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1、3、这饭馆的生意也太好了吧!Wow. This place is jumping!哇,人真多啊!Is there a time when the restaurant isnt jumping?什么时候饭馆生意不这么忙啊?I was hoping to have dinner here but didnt expect that it would be jumping like this. 我本来想在这儿吃晚饭的,但没想到这里生意这么好。How long is the wait for a table?等位子需要多长时间?Is there any place nearby I can have

2、 dinner that isn附近有没有什么可以吃晚饭的地方,人少点儿的?4、论文季的辛酸和无奈1Xiaoming: Brian, I would appreciate some advice about the thesis.布莱恩,如果您能在毕业论文上给我些指点,我会很感激的。Brian: When writing the thesis, you need to do a lot of research before you can begin writing.在写论文之前,你需要做大量功课。 Ive had some writing training before, but Im no

3、t quite clear about the standard form of the graduation thesis.以前我接受过一些写作训练,但是我不太清楚毕业论文的标准格式。 There are many sample papers in the library, you can go and have a look at them.图书馆有很多论文样稿,你可以到那儿去看看。 I see. How about the topics?我知道了。那如何选主题呢? Topics should be built around a certain problem. And youd bett

4、er choose a narrow subject than one that is too broad.主题应该围绕某个问题来确定。最好是选个窄的题目而不是太宽泛的。 Thank you so much.非常感谢您。5、戒不掉的互联网。I surf on the Internet.我在网上冲浪。You can find the information on the Internet.你可以从网上查找信息。In our hotel all rooms have access to the Internet.我们每一间客房都能上网。You can buy the book over the I

5、nternet.你可以在网上买到这本书。6、论文季的辛酸和无奈2Brain: Have you found a topic for your thesis?你的论文选好题目了吗? Not yet. The professor asked us to write anything about English literature. How are you doing with your research paper?还没有呢。教授让我们写有关英国文学的东西。你的论文写得怎样了?ve already done the introduction and the main body. Im worki

6、ng on the conclusion right now.我已经完成了前言和主体部分。现在正在写结论部分。 You are really fast. Give me some advice on how to write the paper.你动作真快。给我点建议吧。 When you finish your rough draft, you need somebody to take a look at it. Ill look at yours if you like.你写完草稿后,要找个人看看。如果你愿意的话,我可以给你看看。 OK. Thank you.好啊,谢谢。7、论文季的辛酸

7、和无奈3 Have you finished your thesis? 你论文写完了没? Yeah, and next Monday is the day for the viva.是的,下星期一就答辩了。 Youre a bit nervous about that, arent you?你有点紧张是吗? You bet I am. Do you know what I will have to do?当然,你知道是怎么答辩的吗? Well, usually 3 professors would form a viva committee and they will ask you some

8、 questions about your thesis. I通常是由三个教授组成一个答辩委员会,他们会问你一些跟你的论文有关的问题。需要的话,我可以看看你的论文。 How long does that take?要花多长时间? About an hour. Dont worry, youll make it.大概一个小时。别担心,你没问题的。 I hope so.希望如此吧!8、论文季的辛酸和无奈4 Brian, have you finished reading the draft of my thesis?布莱恩,你看完我的论文初稿了没? Yes. It took me 2 days t

9、o finish that.是的,花了两天才看完。 What do you think of it?你觉得怎么样? Well, I can see that youve put a lot of work into it. Your argument is powerful. But Im not quite satisfied with the conclusion.看得出来你花了很多功夫。论证很有力,但是我对结论部分不是很满意。 Maybe I can have another go at that.或许我可以再改一改。 OK. Let me have a look at it when

10、you finished.行,你改完了再给我看吧!9、英语口语中的fire表达。If you have any questions for our guest speaker, open fire now.如果你们有什么问题要问我们的客座嘉宾,请说吧。He would go through fire and water for his country.为了国家,他赴汤蹈火在所不辞。You guys were on fire in the last quarter.(比赛)最后一节,你们真是打得太棒了。The teacher was under fire for racially charged

11、 comments in the classroom.这个老师因为在课堂上讲了一些有种族歧视的话而备受指责。Stay away from him. Youre playing with fire.离他远点,你这是在玩火。Everyone was fired up after the prep talk by the coach.教练一席话让球员们听得热血沸腾。ll tackle the issue with fire in my belly.我憋足了劲要搞定这个问题。Leave him alone. Youre only adding fuel to the fire if you try t

12、o comfort him now.别管他,你现在去安慰他无异于火上浇油。10、话到嘴边,他/她叫什么来着One of your classmates asked me to give you this envelope.你的一个同学让我把这个信封给你。Whats-her-face, you know, the tall girl with red hair.她叫什么来着,那个个子高高红头发的女孩。I said whats-her-face instead of her name because I couldnt remember her name.我说,表示我不记得她的名字了。I can

13、remember her face, but not her name.我知道她长什么样,就是说不上来叫什么名字。You shouldnt call someone whats-her-face if she is nearby. in that case, you should just ask her what her name is.如果某人就在附近,你不能用这个表达那种情况下,你应该直接问她叫什么名字。Its not really rude, but its very informal.这个表达并无冒犯之处,但是非常不正式。11、清明节的骚动心情1 you think this shi

14、rt is too dark for the tomb-sweeping?去扫墓的话,穿这个衬衣会不会太暗? well, it supposed to be a very solemn occasion, right?颜色不深啊,清明节本来不就是很严肃的节日么? not really, its more like an opportunity to commemorate the loved ones.其实不是啦!更多的是追忆那些虽然已经逝去,但你还依然爱着的人。 I heard in Asian culture, people offer sacrifices to ancestors by

15、 presenting real food and drinks in front of the head stones?我听说在亚洲丧葬文化里,你们一般上坟的时候,会在坟头上摆上吃的和喝的? yes, you also splash a shot of baijiu and light a cigarette for your ancestor. 对啊,还要在坟头上撒一杯白酒,再点一根烟。12、睡觉zzzMany people associate the sound of the letter z with the sound of snoring.Z的发音跟打鼾的声音有点像。Catchin

16、g some zzzs means to get some sleep.英语中to catch some zzzs就是睡觉的意思。I will go home and catch some zzzs.我要回家好好睡一觉。My desk isnt very comfortable, and the office is pretty loud. I dont think I could catch some zzzs at work, even if I wanted to.办公室里坐着不舒服,又吵吵闹闹的,想睡觉都睡不着。If I catch some zzzs on the bus, I mi

17、ght miss my stop.如果在车上睡觉,会坐过站的。13、清明节的骚动心情2 I went to a funeral yesterday.我昨天去参加葬礼了! How was it?怎么样? Sad and expensive! Funeral supplies are so expensive.气氛很悲伤,同样价格也很昂贵,现在丧葬用品太贵了! Guess you dont need to buy those hell notes. You can just burn the real money for your friends. 我觉得你都不用买纸钱了,直接烧你的真钱得了。 A

18、lso the cremation urn is so expensive. Where are the affordable graves?还有骨灰盒也很贵。那些经济适用墓都哪里去了? Affordable graves? Haha! You are funny. 经济适用墓? 亲真幽默。14、白日做梦想象彩票中了100万美元Why are you so excited today?你今天怎么这么高兴?ve won a million dollars.我中了100万美元。Oh really? Are you going to take me out to dinner?真的?得请我吃晚饭吧?

19、m giving you half a million.分给你一半。Youre definitely not giving me half a million dollars for no reason. Its ok, tell me. Whats the catch?你不可能平白无故分我一半。好吧,告诉我,附加条件是什么。15、清明节的骚动心情3清明时节雨纷纷A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day;路上行人欲断魂The mourners heart is going to break on his way. 借问酒家何处有

20、Where can a wineshop be found to drown his sad hours?牧童遥指杏花村A cowherd points to a cot mid apricot flowers. 16、老牌经典美剧人人都爱雷蒙德口语秀。This is a fine automobile. Its in good shape.这车很不错,性能良好。That cars over 20 years old. Well give you $150 for it.那辆车已经有20多年了,150美元卖给我们吧。You dont have to insult me.你也不用这样侮辱我啊。l

21、l tell you what, we will split the difference. Make it $700.这样吧,都退一步,700美元。Can you give us a hand here?过来帮帮我们好吗?17、潮人的短信专用语(1)Text talk is a language, and it has its own set of rules.短信用语是一门语言,有特有的规矩。Maybe you can teach me about text talk. As you know, I dont text very often.也许你可以教教我短信语言。你知道的,我平时不怎么

22、发短信。Like Text Talk is shortened to TXT TLK.比如Text Talk(短信语言)可以缩写为TXT TLK。See you later, C-U L-8-R.See you later(一会儿见)可以写成C-U L-8-R。If I text L-O-L, my friend will know that I find something so funny it makes me want to laugh out loud (LOL).如果我发送L-O-L,我朋友就会知道我看到一些特逗的东西,想大笑。18、二字辈短语在口语中的应用。there are n

23、o two ways about it 别无选择,没有退路We have to win this game and there are no two ways about it.我们已经没有退路了,这场比赛我们非赢不可。of two minds 举棋不定,犹豫不决He always seems to be of two minds on important matters.在重要事情上他好像总拿不定主意。two shakes of a lambs tail 迅速地,简易地With any luck, we could solve the problem in two shakes of a l

24、ambs tail.幸运的话,我们能迅速解决问题。19、kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕,一举两得I always get my nails manicured while I get my hair cut. That way I can kill two birds with one stone.每次我去剪头发的时候都会修指甲,一举两得。two wrongs dont make a right 错上加错不可取We must remember that two wrongs dont make a right. If someone does someth

25、ing bad to you, you should not do the same to him.我们要记住,不要用一个错误来回敬另一个错误,如果有人冒犯了你,你不应该以牙还牙。twos company, threes a crowd 俩人结伴,三人添乱Twos a crowd, so please dont come with my girlfriend and me.二人世界,三人太挤,你就别跟着我和我的女朋友了。20、再也不能这样活 I am bored. 我超无聊! Stop playing that stupid online game! You should go out!别老玩

26、那些破网游了! 你应该多出去走走!re right. I havent really done anything new recently. I guess Ive been stuck in a rut.你说的对,最近生活没有什么新鲜事啊! 基本上就是一成不变。 Do you want to play tennis?你想去打网球么? You know tennis is not my cup of tea!你知道网球不是我的菜! I guess Ill go make myself a real cup of tea and go stare out the window for fun.看来我还是去真泡杯茶然后看风景吧!21、Jack今天请Rose到家里来一起观看足球比赛的电视转播,球员们吵什么呢?I see the game has started. Whats the big stink?球赛刚刚开始,球员们吵什么呢?I was asking why the soccer players are making a big stink.我问

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