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1、D6.Betty was (nervous) whenever she saw her history teacher. ( )A.tenseB.relaxedC.disappointedD.delightedA7.We waited more than half an hour for Beth but (eventually) we had to leave without her. ( ) the lastD.afterwards8.The police are (looking into) the mysterious disappea

2、rance of a two-year-old girl from home in Florida. ( )A.studyingB.investigatingC.handlingD.finding out9.(As long as) you keep trying, youll certainly succeed. ( ) matterB.becauseC.asD.If10.Identify the errors in the following sentence:It was very late to save the drowning boy as he had gone down

3、 for the third time. ( )A.very lateB.third timeC.gone downD.drowning boy11.Identify the errors in the following sentence:I cant help to think it would be fun to play such an exciting game with them. ( )A.would exciting12.Identify the errors in the following sentence:John sa

4、id his mother would buy him a five-speeds racing bicycle for his sixteenth birthday. ( )A.would buy himB.sixteenth birthdayC.forD.five-speeds13.Identify the errors in the following sentence:By reading the directions carefully, some mistakes in the examination cold have been avoided. ( ) the exam

5、inationB.cold have been avoidedC.carefullyD.By reading14.Identify the errors in the following sentence:It was suggested that we tried to use gas to start a fire. ( )A.we tried to useB.thatC.start a fireD.It was suggested15.Identify the errors in the following sentence:The old grandmother, dressed in

6、 her finest clothes and accompanied by lots of grandchildren,were smiling happily in the living room. ( )A.wereB.finest clothesC.dressed inD.and accompanied by lots of16.Identify the errors in the following sentence:Because of her sympathy for this poor old man, the shop girl took lesser money than

7、the actual charge for the puddings. ( )A.thanB.sympathyC.lesserD.for the puddings17.Identify the errors in the following sentence:The foreign tourist said that he was lucky because that was the second time that he visited there. ( )A.visitedB.the second timeC.thatD.he was18.Identify the errors in th

8、e following sentence:You may sell the used books to the new students at the university at a cheaper price than youpaid for them. ( )A.used booksB.thanC.paid forD.a cheaper19.Identify the errors in the following sentence:Comparing with the corresponding period of last year, the output in the first qu

9、arter rose by 10%. ( )A.first quarterB.correspondingC.byD.Comparing20.The movie star _with your sister, didnt he?A.was used to dancingB.was used to danceC.used to dancingD.used to dance21.The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, _. ( )A.her long hair was flowing in the breezeB.her long hair flo

10、w in the breezeC.her long hair flowed in the breezeD.her linger hair flowing in the breeze22.Mother insisted that_. ( )A.they ought to be back before nine in the eveningB.they had to be back before nine in the eveningC.they be back before nine in the eveningD.they are to be back before nine in the e

11、vening23.The professor paused as if _his students to ask question on point he had just made. ( ) have expectC.expectingD.expected24.I couldnt understand why he pretended_ in the bookstore. ( ) see me see me notC.not to see meD.not see me25.The classroom was almost empty

12、_a desk or two. ( ) addition toB.except forC.exceptD.besides26.It was in that small room_ they worked hard and dreamed of better days to come. ( ) which27._, you must show your ticket to go into the cinema. ( )A.Whomever you areB.Whoever you areC.No matter whoever you areD.No ma

13、tter who are you28._that the left side of the human brain is responsible for logic. ( )A.It is generously believedB.It is believed generouslyC.It generously is believedD.Generously it is believed29.Scientists didnt know much about lung cancer_. ()A.until recentlyB.long the past few yearsD

14、.before30.Mount Qomolangma, the Roof Ridge of the world is covered_ snow all the year around. ( )A.withB.ofC.inD.by31.The executive art editor planned to be secretly married _ his beloved girl who had been in love for three years. ( )B.toC.ofD.at32.At the age of four, the outstanding champion of the

15、 World Cup Athlete Tournament could stand there _ to watch the game for a few hours. ( ) be silentB.silentlyC.silentD.of silence33.The old couple in this flight took _ window seats and helped themselves. ( )A.overB.outD.back34.When their coach came in, all the players stopped watching, whisperin

16、g and _. ()A.would laughC.laughingD.laughed35.The tour bus slopped in Times Square, picked up some visitor and_. ( )A.on throughB.onC.offD.in36.To give up such a chance would be an _ decision. ( )A.well-advisingB.well-advisedlyC.ill-advisingD.ill-advised37.Identify the errors in the follow

17、ing sentence:She insisted that we gave her thirty minutes for preparation. ( )A.thirty minutesB.insistedC.gaveD.for preparation38.Identify the errors in the following sentence:He was singing an Anti-Japanese song, as if remembered those unforgettable days. ( )A.was singingB.unforgettableC.remembered

18、D.Anti-Japanese39.Identify the errors in the following sentence:Entered the room, he took off his hat and coat and hung them up. ( )A.took offB.hung them upC.his hat and coatD.Entered40.Identify the errors in the following sentence:Do you know anybody who had been injured in the accident happened on

19、 the street yesterday?A.onB.happenedC.had been injured inD.anybody41.Identify the errors in the following sentence:This visit has remained a deep impression on her mind. ( )A.visitB.remainedC.onD.deep42.Identify the errors in the following sentence:Having rejected by everybody, the student represent

20、ative resigned the committee. ( )A.resignedB.representativeC.everybodyD.Having rejected43.Identify the errors in the following sentence:Of the two lectures, the first was by far the best one, partly because the person who delivered it had such a pleasant voice. ( )A.the firstB.the bestC.such aD.it44

21、.Identify the errors in the following sentence:The chairman proposed that every speaker must limit himself to fifteenth minutes. ( )A.toB.must limitC.himselfD.every speaker45.Identify the errors in the following sentence:That is troubling me is that I dont have much experience in international comme

22、rce. ( )A.much international commerceD.That46.Identify the errors in the following sentence:When I got to the cinema, the film had already started; I ought to get there earlier. ( )A.ought to getB.had already toD.earlier47.China _ its first man-made earth satellite in

23、 1970. ( )A.succeeded to launchB.succeeded launchingC.succeeded in launchingD.succeeded for launching48.In America, when one reaches 18, he should be _ his parents. ( )A.independent toB.independent onC.independent ofD.independent from49.The Red Army _25,000 li on their Long March. ( )A.was coveredB.

24、covered upC.covered overD.covered50.He _ the mid-term exam because he didnt plan his time well. ( )A.failed toB.failed onC.failed ofD.failed in51.He did not thank me for the present. That is _ annoyed me. ( )B.whateverC.whatD.the thing what52.Her arrival _ us, for she was not expected until the next

25、 day. ( )A.suspectedB.surprisedC.cheatedD.advised53.They _ for the West in a covered wagon. ( )A.set upB.set toC.set offD.set aside54.Louis was asked to clean the classroom _. ( )A.with one handB.of her willD.all by herself55.It was on that _ day that she left the country. ( )A.veryB.suc

26、hC.onlyD.just56.Mary was angry when Jane _ her secret. ( )A.found outB.found offC.found forD.found against57.He often gives me some _. ( )A.advisesB.adviseC.advicesD.advice58._, we have to stay at home. ( )A.The day being hotB.Hot weatherC.Hot climateD.Being a hot day59.She got two pounds a month fo

27、r _ fifteen rooms. ( )A.looking forB.looking atC.looking aroundD.looking after60.Writing stories _ not easy. ( )A.isB.haveC.hasD.are61._ and you will see a high building. ( )A.Turn to the leftB.Turning to the leftC.To turn to the leftD.Having turned to the left62.Only by diligence and honesty _. ( ) can succeed in can be successful in can be succeeded in lifeD.can one succeed in life63.Pat _ smiles; sh

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