前程

20、,有出息Ill go far 我会有出息的Go进展,进行Hows it going? 最近如何To go 剩下的,还有There are five minutes to go带走的Two pizzas to goGo for it nu努力争取Mean对某人很重要Money means nothing to him金钱对于他来说毫无价值You mean a lot to me You mean the world to me 你是我的一切I mean 我是说,意思是说Means well 呢本意是好的。出于好心SayWhat do you say?=whats your opinion?你说呢

21、?I wouldnt say they were rich=in my opinion ,they are not richIt is hard to say 很难说TroubleTake trouble over/with something | take trouble doing/to do sth尽心尽力地做They take a lot of trouble to find the right personV劳驾,麻烦sorry to trouble you,but could tell me the time ?getget off somebody(尤指告诉别人)别碰,走远点ge

22、t off me ,your are hurting me 别碰我,你弄疼我了duedue to 因为动后从前多用owing to )the success was due to your efforts 到期Payment is due on 1 October适当的、适合的、恰当的In due time after due consideration 经过适当的考虑In due course 在适当的时候,到一定的时候Due date (尤指欠款)到期SeemSeem(to be )something |seem like something好像似乎You seem happy 你好象很高兴Do whatever seems best to you 你觉得什么最好就做什么Hell be there ,then/so it seems.这么说他要去那儿。似乎是这样It seems that they know they are doing 看来他们知道自己在干什么

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